Struthionidae 1/2

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Threskiornithidae 33/33

Eudocimus albus White Ibis 1 1e 1f 17 65 148 156 199 243 250 261 269 282 283

Eudocimus ruber Scarlet Ibis 1a 1e 1f 115 156 214 223 275

Plegadis falcinellus Glossy Ibis 1e 1f 5 26 26* 47 49 94 128 156 165 190 194 242 244 249 250 260 270 279 282 283 286

Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis 1e 1f 1h 24 58 122 149 186 251 254 261 267 268 269 278 282

Plegadis ridgwayi Puna Ibis 1e 254 261

Lophotibis cristata Madagascar Ibis 1e 194 240

Cercibis oxycerca Sharp-tailed Ibis 1e 209 211 223 275

Mesembrinibis cayennensis Green Ibis 1e 1f 58 78 93 101 115 141 193 209 211 221 223 243 254 256 258 261 264 268 269 275 283

Phimosus infuscatus Bare-faced Ibis 1e 115 209 211 223 254 268 275

Theristicus caerulescens Plumbeous Ibis 1e 85 101 131 209 234 254 267 268

Theristicus caudatus Buff-necked Ibis 1e 85 101 115 131 209 211 223 234 254 267 268 275 289

Theristicus melanopis Black-faced Ibis 1 1e 1f 58 101 132 151 177 254 259 261 283

Theristicus melanopis Black-faced Ibis 1 1e 1f 58 101 132 177 254 259

Theristicus branickii Andean Ibis 1e 101 151 261 283

Threskiornis aethiopicus Sacred Ibis 1e 15 49 129 157 165 190 194 270 279 286 287

Threskiornis aethiopicus African Sacred Ibis 1e 15 49 129 157 165 190 194 270 279 286 287

Threskiornis bernieri Madagascar Sacred Ibis nr

Threskiornis melanocephalus Black-headed Ibis 1e 157 260

Threskiornis molucca Australian Ibis 1e 8 26 26* 277 280 288

Threskiornis spinicollis Straw-necked Ibis 1e 26 26* 27 280 288

Pseudibis papillosa Red-naped Ibis 1e 1f 213 233 260

Pseudibis davisoni White-shouldered Ibis 1e 1f 237

Pseudibis gigantea Giant Ibis 1e 1f

Geronticus eremita Northern Bald Ibis 1e 1f 5 128 190 244 270

Geronticus calvus Southern Bald Ibis 15 49 279

Nipponia nippon Crested Ibis 1e 1f 14 157

Bostrychia olivacea Olive Ibis 56 129

Bostrychia bocagei Sao Tome Ibis 1e

Bostrychia rara Spot-breasted Ibis 129

Bostrychia hagedash Hadada Ibis 1e 1f 15 19 49 60 129 169 249 279 286

Bostrychia carunculata Wattled Ibis 1e 1f

Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill 1e 5 128 157 165 190 235 242 244 260 270 287

Platalea regia Royal Spoonbill 26 26* 47 95

Platalea alba African Spoonbill 1a 1e 1f 15 49 129 190 194 249 279

Platalea minor Black-faced Spoonbill 1e

Platalea flavipes Yellow-billed Spoonbill 26 26* 47 280 288

Platalea ajaja Roseate Spoonbill 1e 1f 17 58 156 223 250 258 261 267 268 269 275 282 283

Cathartidae 5/7

Coragyps atratus Black Vulture 1 1e 1f 148 209 210 211 223 230 258 261 268 269 275 282 283

Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture 1e 149 156 250 251 263 268 282 283 291

Cathartes burrovianus Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture unrecorded

Cathartes melambrotus Greater Yellow-headed Vulture unrecorded

Gymnogyps californianus California Condor 149 282

Vultur gryphus Andean Condor 1 1a 1e 177 254

Sarcoramphus papa King Vulture 254

Sagittariidae 1/1

Sagittarius serpentarius Secretary-bird 1 49 129 279 286

Pandionidae 1/1

Pandion haliaetus Osprey 1 1e 1f 1h 5 9 12 17 24 26 26* 49 65 100 118 122 123 128 139 146 148 149 156 157 160 165 186 190 199 202 210 211 214 223 230 242 243 244 250

