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ABATIA per 1 kg

Parviflora 180,00


biflora - upright shrub 3m,N.China 125,00

chinensis - evergreen shrub,2m,white bell-shaped fl. per 10 gr 47,00

dielsii 110,00

grandiflora - Glossy Abelia,1.5m,whitish-pink fl. 280,00


alba - Silver Fir,silver/grey foliage,medium conifer 42,00

amabilis - Pacific Silver Fir,up to 80m,N.America 75,00

balsamea - Balsam Fir,12m,dark green leaves,Canada 146,00

var.phanerolipsis 590,00

boris regis - Balkan Fir,up to 30m,conical crown,green leaves 210,00

bornmulleriana - tall tree Asia Minor 154,00

bracteata - up to 60m,California 190,00

cephalonica - Greek Fir,spreading branches in tiers 120,00

chensiensis - 70m C.China 320,00

chinensis 164,00

cilicica - ornamental tree,Minor Asia 104,00

concolor - White Fir,bluish/green foliage,medium conifer 75,00

var.glauca - blue foliage form 88,00

var.lowiana - good for Christmas Tree 108,00

var.violacea - lvs bluish white

delavayi - up to 15m,bright glossy green leaves,China 162,00

densa - Himalai similar to A.spectabilis

var.coahuilensis per 25 gr 30,00

equi-trojani - W.Asia Minor 154,00

ernestii - tree to 60m lvs 1,5-3cm,W.China 168,00

var.salouensis 250,00

fabri - tree to 40m lvs 1,5-2,5cm,W.China 134,00

fargesii - Farges Fir,up to 30m,dull green leaves,China 166,00

firma - Japanese Fir,up to 30m,bright green leaves,Japan 120,00

fraseri - Fraser Fir,up to 15m,glossy bluish green leaves,USA 192,00

georgei - tree to 25m lvs 1,5-2cm , W.China 164,00

grandis - Giant Fir,glossy,green foliage,tall conifer 90,00


hickeli per 25 gr 30,00

holophylla - Needle Fir,up to 40m,bright green leaves 52,00

homolepis - Nikko Fir,to 25m,glossy dark green leaves,Japan 244,00

kawakami - to 5m,silvery leaves,Taiwan per 1000s 94,00

koreana - Korean Fir,slow growing,ornamental,Korea 210,00

lasiocarpa - Alpine Fir,grey foliage,purple cones,USA 152,00

var.arizonica - Corkbark Fir 154,00

magnifica - Red Fir,timber and pulp,USA 80,00

var.shastensis - Shasta Red Fir 80,00

mariesii - up to 20m,glossy dark green leaves,Japan 368,00

mayriana - simil.sachalinensis,tree to 40m lvs 1,5-2,5m,N.Japan 146,00

nephrolepis - Manchurian Fir 100,00

nobilis - Noble Fir,timber and ornamental 90,00

glauca 194,00

nordmanniana - glossy green foliage,tall conifer,christmas tree 40,00

Georgia, Ambrolauri

Georgia, Borjomi

Russia,North Caucasus

numidica - Algerian Fir,to 30m,conical shape,Algeria 194,00

pectinata see ABIES alba

pindrow - Himalayan Fir,bright green foliage,tall conifer 68,00

pinsapo - Spanish Fir,branches tapering to pyramidal form 84,00

argentea per 25 gr 52,00

glauca - form with blue-green foliage 166,00

procera/nobilis/ - Noble Fir,timber and ornamental 90,00

cilicia 120,00

glauca - form with bluish-green foliage 184,00

recurvata - tree to 40m,lvs 1,5-3,5cm,W.China 180,00

religiosa - ornamental tree,Central America 210,00

var.emarginata per 25 gr 35,00

sacchalinensis - 40m tree,light grey bark,dark green leaves 145,00

sibirica - Sibirian Fir,30m,dark green bark,green leaves 128,00

spectabilis - Himalayan Fir,to 45m,olive-green leaves,Himalayas 96,00

squamata - Flaky Fir,to 5m,silvery leaves,China 174,00

vejari per 25 gr 35,00

venusta see Abies bracteata

vietchi - Silver Fir,to 20m,soft bright green leaves,Japan 262,00

webbiana see ABIES spectabilis


fastuosa - open shrub,clusters of large maroon flowers


precatorius - Crab's Eye Vine,purple flowered climber 58,00


