School District of Haverford Township

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School District of Haverford Township

Haverford Senior High School

Department of Music

Band Handbook


Table of Contents

Introductory Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Major Ensemble Offerings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Sectional Rehearsals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Bussing & Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Memos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Section Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Marching Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Jazz Ensemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Attendance Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Band Event List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

PMEA Festival Audition List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Marching Band Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19



200 Mill Road : Havertown, Pennsylvania 19083

(610) 853-5900 ext. 2101
Rick Whitcomb

Band Director
September 2011

Dear Band Members,

The following document contains much of the information that you will need to function as a successful band member for the 2011-2012 school year. A great deal of time and effort has been put into the assembling of this handbook. Although I recognize that it does not cover every aspect of your involvement in the band program, I have incorporated as many topics as I felt could be included at this time. You will be receiving additional memos and updates during the school year that will supplement this document.
Please take the time to read this handbook and refer to it often. I strongly suggest that you share this booklet with your parents as well. It is my hope that this school year will be one of our finest, but none of this is possible without your strong effort and dedication. I encourage you to become an active participant in the various optional opportunities contained within. Also, please note the practice and performance dates that are scheduled throughout the year and make them a part of your personal calendar.
I look forward to working with each of you and making our year a successful and memorable one!


Mr. Whitcomb

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Print, detach and return to Mr. Whitcomb

I have read and understand the contents of the attached handbook.

Name______________________________________ Date___________________________

Student’s Signature_____________________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature_______________________________________________________

Course Descriptions
Concert Band - MU01000 - Unleveled, 1.0 credit, 85 minutes per day on alternate days, All year. Open to all grades. Prerequisites: Audition held in January for the following school year. Late entering students must audition. Attendance at Band Camp in August required. Exact times and dates will be announced.
Participation in band is designed to develop a greater understanding of music through study and performance of a wide variety of band literature. Performances include football games, parades, pep rallies and concerts. Course outcomes include the following:
• Perform moderately difficult ensemble music at marching band events and concerts.

• Demonstrate an understanding of musical concepts through listening and critiquing.

• Perform music in class based on practiced musical excerpts.
Wind Ensemble - MU05000 - Unleveled, 1.0 credit, 85 minutes per day on alternate days, All year. Open to all grades. Prerequisite: Selection through audition only.
Participation in wind ensemble is designed to develop a greater understanding of music through study and performance of a wide variety of advanced band literature. Performances include football games, parades, pep rallies and concerts. Course outcomes include the following:
• Perform moderately difficult to advanced ensemble music at marching band events and


• Perform advanced chamber ensemble literature at a recital.

• Demonstrate an advanced understanding of musical concepts through listening and

Band Major - MU01100 - Unleveled, 2.0 credits, 85 minutes each day, All year. Open to Wind Ensemble members not in Chamber Singers. Course outcomes are the same as Concert Band and Wind Ensemble.
This course offering is only for those Wind Ensemble students who also wish to participate in Concert Band and have the participation in both ensembles appear as one course on their grade reports.
Instrumental/Choral Offerings - Unleveled, 1.0 credit, 85 minutes per day on alternate days, All year. Students meeting the entrance criteria for the following may enroll in the following ensembles and participate in them simultaneously. All coursework for each ensemble must be met.
• MU06300 - Wind Ensemble and Concert Choral (A Days)

• MU06000 - Concert Band and Chamber Singers (B Days)

Competition Marching Band - No Credit. Open to all members of Concert Band and Wind Ensemble. Prerequisite: Audition required; attendance at Band Camp in August (Exact times and dates will be announced.)
• Compete with other school bands by performing an intricate marching field drill while playing

challenging music.

• Demonstrate the simultaneous responsibilities of playing music and marching.

• Show proper posture, instrument carriage and movement technique.

Marching Band
The marching band program is a required element of Concert Band (MU01000), Wind Ensemble (MU05000) and Band Major (MU01100). Policies and other pertinent information on this ensemble are found elsewhere in this document.
Students will be admitted to the concert and marching band upon demonstration of a basic competency on their standard band instrument, with minimum levels of performance to be determined by the director. Students moving up from the Haverford Middle School will be evaluated throughout their 8th grade year, and must meet a predetermined minimum audition score. Transfer students will play an entrance audition prior to enrolling in the course.
Wind Ensemble Auditions
New entrants to the Wind Ensemble will be selected for the group through competitive auditions to be held in January or February with results announced prior to the deadline for course selection. Audition materials will be distributed through Mr. Whitcomb and open positions will be posted. Auditions will be conducted anonymously.
Seatings will be made by audition. Grade level or years of experience in the group will be secondary to demonstrated proficiency in this process. Reseatings may be done after subsequent hearings and as deemed necessary by the director.
Hearings will be conducted by Mr. Shanefield and Mr. Whitcomb during band rehearsal or by appointment. Students will be advised well in advance of the testing dates. Material for hearings will be taken from excerpts from rehearsals, sectionals or other previously distributed materials.

