Please make any comments or change requests for the above rule on this form and return it to: Steve Keifer, Organizational Camp Specialist Oregon Dept. Of Human Services

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Oregon Department of Human Services

Proposed Rule Revision Public Comment Form

Rule : Chapter 333 Division 030

Organizational Camps (Health Services Revision

Please make any comments or change requests for the above rule on this form and return it to:

Steve Keifer, Organizational Camp Specialist

Oregon Dept. Of Human Services

800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 608

Portland, OR 97232-2162

All comments must be received by March 15 for consideration. Thank you.

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(Final Health Services Draft)


333-030-0005 PURPOSE
These rules prescribe the requirements for the construction, operation and use of organizational camps. They are for the purpose of protecting the health and welfare of persons using these camps. Various types of activities are found in organizational camps and the rules are designed to assure the protection of individuals consistent with those activities.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 446 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: HD 25-1981, f. & ef. 11-25-81

Outside standards, listings and publications referred to in these sections are by reference made a part of these rules as if fully set forth

Stat. Auth.: ORS 446 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: HD 25-1981, f. & ef. 11-25-81

333-030-0015 DEFINITIONS

As used in these rules unless otherwise required by context:

(1) "Administrator" means the Public Health Assistant Director for Health of the Department of Human Services Resources or designee.
(2) "Activity Leader or Supervisor" means the staff member providing direct on-site supervision for a camp program or activity.
(3) “Ancillary Activity” means a individual or group using the camp facilities in a manner unrelated to the camp’s mission or programs. An example might include a wedding party or a business group using a Boy Scout Camp for a reception or meeting. Such activities may require the camp to maintain a food service or traveler’s accommodation license in addition to the organizational camp license.
(3)(4) "Approved" means approved in writing by the Health Division.
(4)(5) "Aquatic Director" means a person over 18 years of age who is employed by or within the organizational camp and is a currently certified Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, Boy Scouts of America National Aquatic Instructor or having equivalent certification as determined by the Health Division.
(5)(6) "Camp Director" means the person on site who has the overall responsibility for all camp activities and functions.
(7) “Camp Staff” include paid and volunteer leaders working directly for the camp operator and may include contract or rental (user group) individuals.
(6)(8) "Day Camp" means an organizational camp facility that campers attend for an established period of time, leaving at the end of the camping day. It provides creative and recreational opportunities in the out-of-doors utilizing trained leadership and the resources of the natural surroundings to contribute to the camper's mental, physical and spiritual growth. It is oriented to providing such programming for children between the ages of 5-13 when school is not in session.

(7)(9) "Delegated County" means a county delegated to administer the Organizational Camp Program under ORS 446.425.
(8)(10) "Division" means the Public Health Division of the Department of Human Resources Services or delegated county.
(11) “Family Camp” means sessions operated or staffed by the camp or user group for parents and children as family groups. Parents and guardians are on site and have frequent contact with and make decisions on behalf of their children.
(12) “Health History” means a up-to-date record of the camper’s or staff’s past and present health status. It should be as accurate and complete as possible and list immunizations, past medical treatment, allergies, medications currently being taken, date of the last tetanus shot, health problems and other health issues of concern.
(13) “Health Services” means the services provided to campers and staff including first aid, medication management, provision of prescribed medical treatment and health practices.
(9)(14) "Lifeguard" means a currently certified Red Cross Lifeguard (with waterfront module where applicable), YMCA Lifeguard, Boy Scout Lifeguard, National Pool and Waterpark Lifeguard, or a person having equivalent certification as determined by the Health Division.

(15) “On-Site” means within the boundaries of the camp facility.
(10)(16) "Organizational Camp" means any facility operating for recreational use by groups or organizations. Organizational Camps include, but are not limited to, youth camps, scout camps, summer camps, day camps, nature camps, science camps, survival camps, athletic camps, camps operated and maintained under the guidance, supervision or auspices of religious, public and private educational systems and community service organizations or other persons or organizations whether for-profit or non-profit. Organizational camps are distinguished from recreation parks, or hotels and motels by the existence of organized group activities comprising the majority of activities by all participants rather than individual or family recreation. Camps operating less than one week per year are excluded from these rules unless they have permanent structures or operate as a "day camp."
(17) “Outdoor Youth Program" means a program that provides, in an outdoor living setting, treatment services to youth who are enrolled in the program because they have behavioral problems, mental health problems or problems with abuse of alcohol or drugs. “Outdoor Youth Programs” must meet the requirements of OAR 413-210-0800 through 0883. Licensing with the Office of Safety & Permanency for Children is required.
(11)(18) "Permanent Sleeping Unit" means cabins, tents, huts and other shelters which are used for sleeping and remain stationary for more than 6 nights in an organizational camp.
(12)(19) "Person" means individuals, corporations, associations, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as public entities such as schools, colleges, public or private educational corporations.
(13)(20) "Public Swimming Pool" means an artificial structure, and its appurtenances, which contains water more than two feet deep which is used, or intended to be used, for swimming or recreational bathing and which is for the use of any segment of the public. A "public swimming pool" includes, but is not limited to, swimming pools owned or operated by organizational camps.
(14)(21) "Recreation Park" means any area designated by the person establishing, operating, managing or maintaining the same for picnicking or overnight camping by the general public or any segment of the public. Recreation park includes, but is not limited to, areas open to use free of charge or through payment of a tax or fee or by virtue of rental, lease, license, membership, association or common ownership and further includes, but is not limited to, those areas divided into two or more lots, parcels, units or other interests for purposes of such use.
(15)(22) "Public Spa Pool" means any public swimming pool or wading pool designed primarily to direct water or air-enriched water under pressure onto the bather's body with the intent of producing a relaxing or therapeutic effect.
(16)(23) "Public Wading Pool" means an artificial structure, and its appurtenances, which contains water less than two feet (60cm) deep which is expressly designated or which is used with the knowledge and consent of the owner or operator for wading or recreational bathing and which is for the use of any segment of the public, whether limited to patrons of a companion facility or not.