abutilon per 1000s 75,00


arboreum - bushy shrub,gold cup flowers

chinense per 100s 48,00

geranoides per 25 gr 55,00

grandifolium per 1000s 148,00

halophilum - Plains Lantern Bush per 25 gr 55,00

hybridum - evergreen shrub,orange/red/yellow fl. 320,00

"Modern Master" 1200,00

maximum 1290,00

indicum per 1000s 270,00

muticum per 25 gr 55,00

otocarpum - Desert Chinese-lantern 464,00

oxycarpum - 1m evergreen shrub,yellow fl.,Brazil 464,00

sonneratianum - small shrub,apricot-yellow flowers per 100 s 76,00

vitifolium - up to 3m,blue & white large fl. per 100 gr 262,00


precatorius 68,00


abyssinica – to 15m,pinnate leaves,white fl.balls 104,00

acanthoclada - Harrow Wattle,0.5m evergreen shrub 315,00

accola see ACACIA adunca

acinacea - Gold Dust Wattle,hardy small shrub,arid 178,00

acradenia - Silky Wattle 210,00

aculeatissima - Thin-leaf Acacia,bright green pointed leaves

acuminata - Jam Wattle,small tree,fragnant yellow flowers 160,00


adoxa 890,00

adsurgens - small dry land wattle,golden rod flowers 132,00

adunca - tall shrub,bright orange globular flowers,long recemes 162,00

aestivalis 166,00

alata - Winged Wattle,2.5m,profuse golden/lemon-yellow balls 414,00

albida - 20m tree,grey bark,cream flowers 86,00

amblygona - Fan Wattle per 25 gr 52,00

amoena - Boomerang Wattle,attractive shrub to 10m 192,00

ampliceps - Salt Wattle,hot,arid tropical areas 144,00

anaticeps per 25 gr 35,00

anceps -Two-edged Wattle,2m,deep yellow balls 180,00


ancistrocarpa - Fitzroy Wattle,desert wattle from Central Australia 134,00

andrewsii per 25 gr 54,00

aneura - Mulga,small tree,hardy in arid climates 78,00

var.macrocarpa 210,00

angusta 294,00

angustissima - 222,00

anthochaea 174,00

aphylla - Leafless Rock Wattle per 25 gr 35,00

arabica - Gum Arabic Tree,small to large spined tree

to 10m,reddish-brown bark,yellow balls. 18,00

var.adansonii 110,00

var.kraussiana per 1000s 110,00

arenaria - Sand Acacia,3m shrub/tree,pale cream fl.,S.Africa

argyrophylla - Silver Mulga 172,00

arida - Arid Wattle 158,00

armata - Hedge Wattle,3.5m tree,large golden balls 166,00

arrecta per 25 gr 35,00

ashbyae 262,00

aspera - Rough Wattle,1.2m,yellow balls per 25 gr 48,00

assimilis 238,00

ataxacantha - scented cream flowers,hedge plant 66,00

atkinsiana 274,00

aulacocarpa - bushy tall shrub,yellow rod type flowers 186,00

aulacophylla 224,00

auriculaeformis - small,long curved leaves,arid 22,00

ausfeldii - Whipstick Cinnamon Wattle,erect shrub to small tree 202,00

baileyana - Cootamundra Wattle,silver foliage,gold flowers 92,00

f.purpurea - small tree,young foliage purple 158,00

balsamea 310,00

bankroftii - slender tree,large blue-green leaves 204,00

barbinervis 1800,00

barratensis - Baratta Wattle

barringtonensis - Barrington Wattle 220,00

baxteri - Barbed-wire Wattle,0.5m,bright yellow fl. per 25 gr 62,00

beckleri - attractive landscape tree,bright golden flowers 204,00

berlandieri 238,00

betchei - erect shrub to 4m,grows in dry sclerophyll forest 206,00

bidwildii - Corkwood Wattle 260,00

biflora - 1m shrub,pale yellow balls

binata 348,00

binervata - two nerved wattle,medium tree,leathery leaves 146,00

binervia - Coastal Myall,blue leaves,yellow flowers,salt 152,00

bivenosa - Two-nerved Wattle,3m,light yellow balls 222,00

var.wagii 310,00

blakei - 9m tree,densely felty branches and leaves when young 194,00

blakelyi 168,00

boormanii - Snowy River Wattle,shrub,fine grey/green foliage 244,00