251 254 256 258 261 263 268 269 270 274 275 278 279 280 281 282 283 287 288 291

Pandion haliaetus Eurasian Osprey 1e 5 9 12 49 118 128 157 160 165 190 214 242 244 263 270 279 281

Pandion carolinensis American Osprey 1 1e 1f 1h 17 24 65 100 122 123 139 146 148 149 156 186 199 202 210 211 223 230 243 250 251 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 278 281 282 283


Pandion cristatus Australasian Osprey 1e 26 26* 280 288

Accipitridae 221/246

Gampsonyx swainsonii Pearl Kite 1e 193 199 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Elanus caeruleus Black-shouldered Kite 1e 1f 5 15 49 60 128 165 190 248 249 254 260 263 270 279 286 287

Elanus axillaris Australian Kite 1e 26 26* 277 280 288

Elanus leucurus White-tailed Kite 1e 1h 24 38 58 123 149 177 186 251 269 274 275 282 283

Elanus scriptus Letter-winged Kite 26 26*

Chelictinia riocourii Scissor-tailed Kite 129

Polyboroides typus African Harrier-Hawk 1e 49 60 129 169 249 263 279 286

Polyboroides radiatus Madagascar Harrier-Hawk 1e 103 194 229 240

Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture 49 129 279

Eutriorchis astur Madagascar Serpent-Eagle 240

Gypaetus barbatus Lammergeier 1e 5 49 128 165 190 242 244 263 270 279 287

Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture 1f 5 49 128 160 165 190 242 260 263 270 279 287

Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite 1e 24 65 71 92 149 163 185 193 199 223 230 250 254 258 261 268 269 274 275 282 283

Chondrohierax uncinatus Hook-billed Kite 1e 24 65 71 92 149 163 185 193 199 230 250 254 258 261 268 269 274 275 282 283

Chondrohierax wilsonii Cuban Kite nr

Leptodon cayanensis Grey-headed Kite 1e 93 104 180 193 202 209 210 211 221 223 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Leptodon forbesi White-collared Kite 1e 268

Pernis apivorus European Honey-buzzard 1e 5 12 49 128 165 190 242 244 249 263 270 279 287

Pernis celebensis Barred Honey-buzzard 1e 1f

Pernis celebensis Barred Honey-buzzard 1e

Pernis steerei Philippine Honey-buzzard 1e 1f

Pernis ptilorhynchus Oriental Honey-buzzard 1e 112 112* 114 157 214 242 248 260

Elanoides forficatus Swallow-tailed Kite 1e 38 58 82 101 115 116 123 148 156 163 193 209 210 211 223 230 254 256 258 261 264 268 269 274 275 282 283

