Seppo Suominen Essays on cultural economics

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2.4Estimation and results

Since the data has both time-series (weekly) and cross-sectional (different movies) dimension, conventional regression analysis cannot be used. Panel data analysis enables regression analysis with both time-series and cross-sectional dimension. Panel data can have group effects (movies), time effects or both. Panel data models estimate fixed and/or random effects models using dummy variables. The core difference between the fixed and random effect models lies in the role of dummies. If dummies are considered as a part of the intercept, it is a fixed effect model. In a random effect model, the dummies act as an error term12. The fixed effect model examines movie differences in intercepts, assuming the same slopes and constant variance across the movies. Fixed effect models use least square dummy variables (LSDV), within effect, and between effect estimation methods. Thus, ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions with dummies, in fact, are fixed effect models. The random effect model, by contrast, estimates variance components for groups and error, assuming the same intercept and slopes. The difference among groups (or time periods) lies in the variance of the error term. This model is estimated by generalized least squares (GLS) when the variance structure among genres is known. The feasible generalized least squares (FGLS) method is used to estimate the variance structure when the variance structure among genres is not known. Fixed effects are tested by the F test, while random effects are examined by the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test (Breusch and Pagan 1980). If the null hypothesis is not rejected, the pooled OLS regression is favoured. The Hausman specification test (Hausman 1978) compares fixed effect and random effect models. Table 3 (Park 2008) compares the fixed effect and random effect models. Group effect models create dummies using grouping variables (movie). If one grouping variable is considered, it is called a one-way fixed or random group effects model. Two-way group effect models have two sets of dummy variables, one for a grouping variable and the other for a time variable.

Table 2: Fixed Effect and Random Effect Models (Park 2008)

Fixed Effect Model

Random Effect Model

Functional form

assuming νit ~ IID(0,σν2)

yit = (α+μi)+Xitβ + νit

yit = α+ Xitβ +( μi+ νit)


Varying across groups (movies)

and/or times (weeks)


Error variances


Varying across groups

and/or times





LSDV, within effect, between effect


Hypothesis test

Incremental F test

Breusch-Pagan LM test

The least square dummy variable (LSDV) model, however, becomes problematic when there are many groups or subjects in the panel data. If the total number of periods is fixed and the total number of observations is vast, only the coefficients of regressors are consistent. The coefficients of dummy variables are not consistent since the number of these parameters increases as N increases (Greene 2008, 197). This is the so called incidental parameter problem. Too many dummy variables may weaken the model for adequately powerful statistical tests. Under this circumstance LSDV is useless and another method might be used: the within effect model which does not use dummy variables but uses deviations from group means.

The estimation results for the sample assuming previous week’s in Helsinki theatres with three different models are presented in table 4: conventional regression (OLS) analysis, fixed effects model and random effects model with all relevant and suitable explanatory variables. The sample takes into account the attendance figures from the second week. Film distributors seem to increase the supply by increasing the number of screens for the top films for the second week13.

Table 2: Estimation results, all movies with previous admission in Helsinki, n = 520


OLS without group dummy variables

LSDV, Fixed effects model

Random effects model








All Screens







Ticket price







Weeks since released







Previous week’s admission







Critics reviews







No Critics review












All variables except No Critics review in logs. Depending variable is log of weekly admissions, n = 520

Heteroskedasticity corrected standard deviations (White)

Adjusted R-sq







Diagnostic LL



Test statistics for the Classical Model

Constant term only (1)

Log Likelihood

= -787,71

LM test vs. Model (3)


Group effects only (2)

LL = -565,38

Hausman test (FEM vs. REM): 159,87***

X– variables only (3)

LL = -316.14

X-and group effects (4)

LL = 29.35

Hypothesis tests

(2) vs. (1)

LR test


F test


(3) vs. (1)



(4) vs. (1)



(4) vs. (2)



(4) vs. (3)



The correlation matrix of the variables is presented in appendix. Screens, previous week’s attendance in Helsinki theatres and TOP10 are correlated.

The test statistics indicate that fixed effects model is favoured. The fixed effects model is problematic if there is there is too little variation in the explanatory variables. The critics (LogCA) is not shown in the newspaper in each week and there are some additions to the information. 28 films of a 100 with biggest admission were not crititically reviewed at all in that newspaper. 72 per cent of the ones that were most seen in cinemas (top 100) were critically reviewed but the average rating changed for 26. In the fixed effects model the number of screens, weeks since released and the WOM measure (previous week’s attendance in Helsinki theaters) are significant and correctly signed variables to explain weekly movie admissions. Since the model is log-linear, other than dummy parameters are elasticises However, the random effects model shows that critical reviews are significant and correctly signed. The attendance is price inelastic since the price coefficient is -0.296. The seasonal variation variable (LogALLSCR) and a dummy variable that is one for firm which have not been critically valuated (NOT CR) are not signicant. The results incicate that critical valuation is important if the critics has been made. The weekly reduction in attendance figures is significant (Log WEEKSREL).

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