botrycephala see ACACIA terminalis

brachybotrya - Gray Mulga,tall shrub,bright yellow flowers 152,00

brachystachya - Umbrella Mulga,small tree,arid areas 166,00

brassii 560,00

brevispica – 1-8m,pinnate leaves,white fl. Balls 82,00

browniana - 2m shrub,small & triangular phyllodes 264,00


v.intermedia - Woogenellup Wattle 264,00

brownii - Pricly Moses,small shrub,prickly foliage 210,00

burkei - Black Monkey Thorn,flaking bark,white flowers per 1000s 110,00

burkittii - Sandhill Wattle 202,00

burrowii - Yarran per 25 gr 35,00

buxifolia - Box-Leaf Wattle,compact shrub with small leaves 132,00

ssp.pubiflora - small shrub 188,00

caesiella - small to medium erect tree 192,00

caffra - Common Hook-Thorn,cream flowers,frost/drought tolerant 78,00

calamifolia - medium to tall bushy shrub,dry conditions 146,00

cambagei - Gidgee,small tree,durable timber 174,00

campanulata 110,00

capensis 210,00

cardiophylla - Wyalong Wattle,shrub,fern like foliage 168,00


catechu 22,00

caven - decorative tree,S.America 150,00

celastrifolia - Grey Myrtle Wattle,2.5m,golden yellow balls 188,00

cheelii - Motherumbuh,12m,yellow fl. spikes

chinchillensis per 25 gr 35,00

chippendalei 390,00

chisholmii 330,00

chrysella 320,00

chrysocephala 332,00

cincinnata - fast growing tropical tree,acidic soils 374,00

citrinoviridis 186,00

cochlearis - Coastal Wattle 310,00

cognata - Bower Wattle,fine leaved weeping,yellow flowers 234,00

colei see ACACIA holosericea

colletioides - Wait-a-while,3m shrub,large golden yellow fl. 232,00

complanata - attractive tree,bright yellow flowers 182,00


concurrens - spreading tall shrub,bright yellow rod type flowers 158,00

conferta - medium shrub,golden ball flowers 144,00

confusa 52,00

continua - Thorn Wattle,1m,golden balls per 25 gr 35,00

coolgardiensis 210,00

coriacea - Desert Oak,hardy,arid climate,tall shrub 134,00

var.seriophylla 210,00

covenyi - erect shrub or small tree per 25 gr 52,00

cowleana - spindly medium shrub,sandy arid hot areas 126,00

craspedocarpa - Hop Mulga,4m tree,golden rods 162,00

crassa - attractive shrub for well drained soils 262,00

crassicarpa - Lancewood,slender tree to 10m 54,00

crassuloides per 25 gr 45,00

cultiformis - Knife Leaf Wattle,grey foliage,gold flowers 148,00

cunninghamii see ACACIA concurens

cupularis 168,00

curranii 380,00

curvata - Hook-leaf Wattle

curvinervia per 25 gr 35,00

cuthbertsonii - medium,ornamental,tropical shrub 128,00

cyanophylla - Golden Wreath Wattle,small fast growing tree 56,00

cyclops - Costal Wattle,sandy areas,yellow flowers 86,00

cyperophylla - Red Mulga 232,00

davyi - small evergreen tree,deep yellow flowers per 1000s 92,00

dawsonii - Mitta Wattle,rare shrub,narrow leaves,gold flowers 346,00

dealbata - Silver Wattle,medium tree,ferny,yellow flowers 32,00

deanei - medium shrub,green ferny foliage,yellow flowers 106,00

declinata - Pallinup Gold 816,00

decora - Graceful Wattle,grey/green foliage,gold flowers 148,00

decurrens - Green Wattle,green ferny foliage,cream flowers 60,00

mollis 126,00

deflexa per 25 gr 54,00

delphina 388,00

dempsteri 304,00

denticulosa - Sandpaper Wattle,3m,bright yellow fl. 494,00

dentifera - Toothed Wattle,2m,yellow fl. 198,00

dictyoneura - Musa Scented Wattle 232,00

dictyophleba - small hardy shrub,sand dunes,yellow flowers 156,00

dielsii per 25 gr 42,00

dietrichiana per 25 gr 35,00

difficilis 212,00

