Question :
What are the expenditure and manpower provision involved in preventing and detecting online infringing articles for 2012-13? What are the percentages increased/decreased when compared with the figures for the past two financial years? During the same period, what are the values of infringing articles for online auctions seized by the authorities? How many cases were successfully prosecuted and what were the penalties?
Asked by : Hon. LEE Wai-king, Starry
Reply :
The Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) has two “Anti-Internet Piracy” teams, each comprising 7 officers, specialised in tackling Internet and other computer crimes relating to the infringement of intellectual property rights. In 2012-13, the salary provision in the estimated expenditure is $4.338 million which is the same as that in the revised estimate in 2011-12. Due to salary adjustments, the expenditure in 2011-12 represents a 6.5% increase when compared with 2010-11. In 2012-13, $4 million will be deployed for setting up an “Electronic Crime Investigation Centre” in the interest of enhancing the capabilities of the Department in enforcement and handling digital evidence. The Department will also further strengthen liaison with the industries and overseas law enforcement agencies to combat infringement activities in unison more effectively.
Figures for 2010 and 2011 regarding the value of infringing articles that were put up for sale on Internet auction sites and seized by C&ED, the number of successful prosecutions and the penalties imposed are as follows: