Request for proposals posted/Mailed: March 17, 2010

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Posted/Mailed: March 17, 2010

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services

Hillsborough Community College is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide staff augmentation services primarily related to Datatel Colleague programming, systems administration, module implementation or module reimplementation.
All proposals must be delivered to the College’s Purchasing Department, District Administrative Offices, 39 Columbia Drive, 6th Floor, Room 623, Tampa (Davis Island), Florida 33606-3584, or mailed to the Purchasing Department, District Administrative Offices, P.O. Box 31127, Tampa, Florida 33631-3127, to be received before 1:00 p.m. on April 20, 2010 at which time all proposals will be publicly opened and read. Proposals may not be faxed.
When hand-delivering proposals, Proposers will need to allow sufficient time to locate available parking and report to the District Administrative Offices Security & Reception Desk located on the First Floor. All external visitors are required to check-in, sign the visitor log, and wear a “VISITOR” badge during their stay in the building.
Proposals must be clearly identified on the outside of the envelope as: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 2526-10 Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services.
The complete Notice of Request for Proposals, which includes submittal requirements and evaluation criteria, will be posted on the College’s website at under Current Solicitations. Addenda and other information will also be posted on the website throughout the solicitation process. Potential offerors are encouraged to monitor the website throughout the solicitation process and prior to submitting proposals. Please review the information on the website prior to submitting questions to Rebecca S. Morrison, Buyer, via facsimile at (813) 253‑7561. Contact with anyone other than the procurement officer may result in the rejection of your proposal.
The College will not be responsible for any delays in delivery of proposals. HCC encourages participation of women/minority-owned business enterprises (W/MBE) and subcontractors.

Rebecca S. Morrison

Buyer, FCCM

(813) 253-7151

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services








Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services

In ALL cases where the terms “Bid” or “Bidder” are indicated in the “Terms and Conditions” of this RFP, responders to this Request for Proposal must consider these terms to refer to “RFP” and “Vendors” submitting RFPs. This RFP will in all cases be evaluated as a Request for Proposal and will not be evaluated as a “Bid” that is awarded solely on the basis of lowest price or highest commission.


These specifications constitute the complete set of specification requirements and RFP forms. The RFP is to be filled in, signed, and the entire document sealed in an envelope bearing the RFP number on the outside and mailed or presented to the Purchasing Department on or before the specified time and date.

The responsibility of getting the RFP to Hillsborough Community College on or before the specified time and date will be solely and strictly the responsibility of the vendor. Hillsborough Community College will in no way be responsible for delays caused by the United States Postal Service delivery or a delay caused by any other occurrence. Offers by telephone or telegram will not be accepted. If using an express mail service, be sure to use the College’s street address and zip code. DO NOT USE P. O. BOX Number and ZIP CODE.
The RFP time will be and must be scrupulously observed. Under no circumstances will RFPs delivered after the time specified be considered. Such RFPs will be returned to the vendor unopened.
Vendors will not be allowed to withdraw or modify their RFPs after the opening time and date unless invited to by the College. Upon becoming public information, RFP files may be examined during normal working hours, by appointment. For information concerning this RFP, please contact:
Rebecca S. Morrison

Buyer, FCCM

Hillsborough Community College

Purchasing Department

P. O. Box 31127

Tampa, Florida 33631-3127

Telephone: (813) 253-7151 Facsimile: (813) 253-7561


Hillsborough Community College reserves the right to accept or to reject any or all RFPs and to make the award to the vendor, who in the opinion of Hillsborough Community College, will be in the best interest of and/or the most advantageous to Hillsborough Community College. Hillsborough Community College also reserves the right to reject the RFP of any vendor who has previously failed in the proper performance of an award or to deliver on time contracts of a similar nature or who is not in a position to perform properly under this award. Hillsborough Community College also reserves the right to evaluate vendor’s performance based on any references which the College may request from other entities. Hillsborough Community College reserves the right to inspect all facilities of vendors in order to make a determination as to the foregoing.

Hillsborough Community College reserves the right to waive irregularities and technicalities and request re-proposals.


