Struthionidae 1/2

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Pelecanoididae 2/4

Pelecanoides garnotii Peruvian Diving-Petrel unrecorded

Pelecanoides urinatrix Common Diving-Petrel 6 26 26* 47 94 254 265 288

Pelecanoides urinatrix Common Diving-Petrel 26 26* 47 94 288

Pelecanoides exsul Subantarctic Diving-Petrel 47 265

Pelecanoides berard Falkland Diving-Petrel 6 254

Pelecanoides georgicus South Georgia Diving-Petrel 47 265 288

Pelecanoides magellani Magellanic Diving-Petrel unrecorded


Hydrobatidae 19/24

Oceanites oceanicus Wilson's Storm-Petrel 5 47 49 128 190 279 282 288

Oceanites pincoyae Pincoya Storm-Petrel unrecorded

Oceanites gracilis Elliot’s Storm-Petrel unrecorded

Garrodia nereis Grey-backed Storm-Petrel 26 26* 47 94

Pelagodroma marina White-faced Storm-Petrel 5 26 26* 47 94 128 160 190 241 279 288

Hydrobates pelagicus European Storm-Petrel 1e 5 9 12 49 128 160 165 190 219 241 270 279

Fregetta grallaria White-bellied Storm-Petrel 26 26* 47 49 166 279 288

Fregetta grallaria White-bellied Storm-Petrel 26 26* 47 49 279 288

Fregetta titan Rapa Storm-Petrel 166

Fregetta maoriana New Zealand Storm-Petrel unrecorded

Fregetta tropica Black-bellied Storm-Petrel 47 49 129 279 288

Nesofregetta fuliginosa Polynesian Storm-Petrel 166

Oceanodroma furcata Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel 1 1e 24 139 149 251 282

Oceanodroma hornbyi Ringed Storm-Petrel 1e

Oceanodroma leucorhoa Leach's Storm-Petrel 1 1e 5 9 12 17 24 47 49 88 94 118 128 139 148 149 156 157 165 190 241 251 270 279 282 291

Oceanodroma monorhis Swinhoe’s Storm-Petrel 1e 157 241

Oceanodroma homochroa Ashy Storm-Petrel 1e 149 282

Oceanodroma castro Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 1e 5 117* 118 128 156 157 160 190 219 241

Oceanodroma castro Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 1e 5 128 160 190 219 241

Oceanodroma cryptoleucura Pacific Storm-Petrel 117* 118 156 157

Oceanodroma monteiroi Monteiro’s Storm Petrel 241

Oceanodroma jabejabe Cape Verde Storm-Petrel 241

Oceanodroma tethys Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel 1

Oceanodroma melania Black Storm-Petrel 149 282

Oceanodroma markhami Markham’s Storm-Petrel unrecorded

Oceanodroma matsudairae Matsudaira’s Storm-Petrel unrecorded

Oceanodroma tristrami Tristram’s Storm-Petrel 117 117* 118 157

Oceanodroma microsoma Least Storm-Petrel 149 282


Phaethontidae 3/3

Phaethon lepturus White-tailed Tropicbird 1e 24* 47 49 117 117* 128 156 176 194 250 271 279 282 288

Phaethon aethereus Red-billed Tropicbird 1 1e 1f 32 49 117* 128 190 202 250 279 280 282 288

Phaethon rubricauda Red-tailed Tropcibird 1 1e 24* 26 26* 47 49 79 97 117 117* 194 229 271 279 280 282 288

Ciconiidae 16/19

Anastomus oscitans Asian Openbill 1 1e 260

Anastomus lamelligerus African Openbill 49 129 194 279

Ciconia nigra Black Stork 1e 5 49 128 165 190 242 244 270 279

Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork 49 129 279

Ciconia episcopus Wooly-necked Stork 49 129 260 279 286

Ciconia stormi Storm’s Stork nr

Ciconia maguari Maguari Stork 1e 254

Ciconia ciconia White Stork 1 1e 1f 5 49 128 156 165 190 242 244 270 279 281 287

Ciconia boyciana Oriental Stork 1 1e 14 118 157

Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Black-necked Stork 26 26* 288

Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Saddle-billed Stork 49 129 279

Jabiru mycteria Jabiru 1e 101 131 254 261 268 269 275

Leptoptilos javanicus Lesser Adjutant 1e

Leptoptilos crumenifer Marabou Stork 1e 19 49 129 190 279

Leptoptilos dubius Greater Adjutant unrecorded

Mycteria americana Wood Stork 1 1e 1f 24* 123 148 156 254 258 268 275 282 283

Mycteria cinerea Milky Stork unrecorded

Mycteria ibis Yellow-billed Stork 1e 1f 49 129 190 194 279

Mycteria leucocephala Painted Stork 1 1e 157 260


Fregatidae 5/5

Fregata ariel Lesser Frigatebird 1 26 26* 47 79 194 271 279

Fregata aquila Ascension Island Frigatebird 1

Fregata magnificens Magnificent Frigatebird 1 1e 5 24* 128 156 190 223 250 252 254 261 269 275 282