Instrument Maintenance

All routine instrument maintenance must be done OUTSIDE of rehearsal. Any instrument that cannot be repaired by the player should be reported to one of the directors immediately following the rehearsal in which the problem is discovered. It is the student’s responsibility to keep his/her instrument in proper working order.

Band Room and Rehearsal Logistics

To facilitate the smooth operation of rehearsals, everyone’s cooperation is needed in a few procedures that will minimize any logistical problems.

1) Instrument cases are to be stored in the instrument storage lockers at all times. During rehearsals, large instrument cases are to be left away from the rehearsal area. Percussionists will keep all instruments not in use in either the drum storeroom or the percussion cabinets. Timpani and melodic percussion instruments will be stored in the rear of the room and must be covered when not in use. All school-owned sticks and mallets are to be kept in the percussion cabinet or in Mr. Whitcomb's office.

2) All cases are to have the student’s name prominently displayed either on the case or on an identification tag attached to the handle.

3) All music folders are to be kept in the music rack when not in use. Students are to keep pencils in their music folders at all times. Unnecessary materials found in folders may be confiscated by the director.
4) During rehearsal, student paraphernalia such as jackets and book bags are to be kept either in the instrument storage area or elsewhere away from the rehearsal area.


Concert performances have been scheduled and are listed on the Band Event List. Attendance at all performances is required. Instances of absence will be dealt with according to the procedures detailed in the marching band attendance policy. Lack of communication or late communication regarding an absence from a concert performance will result the lowering of the student’s communication grade and may lower the seating of the student within their section.

Rehearsal Demeanor and Discipline
To maximize our potential, proper rehearsal demeanor is imperative. The two most important things band members must do are have your instrument ready when it is time to play, and to remain SILENT when not playing. Rests are as important as every other aspect of music, and your ability to perform them properly will be evaluated throughout both the rehearsals and performances. Failure to meet the standards set by the director regarding these two items will result in disciplinary actions and will be reflected in the student's grade.

Individual Performance
As part of our course work, you will be called upon to play individually under a variety of circumstances throughout the school year. You should expect to perform individually in rehearsal as well as for the assistant director in small group or individual help sessions. Wind Ensemble members may also be placed in chamber ensembles to perform in the Chamber Ensemble Recital in May.
PMEA Auditions and Festivals
All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students are encouraged to audition for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) honors ensembles. Annual auditions for PMEA District 12 Band and District 12 Orchestra are held concurrently each December for the festivals held in the following January or February. Students may advance to the Region festivals, and then finally on to the All-State festivals based on their placements after reseating auditions at the appropriate District and Region festivals. Students who commit to participate in the various festivals are expected to attend them. Check you personal calendar for conflicts before making commitments to any of these festivals. The dates for the PMEA Band festivals are found later in this document, as are the audition pieces for each instrument. See Mr. Brennan or the PMEA District 12 website ( for the Orchestra festival dates. Rules and requirements for the auditions are also found there.
All band members are expected and encouraged to participate in all fundraising efforts organized by the Haverford Band and Orchestra Parents (BOPS). Money raised is either credited to students’ individual accounts to pay for overnight trips or for services beneficial to the band.
Grading Policy
Students will be graded on an A-F scale as outlined in the high school student handbook. Performance and/or written exams may be used to track student progress. Proper communication with regard to scheduled rehearsals and performances as detailed in the attendance policy will also be factored into the computation of the quarterly and final grades. Responses to memos and other appropriate paperwork will also be counted as part of this communication grade. A student's inability to work within the rules established for rehearsal may also impact a student’s grade due to lost participation time.

