Prospects for Basic Income in Developing Countries: a comparative Analysis of Welfare Regimes in the South

Table 1. Esping-Andersen’s typology of welfare regimes

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Table 1. Esping-Andersen’s typology of welfare regimes


Social democratic


Role of:













Welfare state:

dominant mode of solidarity






dominant locus of solidarity




degree of decommodification



high (for breadwinner)

degree of defamilialisation




Extent of redistribution




Table 2. Typology of Southern welfare regimes


Inegalitarian corporatist (or employment-based)


Role of:













Welfare state:

dominant mode of solidarity


Individual or corporate (occupational)


dominant locus of solidarity


Market or state


degree of decommodification




degree of defamilialisation



Medium to high

Extent of redistribution



Medium to high


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1 Castles and Mitchell (1990) point out that Esping-Andersen is more concerned with equality of status than income equality, i.e. with the status-conferring aspects of public policy rather than the distributional effects in terms of income. Esping-Andersen focuses on ‘decommodification’, which renders citizens equal in terms of status but has more ambiguous effects on the distribution of income. As he himself writes: ‘We should not confuse the welfare state with equality’ (1996: 261).

2 A broader analysis of the distributional regimes would need to pay attention to the pro-poor policies pursued by East Asian states through other mechanisms than welfare policy.

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