Program Participation System ( pps) mh/aoda batch Upload Release Notes updated october 18, 2013

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Program Participation System ( PPS)

MH/AODA Batch Upload Release Notes

The following Release Notes detail the changes and new enhancements available with the Program Participation System (PPS) batch application through October 18, 2013. The different sets of releases are listed in reverse date order starting with the most recent.

October 18, 2013 releases
62287a - MH/AODA: Location of Error and Warning Messages
In the batch results file, error and warning messages are now displayed after each detail record they apply to rather than displaying all messages at the end of the file. This should allow the counties to locate and correct errors more quickly. Also added to the batch results file is a count of the number of records uploaded and the number of records in error.
62287b - MH/AODA: Service Worker ID
The Service Worker ID field had been missing from the batch XML file, but has been added. It is an optional field.
62287c - MH/AODA: MCI Clearance Validation
Changes were made to the MCI Clearance Mode so the MCI number will not be returned in the batch results file if any errors occurred in the validation of the recipient’s first name, last name, birth date, or social security number.

62356 - AODA: Add AODA SPC Code 507.80
The SPC code 507.80 for Suboxone treatment has been added to the available list of AODA SPC codes.

62646 - MH/AODA: New Batch Upload Testing Process
Counties will no longer use a joint folder for testing of their batch file submissions. “TestInput” and “TestOutput” folders have been created for each county underneath their production account. The naming convention for test files has changed to require the word “TEST” in the file name.

62665 - AODA: Removed requirement for admission and discharge data for codependents
The requirement for some AODA admission and discharge data was removed when the client is a codependent (codependent='Y'). This data is no longer required at episode admission nor when the client is discharged from a service SPC. The following fields are no longer required for clients who are codependents:

  • Education

  • Number of Arrests

  • Employment Status

  • Living Arrangement

  • Support Group

  • Pregnant

  • All “Substance Use” fields: Substance Problem, Substance Problem Rank Order, Age of First Drug Use, Route of Administration, and Use Frequency.

May 3, 2013 releases
60942 - MH/AODA: Added more checks in FTP batch folder
Added more checks on the XML file name in input folder. Now, PPS batch system will not process the file from the Input folder on FTP server if the file name contains:

  • File extension other than .XML or .xml.

  • Greater than 50 characters including the file extension.

  • Any special characters other than ‘_’.

  • An Agency ID that is different from the submitter’s Agency ID.

Therefore, if the County User sees a file sitting in the Input folder without being processed, the user should verify its file name and extension. The file name must comply with the file name standards defined in the Specifications.

60966 - MH/AODA: Resolved the following issues in Batch Upload:

  • Enhanced the MCI clearance mode to return an MCI number in 10 characters with a leading zero.

  • Removed the incorrect validation for future SPC Review dates. The system will now allow the user to submit a record with a future SPC Review Date.

  • Social Security number is not required for uploading Mental Health and AODA data. If an invalid S.S. number is provided, then the system will generate an error.

  • Middle initial is not a required field, but if it is provided with special characters, then the system will give an error for invalid character.

  • Added validation to prevent duplicate Diagnosis codes in Mental Health batch file fields. The system will not allow the user to submit duplicate diagnosis codes in diagnosis_code_principal, diagnostic_impression_1, diagnostic_impression_2, diagnostic_impression_3 and diagnostic_impression_4 fields.

  • Resolved issue related to the following error message: “'Quantity' must be provided when 'SPC End Date' has a value in the database or specified in the XML file. Please provide the 'Quantity (<quantity>)'.”

  • Resolved the issue related to error message “Please provide the 'Zip Code (<zip_code>)'.”

  • Resolved issue of stripping of the XML header from the result file, if additional information is provided while submitting file in the input folder.

61342 – MH only: Resolved issue of incorrect error message for Consumer Status Report Date and Episode Start Date.
Corrected error related to validation message "'Report Date' cannot be less than 'Episode Start Date'. Please provide a valid 'Report Date ()'". System will only give an error when the Consumer Status Report Date in the file is prior to the Episode Start Date in the file. If the Episode Start Date is not provided in the file, then the system will validate the Consumer Status Report Date with the Episode Start Date in the PPS database.

