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74-1.02A General

Anchorages must comply with the specifications for concrete anchorage devices in section 75-3.02C.

74-1.02B Delivery, Storage, and Handling

Deliver products to the job site in an undamaged condition in the manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system. Packaging must be complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing.

Store and handle products (1) under the manufacturer's written instructions and (2) such that you prevent damage, deterioration, or loss, and maintain warrantee requirements.


74-1.03A General


74-1.03B Painting

Painting metal work must comply with section 59.

Paint uncoated drainage pump equipment, including metal work, as machinery under section 59-2.01C(4).

Paint all wood surfaces under section 78-4.02 before installation.

Paint the pump number on each drainage pump motor and on each discharge pipe 5 feet above every landing. The numbers must be stenciled and at least 1-1/2 inches tall. Paint an arrow showing the direction of the drainage pump rotation on each discharge pipe 4-1/2 feet above every landing. The arrows must be stenciled and at least 6 inches long. Use 2 applications of commercial-quality white gloss enamel.

Paint surfaces before they become unreachable because of assembly operations.

Painting must not impair legibility, life expectancy, or function of the following items:

1. Brass surfaces

2. Nameplates

3. Warning plates

4. Push buttons

5. Operating handles

6. Electrical cover plates

7. Plastic parts

8. Locks
Repair exposed nongalvanized threads or damaged galvanizing under section 75-1.02B.

Clean, prime, and touch up damaged areas of painted surfaces. Use the same type of primer, paint, and color as the damaged finish.

Do not use cold galvanizing aerosol cans for repair or touch-up work.

74-1.03C Care and Cleaning

Do not install pumping plant equipment until the structural portion of the pump sump is substantially complete. You may install anchors and embedded equipment whenever required by the structural work.

Protect the installed equipment from damage.

Clean equipment, enclosures, galvanized and noncorrodible metal surfaces, and wood surfaces in the pumping plant after installation under section 59-1.03D.

Remove debris from the pump house, pump sump, storage boxes, and premises at Contract acceptance.

74-1.03D Maintenance Instructions

Supply an 11-by-17 inch fused-laminate copy of:

1. Maintenance instructions in a galvanized sheet-metal frame. Install the frame on an interior pump house wall.

2. Control system schematic diagram. Install the diagram on the inside of a motor control center door.

74-1.03E Total Pumping Capacity and Maintenance Requirements

The Department will not issue relief from maintenance and protection until Contract acceptance.

For existing pumping plants:

1. Stage removal activities such that the total pumping capacity is maintained

2. Provide pumping plant maintenance

Upon completion of pumping plants:

1. Maintain total pumping capacity

2. Provide pumping plant maintenance
Furnish electrical energy necessary for maintaining the total pumping capacity and maintenance requirements.

Pumping plant maintenance must include:

1. Removing dirt and debris from the storage boxes, entrance bay, pump sump and drainage inlets

2. Performing adjustments and repairs for proper operation of drainage pump equipment and pumping plant electrical equipment

Keep a pump house logbook of pumping plant maintenance activities. Include the maintenance dates, work performed, and the name of the employee doing the work.

Maintain the total pumping capacity at the corresponding dynamic head shown. Use one of the following alternatives to maintain the total pumping capacity:

1. Stage activities such that the entire pumping plant is complete and able to maintain total pumping capacity.

2. Furnish an auxiliary pumping system with a capacity equal to the total pumping capacity. This system must include a power supply, controls, temporary drainage system, sump pumps, and discharge piping.

3. Combination of the above 2 alternatives.
Dispose of water. If authorized, you may use the pumping plant discharge system.

74-1.03F Use of Pumps before Contract Acceptance

Section 74-1.03F applies if you use the drainage pumps installed under the Contract to maintain total pumping capacity before Contract acceptance.

The pumping plant must be complete. Storage boxes, screens, pump sumps, and pumping plant equipment must be authorized before use.

Drainage water must be settled before entering the pumping plant. Drainage water must flow through safeguards and drainage inlet bulkheads to remove non-suspended solids. Non-suspended solids include debris, soil, sand, and gravel.

Safeguards include stilling ponds, basins, check dams, and weirs. Safeguards must:

1. Intercept the drainage water and effectively stop non-suspended solids by settling

2. Deliver settled water to paved surfaces, pipes, or other nonerodible channels leading to the drainage inlets

3. Be maintained such that the safeguards function as intended
Construct bulkheads around drainage inlets discharging to the pump sump and storage boxes. Drainage inlet bulkheads must consist of burlap sacks filled with pervious material.

74-1.04 PAYMENT

Not Used


74-2.01 GENERAL

74-2.01A Summary

Section 74-2 includes specifications for installing drainage pumping equipment.

74-2.01B Definitions


74-2.01C Submittals

74-2.01C(1) General


74-2.01C(2) Product Data

Submit product data for the following items:

1. Drainage pumps

2. Flexible expansion couplings

3. Wall louvers

4. Flap valves

5. Pressure gauges

6. Pump house doors
The drainage pump data must include:

1. Pump components

2. Representative pump curve showing the motor does not develop more than 95 percent of its nameplate horsepower anywhere on the curve

3. Hp, kVA, kW, power factor, and voltage

4. Starting and running currents

5. Thermal and magnetic trip settings

6. Starter overloads current setting

7. Motor nameplate data, including:

7.1. Full load speed

7.2. Full load current

7.3. Voltage

7.4. Locked rotor kVA per rated horsepower or code letter

74-2.01C(3) Certificates of Compliance

Submit certificates of compliance for factory certified impeller balancing and factory certified drainage pump tests. Certification documents must be in US customary units.

Submit the factory original hard copy and 2 copies as PDF files on 2 CDs or DVDs. Send to OSD, Documents Unit. The Department will not accept a facsimile copy. Notify the Engineer of the submittal. Include in the notification the date and contents of the submittal.

Factory-certified test documents for each drainage pump must include:

1. Generated pump curve from the cutoff head to the minimum dynamic head shown. Show on the pump curve:

1.1. Identified test points used to generate the pump curve.

1.2. Plot of the design pump rates and dynamic heads shown on the pump curve.

1.3. Identified and plotted test point horsepower and efficiencies on the pump curve.

2. Data that confirms the pump develops from 97 to 100 percent of the motor nameplate power at the point the pump requires maximum power.

3. Motor rpm.

4. Impeller final diameter.

74-2.01D Quality Assurance

74-2.01D(1) General


74-2.01D(2) Regulatory Requirements

Drainage pumps must be factory certified under ANSI/HI 14.6. Each pump certification must be for the actual motor, pump, and trimmed impeller combination delivered to the job site.

The impeller balancing must be factory certified under ISO 1940-1, ISO Balance Quality Grade G6.3, at the supplied motor rpm.

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