difformis - Mystery Wattle,weeping tree,bright yellow flowers 202,00

diffusa see ACACIA genistifolia

discolor see ACACIA terminalis

divergens 750,00

dodonaefolia - Hop-leaved Wattle,6m tree,golden balls 258,00

donaldsonii 216,00

doratoxylon - Curawang,large shrub,yellow spike flowers 172,00

drepanocarpa 204,00

drepanolobium 78,00

drummondii 534,00

ssp.affinis - Miniature Golden Wattle 882,00

ssp.candolleana - Drummond's Wattle,dainty small open shrub 304,00

ssp.drummondii - Drummond's Wattle,dwarf form

ssp.elegans - Drummond's Wattle,small shrub,yellow spikes 308,00

dunnii - Elephant Ear Wattle,spectacular foliage,gold flowers 174,00

dystyla - small shrub,yellow flowers,tropical 236,00

elata - Cedar Wattle,medium tree,large heads yellow flowers 86,00

elongata - free flowering fine leaf plant,bright yellow flowers 194,00

empelioclada 548,00

ephedroides 470,00

eremaea - Desert Wattle 216,00

eremophila 188,00

ericifolia - Heather-leaved Wattle,1m,yellow balls per 25 gr 52,00

erinacea - Spiney Wattle,1m,bright yellow balls per 25 gr 50,00

erioloba - Camel Thorn,yellow flowers,bonsai 86,00

eriopoda - Broom Pindan Wattle 178,00

erubescens - small decid tree,cream flowers,bonsai

estrophiolata - Desert Ironwood,graceful mature tree 234,00


everestii 302,00

exilis 222,00

exocarpoides 410,00

extensa - Wiry Wattle,2m,yellow balls 206,00


falcata - hardy shrub,broad grey foliage,cream flowers 88,00

falciformis - Hickory Wattle,hardy shrub,pale yellow flowers 166,00

farinosa - Mealy Wattle,2m shrub,yellow balls 276,00

farnesiana - Sweet Acacia,spiny shrub,orange/yellow flowers 32,00

var.smallii 152,00

fasciculifera - Rosewood 252,00

fauntleroyi - Summer Rain Wattle,3.5m,deep yellow rods per 25 gr 35,00

filicifolia - small spreading fast growing tree 166,00

filifolia - 2m shrub,needle-like phyllodes,yellow balls 318,00

fimbriata - Fringed Wattle,spreading shrub,yellow flowers 150,00

var.perangusta - hardy,adaptable,fast growing 158,00


flavescens - small bushy tree,recemes of pale yellow flowers 214,00

fleckii - Blade Thorn,white flower spikes

flexifolia - Bent-leaf Wattle,small shrub,grey-green foliage 230,00

floribunda - Sallow Wattle,tall shrub,rod type cream flowers 128,00

frigescens - Montane Wattle,greyish foliage when young 288,00

galiolides 640,00

galpinii - Monkey Thorn,cream flowers 86,00

genistifolia - Spreading Wattle,1.5m,pale to lemon-yellow ball fl. 178,00

georginae - Georgina Gidyea,good small tree in desert conditions 162,00

gerardii - decid tree,spreading crown,cream flowers 88,00

gilbertii - White-flowered Wattle,2m,white balls 532,00

gillii 176,00

giraffae see ACACIA erioloba

gittinsii 294,00

gladiiformis - Sword-leaf Wattle,dense tall shrub,bright flowers 148,00

glaucescens see ACACIA binervia

glaucissima 310,00

glaucocarpa - attractive ferny leaf,tall shrub,yellow flowers 294,00

glaucoptera - Clay Wattle,ornamental shrub,bright yellow flowers 190,00

glomerosa 110,00

gnidium - 7m tree,golden to pale yellow balls 210,00

var.latifolia see ACACIA ixoides

gonoclada 306,00

gonophylla - 1m shrub,dull green phyllodes,white/pale yellow balls 260,00

gracilifolia - 5m tree,golden balls per 25 gr 42,00

grandicornuta - 10m round-topped tree,black bark per 1000s 98,00

granitica - Granite Wattle,granite-loving shrub to 3m,yellow spikes 235,00

grasbyi - Miniritchie 198,00

greggii 110,00

gregorii - Pilbara Prostrate Wattle per 25 gr 58,00

guinetii - Golden Gravel Wattle 452,00

