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| Megapodiidae 21/22
Alectura lathami Australian Brushturkey 1e 26 26* 98 179 280 288
Aepypodius arfakianus Wattled Brushturkey 1e
Aepypodius bruijnii Waigeo Brushturkey 1e
Talegalla cuvieri Red-billed Brushturkey 1e
Talegalla fuscirostris Yellow-legged Brushturkey 1e 1f 127 246
Talegalla jobiensis Red-legged Brushturkey 1e 27 74
Leipoa ocellata Malleefowl 1 26 26* 203
Macrocephalon maleo Maleo 1 1e 1f 63 75 110 235
Eulipoa wallacei Moluccan Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius pritchardii Niaufoou Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius laperouse Micronesian Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius nicobariensis Nicobar Scrubfowl 1
Megapodius cumingii Tabon Scrubfowl 1e 1f 114
Megapodius bernsteinii Sula Scrubfowl 1e 1f
Megapodius tenimberensis Tanimbar Scrubfowl nr
Megapodius freycinet Dusky Scrubfowl 1e 1f
Megapodius geelvinkianus Biak Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius forsteni Forsten’s Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius eremita Melanesian Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius layardi Vanuatu Scrubfowl 1e 1q
Megapodius affinis New Guinea Scrubfowl 1e
Megapodius reinwardt Orange-footed Scrubfowl 1e 1f 26 26* 97 171 280 288
Cracidae 53/54
Ortalis vetula Plain Chachalaca 1e 1m 17 24 38 71 144 148 149 185 210 234 243 252 257 262 269 282 284
Ortalis cinereiceps Grey-headed Chachalaca 1e 1f 1g 243 262 269 275 284
Ortalis garrula Chestnut-winged Chachalaca 1e 1f 275
Ortalis ruficauda Rufous-vented Chachalaca 1e 13 115 202 211 223 234 250 275
Ortalis erythroptera Rufous-headed Chachalaca 1e 1f 193 199 261 275 283
Ortalis wagleri Rufous-bellied Chachalaca 1e 52 147 210
Ortalis poliocephala West Mexican Chachalaca 1e 210
Ortalis canicollis Chaco Chachalaca 1e 58 85 101 131 209 254 267 268
Ortalis leucogastra White-bellied Chachalaca 1e 1m 210 243 266 284
Ortalis columbiana Colombian Chachalaca 1e 181 226 230 275
Ortalis guttata Speckled Chachalaca 1e 1f 20 46 51 57 72 92 101 141 193 258 261 274 275 283
Ortalis araucuan East Brazilian Chachalaca 1e 268
Ortalis squamata Scaled Chachalaca 1e 268
Ortalis motmot Variabe Chachalaca 1e 1f 115 209 211 221 223 234 256 264
Ortalis motmot Little Chachalaca 1e 1f 115 209 211 223 234 256 264
Ortalis ruficeps Rufous-headed Chachalaca 221
Ortalis superciliaris Buff-browed Chachalaca 1e 268
Penelope argyrotis Band-tailed Guan 1e 115 211 223 228 230 247 275
Penelope argyrotis Band-tailed Guan 1e 115 211 223 230 275
Penelope colombiana Santa Marta Guan 228 247
Penelope barbata Bearded Guan 1e 151 193 283
Penelope ortoni Baudo Guan 1e 116 180 283
Penelope montagnii Andean Guan 1e 100 101 115 143 151 193 211 223 230 261 275 283
Penelope marail Marail Guan 1e 115 209 211 223 256 264
Penelope superciliaris Rusty-margined Guan 1e 1f 101 209 239 268 274
Penelope dabbenei Red-faced Guan 1e 1f 101 163 254
Penelope jacquacu Spix's Guan 1e 20 42 46 51 57 72 92 101 115 141 152 193 209 211 221 223 258 261 275 283
Penelope purpurascens Crested Guan 1a 1e 1f 45 71 93 115 121 144 180 193 200 210 211 223 230 261 262 269 272 275 283 284
Penelope perspicax Cauca Guan 1e 1f 226 230 275
Penelope albipennis White-winged Guan 1e 261
Penelope obscura Dusky-legged Guan 1e 1f 58 101 133 154 163 209 254 268 274
Penelope pileata White-crested Guan 1e 209 221
Penelope ochrogaster Chestnut-bellied Guan 1e 133 209 268
Penelope jacucaca White-browed Guan 1e 268
Pipile pipile Trinidad Piping-Guan 1e 202
Pipile cumanensis Blue-throated Piping-Guan 1e 72 92 101 115 141 152 193 211 223 254 258 261 268 275 283
Pipile cujubi Red-throated Piping-Guan 1e 221 268
Pipile jacutinga Black-fronted Piping-Guan 1e 58 85 209 268 274
Aburria aburri Wattled Guan 1e 100 110 142 155 193 208 223 225 230 261 275 283
Chamaepetes unicolor Black Guan 1e 1g 82 121 187 269 284
Chamaepetes goudotii Sickle-winged Guan 1e 100 101 116 193 230 247 261 275 283
Penelopina nigra Highland Guan 1e 1m 52 210 234
Oreophasis derbianus Horned Guan 1e 1m
Nothocrax urumutum Nocturnal Curassow 1e 51 193 223 258 261 275 283
Mitu tomentosum Crestless Curassow 1e 223 275
Mitu salvini Salvin's Curassow 1e 51 193 258 275 283
Mitu tuberosum Razor-billed Curasow 1e 1f 101 141 152 221 261 275
Mitu mitu Alagoas Curassow nr
Pauxi pauxi Helmeted Curassow 1a 1e 115 211 223 275
Pauxi koepckeae Sira Curassow 1e
Pauxi unicornis Horned Curassow 1a 101 152
Crax rubra Great Curassow 1e 1f 71 93 180 210 266 269 272 275 283
Crax alberti Blue-knobbed Curassow 1e 275
Crax daubentoni Yellow-knobbed Curassow 1a 1e 110 211 223 275
Crax alector Black Curassow 1e 42 77 115 209 211 223 256 275
Crax globulosa Wattled Curassow 1e 258 261 275 283
Crax fasciolata Bare-faced Curassow 1a 1e 101 209 221 254 268
Crax blumenbachii Red-billed Curassow 1e 135 268 289
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