61342 – MH only: Enhancement to Consumer status reporting via batch.
Consumer Status Report data used to be stored by the State DHS repeatedly as a new record in the PPS (i.e. on every service record). Now, the batch upload process is modified to store MH Consumer Status data on only one record for every unique Consumer Status Report Date. For counties who may have received an error for too many repeating Consumer Status Data records, those errors will no longer occur.

March 1, 2013 releases

60838 – MH/AODA: Duplicate Record ID’s

Duplicate record ID’s will be allowed between counties’ data files, but will not be allowed within a single county data file. Previously, the following error would occur when two counties were using the same Record ID: “The associated with the provided does not match with the for the same 'Record ID' in the PPS system. Please validate that no duplicate is provided.” Now, this error will only occur when duplicate Record IDs are detected within a single county’s batch data file.

60838 – MH/AODA: Service SPC dates

The submission of service SPC dates will now be allowed in any order. Previously, the following error would occur if services were submitted out of date order within a batch file or across batch files: “'Episode End Reason' must be provided when 'Episode End Date' has a value in the database or specified in the XML file. Please provide the 'Episode End Reason ()'.” Now, service dates may be submitted in any order at any time as long as they are within the Episode Start and End Dates.

60933 – MH/AODA: Service codes (SPC’s)

A few service SPC codes will now be available to report in hours AND days. County feedback indicated that a few services were collected or billed for in both hours and days depending on the situation. Previously, the PPS system restricted each service to be reported in either hours or days, not both. Now, the PPS system will allow only the following 5 services to be reported in both hours and days by providing a different SPC code for each. Please note that Respite Care is only available for reporting in the mental health data system.

New codes to be offered include:
103.10 Respite Care (Days)

104.10 Supportive Home Care (Days)

501.10 Crisis Intervention (Days)

510.10 Comprehensive Community Services (Hours)

511.10 Community Recovery Services (Days)
Modified descriptions of these existing SPC codes below are now included in PPS documentation. Reporting of service units for these SPC’s remains the same and is still restricted to the units specified in parentheses.
103 Respite Care (Hours)

104 Supportive Home Care (Hours)

501 Crisis Intervention (Hours)

510 Comprehensive Community Services (Days)

511 Community Recovery Services (Hours)

December 7, 2012 releases
58872 - MH/AODA: County of Residence

The County of Residence field is no longer required if the consumer’s address is out of state. Thus, if the “State” field = Minnesota, Iowa, etc., then the requirement for County of Residence is released.

58872 - MH only: Commitment Status Review Date

The Commitment Status Review Date is designed to be entered as a date in the future when the commitment status of a client is scheduled to be reviewed again, but future dates were generating errors in batch file submissions. Future Commitment Status Review Dates are now accepted without error.

58872 - MH only: all MH Consumer Status fields

The “MH Consumer Status” fields are now required when new enrollment data is submitted for a client. This has always been the policy, but the requirement had not been built into the batch file acceptance process until now. Data for the “MH Consumer Status” fields are only necessary to collect and submit for clients with a value of either “H” or “L” in the BRC Target Population field (i.e. clients with serious needs). The following are the “MH Consumer Status” fields:

































Data for the required fields listed in the table above must now be submitted with any new client record. When a new episode is opened, the first data record submitted for the new client episode must contain data for the six required MH Consumer Status fields or else the submission will generate an error (similar to the race or gender fields). The fields listed as optional in the table above are available to submit for “H” or “L” clients, but are not required.

Note that the “brc_target_population_update” and “commitment_status_update” fields are repetitive of the “brc_target_population” and “commitment_status” fields at the time of enrollment. Please fill the two “update” fields with the values from the “brc_target_population” and “commitment_status” fields at the time of enrollment. When a client’s status is updated every six months, the “update” fields should be filled with updated, new values.

59317 – AODA only: Target Group

The Target Group field is changed to be an optional field.

