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73-4.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

73-5–73-9 RESERVED


73-10.01 GENERAL

Section 73-10 includes specifications for performing work on existing curbs, sidewalks, and their appurtenances, such as gutter depressions and island paving.

Work performed on existing curbs and sidewalks must comply with section 15.

73-10.02 MATERIALS

Not Used


If you repair any part of a curb, sidewalk, curb ramp, driveway, or gutter depression, remove and replace the entire section between contraction or expansion joints. At contraction joints, saw cut a true line at least 1-1/2 inches deep before concrete removal.

Install a prefabricated detectable warning surface on an existing curb ramp under the manufacturer's instructions.

73-10.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

73-11–73-15 RESERVED



74-1.01 GENERAL

74-1.01A Summary

Section 74-1 includes general specifications for installing pumping equipment and the control systems.

74-1.01B Definitions


74-1.01C Submittals

74-1.01C(1) General

If you use the drainage pumps to maintain total pumping capacity before Contract acceptance, submit:

1. Shop drawings for the drainage inlet bulkhead and safeguards

2. Maintenance work plan

74-1.01C(2) Shop Drawings

Plans and detail drawings may be 22 by 34 inches.

Submit shop drawings for the pumping equipment including:

1. System layout

2. Piping connections

3. Appurtenances

4. Other materials required for the equipment installation

5. Mounting details and anchorage details
Submit shop drawings for the electrical equipment including:

1. Electrical equipment schematics

2. Control diagrams

3. Wiring diagrams

4. Conductor numbers for control and power conductors
Do not use project plan reproductions or the manufacturer's standard printed data for electrical layout drawings.

Submit shop drawings for the installation of drainage pump equipment and pumping plant electrical equipment after product data submittals are authorized.

If the drainage pump and pumping plant electrical equipment require changes to the pump plant metal work or other construction details, submit revised shop drawings.

74-1.01C(3) Product Data

Submit at least 5 copies of product data. Each copy must be bound together and include an index stating equipment names, manufacturers, and model numbers. Two copies will be returned.

Product data must include:

1. Catalog cuts including:

1.1. Manufacturer's name

1.2. Catalog or part number

1.3. Size

1.4. Capacity

1.5. Electrical ratings

1.6. Finish

1.7. Maintenance and adjustment requirements

1.8. Identification symbols described

1.9. Installation instructions

2. Performance data

3. Installation instructions

74-1.01C(4) Samples

The Engineer may request material samples of submitted equipment.

74-1.01C(5) Work Plans

74-1.01C(5)(a) General

74-1.01C(5)(b) Performance Testing Plan

Submit a work plan for performance testing of pumping plant equipment. The work plan must include methods for:

1. Blocking pipes at their entrance point into the storage box

2. Removing all debris from the pumping plant, storage box, debris sump and pump sump before testing

3. Locating and installing bulkheads in the storage boxes, if used

4. Performing an operational test, including pump controller operation

5. Supplying water

6. Disposing of water

74-1.01C(5)(c) Maintenance Plan

Submit a work plan for maintaining the existing pumping plant's total pumping capacity and maintaining the pumping plant as specified in section 74-1.03E. The work plan must include:

1. Pumping plant maintenance procedures and schedule.

2. Alternatives for maintaining total pumping capacity as specified in section 74-1.03E.

3. Description of the proposed pumping equipment. If using alternative 2 or 3 specified in section 74-1.03E, include auxiliary pump curves, equipment ratings, quantity, and power supply.

4. Method for water disposal.

74-1.01C(6) Maintenance and Operation Manual

Submit a maintenance and operations manual before completion of the work. Submit 1 copy of PDF files on a CD or DVD and 2 copies in print format in 3-ring binders with tabbed dividers. The manual must include all authorized action submittals for drainage pump equipment and pumping plant electrical equipment. Organize each binder as follows:

1. Index

2. Part lists

3. Operating instructions

4. Maintenance instructions

5. Wiring schematics, with control and power conductor numbers identified

6. Certified pump curves
Incomplete or inadequate documents are returned for correction and resubmittal.

Submit all paperwork delivered with the pumping plant equipment to the Engineer.

74-1.01D Quality Assurance

74-1.01D(1) General

Notify the Engineer at least 10 days before testing. The pump plant must be complete before testing is performed.

Furnish all water and electrical energy necessary for testing. If authorized, you may use the pumping plant discharge system.

74-1.01D(2) Quality Control

74-1.01D(2)(a) General

74-1.01D(2)(b) Operational Tests

Perform the operational tests in the Engineer's presence. The Engineer verifies the pump nameplates before testing.

Fill the pump sump and storage boxes with water. Fill boxes as required until the operational tests and performance tests are authorized. If authorized, you may add bulkheads in the storage boxes.

Perform operational tests of the pumping plant to demonstrate:

1. Proper rotation of each pump

2. Manual operation of the pumps separately and combined

3. Automatic operation of the pumps separately and combined

74-1.01D(2)(c) Performance Tests

After acceptance of the operational tests, the Engineer will run performance tests on the installed pumping plant equipment under section 74-1.01C(5)(b). Performance tests include two 5-minute tests for each pump.

Performance tests must show that each installed drainage pump complies with at least (1) 97 percent of the factory certified performance curve and (2) the design pump rates shown. Each pump must not load its motor more than the actual full load nameplate amperage, regardless of head. The motor service factor will not be applied.

Remove bulkheads and blocking from pipes after performance testing is complete.

74-1.01D(2)(d) Drainage Pump Final Inspection

If you use the drainage pumps installed under the Contract to maintain the total pumpling capacity for the pumping plant drainage area before Contract acceptance, remove and disassemble the pumps after your final use of the pumps.

Remove and disassemble the pumps before Contract acceptance. The Engineer performs a final inspection of the pumps.

Worn, damaged, or otherwise unsatisfactory parts must be replaced. Assemble and reinstall the pumps.

Test the drainage pumps used before Contract acceptance under section 74-1.01C(5)(b) after the Engineer's final inspection and before Contract acceptance.

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