P20 438-439
University Student’s were affected negatively by the limited internet connectivity on the ODL.
ODL brings negative effects
P1 210, P10 244-245, P19 152-153
University Student’s stated that having limited internet connectivity on the ODL leads to emotional crisis.
Emotional Distress
P2 151-153
University Student’s with limited internet connectivity on the ODL is a courageous person.
Valiant Person
P3 120, P5 146, P6 250-251, P11 171-172, P14 154-156, P15 231
University Student’s stated that they struggle in limited internet connectivity on the ODL.
Student who struggles
P4 187, P7 242-245, P11 192-193, P12 149-140, P15 233-234, P18 122-124
University Student’s take the hindrance in having limited internet connectivity on the ODL as a motivation to reach their goal.
Challenge to be taken to succeed
P7 222&232
University Student take ODL as an aid and opportunity to continue the study even if they have limited internet connectivity.
Blessing or miracle in disguise