The vendor shall be responsible for reading very carefully, and understanding completely, the requirements and the scope of work of the items contained in this RFP. RFP time will be and must be scrupulously observed. Under no circumstances will RFPs delivered after the time specified be considered. Such RFPs shall be returned to the vendor unopened with the notation, “This RFP was received after the time designated for the receipt and opening of RFP.”


In the case of error in the extensions of RFP prices, the unit prices will govern. RFPs having erasures or corrections must be initialed in ink by the offeror.


Successful offerors will be responsible for making any and all claims against carriers for missing or damaged items.


Vendor certifies that all material, equipment, etc., contained in this bid meets all O.S.H.A. requirements. Vendor further certifies that, if they are the successful bidder, and the material, equipment, etc., delivered is subsequently found to be deficient in any O.S.H.A. requirement in effect on date of delivery, all costs necessary to bring the material, equipment, etc., into compliance with the aforementioned requirements shall be borne by the vendor.


Offers by telephone or telegram will not be accepted. RFP files may be examined during normal working hours by appointment.


The determination as to whether any alternate product or service is or is not equal shall be made by the College and such determination shall be final and binding upon all offerors.


The award hereunder is subject to provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All vendors must disclose with their RFP the name of any officer, director or agent who is also an employee of Hillsborough Community College. Further, all vendors must disclose the name of any College employee who owns, directly or indirectly, an interest of more than five per cent (5%) in the vendor’s firm, subsidiaries, branches, or parent company.


Any deviation from specifications listed herein must be clearly indicated, otherwise it will be considered that items offered are in strict compliance with these specifications, and the successful offeror will be held responsible therefore; deviations must be explained in detail on an attached sheet(s) and itemized by number. Any item (s) that do not meet College specifications upon delivery will not be accepted and if the item cannot be brought up to specifications in a reasonable time, the Contractor will be required to compensate the College for the difference in price entailed in going to the next lowest offeror.


The College’s Purchasing Rule, 5.300, is incorporated into these RFP documents by reference and shall apply except as may be modified by the terms of this RFP. Any protest concerning any claimed conflict, defect, unfairness, or ambiguity in this RFP must be filed within 72 hours following receipt of this Request for Proposals. Any protest concerning the award procedures, or intended award must be filed within 72 hours following notice of the College’s intended decisions concerning selection of the successful proposer. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes.


In accordance with Section 119.07(3)(o), Florida Statutes, sealed bids or proposals received by the College pursuant to invitations to bid or requests for proposals are exempt from public inspection until the College provides notice of a decision or intended decision pursuant to Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or within ten (10) days after bid or proposal opening, whichever is earlier.


Any material submitted in response to this RFP will become a public document pursuant to Section 119.07, Florida Statutes. This includes material which the responding proposer might consider to be confidential or a trade secret. Any claim of confidentiality is waived upon submission effective after opening pursuant to Section 119.07, Florida Statutes.


Federal, State, County and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations that in any manner affect the items covered herein apply. Lack of knowledge by the vendor will in no way be a cause for relief from responsibility.


Hillsborough Community College is exempt from Federal Tax, State Sales and Service Tax and State Tax for Tangible Personal Property. The Manager of Purchasing will sign exemption certification certificates submitted by the successful vendor. Vendors or contractors doing business with Hillsborough Community College shall not be exempted from paying sales tax to their suppliers for materials to fulfill contractual obligations with Hillsborough Community College, nor shall any vendor/contractor be authorized to use the College tax exemption number in securing such materials.


The proposer warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure a contract herewith for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the proposer for the purpose of securing business. For breach of violation of this warrant, the Board shall have the right to annul any resolving contract without liability or, in its decision, to deduct from the contract price without consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such commissions, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee.


Hillsborough Community College encourages the participation of Women/Minority-owned Business Enterprises (W/MBE), in all contracts, subcontracts and joint ventures associated with this project. No person, agency or company shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise discriminated against in connection with the award and performance of any Hillsborough Community College procurement on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability or marital status. The College is committed to actively soliciting bids from businesses owned by females and minorities as well as from businesses that make good faith efforts to provide bid opportunities to women and minority-owned subcontractors. Additionally, the College encourages all contractors to make a good faith effort to provide bid opportunities to women- and minority-owned subcontractors and to commit a portion of the contracted amount with capable W/MBE subcontractors. However, the College does not require a percentage of W/MBE’s participation for this project.