Course Description
Sectionals are a required complement to Concert Band (MU01000), Wind Ensemble (MU05000) and Band Major (MU01100). The vast majority of students are to be enrolled in Band Sectional (MU01200). The course receives 0.2 credits and meets one day per week from 2:25 to 3:15. Wind Ensemble percussion section members are not to enroll in Band Sectional (MU01200), but are instead to enroll in Percussion Sectional (MU03100). As a point of clarification, Concert Band percussionists enroll in Band Sectional.
Attendance at all sectional rehearsals is mandatory. "Fifth block" sectional is part of your schedule, and therefore will be treated as any other class that you have scheduled during the school day. Unexcused absences from these rehearsals are viewed as class cuts and will be dealt with accordingly. Any student needing to be excused from school at the end of 4th block on a sectional day must follow the appropriate procedure to early dismissal as outlined in the high school student handbook. NOTES FOR EARLY RELEASE DO NOT GO TO MR. WHITCOMB, however you must show an early dismissal slip as you would for any other early dismissal.
Grading Policy
Sectionals are offered on a “Pass/Fail” basis. Students will be responsible for demonstrating proficiency in a variety of modes and meters within an ensemble setting. Instrumental techniques will also be a part of the sectional curriculum. Students performing in chamber ensembles will often use this time for those small ensemble rehearsals. Students having unexcused absences from sectionals should expect to receive a grade of F for the quarter in which the class cut occurs. Failure to participate appropriately in sectionals may also negatively impact a student's concert band or wind ensemble grade.

Transportation to Events
Unless no school transportation is provided, or other arrangements have been made and approved by the director, ALL students must be transported to and from school related activities via designated school vehicles. In accordance with Haverford School District policy, only a parent or legal guardian of a student may transport his or her child to or from a school activity as an exception to this rule. No students may be transported by anyone other than a parent or guardian, EVEN IF A STUDENT HAS A SIGNED NOTE GRANTING PERMISSION TO LEAVE WITH ANOTHER ADULT. Students are not permitted to transport themselves to any school activity where school transportation is provided.
Student conduct on buses will be consistent with the high school student handbook policy. Students are not to engage in any activities that may endanger the safety of any individual on the bus. This includes the use of radios or speaking in loud voices that may distract the driver. Proper respect and courtesy will be given to the vehicle driver and any chaperone on the vehicle. Vulgar language or gestures, horseplay or any disrespect to drivers or chaperones will not be tolerated. Use of emergency exits from the buses is for emergency use only. This includes the rear door of the bus.
Field Trip Forms
Field trip forms must be signed by ALL necessary parties before a student will be allowed to participate in a trip. Forms will be distributed by the director when applicable. Return of these forms will be graded using the same procedure as with memos and evaluated as part of the student’s communication grade.
Transportation of Equipment
Unless otherwise specified by the director, ALL instruments and equipment will travel on the designated equipment vehicles. All instruments, with the exception of some percussion equipment, will ALWAYS travel in their cases. Drumsticks and mallets will be carried either in the appropriate instrument case or in a stick box on the equipment vehicle. Any exceptions MUST be cleared by the director IN ADVANCE.

Memos and forms will be distributed to all band members at the earliest possible date. Each student is responsible for obtaining any memos or forms missed due to student absence or other circumstances that preclude the student from receiving the memo in rehearsal. Some memos will have a tear-off section at the bottom that must be signed by the persons designated on it. Signed tear-offs must be returned to Mr. Whitcomb by the deadline indicated to receive an “A” for the assignment. A student’s grade may be lowered for returning a memo past the due date. Memos and forms will most often be posted on my eFaculty page on the Haverford High School Website.

Section leaders are selected by the band director. They will most often be the first chair players of each concert ensemble. Leaders may be given minor instructional and administrative duties, and are expected to provide a strong positive example through their performance and rehearsal demeanor. Section leaders unwilling or unable to meet these responsibilities will be replaced at the discretion of the director.

