Given Name
Birth Date
Current Occupation
Email Address
Website (optional)
Mailing Address
Post Code
Phone (with country code)
Emergency Contact Name
Phone ECN
Relationship ECN
Have you ever been to Beijing? Do you have any art experience that is relevant to Beijing or other places in China?
Other Residencies Attended
Areas of Discipline
Please select the discipline that most closely describes your practice needs.
Visual Arts
□Performing Arts
Scheduling Preference
Pleases indicate your preferred duration for your residency. Our residency programme is an ongoing program and we accept applications throughout the year. The minimum stay is two weeks while the maximum stay is two months.
Numbers of weeks you are applying to stay at IOAM?
First Choice
Second Choice
Artist Statement
Please tell us the major themes and ideas within your practice. (Max. 300 words)
Please attach your updated Resume/Biography with this application form.
Professional Reference
As part of your application, you are required to provide two professional references (name and contact), who can comment on your current practice.
Reference 1
Profession/Current Position:
Email Address:
Reference 2
Profession/Current Position:
Email Address:
Proposed Residency Plan
Provide a concise outline of your proposed project (Max. one page). You may use the provided themes below as a guide to complete your proposal:
1. Explain the process
of your proposed project;
2. List and define your target community or communities;
3. Address your personal objectives for this project (what will this do for you) and the objectives for the community or communities being served (what will this do for them);
4. How will you define and evaluate ‘success’ for this project?
5. Provide a general timeline for the project;
6. Provide the details of your overall budget where applicable
7. How will you document the project?
8. What materials and/or equipment will you need in order to complete your project?
9. Please provide any other information you feel is relevant to your project.
Please do not exceed this page.
Portfolio Requirement
We request that all applicants provide samples of their work.
Artists and Designers: You may send 5-10 JPEG images of your work. Each file must be less than 1MB and labeled with the applicant’s family name followed by a period, first initial,
underscore and number, for example: Hamilton.S_1.JPG.
PDF (under 5MB) will be accepted. Slideshows and PowerPoint presentations are not accepted. Video/Audio (less than 5 minutes) will be accepted.
Curators: You may send us a statement/portfolio about your curatorial practice (Word or PDF file under 5MB). You may consider involving the following information in your curatorial portfolio:
○Give 1-3 examples of past curatorial work, including images and critical reviews.
○Please indicate your areas of responsibility for each project
Writers:You may send us a copy of your manuscript in Word or PDF file (Max. 15 pages).
◆Attention: We don’t accept any material by post and we don’t accept any original work.
Support Material List
Please carefully enter the caption details for your supporting materials
Title of the work
Date created
Application Check List and Additional Information
□Be sure to read the guidelines and agreement.
□The completed application form.
□Attach your CV/Resume/Biography.
□Attach your Portfolio
□Attach your photo
If you want to add any additional information, please write it here:
Please send all your application materials to our email and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email for application:
Email for further enquiries:
Inside-Out Art Museum
Inside-Out Art Colony, Xingshikou Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100195, China