The successful offeror will be required to meet each of the following requirements with regard to women-owned and minority businesses.

  1. Publicly report to the College’s Board of Trustees the intended percentage of W/MBE participation for this project.

  1. Publicly report to the College’s Board of Trustees the plan for ensuring that W/MBE’s are provided the opportunity to compete for subcontracted work for this project.

  1. Report regularly throughout the project to staff and the College’s Board of Trustees the efforts being made to provide bid opportunities to W/MBE firms.

  1. Report regularly throughout the project to staff and the College’s Board of Trustees the company names, dollar amounts, and type of work subcontracted to W/MBE subcontractors.

  1. Provide other data as may be needed in order for the College to prepare reports regarding W/MBE activities.

  1. Provide other data as may be needed in order for the College to prepare reports regarding W/MBE contract activities as required by the State of Florida.


A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not bid on leases or real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list.


The College may terminate this contract, in whole or in part, at any time by written notice to the Contractor when it is in the College’s best interest. The Contractor shall be paid its costs, including contract close-out costs, and profit on work performed up to the time of termination. The Contractor shall promptly submit its termination claim to the College to be paid to the Contractor. If the Contractor has any property in its possession belonging to the College, the Contractor will account for the same, and dispose of it in the manner the College directs.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the College, its agents, officers, officials and employees and volunteers, from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including court costs and attorney fees) arising from the acts, errors, mistakes, omissions, work or service of Contractor, its agents, employees or any of the Contractor’s subcontractors in the performance of this contract.


See “Exhibit A”. The College shall be included as a named co-insured on this policy.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services

RFP Issued 03/17/2010

Questions Due 04/05/2010 COB

Proposals Due 04/20/2010 before 1:00 p.m.

Committee Evaluation of Proposals 04/21/2010

Determination of Contractor to be recommended 04/21/2010

Recommendation for Award to Board of Trustees 05/18/2010

Contract Award Date 05/18/2010 (Approximate)

It is requested that an original (marked “Original”) and four (4) additional copies of the entire Proposal Response Form be submitted.


The initial term of this contract will be for three (3) years with the option to renew for five (5) additional years, one (1) year at a time. This contract will automatically renew unless a termination notice is issued by the College thirty (30) days before the contract renewal date.

All reimbursements for travel shall be assessed in accordance with Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. The College must approve all travel in writing prior to the actual occurrence of any such travel.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services
Hillsborough Community College is seeking proposals from several firms to provide staff augmentation services primarily related to Datatel Colleague programming, systems administration, module implementation or module reimplementation such as:

  • Custom programming in Envision using Colleague Studio

  • System Administration services for an HPUX/Unidata implementation of Datatel Colleague

  • Implementation and reimplementation of Datatel modules with a goal to use as much of Datatel’s capabilities as possible and minimize customized business processes outside of the base Datatel code

  • Implementation of Products that integrate with Datatel (i.e. Campus Cruiser, Entrinsik Informer, Web Wizard, et al)

  • Implementation and development of components associated with the Datatel Sharepoint portal

The services required will primarily be Datatel developers; however, additional services may include the following:

Unix System Administrator

Database Administrators

Systems Administrators
The College is seeking such services from qualified staffing or “head hunting” firms only.
The College anticipates award as a result of this RFP to a pre-qualified pool of firms beginning March 2010. At its discretion, the College will solicit proposals from one or more firms in the pre-qualified pool as needed. The College will provide an overview of the services needed and anticipated duration. These firms will provide the qualifications and availability of the proposed personnel, and a proposed rate for the specific person consistent with the rates identified in your response to this RFP for the project. Selection of firms solicited and selected for future projects will be at the College’s discretion based on considerations such as the proposals submitted in response to this RFP and related scores and:

  • skills available when project is announced,

  • cost per hour or fee, and

  • prior experience and satisfaction of prior customers initially, and after the first assignment, HCC satisfaction with contractor’s service

Location of Work

Selected personnel may work remotely or locally as required by the level of interaction with the project stake-holders. If personnel works remotely, they will be required to spend the first week of the project on-site and then schedule one week per month during the project to work on-site. Travel costs will be covered by HCC in accordance with FS. Chapter 112.