Hamirostra melanosternon Black-breasted Kite 26 26* 280 288

Henicopernis longicauda Long-tailed Honey-buzzard unrecorded

Henicopernis infuscatus Black Honey-buzzard nr

Lophoictinia isura Square-tailed Kite 26 26*

Aviceda cuculoides African Cuckoo-Hawk 1e 1f 15 49 60 129 227 249 279

Aviceda madagascariensis Madagascar Cuckoo-Hawk 1e 1f 194

Aviceda jerdoni Jerdon’s Baza 1e 1f 114 260

Aviceda subcristata Pacific Baza 1e 1f 26 26* 97 98 127 179 246 280 288

Aviceda leuphotes Black Baza 1e 1f 114 260

Sarcogyps calvus Red-headed Vulture unrecorded

Trigonoceps occipitalis White-headed Vulture nr

Aegypius monachus Cinereous Vulture 1 1e 5 128 165 190 244 263 270

Torgos tracheliotus Lappet-faced Vulture 1a 49 128 190 263 279

Necrosyrtes monachus Hooded Vulture 1e 49 129 263 279

Gyps africanus White-backed Vulture 1e 15 49 129 168 279

Gyps bengalensis White-rumped Vulture 114 162 260

Gyps indicus Indian Vulture unrecorded

Gyps tenuirostris Slender-billed Vulture 260

Gyps rueppelli Ruppell's Griffon 1 1e 1r 129 190 263 279

Gyps himalayensis Himalayan Griffon 1 1e

Gyps fulvus Eurasian Griffon 1e 5 128 165 190 244 263 270 287

Gyps coprotheres Cape Griffon 1 49 279 286

Spilornis klossi Nicobar Serpent-Eagle unrecorded

Spilornis rufipectus Sulawesi Serpent-Eagle 1e 1f

Spilornis kinabaluensis Mountain Serpent-Eagle 1e 114 183

Spilornis cheela Crested Serpent-Eagle 1e 1f 1n 1p 64 68 112 112* 114 118 157 162 174 178 198 201 213 216 248 260 263 290

Spilornis cheela Crested Serpent-Eagle 1e 1f 1n 1p 64 68 112 112* 114 162 174 178 198 201 213 216 248 260 263 290

Spilornis perplexus Ryukyu Serpent-Eagle 118 157

Spilornis abbotti Simeulue Serpent-Eagle nr

Spilornis asturinus Nias Serpent-Eagle nr

Spilornis sipora Mentawai Serpent-Eagle nr

Spilornis natunensis Natuna Serpent-Eagle nr

Spilornis minimus Central Nicobar Serpent-Eagle nr

Spilornis holospilus Philippine Serpent-Eagle 1e 1f 1s 114

Spilornis elgini Andaman Serpent-Eagle 1e

Pithecophaga jefferyi Great Philippine Eagle 1 1e 1f 114 263

Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur 1 1a 1e 49 60 129 190 249 263 279 286

Dryotriorchis spectabilis Congo Serpent-Eagle 1e 129

Circaetus gallicus Short-toed Snake-Eagle 1e 5 12 128 165 190 242 244 260 263 270 279 287

Circaetus beaudouini Beaudouin’s Snake-Eagle 129

Circaetus pectoralis Black-breasted Snake-Eagle 1 1e 49 60 129 249

Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake-Eagle 49 129 263 279

Circaetus fasciolatus Fasciated Snake-Eagle 1e 49 279 286

Circaetus cinerascens Banded Snake-Eagle 1e 15 49 60 129 249 279

Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk 1e 1f 49 129 194 198 279

Harpyopsis novaeguineae New Guinea Eagle 1e 1f

Morphnus guianensis Crested Eagle 1e 72 193 221 223 256 258 261 269 274 275 283

Harpia harpyja Harpy Eagle 1 1e 77 115 209 210 211 221 223 254 256 258 261 263 268 269 274 275 283

Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Hawk-Eagle 1 1e 1f 15 49 56 60 129 249 263 279 286

Nisaetus limnaeetus Changeable Hawk-Eagle 1f 114 260 290

Nisaetus cirrhatus Crested Hawk-Eagle 1 1e 1f 66 112 112* 178 201 213 248 260

Nisaetus floris Flores Hawk-Eagle 1e

Nisaetus nipalensis Mountain Hawk-Eagle 1e 1r 157

Nisaetus kelaarti Legge’s Hawk-Eagle 1f 248 260

Nisaetus alboniger Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle 1e 290

Nisaetus bartelsi Javan Hawk-Eagle 1e 1f 114

Nisaetus lanceolatus Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle 1e 1f 75

Nisaetus philippensis Philippine Hawk-Eagle 1e 1f

Nisaetus pinskeri Pinsker’s Hawk-Eagle nr

Nisaetus nanus Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle 1e 1f 1s 114

Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle 1 1e 15 49 60 129 249 279 286

Lophotriorchis kienerii Rufous-bellied Eagle 1e

Spizaetus tyrannus Black Hawk-Eagle 1e 1f 71 93 101 104 115 133 141 144 154 180 193 209 210 211 221 223 230 254 256 258 261 262 264 266 268 269 274 275 283

Spizaetus ornatus Ornate Hawk-Eagle 1e 71 92 93 101 115 135 141 180 193 202 209 210 211 221 223 254 256 258 261 262 268 269 274 275 283

