How will the Department assist small and medium enterprises operating in Hong Kong and the Mainland to apply for patents in order to protect their intellectual property rights? What are the respective amounts of resources provided for such purposes? Apart from financial assistance, are there any other forms of support or assistance available and what are the manpower and financial arrangements involved?
Asked by: Hon. WONG Ting-kwong
To assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and others to protect their patent rights for inventions, the Intellectual Property Department (IPD) has uploaded materials such as guidance notes for patent applicants, information on the application and examination process, relevant laws and frequently asked questions onto the patent section of its website . IPD has been maintaining close liaison with the industrial and business sectors and providing SMEs with materials on patent registration and other intellectual property (IP) related matters are through participation in exhibitions in Hong Kong and publication of feature articles in newspapers. In 2010-11, about $260,000 has been earmarked for the promotional work in Hong Kong which will be undertaken by six officers from the Marketing Division of the Department.
IPD works closely with the Mainland authorities responsible for IP protection to provide enterprises with information on IP. Our work includes regularly updating and enriching the content of the IP Database for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and the Mainland Enterprises Corner . In collaboration with the Guangdong Intellectual Property Office and the Macao SAR Economic Services, we prepared a booklet on IP for Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to provide information on the relevant legislation, application procedures for IP registration as well as the relief channels in case of IP right infringement across the three places. Copies of the booklet are distributed through the Support and Consultation Centre for SMEs of the Trade and Industry Department, the Business InfoCentre of Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Cyberport Digital Entertainment Incubation-cum-Training Centre, the Digital Media Centre. They can also be obtained from seminars or exhibitions that IPD organises or participates in. The e-text of the booklet may be downloaded from IPD’s website < >.
IPD also collaborates with the relevant Mainland authorities in organising educational, promotional and exchange activities from time to time to provide SMEs operating in the two places with information on IP issues and to facilitate their networking with IP practitioners in the Mainland. We have set aside some $260,000 for organising joint activities related to patent with the Mainland authorities in 2010-11 which include:
“Symposium on Patent Law Amendment and Implementation of the Mainland” in collaboration with Guangdong to be held in end-March 2010 in Hong Kong;
“Guangdong/Hong Kong Seminar on IP and Development of SMEs” in collaboration with Guangdong to be held in April 2010 in Guangzhou; and
“Mainland, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR Intellectual Property Symposium” in collaboration with, the State Intellectual Property Office and the Macao SAR Economic Services scheduled to be held in October 2010.
Three Intellectual Property Examiners of IPD are responsible for the above Mainland/Hong Kong related events.
Apart from the IPD initiatives above, financial assistance is provided to local companies (including SMEs) and individuals under the Patent Application Grant of the Innovation and Technology Fund to help companies or individuals on their first application for seeking patents for their own inventions. Each approved application may receive a grant of up to $150,000.