Remote Access to HCC Resources

HCC will also provide a College-owned laptop for the personnel’s use exclusively on the project. The laptop will be returned at the end of the project. It is expected that the personnel will provide their own telephone service for voice communications and broadband access at no cost to HCC.

Application for HCC Open Positions

Any personnel may apply for open full-time HCC positions at any time. If the personnel has been or is associated with a prior project lasting 4 months or longer, there will be no ‘finders fee’ or additional costs to HCC if the individual is selected for the position. Prior to 4 months, a negotiated fee can be applied.

Hillsborough Community College (HCC) is a public, comprehensive community college that has provided a high-quality, contemporary education to a large and diverse community since 1968. The College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Now embarking on its 42nd year, HCC serves more than 42,000 students and ranks fifth in size among Florida’s twenty-eight (28) community colleges. The College has five (5) primary campuses located in Tampa, Brandon, Plant City, Ruskin, and Ybor City. HCC’s Education Center at MacDill Air Force Base serves both military and civilians. HCC’s District Office Building and The Corporate Training Center (TCTC) are on Davis Island, near downtown Tampa.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services
Hillsborough Community College’s Office of Information Technology (OIT). The College anticipates upcoming projects that may utilize services under the resultant contract.
Please note that the need for services is only anticipated and should not be considered as guaranteed. Each project will require a specific Scope of Work (SOW) that outlines the specific components of the project and defines the primary deliverables. Both the selected personnel and HCC will sign the SOW and agree upon the elements it contains.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services
It is the College’s intent to award a contract to the best overall firms as determined solely by the College in order to assemble a pre-qualified pool of firms that can supply qualified personnel. Proposals should specifically address each of the prequalification and evaluation criteria outlined below relative to the desired results described in the Scope of Work of this RFP, and in any addenda issued. It is appropriate to emphasize that the lowest priced proposals may not be the best overall proposals.
The College reserves the right to consider all relevant and reasonable criteria, which may or may not be expressed in this request for proposal, in selecting successful proposers. In analyzing the proposals the College will consider (along with all other relevant and reasonable criteria) the following criteria. The College reserves the right to eliminate any proposal based on receipt of a less than satisfactory score for any one of the following evaluation criteria. For example, if a firm scores below a “satisfactory” on the criterion “Experience” below, the proposal may be eliminated and the remaining categories will not be scored. The committee reserves the right to evaluate and score the criteria in any order it determines, not necessarily in the order listed below.

  1. Price (40%)

1. Hourly Rates

2. Placement Fees

3. Volume Discounts

  1. Plan for accomplishing RFP requirements (15%)

  1. Ability to provide adequate size of professional staff, their availability

  2. Method of placement, oversight and responsibility for the project

  3. Guarantees

  1. Experience (25%)

  1. History of your firm

  2. Experience of key personnel to include management, staff and any other personnel to be involved

  3. Firm’s experience in delivering Datatel or similar staff augmentation (List five (5) projects)

  1. Ability to accomplish RFP requirements (10%)

  1. Staff Issues

  2. Recordkeeping

  3. Quality Control

  1. References (10%) Must used form provided

  1. References for the five (5) projects you listed under Experience, Item 3 “Firm’s Experience”

  2. References from three (3) current clients for whom similar services, preferably Datatel, are currently being provided

  1. Additional Items (These items will not be scored)

      1. MUST have the appropriate level of insurance coverage outlined in Exhibit A. The College shall be included as a named co-insured on this policy. (Submit sample ACORD form with your proposal).

      2. MUST have neither pending litigation nor judgments which the College finds unacceptable. Provide a statement or a brief explanation of pending litigation or judgments to this effect.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services
Proposers are to submit the Proposal Response Form and items outlined on the Proposal Response Form. Please submit an original (marked “Original”) and four (4) copies of all items. If additional space is needed, make copies of the pages needed. The proposal should be not exceed eight (8) pages.

Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services

This form must be used and returned with your proposal.

Name and Address of Company

No other form will be accepted.