The attendance of every member of the marching band at all scheduled rehearsals and events is of the utmost importance for the success of the organization. Refer to the attendance policy found later in this document for detailed information on the implementation of this policy. It is your responsibility to know which rehearsals and events that you are required to attend, depending on whether you are a member in the competition band or the football band.
The following individuals comprise the marching band staff for the 2011-2012 school year:
Staff Member Position

Mr. Alex Gittelman Assistant Band Director

Mr. Dave Rutherford Percussion Instructor

Mr. Chris Landi Percussion Instructor

Ms. Melissa Jacobs Color Guard Instructor

Mr. Matt Foster Competition Show Visual Coordinator & Football Show


Mr. John-Paul Jones Marching Instructor

All staff members, as well as band parents, are to be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Your immediate cooperation with regard to their requests is expected.
Rehearsal Procedures
Rehearsals will begin precisely at the time scheduled. All members are to bring their equipment, drill coordinate information and pencils to every rehearsal. Everyone is required to wear sneakers and socks for all marching rehearsals.
Student conduct during rehearsals must be exemplary. During rehearsals, the field is our classroom, and classroom decorum and rules apply.
Football Games
The marching band is in attendance at home and away varsity football games as designated on your marching band calendar (including the season finale versus Upper Darby on Thanksgiving morning). It is the role of the band to provide support for the team and its cheerleaders, as well as perform during halftime of the game. Short rehearsals may be held at the high school before home games approximately one and a half to two hours prior to game time.

The guidelines listed below are to be followed at all football games:

• All members are responsible for their own equipment and personal items.
• Members are to remain in their designated seat at all times unless specified by a staff member or chaperone. Marching band and color guard members are to refrain from socializing with nonmembers while in the stands.

• Students are prohibited from having food in the stands during the game except in the third quarter only. Members may not have food delivered to them during the 1st, 2nd, or 4th quarters or purchase food themselves during this time.

• Members are prohibited from wearing any articles of clothing while in uniform other than standard uniform parts, unless they receive permission from the director in charge. Jewelry and watches are also prohibited even though they may not normally be visible. (See uniform policy for further information.)
• The playing or use in any manner of another student’s equipment is prohibited. Tampering with another band member’s uniform parts is likewise prohibited.

• Members will refrain from using abusive language or jeering at any officials, cheerleaders, players, or opposing bandsmen. All band members will demonstrate exemplary sports- manship at all times.

Failure to follow these simple guidelines will be regarded as insubordinate actions and can be punishable under the school district student conduct code. Detention and suspension of “third quarter privileges” will most likely be the disciplinary options exercised.
Competition Band
All concert band students are encouraged to audition to participate in the Competition Band. The advanced marching and playing efforts required by this group will challenge members of this ensemble. Evening rehearsals and Saturday performances are held throughout the fall season (see Marching Band Calendar).
Band Competitions
The same rules concerning sportsmanship and the care of each individual’s equipment apply at band competitions as at football games. Students may or may not be able to purchase refreshments on an event by event basis as determined by Mr. Whitcomb. After performing, each student will be responsible for the reloading of his or her own equipment on the equipment vehicle before returning to the competition area. Upon returning to the field, the band will remain seated together in the designated bleachers until the awards ceremony. The Drum Major, Color Guard Captains and designated band members will represent the band on the field during these ceremonies. Students will be supervised by the Band and Orchestra Parents (BOPS) during this time and must have permission to leave the bleachers before doing so.

Course Description
Jazz Ensemble - MU0300 0 - 0.4 credit, Unleveled, 2-3 meetings/week, After block 4 and evening rehearsals, All year. Open to all grades. Prerequisite: Selection through audition only.
Topics of study for this course include a wide range of musical styles related to the jazz idiom, with the primary focus on “big band” jazz. Performances include concerts, festivals and competitions. Course outcomes include the following:
• Perform advanced ensemble literature within the jazz idiom.

• Improvise as a soloist within a variety of jazz styles.

• Compete at various jazz band festivals.

• Critique the band within the rehearsal setting.

Audition Policy
The Jazz Ensemble is open to all students who play an instrument that is included in the instrumentation of the ensemble as determined by the director. The group will consist of one player per part, with any exceptions to this to be made by the director. All students who audition, but are not selected for the Jazz Ensemble are eligible, if selected, to participate in the Lab Band. Auditions will be held as determined by the director and will be announced to all students.
Lab Band
The Lab Band is open to all students who play an instrument that is included in the instrumentation of the ensemble as determined by the director. The Lab Band rehearses on days after school as specified by the director. Presently, the Lab Band is a noncredit ensemble. The band participates in two to three school concerts and one festival per year.
Attendance Policy
Attendance at all rehearsals is mandatory.
Evening rehearsals and events are requirements of this course. Refer to the marching band attendance policy for guidelines and procedures regarding absences from these functions outside the normal school day. In addition to the measures outlined in the marching band attendance policy, a student who is habitually absent from rehearsals will receive a warning that he or she may be suspended from future performances should further unexcused absence occur.
Students will be notified as soon as rehearsal days and times can be determined.