Spizaetus melanoleucus Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle 1e 256 258 261 268 274 275 283

Spizaetus isidori Black-and-chestnut Eagle 1e 100 116 163 193 230 275 283

Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Eagle 1e 1f 49 129 168 249 279 286

Ictinaetus malaiensis Black Eagle 1e 260 290

Clanga pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle 1e 5 49 128 165 190 242 244 260 263 270 279 287

Clanga hastata Indian Spotted Eagle nr

Clanga clanga Greater Spotted Eagle 1e 5 118 120 165 190 242 244 260 263 270

Hieraaetus wahlbergi Wahlberg's Eagle 1e 15 49 60 129 249 279

Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle 1e 5 12 49 128 165 190 242 244 263 270 279 287

Hieraaetus weiskei Pygmy Eagle unrecorded

Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle 1e 26 26* 280 288

Hieraaetus ayresii Ayres's Hawk-Eagle 49 129 249 279

Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle 1 1f 49 128 190 260 263 279

Aquila rapax African Tawny Eagle 1 1f 49 128 190 260 263 279

Aquila vindhiana Indian Tawny Eagle nr

Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle 1 1e 5 49 190 242 263 279

Aquila adalberti Spanish Eagle 1 1e 14 128 165 190 244 263 270

Aquila heliaca Imperial Eagle 1e 5 165 190 242 244 263 270 287

Aquila gurneyi Gurney’s Eagle nr

Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle 1 1e 1f 5 9 24 122 128 148 149 157 165 186 190 242 244 251 263 270 282 287 291

Aquila audax Wedge-tailed Eagle 1 1e 26 26*

Aquila africana Cassin’s Hawk-Eagle 1e 129

Aquila verreauxii Verreaux's Eagle 1e 15 49 129 190 263 279

Aquila fasciata Bonelli's Eagle 1e 1f 5 12 128 165 190 260 263 270

Aquila spilogaster African Hawk-Eagle 1e 15 49 129 279

Kaupifalco monogrammicus Lizard Buzzard 1e 1f 15 49 60 129 169 249 279 286

Melierax metabates Dark Chanting-Goshawk 1e 5 15 49 60 109 128 165 190 249 263 270 279

Melierax poliopterus Eastern Chanting-Goshawk 1e

Melierax canorus Pale Chanting-Goshawk 1 1e 15 49 279 286

Micronisus gabar Gabar Goshawk 1e 15 49 129 190 249 263 279 286

Busarellus nigricollis Black-collared Hawk 1e 1f 38 58 85 101 104 115 131 209 210 211 223 234 254 258 261 267 268 269 274 275 283

Rostrhamus sociabilis Snail Kite 1e 14 17 58 65 85 101 115 123 131 148 199 209 210 211 223 254 257 258 261 267 268 269 274 275 282 283 289

Helicolestes hamatus Slender-billed Kite 1e 104 115 209 211 223 258 261 275 283

Harpagus bidentatus Double-toothed Kite 1e 92 93 180 193 221 223 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Harpagus diodon Rufous-thighed Kite 1e 254 268 274

Ictinia mississippiensis Mississippi Kite 1e 148 149 258 282 283

Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite 1e 58 101 135 180 221 243 254 256 258 268 269 274 275 283

Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard 1e 129

Butastur teesa White-eyed Buzzard 1e 214 260

Butastur liventer Rufous-winged Buzzard 1e 114

Butastur indicus Grey-faced Buzzard 1e 1f 118 157

Circus aeruginosus Eurasian Marsh-Harrier 1e 1f 5 49 128 156 165 190 212 242 244 263 270 279 281 287

