REGISTRATION INFORMATION One per family/group/person/address.
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Please complete the following. Please let your guide know if you have any of the following conditions.
Are you allergic to bees, ants, or stings?
Yes No
If yes, please list name and the allergies:
If yes, what medications/procedures do you follow to treat your allergic reaction?
List name(s) and treatment individually.
Are you diabetic or have any other condition that requires
immediate medication or treatment if it occurs?
Yes No
If yes, please list name(s) & conditions:
Have you had any recent injuries or surgeries that would limit your activity? Yes No
If yes, please list injuries/surgeries:
If yes to any of the above, do you have your proper medication(s)/treatments with you? Yes No
If yes, please list:
I notified the guide if I have any of the above conditions.