Although the majority of the jazz band’s class time is outside the school day, the same standards of punctuality and conduct detailed in the school student handbook are in effect. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in the filing of discipline referrals and in instances of continuing problems, warnings and suspensions from rehearsals and performances will be issued.

Grading Policy
Jazz Ensemble is offered on a “Pass/Fail” basis. To receive a “Pass” for the course, each member of the group must demonstrate a working knowledge of those performance skills indigenous to this medium. Communication regarding advance notice of an absence from a scheduled rehearsal or performance will also be evaluated and considered as part of the student’s grade for the course. Reports and other assignments may also be required.


As a member of the Haverford Senior High School Band Program you are at all times representing yourself, your organization and your school. Your uniform and your wearing of it is a visual representation of the pride that you have in all three. The following policy will provide guidelines necessary to insure the proper wear, care and maintenance of the various uniforms that we will use for this year’s performances.

Parts and Replacement

Each student is responsible for the routine maintenance and storage of his or her individual uniform. Any part of the uniform or accessories that is lost or damaged must be replaced or repaired at the student’s expense. Records of uniform parts distributed to students and replacement costs are kept by the BOPS.

For Jazz Ensemble, each student must supply his or her own performance attire. Changes from this are at the discretion of the director.
The wear and carriage of band hats will be uniform throughout the band at all times. Hats will be worn for all marching band performances. Plumes may be omitted at the discretion of the director. When seated in the bleachers at games or band shows, hats may be taken off and placed upright on the bleacher seat in front of, or on the right side of the member. Whenever carrying hats, all band members will hold the hat by the brim, upright, in the crook of the arm. (Mr. Whitcomb will demonstrate this carriage position to you, as necessary.) All decisions regarding the wearing and placement of hats will be at the sole discretion of the director.
All members are required to wear black shoes and black socks whenever they are in their concert or marching band uniforms. Specially designed marching shoes should be ordered during band camp by all new members. A representative from our uniform supplier, Final Touch Accessories Company, will be present at a predetermined and announced time for this purpose. Also, should a student fail to have black socks at a performance, they may be borrowed or purchased from the BOPS at a nominal fee. They will be available in the uniform room prior to all performances. Repeated disregard for appropriate footwear will result in suspension from performance and subsequently, the lowering of the student's grade.
In the event of inclement weather conditions, a raincoat will be issued to each member. Whenever raincoats are distributed, they are to be worn as prescribed by the director. Raincoats are to be regarded as part of the uniform, and are to be cared for as such. Each student is responsible for the folding and return of their raincoat to the shelves in the band room at the conclusion of each use.

Your BOPS supplied band tee shirts must be worn under the uniforms at all times. On cool weather days, formfitting thermal wear or spandex may be worn under the uniform. NO BULKY GARMENTS, SUCH AS SWEATERS, SWEATSHIRTS, OR JEANS MAY BE WORN UNDER THE UNIFORM AT ANY TIME. Remember, we will use our insulated raincoats for warmth when needed.
Jewelry is not be worn by any students while in uniform. For health reasons, students who may have FRESHLY pierced ears will be allowed to wear posts at all times, except during the actual performance, when they will be asked to remove them.
General Care and Maintenance
Our present concert uniforms are well over twenty years old and special care must be given to ensure that they will retain their good appearance. To keep your uniform in top condition, follow these simple guidelines:
1. Always carry your uniform in the garment bag issued to you. Your name must be marked clearly on the bag.
2. Carry only those uniform parts that are necessary to each individual performance.
3. Use the special hangers provided to keep the uniform shoulders and collar in the proper shape.
4. When at school, uniforms are to be hung on the storage racks in the band room. They are NOT to be laid over the backs of chairs, put in lockers or laid on the floor!
5. Air uniforms on hangers after each wearing. If your uniform gets damp or wet, hang the parts separately in a well-ventilated area.
6. White removable coat collar liners should be laundered cold and dried flat whenever soiled. Do not machine dry or they will not properly fit back into the uniform collar. NO OTHER UNIFORM PARTS ARE TO BE HOME-LAUNDERED. If you need to clean your uniform during the school year, you may take it to any reputable cleaner that you choose.
7. Shoes are to be labeled inside with your name and kept well shined for all events.