Circus ranivorus African Marsh-Harrier 1f 15 49 129 279

Circus spilonotus Eastern Marsh-Harrier 1e 118

Circus spilonotus Eastern Marsh-Harrier 1e 118

Circus spilothorax Papuan Harrier nr

Circus approximans Swamp Harrier 1e 1q 26 26* 27 47 94 95 172 276 280 288

Circus maillardi Reunion Harrier 1e 175 194

Circus maillardi Reunion Harrier 1e 194

Circus macrosceles Madagascar Harrier 175

Circus buffoni Long-winged Harrier 1 1e 58 254 268 274 275

Circus assimilis Spotted Harrier 1e 26 26* 280 288

Circus maurus Black Harrier 1e 49 279

Circus cinereus Cinereous Harrier 1e 101 132 151 177 254 259 261 275 283

Circus cyaneus Northern Harrier 1e 1h 5 24 122 128 139 148 149 156 165 186 190 242 244 251 263 270 278 281 282 287 291

Circus cyaneus Hen Harrier 1e 5 128 165 190 242 244 263 270 281 287

Circus hudsonius Northern Harrier 1e 1h 24 122 139 148 149 156 186 251 278 282 291

Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier 1e 5 49 128 190 242 263 279 287

Circus melanoleucos Pied Harrier nr

Circus pygargus Montagu's Harrier 1e 5 49 128 165 190 214 242 244 263 270 279 281 287

Accipiter poliogaster Grey-bellied Hawk 1e 258 268 274 275 283

Accipiter trivirgatus Crested Goshawk 1e 1f 1n 3 114 260

Accipiter griseiceps Sulawesi Goshawk unrecorded

Accipiter toussenelii Red-chested Goshawk 1e 129

Accipiter toussenelii Red-chested Goshawk 129

Accipiter macroscelides West African Goshawk 1e 129

Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk 15 49 60 249 263 279 286

Accipiter castanilius Chestnut-flanked Sparrowhawk nr

Accipiter badius Shikra 1e 1f 15 49 112 112* 129 190 212 248 249 260 263 279 286

Accipiter butleri Nicobar Sparrowhawk unrecorded

Accipiter brevipes Levant Sparrowhawk 1e 5 165 190 242 244 263 270 287

Accipiter soloensis Chinese Sparrowhawk 1e 1f 157

Accipiter francesiae Frances’s Goshawk 175 194 240

Accipiter francesiae Frances’s Goshawk 194 240

Accipiter brutus Comoro Goshawk 175 194

Accipiter trinotatus Spot-tailed Goshawk 1e 1f 63

Accipiter hiogaster Variable Goshawk 1e 1f 61

Accipiter hiogaster Variable Goshawk 1e 1f 61

Accipiter griseogularis Grey-throated Goshawk nr

Accipiter novaehollandiae Grey Goshawk 1e 26 26* 97 98 170 171 280 288

Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk 1e 1f 26 26* 150 207 271 280 288

Accipiter fasciatus Brown Goshawk 1e 1f 26 26* 150 207 280 288

Accipiter natalis Christmas Island Goshawk 26 26* 271

Accipiter melanochlamys Black-mantled Goshawk unrecorded

Accipiter albogularis Pied Goshawk 1e 167

Accipiter haplochrous New Caledonia Goshawk 1e 172

Accipiter rufitorques Fiji Goshawk 1 1e

Accipiter henicogrammus Moluccan Goshawk 1e

Accipiter luteoschistaceus Slaty-mantled Goshawk unrecorded

Accipiter imitator Imitator Sparrowhawk unrecorded

Accipiter poliocephalus Grey-headed Goshawk unrecorded

Accipiter princeps New Britain Goshawk unrecorded

Accipiter superciliosus Tiny Hawk 1e 1f 101 115 180 193 209 211 223 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Accipiter collaris Semicollared Hawk 1e 100 116 193 228 230 247 275 283

Accipiter erythropus Red-thighed Sparrowhawk 1e 129

Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk 1e 15 49 129 279

Accipiter gularis Japanese Sparrowhawk 1e 118 157 242

Accipiter nanus Small Sparrowhawk 1e

Accipiter virgatus Besra 1e 1f 1n 112* 114 248 260

Accipiter erythrauchen Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk 1e

Accipiter cirrocephalus Collared Sparrowhawk 1e 26 26* 203 280 288

Accipiter brachyurus New Britain Sparrowhawk unrecorded

Accipiter rhodogaster Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk 1e 1f 75