(17)(24) “Primitive Camping" means: Camp activities that take place in a wilderness setting far enough away from the Organizational Camp to require eating meals and/or sleeping away from the camp facilities.
(18)(25) "These Rules" means OAR 333-030-0005 through OAR 333-030-0130.
(19)(26) "Trip Camping" means camp activities that involve travel. Such travel may include eating meals and/or sleeping away from the organizational camp.
(20)(27) “Unregulated Small Drinking Water System” means a facility licensed under the authority of these rules that is not regulated under OAR 333-061, Public Water Systems. These systems must comply with the requirements of OAR 333-030-0080.
(21)(28) "Waterfront Program" means those activities occurring in or on bodies of water other than public swimming and spa pools.
(22)(29) "Wilderness Camping" means Camp activities that take place in a wilderness setting far enough away from the Organizational Camp to require eating meals and/or sleeping away from the camp facilities.

(1) No person shall establish, operate, manage or maintain an organizational camp without first securing a license from the Public Health Division or the the local public health authority. Organizational camps operated under rental or leasehold arrangements may be licensed either to the landlord or to the tenant provided that the license holder shall be responsible for compliance these rules.
(2) In counties having delegated authority, the license is secured from the county.
(3) (2) All licenses issued under ORS 446.310 to 446.350 terminate and are renewable on December 31 of each year.
333-030-0025 APPLICATION
(1) Application for a license accompanied by the required fee shall be made upon forms provided by the Division or local public health authority prior to opening an organizational camp.
(2) Any change of operator shall be promptly reported to the Division or local public health authority, and an application for a new license accompanied by the required fee shall be submitted by the new owner or operator.

333-030-0030 REQUIRED FEES
(1) Fee for an original license or the annual renewal of a license shall be $60 or as specified by county ordinance by the delegated county local public health authority.
(2) The fee for a license for any camp granted accreditation exemption pursuant of OAR 333-030-0035(2) shall be $20 or as specified by county ordinance by the delegated county.
(1) Application for renewal licenses shall be submitted on the forms supplied by the Division or local public health authority and shall be accompanied by the required fee.
(2) Renewal licenses shall be issued upon determination of compliance with ORS 446 and OAR 333-030-0005 to 333-030-0130. Any organizational camp which has received an original license for compliance with these rules and which subsequently is surveyed and achieves compliance status from The American Camping Association or another camp accreditation program that meets or exceeds standards of these rules, shall be deemed to meet the requirements of a license, and shall receive a license upon filing current accreditation or compliance records including site visit report, and a fee with the Division or local public health authority . At least once every four years, the renewal license shall be based upon a survey by the Division or local public health authority to determine compliance with these rules.
(3) Food service facilities, swimming pools and spa pools shall not be exempt from annual Division or local public health authority inspections.

333-030-0040 PLANS
(1) No person shall construct, enlarge or alter any organizational camp or convert the use of an existing structure to an organizational camp without first: Submitting complete plans and receiving approval from the Division.
(2) Plan submission is not required when:
(a) The work proposed constitutes maintenance;
(b) The Division has been fully advised of the nature of the construction, enlargement or alteration and has determined that no plans are necessary because the proposal does not affect camp capacity, the health or safety of campers.
(3) Where plan review is made by the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, Building Codes Division or by jurisdictions exempt under ORS 476.030, and such review covers the requirements of OAR 333-030-0005 through 333-030-0125, a written plan approval from such plan review authority may, at the discretion of the Division, be substituted for plan submission to and review and approval by the Division.
(4) Plans shall be submitted in duplicate and shall be drawn to scale. They shall clearly indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and shall show in detail how conformance will be achieved with these rules and all statutes and rules of the State of Oregon adopted by reference by these rules which pertain to organizational camps. The following information shall be furnished on all plans:
(a) Name of organizational camp and location;
(b) Legal description of property;
(c) Name of owner;
(d) Name of operator;
(e) Name of person who prepared plans;
(f) Scale used;
(g) Explanation of all symbols used;
(h) Identification of proposed and existing construction.
(5) The plans required in section (4) shall be accompanied by the plot plan showing the general layout of the organizational camp. Plans shall be drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals one hundred feet except that plot plans may be drawn at a smaller scale. The location for each of the following must be clearly shown and identified:
(a) Property lines;
(b) Proposed and existing construction;
(c) Building floor plans;