They are to be their own separate bag and in the shoe compartment in the garment bag so that they are not in contact with the rest of the uniform. SHOES ARE NOT TO BE STORED OR CARRIED IN YOUR HAT BOX.
8. Although they will be stored at the High School, plumes and raincoats are to be handled with care while they are in your possession and during the collection process.

Due to the nature of the marching program, its success is reliant on the consistent attendance and participation of the members of the group. As an integral part of the instrumental music program, the Marching Band is a required element of the concert band course. Therefore, students are held accountable for participation in all aspects of the Marching Band including band camp, practices, football games, parades and other school events. Band members who have elected to participate in the Competition Band are subject to these same rules with regard to attendance at all of the events listed above as well as the rehearsals and events for this volunteer ensemble.
The attendance policy is NOT intended as a punitive document, and is designed with the following functions in mind: The policy provides guidelines for excused and unexcused absences and the structure for administering the policy. It provides the organization with the assurance that each student is contributing equally to the success of the group. The policy clearly states the consequences in the event of an unexcused absence. The consequences outlined are designed to allow students who may miss a practice or performance for an unexcused reason the opportunity to make up the time missed without jeopardizing their standing within the organization.
A. Personal illness -

Absence due to personal illness is excused when followed by a note written and signed by a parent or guardian within three school days from the student’s return to school

from that absence. Failure to submit a note within the prescribed time frame will result in the absence being classified as unexcused.
B. Family emergency -

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the band director in writing of any

family emergency that may jeopardize the student’s attendance at a practice or

performance. If the band director can not be reached, a message must be left on the

band director’s answering machine (610 853-5900 ext. 2101 school, 610 975-0835 home) stating the date, time and nature of the emergency. With the school district’s present telephone system, the band director’s office voice mail may be reached 24 hours a day. Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis, but notification must be made at the earliest time. A note must be submitted within the three school day time frame as detailed in Part A above.
C. Religious commitment -

Students will be excused from practices and performances for all religious holidays and observances within the faith that you practice. Students will also be excused for

family religious observances such a weddings, baptisms and bar or bat mitzvahs.

Failure to submit a note within the prescribed time frame will result in the absence

being classified as unexcused. The band director will make every effort possible to

refrain from scheduling activities on days of religious significance.

D. School sponsored activities -

Band members may be excused from various practices and performance to participate

in other school activities. The band director will consider a variety of factors in

determining whether the absence will be excused or unexcused. Among these factors are the relative importance of the events within the parameters of the conflicting

activities, the frequency of the student’s absences due to conflicting activity

schedules and other similar pertinent factors. The band director will be as flexible

as possible in allowing band students to participate in other school sponsored activities.

Since scheduling conflicts can be detected in advance of the conflicting events,

written notice to the band director must be submitted TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the

occurrence. Scheduling conflicts which develop less than two weeks prior to a

scheduled band function must be submitted in writing within 72 hours of the conflict.

Submitting a note does NOT automatically constitute an excused absence.

E. Extenuating circumstances -

Students may request that absences not covered in the previously stated instances be

categorized as excused. Students must apply for such an exception by submitting a note

of explanation written by the student's parent or guardian. Requests pertaining to

regularly scheduled dates during the school year must be submitted to the director TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the proposed absence. Schedule additions or date changes made less

than two weeks prior to the new date of a practice or performance will require that

absence requests be submitted within one-half the time span between the announcement of the new date and the date itself. The band director will inform the petitioning student

of his decision as soon as possible.

Any absence from a practice or performance which does not fall under the parameters outlined under “Excused absences, Parts A - E”, or where the proper procedure regarding telephone messages and written notification are not followed, will be categorized as unexcused. Students who are absent from a practice or performance for an unexcused reason may be suspended from future performances from competition marching band or jazz band, and will incur an appropriate academic penalty for unexcused absences from jazz band, concert band, wind ensemble and the regular marching band. It is the philosophy of the director and band staff that participation in any music ensemble requires the same level of dedication as any other school-related activity or competitive sport, and the same expectations for commitment and loyalty to the group must be met by the staff and members. Academic penalties would include a demotion within the student's section and a reduction of at least one letter grade for the ensuing marking period for graded ensembles. If attendance problems persist, the student may be dropped from the ensemble and receive a failing grade as outlined in the School Attendance Policy.
Instances of tardiness will be addressed in much the same manner as absences. Any student

not present at the start of rehearsal or at the prescribed meeting time before an event will

be considered tardy. Attendance will be taken prior to the start of rehearsal or an event, and

will conclude at the prescribed reporting time given. Be aware that this means that a practice scheduled to begin at a specified time requires you to be READY TO BEGIN at that time. A

student arriving by the specified starting time, but not being ready to rehearse at that time is

still considered tardy.