Accipiter madagascariensis Madagascar Sparrowhawk 1e 194 240

Accipiter ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk 49 129 279

Accipiter nisus Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1 1e 1f 5 12 118 119 128 157 160 162 165 189 190 242 244 263 270 281 287

Accipiter rufiventris Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk 1e 49 129 279

Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk 1e 22 22* 24 58 116 122 139 147 148 149 151 156 186 193 206 230 250 251 261 263 266 268 274 275 278 282 283 291

Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk 22 22* 24 122 139 147 148 149 156 186 206 250 251 263 274 278 282 291

Accipiter chionogaster White-breasted Hawk 1e 266

Accipiter ventralis Plain-breasted Hawk 1e 116 151 193 230 261 275 283

Accipiter erythronemius Rufous-thighed Hawk 1e 58 268 275

Accipiter cooperii Cooper's Hawk 1e 1h 17 24 122 146 147 148 149 186 206 251 269 275 278 282 291

Accipiter gundlachi Gundlach's Hawk 1e 65

Accipiter bicolor Bicolored Hawk 1e 1f 52 93 180 209 210 211 223 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Accipiter bicolor Bicolored Hawk 1e 1f 52 93 180 209 210 211 223 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Accipiter guttifer Spotted Hawk 1e 254

Accipiter chilensis Chilean Hawk 254

Accipiter melanoleucus Black Goshawk 1e 15 49 129 263 279

Accipiter henstii Henst’s Goshawk 1e 136 194 240

Accipiter gentilis Northern Goshawk 1e 1f 1h 5 12 17 24 102 118 122 128 139 147 148 149 157 165 186 190 206 242 244 251 263 270 278 281 282 287 291

Accipiter meyerianus Meyer’s Goshawk unrecorded

Erythrotriorchis buergersi Chestnut-shouldered Goshawk unrecorded

Erythrotriorchis radiatus Red Goshawk 1 26 26* 97 280 288

Megatriorchis doriae Doria’s Goshawk 1e

Urotriorchis macrourus Long-tailed Hawk 1e 129

Milvus milvus Red Kite 1 1e 5 12 128 165 190 219 242 244 263 270 281 287

Milvus milvus Red Kite 1 1e 5 12 128 165 190 219 242 244 263 270 281 287

Milvus fasciicauda Cape Verde Kite nr

Milvus migrans Black Kite 1e 1f 1j 5 12 15 26* 27 49 60 103 118 128 129 156 157 162 165 190 194 219 229 242 244 249 260 263 270 279 280 281 286 287 288

Milvus migrans Black Kite 1e 1f 5 12 26* 27 60 128 162 165 190 194 242 244 249 260 263 270 279 280 281 287 288

Milvus lineatus Black-eared Kite 1e 1f 1j 118 157 219

Milvus aegyptius Yellow-billed Kite 1e 1f 15 49 103 129 194 229 249 263 279 286

Haliastur sphenurus Whistling Kite 1e 26 26* 27 172 263 280 288

Haliastur indus Brahminy Kite 1e 1f 26 26* 27 112 112* 114 167 216 235 248 260 280 288 290

Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle 1 1e 1f 26 26* 114 198 201 248 260 280 288 290

Haliaeetus sanfordi Sanford’s Sea-Eagle 1e

Haliaeetus vocifer African Fish-Eagle 1 1e 1f 15 49 60 89 110 129 168 190 249 263 279 286

Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar Fish-Eagle 1f 194

Haliaeetus leucoryphus Pallas's Fish-Eagle 1e 1f 114 190 260 263

Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle 1 1e 1f 17 23 24 122 123 139 146 148 149 156 186 251 263 278 282 291

Haliaeetus albicilla White-tailed Eagle 1 1e 5 9 118 128 157 165 190 242 244 263 270 287

Haliaeetus pelagicus Steller's Sea-Eagle 1 1e 118 157

Ichthyophaga humilis Lesser Fish-Eagle 1e 114

Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus Grey-headed Fish-Eagle 1e 1f 114 201 248 260 290