(d) The number, size, type and location of all permanent structures and facilities;

(e) Location of all proposed and existing water supply and sewage disposal systems;
(f) Location of water and sewer lines;
(g) Estimated total number of campers and staff to be using the facilities at any given time;
(h) Location of storage, collection and disposal facilities of solid waste.
(6) Where construction, enlargement or alteration of the organizational camp involved areas described in subsections (5)(c), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h), details shall be provided as part of the plans. Finish schedules shall be provided for toilet, bath, lavatory and kitchen facilities.
(7) A copy of a building plan approval or building permits issued by the building department having jurisdiction shall accompany the plot plan. Approval or permit in this context may be limited to the work proposed. Floor plans shall show the location of all plumbing fixtures.
(8) Whenever a food service facility is constructed or extensively remodeled and whenever an existing structure is converted to use as a food service facility, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling or conversion shall be submitted to the Administrator or Designee for approval before construction. Plans shall be submitted in accordance with Oregon Food Sanitation Rules OAR 333-150-0000 part 8-2.

All new buildings constructed or existing buildings remodeled, enlarged or converted after the effective date of these rules shall meet the requirements of:
(1) 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code. The 2003 International Building Code with 2004 Oregon Amendments.

(2) The 2004 2007 Oregon International Mechanical Specialty Code.
(3) The 2002 2005 Oregon Electrical Specialty Code.
(4) The 2000 2005 Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code.

333-030-0050 SLEEPING SPACE
(1) Each permanent sleeping unit shall have:
(a) At least thirty inches (76.2 cm) separation between beds and sleeping bags.
(b) At least thirty inches (76.2 cm) separation between the heads of sleepers shall be provided. In lieu of such separation, partitions or physical barriers are acceptable.
(c) At least thirty inches (76.2 cm) vertical separation between tiers of beds or between the top tier and the ceiling.
(d) Where two tiers of beds are provided, there must be at least ten inches (25.4 cm) of space between the floor of the sleeping units and the underside of the first tier of beds. In lieu of such spacing, the first tier of bunks shall have a continuous base which shall be sealed to the floor.
(2) Permanent sleeping units shall be provided with cross ventilation or shall comply with the ventilation requirements of the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services, Building Codes Division.
(3) Sleeping units and furnishings shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(1) Facilities for toileting, bathing and handwashing shall:
(a) Be illuminated for cleaning;
(b) Be ventilated by mechanical or natural means;
(c) Have floors which are smooth, impervious and easily cleanable;
(d) Have an effective water-tight union where a floor and wall join;
(e) Have smooth, easily cleanable and impervious wall surfaces;
(f) Be kept clean, sanitary, free of mold, mildew and in good repair.
(2) Toilet facilities in all organizational camps shall meet the following requirements.
(a) There shall be one toilet for every 10 campers or fraction thereof except in day camps in which one toilet for every 20 campers or fraction thereof is required.
(b) Separate toilet rooms shall be provided for each gender when both genders are to be accommodated simultaneously.
(c) Urinals may be substituted for no more than one-third the required toilets for males.
(d) If day crowds exceed 100 persons, one toilet shall be provided for each additional 50 people or fraction thereof.
(e) Toilets or urinals shall not be located in sleeping rooms.
(f) Toilet tissue shall be provided at each privy or toilet at all times the camp is in operation.
(3) Bathing and handwashing facilities in all organizational camps shall meet the following requirements.
(a) A minimum of one handwashing sink shall be provided for every ten campers. A handwash set-up must be conveniently provided wherever a toilet facility is located. Where permanently plumbed handwash sinks cannot be provided, a water container may be used provided it allows a stream of water without needing to be held open and waste water must be collected in a container and disposed of properly or must flow into an approved waste water drain system. Each Handwash set-up shall:
(A) Be located in close proximity to privies, toilets or urinals;
(B) Be supplied with a change of clean water for each use;
(C) Be supplied with soap;
(D) Be provided with single use towels;
(E) Have mixing faucets capable of running for a minimum of 15 seconds; In lieu of mixing faucets, a maximum water temperature of 110 degrees fahrenheit shall be provided.
(b) In any camp where participants are present for four or more nights, there shall be one bathing facility (shower or bathtub) provided for every 20 campers or fraction thereof. Bathing facilities shall:
(A) Be supplied with a change of clean warm water for each use;
(B) Separate bathing facilities shall be provided for each gender when both genders are to be accommodated simultaneously;
(C) Shower walls, ceilings and/or partitions shall be impervious to water;
(D) Bathtub and shower floor areas shall be finished with non-slip, impervious and easily cleanable surfaces;
(E) Shower floors shall be sloped so as to effectively drain all waste water;
(F) Wooden racks or duck boards over shower floors are prohibited;
(G) Where glass bath or glass shower doors are used, such doors shall be made of safety glass.
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