Instances of tardiness are categorized in the same manners as absences. All students are

required to submit a written note signed by a parent or guardian, or have them speak to the staff member in charge personally detailing the nature of the circumstances leading to the late arrival of the student. This will allow the band director to accurately categorize the instance as either excused or unexcused. The signed note required for instances of tardiness will serve as explanation for any instance not covered under A through D under Excused Absences. Please be aware that submitting a signed note does NOT automatically guarantee that an absence will be categorized as excused.

Students who incur excessive tardiness will be disciplined as previously outlined. Members of the competition band who are habitually tardy will receive a warning and may be suspended from performance if the situation does not improve.
Band members and color guard members will be required to attend all games, with excused absences being permitted as outlined in our band attendance policy. In the event of a rescheduled game, the prior notification guidelines within the policy will be waived. Also, greater latitude will be given to extenuating circumstances with regard to previously scheduled individual conflicts. In the event that a football game is scheduled at the same time as a marching band competition, the competition band and color guard members will be permitted to attend their event, and the remainder of the marching band members will attend the football game and play in the stands as a pep band. Color guard members will be excused from any games where we are unable to perform our halftime show.

Band Event List

December 8, 2011 HS Bands and Orchestra Concert 7:30 PM HS Auditorium

December 10, 2011 PMEA District Band Auditions 9:00 AM Rustin HS

(Auditioning students only) West Chester, PA

January 12 - 14, 2012 PMEA District Band All day Conestoga HS

(Selected students)

January 18, 2012 HS Bands & Jazz Band Concert 7:30 PM HS Auditorium

February 16 - 18, 2012 PMEA Region Band All day Octorara HS

(Selected students)
March 7, 2012 32st Annual Evening of Jazz 6:30 PM HS Auditorium

(Jazz groups only)

March 27, 2012 Band Night Concert 7:30 PM HS Auditorium

April 18 - 21, 2012 PMEA State Conference All Day Lancaster, PA

(Selected students)
May 9, 2012 HS Bands & Jazz Spring Concert 7:30 PM HS Auditorium

May 22, 2012 Chamber Ensemble Concert 7:30 PM HS Room 104

(Wind ensemble students only)
May 28, 2012 Memorial Day Ceremony 12:00 PM Havertown

PMEA District 12

2011-2012 Festival Audition Pieces

Instrument Piece Composer Publisher Comments
Flute Sonata for Flute and Piano Poulenc Chester Music Pepper #4864740

Mvt. 1&3 only

Oboe Concerto in F minor Telemann Southern Pepper #998179
Bassoon Sonata No. 5 in E minor Vivaldi/Weisberg International Pepper #7213648

Mvts. 2, 3 & 4

Bb Clarinet Adagio & Tarantella Cavallini/Waln Kjos Edition Pepper #996173
Alto Clarinet Allegro Spiritoso Senaille/Gee Southern Pepper #998021
Bass Clarinet Adagio & Allegro Galliard/Merriman Southern Pepper #2066876
Contra Clarinet Andante & Bouree Handel/Ayers Barnhouse Pepper #4895330
Alto Saxophone Sonata for Alto Sax Eccles/Rascher Theodore Presser Pepper #2045383
Tenor Sax Ballet Impressions Ostransky Rubank Pepper #995761
Baritone Sax Recitative and Rondino Koepke Rubank Pepper #995837
Trumpet Andante Et Scherzo Buesser/Voisin International Pepper #4792164

French Horn Morceau de Concert Saint-Seans Alfred Pepper #1003219

Trombone & Concertino, Op. 4 Ferdinand David Carl Fischer Pepper #2051126


Bass Trombone Melodious Etudes for Rochut/Ostrander Carl Fischer Etude #6 only,

Bass Trombone - #6 Pepper #1013077

Tuba Air and Bouree J. S. Bach/Bell Carl Fischer Pepper #995264

Percussion Command Performances Cirone Alfred Pepper #5783410

For Percussion: Com- Snare #11, Mallets

petition Solos for Snare #19, Timpani #35

Drum, Marimba &


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