Fregata andrewsi Christmas Island Frigatebird 1 1e 1f 26 26* 271

Fregata minor Great Frigatebird 1 1e 26 26* 32 47 49 79 117 117* 194 254 271 279 282


Sulidae 10/10

Sula dactylatra Masked Booby 1 1e 26 26* 47 49 117 117* 156 250 280 282 288

Sula granti Nazca Booby 1 1e 32 194

Sula nebouxii Blue-footed Booby 1 1e 32 275 280 282

Sula variegata Peruvian Booby 1

Sula leucogaster Brown Booby 1 1e 1f 26 26* 47 49 117 117* 129 156 157 190 194 223 250 261 271 275 279 282 288

Sula sula Red-footed Booby 1 1e 1f 24* 26 26* 32 117 117* 156 194 250 254 271 280 282 288

Papasula abbotti Abbott’s Booby 1e 1f 26 26* 271

Morus bassanus Northern Gannet 1 1e 1f 5 12 128 148 156 165 190 242 244 270 282 287 291

Morus capensis Cape Gannet 1 1e 1f 15 49 129 190 254 279 286 288

Morus serrator Australasian Gannet 1e 26 26* 47 49 95 276 279 288

Phalacrocoracidae 35/39

Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little Black Cormorant 1e 1f 26 26* 288

Phalacrocorax harrisi Flightless Cormorant 1 1e 32

Phalacrocorax penicillatus Brandt’s Cormorant 149 251 282 291

Phalacrocorax brasilianus Neotropic Cormorant 1e 1f 58 115 149 156 177 199 209 210 211 223 254 257 259 261 268 269 275 282 283

Phalacrocorax auritus Double-crested Cormorant 1 1e 1f 24* 146 148 149 156 251 282 291

Phalacrocorax fuscicollis Indian Cormorant 1e 260

Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant 1 1e 1f 1j 1n 5 15 26 26* 47 49 94 95 118 128 157 165 190 242 244 249 260 270 279 280 281 286 287 288

Phalacrocorax carbo Great Cormorant 1e 1f 1j 1n 5 15 118 128 157 165 190 242 244 260 270 281 287

Phalacrocorax lucidus White-breasted Cormorant 1 15 49 249 279 286

Phalacrocorax novaehollandiae Australian Cormorant 26 26* 47 94 95 280 288

Phalacrocorax capensis Cape Cormorant 15 49 129 279 286

Phalacrocorax nigrogularis Socotra Cormorant 1

Phalacrocorax neglectus Bank Cormorant 49 279

Phalacrocorax capillatus Japanese Cormorant 1e 157

Phalacrocorax urile Red-faced Cormorant 1e 149 157

Phalacrocorax pelagicus Pelagic Cormorant 1e 146 149 251 282 291

Phalacrocorax gaimardi Red-legged Cormorant 1e 1f

Phalacrocorax magellanicus Magellanic Cormorant 1e 58 215 254

Phalacrocorax bougainvillii Guanay Cormorant 1 58

Phalacrocorax varius Pied Cormorant 1e 26 26* 47 276 288

Phalacrocorax fuscescens Black-faced Cormorant 1e 26*

Phalacrocorax carunculatus New Zealand King Shag 2 47 95

Phalacrocorax chalconotus Stewart Island Shag 47

Phalacrocorax onslowi Chatham Islands Shag 47 94

Phalacrocorax colensoi Auckland Islands Shag 1e 47

Phalacrocorax campbelli Campbell Islands Shag 47

Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi Bounty IslandsShag nr

Phalacrocorax bransfieldianus Antarctic Shag 1 254 259

Phalacrocorax georgianus South Georgia Shag unrecorded

Phalacrocorax atriceps Imperial Cormorant 1 1e 1f 47 58 259

Phalacrocorax nivalis Heard Island Shag nr

Phalacrocorax melanogenis Crozet Shag nr

Phalacrocorax verrucosus Kerguelen Shag 265

Phalacrocorax purpurascens Macquarie Shag 47

Phalacrocorax aristotelis European Shag 1 1e 5 128 165 190 242 244 270 287

Phalacrocorax punctatus Spotted Shag 47 95

Phalacrocorax featherstoni Pitt Island Shag 47 94

Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Little Pied Cormorant 1 1e 26 26* 47 95

Phalacrocorax melanoleucos Little Pied Cormorant 1e 26 26*

Phalacrocorax brevirostris White-throated Cormorant 1 47 95

Phalacrocorax africanus Long-tailed Cormorant 15 49 129 190 194 279

Phalacrocorax coronatus Crowned Cormorant 49 279

Phalacrocorax niger Little Cormorant 1e 260

Phalacrocorax pygmeus Pygmy Cormorant 1e 5 128 165 190 242 270


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