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73-2.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


73-3.01 GENERAL

73-3.01A Summary

Section 73-3 includes specifications for constructing sidewalks, gutter depressionsisland paving, curb ramps, and driveways.

73-3.01B Definitions


73-3.01C Submittals

Submit a 5-year manufacturer's replacement warranty against defects in a prefabricated detectable warning surface.

73-3.01D Quality Assurance

73-3.01D(1) General


73-3.01D(2) Warranties

The 5-year manufacturer's replacement warranty for a prefabricated detectable warning surface must cover defects in dome shape, color fastness, sound-on-cane acoustic quality, resilience, and attachment. The 5-year warranty period starts at Contract acceptance.

73-3.01D(3) Quality Control



Not Used


Construct expansion joints at:

1. All returns and opposite expansion joints in the adjacent curb

2. 60-foot intervals where there is no adjacent curb
Construct contraction joints to create rectangular patterns from 12 to 20 square feet in the surface of sidewalks.

Install a prefabricated detectable warning surface under the manufacturer’s instructions.

Broom finish the surface of sidewalks, gutter depressions, curb ramps, and driveways. Make the broom finish perpendicular to the path of travel on surfaces used by pedestrians. You may apply water to the surface immediately before brooming.

The finished surface must not vary more than 0.02 foot from a 10-foot straightedge except at grade changes.

If placing pavement around or adjacent to manholes, pipe inlets, or other miscellaneous structures in sidewalk, gutter depression, island paving, curb ramps, or driveway areas, do not finish the miscellaneous structures to final grade until the pavement is finished beyond the miscellaneous structure.

If using fixed forms, strike off and compact fresh concrete until a layer of mortar is brought to the surface. Finish the surface with a float to grade and cross section and trowel smooth.

Leave forms in place for sidewalks, gutter depressions, island paving, curb ramps, and driveways for at least 12 hours after surface finishing.

Clean any discolored concrete by abrasive blast cleaning or other authorized method.

73-3.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


73-4.01 GENERAL

73-4.01A Summary

Section 73-4 includes specifications for texturing and coloring concrete surfaces. Texture concrete by imprinting with stamps, tools, brooms, or other methods to attain the pattern or impressions shown.

73-4.01B Definitions


73-4.01C Submittals

Submit the manufacturer's data for the color hardener and curing and finishing compounds for each color of a concrete surface colored by the dry-shake method.

73-4.01D Quality Assurance

73-4.01D(1) General


73-4.01D(2) Quality Control

Construct test panels for textured or colored concrete under section 51-1.01D(2)(c).

73-4.01D(3) Department Acceptance

The Department accepts textured or colored concrete surfaces based on a visual comparison with the test panel.


Aggregate for textured or colored concrete surfaces must comply with the gradation requirements for fine aggregate.

Aggregate used in grout for textured and colored concrete surfaces must comply with the gradation requirements shown in the following table:

Aggregate Gradation for Grout

Sieve size

Percentage passing

No. 4


No. 8


No. 16


No. 30


No. 50


No. 100


Color pigments for the dry-shake method must comply with ASTM C979.


Protect the surrounding exposed surfaces during the placement, finishing, and curing of colored concrete.

Screed the concrete to the grade and cross section shown, and strike off and compact the concrete until a layer of mortar is brought to the surface. Wood float the concrete to produce a uniform surface.

For the dry-shake method, apply the color hardener in 2 applications while the concrete surface is plastic. Use at least 60 lb of hardener per 100 sq ft of concrete surface. Wood float the surface after each application of hardener. Trowel the surface only after final floating.

Texture the concrete while it is in the plastic stage. For a texture that requires a concrete stamp, use the stamp under the manufacturer's instructions.

Do not texture or grout the grooved area and detectable warning surface on a curb ramp.

Cure the concrete surfaces using the curing compound method with curing compound no. 6.

Place any grout after the (1) initial curing of the textured concrete and (2) removal of curing seal and other deleterious substances. The method of removal must not stain or discolor areas of textured concrete to remain exposed after grouting. Spread and consolidate the grout over the textured concrete under the manufacturer's instructions. Remove excess grout with a squeegee and damp burlap rags or other authorized method. Apply curing seal.

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