Self-evaluation Report

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The essence of Householding, Housekeeping, Home Economics, differences and similarities. The students gain insight into economy regularity that influences private housekeeping economics. The student’s aim is to understand the role of qualitative home environment in individual development, to learn, plan, manage and organize private and public householding. To use available resources, services and Technologies (including Information Technologies) efficiently. The students evaluate their own activities and accept appropriate decisions. To enable the students realize their role as consumers, to teach laws that ensure consumer protection. To prepare the prospective pedagogues for teaching the subject at school. To provide the students with interactive learning material exposure and knowledge how it can be used during the lessons of home economics.

Energy types used in the household, their transformation and application in the household. Providing of proper home enviroment, using modern equipment. basic principles of household appliances function, requirements for selection and economics use of the appliances. The use of household appliances considering requirements of human and environmental protection.

Home maintenance include washing, cleaning,and care. Positive result of these jobs depends mainly on the proper use and mutual suitability of detergent, tool and treated material. Therefore it is necessary to know properties of each component. It is possible to reach the desirable result only considering ecologic, economic and efficient work organisation. The essence of Householding, Housekeeping, Home Economics, differences and similarities. The students gain insight into economy regularity that influences private housekeeping economics. The student’s aim is to understand the role of qualitative home environment in individual development, to learn, plan, manage and organize private and public householding. To use available resources, services and Technologies (including Information Technologies) efficiently. The students evaluate their own activities and accept appropriate decisions. To enable the students realize their role as consumers, to teach laws that ensure consumer protection. To prepare the prospective pedagogues for teaching the subject at school. To provide the students with interactive learning material exposure and knowledge how it can be used during the lessons of home economics.

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Informācijas tehnoloģiju fakultāte. Datoru sistēmu katedra.

Faculty of Information Technologies, Department of Computer systems

Studiju priekšmeta anotācija


Computer basics and computer hardware.

Asoc. prof. Aleksandrs Gailums.

4.0 KP (64h): lekcijas 32 h, laboratorijas darbi 16 h, 16 prakt. darbi

Obligātais priekšmets “Mājas vide un informātika izglītībā” studentiem

I k. 1.(Iesk.a) un 2.(Eks) semestrī (pilna un nepilna laika studijās).

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