gunnii - shrub to 1m,sharp,pointed leaves per 25 gr 48,00

hadrophylla 324,00

hakeoides - Western Black Wattle,erect,attractive,shelter belts 144,00

halliana 232,00

hamaetoxylon - Grey Camel Thorn,yellow balls fl.,arid per 1000s 110,00

hamerslevensis 440,00

hamiltoniana - erect bushy shrub,deep golden yellow fl. 194,00

hammondii 370,00

harpophylla - arid hardy,attractive blue leaves,gold flowers 248,00

harveyi - white fl. 176,00

hastulata - Prickly Swamp Wattle 480,00

havilandii - Needle Wattle,3m shrub,pale yellow balls 258,00

hebeclada tristis - Candle Thorn,small branched tree per 1000s 110,00

helmsii - desert hardy wattle,tolerates some salt 160,00

hemignosta - Club-leaf Wattle 220,00

hemiteles - Tan Wattle 194,00

hemsleyi - highly ornamental small tree,dense bright yellow flowers 152,00

hereroensis - Mountain Thorn,creamy-white flowers

heteroclita 178,00

heteroneura 454,00

hilliana per 25 gr 56,00

hockii 88,00

holosericea - medium spreading tree,sand stabilisation,arid 110,00

homalophylla see ACACIA omalophylla

horrida - Thorn Tree,7m,perfumed yellow balls 58,00

horridula - 1.5m shrub,creamy yellow balls 534,00

howittii - Sticky Wattle,rare ornamental,yellow flowers 204,00

hubbardiana - 2m shrub,solitary yellow balls per 25 gr 35,00

idiomorpha 192,00

imbricata 304,00

implexa - Lightwood,sickle shaped leaves,pale yellow flowers 126,00

inaequilatera - Camel Bush 224,00

inaequiloba per 25 gr 35,00

incurva - 0.8m shrub,bright green phyllodes,bright yellow balls

intensia 42,00

irrorata - tall shrub,bi-pinnate leaves,deep yellow flower heads 112,00

iteaphylla - Port Lincoln Wattle,drooping foliage,yellow flowers 164,00

ixiophylla - Stickly-Leaved Wattle,shrub to 1,5m 232,00

ixodes - small tree,erect,slender 310,00

jacquemontii 72,00

jamessiana 202,00

jennerae - spreading tall shrub,dry arid conditions,sand 134,00

jensenii per 25 gr 35,00

jibberdingensis - Jibberding Wattle,4.5m tree per 25 gr 35,00

johnstonii - Gereera Wattle 450,00

jonesii - 3m shrub,fern-like phyllodes,golden balls 188,00

jucunda - sturdy blue-green shrub or slender tree to 8m 160,00

julifera 282,00

juncifolia - Rush-leaf Wattle,tall shrub,rush-like leaves 98,00

juniperina see ACACIA ulicifolia

karroo see ACACIA horrida

kempeana - Witchety Bush,arid areas,edible seeds 166,00

kybeanensis - rare attractive compact shrub,fine bluish leaves 180,00

laccata 204,00

lachnophylla 930,00

lahai 92,00

lanigera - Woolly Wattle,rigid,spreading shrub 1-2m per 25 gr 52,00

lasiocalyx - Wilyurwur,4m tree,bright yellow rods 154,00

lasiocarpa - Lime-sand Wattle 268,00

var.sedifolia 276,00

lateriticola - Dwellingup Wattle 210,00

latescens 250,00

latifolia see ACACIA longifolia


leichhardtii - 3m shrub,curved narrow phyllodes,yellow balls 296,00

leiocalyx - tall spreading shrub,pale yellow rod type flowers 166,00


ssp.argentifolia - tree up to 18m,rough,corrugated bark 172,00

leioderma - Porongorup Wattle 238,00

leiophylla - erect or spreading shrub 132,00

lenticularis 86,00

leptocarpa - tall spreading shrub,golden rod flowers 120,00

leptoneura - 7m tree,narrow phyllodes,yellow spikes

leptospermoides - per 25 gr 52,00

leucoclada - Nothern Silver Wattle,small tree 194,00


ligulata - Small Cooba,medium shrub,desert hardy,orange flowers 146,00

ligustrina - 0.5m shrub,leathery phyllodes,yellow balls per 25 gr 35,00

limbata - rare small spreading shrub,bluish leaf,golden rod fl.