Please use a typewriter

or print legibly.


(Authorized Signature)

(Authorized Signature typed/printed)

Telephone Number

( )

Fax Number

( )

Email Address

A Vendor’s Application and Form W-9 must be completed

in order to do business with the College.

To download the forms, please visit our website at:
If any of the evaluation criteria requested are not provided, the proposal may be disqualified and consequently evaluated as “non-responsive.”

This will result in the proposal not being evaluated.

Submit one (1) original, so marked, and four (4) additional copies of all pages of this Proposal Response Form, and all items outlined within this form. Make copies of this form if additional space is needed. Submit information in the order set forth below:

  1. Price

  1. Pricing—Staffing Services

  1. Please thoroughly describe all associated costs if Hillsborough Community College were to at any point hire (either temporary or permanent) a person your firm identified and recruited for us.

  1. Please thoroughly describe all associated costs if Hillsborough Community College were to at any point hire a person we identified and sent to your firm for the purpose of utilizing that person for work (either temporary or permanent) at Hillsborough Community College via your firm.

  1. Hourly rates: Please complete the table below identifying the hourly cost for each classification. Provide definitions and skill levels for the categories outlined below.


Hourly Rate

Bill Rate

Pay Rate

% Mark up

Systems Administrator


Project Manager


*Example: $67 bill rate/$50 pay rate = 1.34. Markup is 34%.
Please complete the table below identifying the hourly cost for the classifications of staff you provide in addition to those identified in the table above.  This will be a second table so that we can know the additional categories you provide.  Provide definitions and skill levels for the categories you outline below.  Note this will be your second list (please do not merge with the table and/or job descriptions above).


Hourly Rate

Bill Rate

Pay Rate

% Mark up

**Entry level to executive level jobs and associated sample rates

  1. Placement Fees—“Head hunter” Services

Thoroughly describe all costs associated with placement services. Note that typically HCC will require one (1) to four (4) months on-site work prior to hiring any person identified by your firm . If the contractor has been or is associated with a prior project lasting 4 months or longer and applies for an open HCC position, there will be no ‘finders fee’ or additional costs to HCC if the individual is selected for the position. Please provide scenarios and all fees ranging from immediate placement to one (1) year placement prior under your firm to HCC hiring.

  1. Volume Discounts

Please define below any volume discounts available if during the initial and subsequent twelve (12) month terms, the total services/billings of your company to the College reaches the threshold defined below:

Annual $ Billings

Annual Discounts


$1 - $100,000



$100,001 - $200,000



$200,001 - $300,000



$300,001 - $400,000


A. Plan for accomplishing RFP requirements

  1. Ability to provide adequate size of professional staff, their availability

How many related technical employees does your company have access to of the nature described in this RFP? What is their availability to perform the proposed work? How will you endeavor to ensure that when needs arise your company is able to provide staff at the level of expertise and credentials of individuals consistent to those describe under “Experience”?

B. Plan for accomplishing RFP requirements (cont.)

  1. Method of placement, oversight and responsibility for the project

How will you ensure appropriate placement of personnel based on the nature of the projects? What role will your management play? How will you ensure the work is satisfactory? If work is unsatisfactory, what course of action will your company take?

  1. Guarantees

What, if any, guarantees do you provide your customers?

  1. Experience

  1. History of your firm

Provide a brief history of your firm. Include when your firm was founded and when you began providing IT staff augmentation services.

  1. Experience of key personnel to include management, staff and any other personnel to be involved

Describe the experience of key personnel to include management, recruiters and any other key personnel to be involved. Provide a resume or summary of skills and certifications for management, recruiters, and any other key personnel who would be involved, related to at least three (3) different clients completed separately in a Datatel or similar environment. Include a description of the work and dollar amount. Summarize the experience of key personnel below. A resume can be attached in an appendix, however, the evaluation of the experience will be based primarily on information provided below. DO NOT state ‘see resume’, a summary must be included below.

C. Experience (cont.)

  1. Firm’s experience in delivering Datatel skilled placement services

List five (5) similar projects that describe your experience in successfully delivering staff augmentation services in a Datatel or a similar environment similar to those described in the Overview and Scope of Work of this RFP during the past three (3) years, for at least three (3) different clients in a Datatel or similar environment. Include a description of the work and dollar amount.

