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| Procellariidae 75/87
Macronectes giganteus Southern Giant-Petrel 1 1e 26 26* 47 49 215 254 259 265 279
Macronectes halli Northern Giant-Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 49 94 95 279
Fulmarus glacialis Northern Fulmar 1 1e 5 9 12 24 119 139 149 156 165 190 241 242 244 270 281 282 291
Fulmarus glacialoides Southern Fulmar 1e 26 26* 47 49 215 259 279 288
Thalassoica antarctica Antarctic Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 49 279 288
Daption capense Cape Petrel 1e 1f 5 26 26* 47 49 94 190 194 215 259 279 288
Pagodroma nivea Snow Petrel 1 47 259 288
Aphrodroma brevirostris Kerguelen Petrel 47 49 279 288
Pterodroma macroptera Great-winged Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 49 265 279 288
Pterodroma neglecta Kermadec Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 79 166 254 288
Pterodroma magentae Magenta Petrel 94
Pterodroma arminjoniana Trindade Petrel 194 282
Pterodroma heraldica Herald Petrel 1e 26 26* 79 166 254 288
Pterodroma ultima Murphy's Petrel 79
Pterodroma solandri Providence Petrel 1 26 26* 47 110 280 288
Pterodroma atrata Henderson Petrel 79 166
Pterodroma madeira Zino’s Petrel 1e 128 190 241
Pterodroma feae Fea’s Petrel 128 190 241
Pterodroma feae Cape Verde Petrel 241
Pterodroma deserta Desertas Petrel 128 190 241
Pterodroma mollis Soft-plumaged Petrel 26 26* 47 49 94 279 288
Pterodroma baraui Barau’s Petrel 194 288
Pterodroma lessonii White-headed Petrel 26 26* 47 49 265 279
Pterodroma inexpectata Mottled Petrel 26 26* 47 94 149 288
Pterodroma cahow Bermuda Petrel 1 282
Pterodroma hasitata Black-capped Petrel 22 22* 250 282
Pterodroma externa Juan Fernandez Petrel 47 94 288
Pterodroma incerta Atlantic Petrel nr
Pterodroma phaeopygia Galapagos Petrel 1 195
Pterodroma sandwichensis Hawaiian Petrel 1e 117 117*
Pterodroma cervicalis White-necked Petrel 47 288
Pterodroma hypoleuca Bonin Petrel 1e 117 117*
Pterodroma nigripennis Black-winged Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 94 166 280 288
Pterodroma axillaris Chatham Petrel 47 94
Pterodroma cookii Cook's Petrel 2 26 26* 47 276 282 288
Pterodroma defilippiana Masatierra Petrel nr
Pterodroma leucoptera Gould’s Petrel 26 26* 47 288
Pterodroma brevipes Collared Petrel nr
Pterodroma longirostris Stejneger’s Petrel unrecorded
Pterodorma pycrofti Pycroft's Petrel 47
Pterodroma alba Phoenix Petrel 1e 47 79 166
Pterodroma occulta Vanuatu Petrel 1q 288
Halobaena caerulea Blue Petrel 1 1e 47 49 265 279 288
Pachyptila turtur Fairy Prion 1e 26 26* 47 49 94 95 279 288
Pachyptila vittata Broad-billed Prion 26 26* 47 49 94 279 288
Pachyptila salvini Salvin's Prion 47 279 288
Pachyptila salvini Salvin’s Prion 47 279 288
Pachyptila macgillvrayi MacGillvray’s Prion nr
Pachyptila desolata Antarctic Prion 1 26 26* 47 94 265 279 288
Pachyptila belcheri Slender-billed Prion 6 47 49 254 265 279
Pachyptila crassirostris Fulmar Prion 26 26* 47 94 288
Bulweria bulwerii Bulwer's Petrel 1e 5 24* 49 117 117* 118 128 160 166 190 241 279 282 288
Bulweria fallax Jouanin’s Petrel unrecorded
Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi Fiji Petrel unrecorded
Pseudobulweria aterrima Mascarene Petrel 194
Pseudobulweria rostrata Tahiti Petrel 166 288
Psewudobulweria becki Beck’s Petrel unrecorded
Procellaria cinerea Grey Petrel 1 47 49 265 279 288
Procellaria aequinoctialis White-chinned Petrel 1 1e 6 26 26* 47 49 254 259 265 279 282 286 288
Procellaria conspicillata Spectacled Petrel nr
Procellaria parkinsoni Parkinson’s Petrel 2 26 26* 47 288
Procellaria westlandica Westland Petrel 1e 26 26* 47 288
Calonectris leucomelas Streaked Shearwater 1 110 118 157
Calonectris diomedea Cory's Shearwater 1e 5 12 47 49 128 156 160 165 190 219 241 244 270 279 287
Calonectris diomedea Scopoli’s Shearwater 1e 5 12 128 165 241 270 287
Calonectris borealis Cory’s Shearwater 1e 47 49 128 160 219 241 244 279 287
Calonectris edwardsii Cape Verde Shearwater 128 190 241
Ardenna creatopus Pink-footed Shearwater 1e 47 149 254 259 288
Ardenna carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater 1e 26 26* 47 49 149 279 280 282 288
Ardenna gravis Great Shearwater 5 6 26 26* 49 128 156 190 241 254 279 282 288
Ardenna pacifica Wedge-tailed Shearwater 1e 1q 24* 26 26* 47 49 97 110 117 117* 118 157 172 176 194 279 280 282 288
Ardenna bulleri Buller's Shearwater 47 149 288
Ardenna grisea Sooty Shearwater 1e 5 6 26 26* 47 49 94 128 149 156 190 254 270 279 280 282 288
Ardenna tenuirostris Short-tailed Shearwater 1 1e 26 26* 47 149 277 282 288
Puffinus nativitatis Christmas Shearwater 1e 47 79 117 117* 166 254
Puffinus subalaris Galapagos Shearwater 1e
Puffinus puffinus Manx Shearwater 1e 5 12 24* 26 26* 47 49 128 156 160 165 190 241 270 279 282 287 288 291
Puffinus yelkouan Yelkouan Shearwater 1e 12 128 165 190 241 270 287
Puffinus mauretanicus Balearic Shearwater 1e 128 190 241
Puffinus huttoni Hutton's Shearwater 1e 26 26* 47 288
Puffinus auricularis Townsend’s Shearwater nr
Puffinus newelli Newell’s Shearwater 117 117*
Puffinus myrtae Rapa Shearwater unrecorded
Puffinus bryani Bryan’s Shearwater nr
Puffinus opisthomelas Black-vented Shearwater 1e 149
Puffinus gavia Fluttering Shearwater 1e 26 26* 47 95 288
Puffinus assimilis Little Shearwater 5 26 26* 47 49 94 279 288
Puffinus assimilis Little Shearwater 26 26* 47 288
Puffinus elegans Subantarctic Shearwater 5 47 49 94 279
Puffinus baroli Barolo Shearwater 1e 5 128 160 190 241
Puffinus boydi Boyd’s Shearwater 241
Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater 1e 153 156 234 250 282
Puffinus bailloni Tropical Shearwater 49 79 166 176 194 279
Puffinus bailloni Tropical Shearwater 49 79 166 176 194 279
Puffinus bannermani Bannerman’s Shearwater nr
Puffinus persicus Persian Shearwater 1e 175 194
Puffinus heinrothi Heinroth’s Shearwater unrecorded
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