linariifolia - Stryngybark Wattle,6m tree,bright golden balls 162,00

lineata - Streaked Wattle,dense,rounded shrub 306,00

linifolia - Flax Wattle,pendulous tall shrub,light cream flowers 152,00

linophylla - Wanderry Mulga 156,00

littorea - Coastal Dune Wattle 274,00

loderi - Nelia 152,00

longiflora per 100 gr 92,00

longifolia - Sydney Golden Wattle,vigorous,yellow rod flowers 92,00

longiphyllodinea 236,00

longispicata 294,00

longispinea 282,00

longissima - pendulous tall bushy shrub,dark green fine foliage 194,00

luteola - Autumn-flowered Wattle,1m shrub,golden rods 312,00

lysiphloia - Turpentine Wattle 184,00

mabellae - Mabel's Wattle,fast growing,hardy,pale flowers 190,00

macdonelliensis 192,00

macradenia - Zig-zag Wattle,weeping foliage,bright flowers 172,00

macrothyrsa - 7m tree.golden-yellow panicles of fl. per 1000s 102,00

maidenii - Maidens Wattle,tall erect shrub,pale yellow flowers 134,00

maitlandii - Spiky Wattle 238,00

mangium - very fast growing tropical tree,timber,cream flowers 54,00

maslinii - Bruce Bush 226,00

mearnsii - Black Wattle,medium,ferny foliage,yellow flowers 30,00

meisnerii 170,00

melanoxylon - Blackwood,large dark green leaves,cream flowers 54,00

melleodora see ACACIA dictyophleba

mellifera - 5-8m shrub/tree,thorny,white fl. in spikes 76,00

detinens - 5-8m shrub/tree,white balls of fl.

menzelii - Tallebung Wattle 208,00

merinthophora - Whispery Wattle,3m shrub,rigid pendant phyllodes 552,00

merrallii - 1m shrub,greyish-green phyllodes,yellow balls 340,00

microbotrya - Kalyang,8m tree,lanceolate phyllodes,golden balls 148,00

microcarpa - Manna Wattle 214,00

mimula 316,00

mitchellii - shrub with bipinnate leaves,pale yellow fl. per 50 gr 52,00

modesta 90,00


var.dasycarpa 436,00

mollifolia - Velvety Wattle 214,00

mollissima see ACACIA mearnsii

montana - Mallee Wattle,dense round shrub,abundant blossom 268,00

monticola - 4m shrub,oblong phyllodes,yellow fl. heads 194,00

montis-usti - graceful small tree,flowers in cream to yellow spikes

mucronata - 9m tree,narrow phyllodes,slender spikes fl. 260,00

muelleriana - feathery-leaved,rounded shrub 6m,creamy balls 204,00

multispicata - 2m shrub,light bluish-green phyllodes 544,00

murrayana see ACACIA jennerae

myrtifolia - Myrtle Wattle,dwarf shrub,salt,cream flowers 132,00

var.angustifolia 188,00

nematophylla per 25 gr 35,00

neriifolia - White Myrtle,shrub,grey/green leaves,cream flowers 174,00

nervosa - Perfumed Wattle,1m shrub,light golden balls per 25 gr 58,00

neurophylla 258,00

ssp.erugata 258,00

nigrescens - Knob Thorn,cream scented flowers 84,00

nilotica see ACACIA arabica

kraussiana - semi-decid tree,paired thorns,cream fl. per 1000s 110,00


var.ferox 478,00

normalis 190,00

notabilis - Notable Wattle,hardy shrub,salt tolerant 172,00

nubica 78,00

nyssophilla - Prickly Wattle 176,00

obliquinervia - Mountain Hickory Wattle 310,00

obovata 2400,00

obtecta 176,00

obtusata - Blunt-leaf Wattle,greyish-green shrub

obtusifolia - erect shrub,pale yellow flowers 268,00

oldfieldii per 25 gr 35,00

olsenii - erect tree 4-15m,grows in sclerophyll soil per 25 gr 46,00

omalophylla - Yarran,small tree,durable timber per 100 gr 50,00

oncinocarpa 224,00

oncinophylla per 25 gr 72,00

ongerup - spreading,compact form of A.redolens,yellow fl. 450,00

oraria 660,00

orthocarpa - Straight Podded Wattle 270,00

oswaldii - Umbrella Bush,stiff bushy blue-green shrub,pale lemon fl.152,00

oxycedrus - Spike Wattle,3m shrub,deep cream to yellow rods 184,00

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