  1. Ability to accomplish RFP requirements

    1. Staff Issues

Describe your retention history for employees, full-time vs. part-time staff to be used, staff development programs, pay and benefits.

    1. Recordkeeping

Describe your request processing process and record keeping process. Describe your process for tracking and verifying hours worked and/or contract deliverables and provide samples of the documentation that you will provide to HCC with respect to each.

D. Ability to accomplish RFP requirements (cont.)

    1. Quality Control

Describe your quality control program for ensuring and verifying staff credentials, experience, references, and background checks. Describe your process for ensuring the quality of their day to day work as well as the quality and functionality of the end product delivered.

  1. References

    1. References for the five (5) projects you listed under Experience, Item 3 “Firm’s Experience”

Submit references for the five (5) projects you listed under Experience, Item 3 “Firm’s Experience” for at least three (3) different references for services completed separately in a Datatel or similar environment. Include company name, contact person, phone number and e-mail address. Number of technical resources placed? Placed since when? Include a description or scope of work , the duration, and dollar amount.

E. References (cont.)

    1. References from three (3) current clients for whom similar services, preferably Datatel, are currently being provided.

Submit three (3) references from clients for whom similar services are currently being provided for three (3) different references for services completed separately in a Datatel or a similar environment. Include company name, contact person, phone number and e-mail address. Number of technical resources placed? Placed since when? Include a description of the work, duration and dollar amount.

  1. Additional Items (These will not be scored)

    1. MUST have the appropriate level of insurance coverage outlined in Exhibit A. The College shall be included as a named co-insured on this policy. (Submit sample ACORD form with your proposal).

    2. MUST have neither pending litigation nor judgments which the College finds unacceptable. Provide a statement or a brief explanation of pending litigation or judgments to this effect.



Hillsborough Community College

RFP # 2526-10

Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services
Hillsborough Community College shall be included named as named co-insured on this policy.

The Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the life of any project, in a company or companies licensed to do business in the State of Florida and acceptable to the Owner, such insurance as shall fully protect him, the Owner, the Engineer, and any Subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract from any and all claims, including bodily injury, property damage or personal injury which may arise or result from the Contractor’s operations under the Contract.

  1. As a minimum such insurance must include but not necessarily be limited to:

  1. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance.

  2. Motor Vehicle Liability insurance, covering all motor vehicles, whether owned, non‑owned, or hired.

  3. Comprehensive General Liability insurance with Broad Form Liability endorsement.

  1. Insurance required by subparagraphs above shall be written for not less than any limits of liability required by law or by those shown below, whichever is greater:

  1. Worker’s Compensation

Applicable Federal and State Statutory

Employer Liability $500,000

  1. Comprehensive General Liability

Bodily Injury:

Each occurrence $1,000,000

Aggregate $2,000,000

Personal Injury:

Each person aggregate: $1,000,000

General aggregate: $2,000,000

Property Damage including completed Operation Broad Form:

Each Occurrence $1,000,000

Aggregate $2,000,000

  1. Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired)

Bodily Injury, each person: $1,000,000

Bodily Injury, each occurrence: $1,000,000

Property Damage, each occurrence: $1,000,000

  1. Property Insurance – All – risk full insurable value of work

Insurance carrier must be rated an excellent or better A.M. Best Company.

  1. Prior to commencement of the work, Contractor shall furnish to Owner certified copies of Certificates of Insurance, all policies, including all endorsements thereto. Thirty days notice of cancellation must be provided. Such certificates, policies and endorsements shall specifically set forth evidence of all coverage required. During the term of this Contract, Contractor shall furnish to the Owner copies of any endorsements issued amending any such required insurance.

Contractor shall be responsible for materials not installed as well as tools and equipment and supplies to be used on the job and insurance for such property to be furnished by the Contractor.

  1. Successful respondent will be required to submit documentation of proof of insurance within three (3) days after date of “Notice to Proceed.”

  1. Unless otherwise agreed to by the College, work shall commence within ten (10) days of the date of “Notice to Proceed.”

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