59317 - MH/AODA: SPC Closing Reason

The following new SPC Closing Reason code was added:  “19=Service is continuing”.

This code should be used when closing a daily service encounter although the same type of service encounters will continue next week, next month, etc. The code should also be used when closing a bundle of service units for a month/quarter, but the service will continue next month/quarter. Because this new SPC Closing Reason is actually not for a “closed” service, the requirement to complete the 5 AODA Closing Status fields is released when the closing reason = 19.  The 5 AODA Closing Status fields are AODA use, arrests, employment, living arrangement, and support group attendance.

59317 - MH only: SPC and Episode Closing Reasons

The following SPC and Episode Closing Reasons for the MH module have been renumbered to match the previous HSRS codes when possible. The code for “Death” is the exception which could not be changed to match the previous HSRS code.

10 = Entered nursing home or institutional care

11 = No probable cause

12 = Death

59317 - MH/AODA: MCI Clearance Process

The requirements for finding matching MCI’s through the MCI clearance process have been slightly relaxed. Client middle names submitted by a county that conflict with the State DHS database will no longer produce a partial match for counties to resolve. Counties that submit client information through the MCI clearance process to find an existing MCI for a client should now find an increased rate of matches.

Released on October 26, 2012 and before

55873 - MH/AODA: Employment fields

Corrected XML tags for the Employment Status and Employment Level fields to match the encounter field definitions for Employment Status and Employment Level. Code values for the Employment Status field were corrected to the current version as written in the Data Dictionary.

55911 - MH/AODA: SPC End Date

Edit established so that future dates cannot be uploaded in the SPC End Date field.

57884 – MH: Diagnoses

Edit established so that the Primary MH Axis I or II diagnosis code is the only required diagnosis field. All other MH or Medical Condition diagnoses may be entered, but cannot be saved without a Primary MH Axis I or II diagnosis being entered.

58456 – AODA: SPC End Reason and SPC Closing status data

Modified edit so that the following fields are not required for SPC’s in Group 1, Group 2, and Group 4: 1) SPC end reason, and 2) the closing status data fields including AODA Use, Support Group Attendance, Employment, Arrests, and Living Arrangement.

58469 – MH/AODA: Provider data

  1. The hyphen (-) character in the first name and last name fields is now accepted in the batch upload.

2. Resolved the unexpected error issue for the submission tag of the batch upload when the header record contained anXML tag as instead of .

58088 – AODA Special Project field

New optional field added to designate when clients are involved with special projects or when served as part of a special population. The XML for AODA is modified to include the tag . The value list includes:

01 = Adolescent Treatment

02 = Cocaine Families

03 = Dept of Corrections

04 = Healthy Beginnings

05 = Injection Drug Use

06 = Juvenile Court Intake

07 = Methamphetamine Treatment

08 = Milwaukee Child Welfare

09 = Offender Reentry

10 = OWI Enhancement Grant

11 = OWI or Drug Court

12 = Services to Hispanics

13 = Treatment Alternative Program

14 = Urban Black & Hispanic

15 = Women’s Treatment Grant

58224 – MH/AODA: SPC codes

The following SPC codes are added to the SPC fields respectively for MH and AODA:

AODA - Added the following SPCs to the existing list:

101 Child day care

104 Supportive home care

106 Housing assistance

107 Transportation

108 Work-related services

110 Daily living skills training

112 Interpreter

604 Case management

606 Health screening

615 Supported employment

202 Adult family home

205 Shelter care
MH - Added the following SPCs to the existing list:

103 Respite care

104 Supportive Home Care

106 Housing/energy assistance

107 Specialized Transportation and Escort

110 Daily living skills training

301 Court intake and studies

403 Recreational/alternative activities

406 Protective payment/guardianship

601 Outreach

602 Information and referral

603 Intake assessment

606 Health screening and accessibility
The ‘SPC 507.60- Family support’ value was also removed from the MH SPC list due to infrequent use.

55244 - MH/AODA: diagnosis codes

The decimal point for the following MH/AODA diagnosis codes were removed to match DSM-IV and ICD-9 code schemes: 311, 316, 317, and 319.

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