Geranospiza caerulescens Crane Hawk 1e 78 101 115 193 209 210 211 223 252 254 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea Plumbeous Hawk 1e 180 193 275 283

Buteogallus schistaceus Slate-coloured Hawk 1e 78 92 101 115 125 193 209 211 223 258 261 275 283

Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black Hawk 1e 1f 1g 1h 24 147 149 153 156 199 202 210 211 223 234 250 261 262 266 269 275 282 283

Buteogallus anthracinus Common Black Hawk 1e 1f 1g 1h 24 147 149 153 156 202 210 211 223 234 250 262 269 275 282

Buteogallus subtilis Mangrove Black Hawk 199 210 261 266 269 283

Buteogallus gundlachii Cuban Black Hawk 65

Buteogallus aequinoctialis Rufous Crab Hawk 1e 1f 268

Buteogallus urubitinga Great Black Hawk 1e 1f 93 101 104 115 144 163 193 199 209 210 211 221 223 252 254 256 258 261 268 269 274 275 283

Buteogallus meridionalis Savanna Hawk 1e 1f 58 101 115 193 199 202 209 211 223 254 256 261 268 269 274 275 283

Buteogallus lacernulatus White-necked Hawk 268 274

Buteogallus solitarius Solitary Eagle 1e 101 143 193 208 261 275 283

Buteogallus coronatus Crowned Eagle 1e 1f 254 268

Morphnarchus princeps Barred Hawk 1e 1g 93 100 116 187 193 230 261 269 275 283

Rupornis magnirostris Roadside Hawk 1e 1f 1m 38 46 57 58 71 100 101 104 115 121 125 144 155 163 180 193 209 210 211 221 223 226 230 243 252 254 256 257 258 261 262 264 266 267

268 269 274 275 283 284

Parabuteo unicinctus Harris' Hawk 1 1e 1f 24 101 147 149 177 185 193 199 223 254 261 263 268 269 274 275 282 283

Parabuteo leucorrhous White-rumped Hawk 1e 1f 100 101 116 143 163 193 223 230 247 254 261 268 274 275 283

Geranoaetus albicaudatus White-tailed Hawk 1e 24 101 149 223 254 256 261 268 269 274 275 282

Geranoaetus polyosoma Variable Hawk 1 1e 6 58 101 151 193 199 215 230 254 259 261 275 283

Geranoaetus polyosoma Red-backed Hawk 1 1e 6 58 101 151 193 199 215 230 254 259 261 275 283

Geranoaetus poecilochrous Puna Hawk 193 230

Geranoaetus exsul Juan Fernandez Hawk nr

Geranoaetus melanoleucus Black-chested Buzzard-eagle 1e 58 101 151 177 193 223 230 254 259 261 268 274 275 283

Pseudastur polionotus Mantled Hawk 1e 268 274

Pseudastur albicollis White Hawk 1e 93 101 230 256 258 261 262 269 275 283

Pseudastur occidentalis Grey-backed Hawk 1e 193 199 261 283

Leucopternis semiplumbeus Semiplumbeous Hawk 1e 1f 93 180 193 261 269 275 283

Leucopternis melanops Black-faced Hawk 1e 104 193 209 211 223 256 258 261 275 283

Leucopternis kuhli White-browed Hawk 1e 209 221 261

Buteo plagiatus Grey Hawk 1e 1f 1g 1m 24 38 147 149 210 243 262 266 269 282 284

Buteo nitidus Grey-lined Hawk 1e 1f 101 115 193 199 202 209 211 221 223 254 256 261 264 268 274 275 283

Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered Hawk 1e 1f 1h 17 23 24 123 148 149 186 205 251 263 278 282 291

Buteo ridgwayi Ridgway's Hawk 1e 1f 22 22*

Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk 1e 1f 23 24 65 100 115 116 148 153 156 193 205 209 210 211 223 234 247 250 254 261 266 269 275 282 283 291

Buteo solitarius Hawaiian Hawk 1e 117 117*

Buteo brachyurus Short-tailed Hawk 1e 123 199 200 254 258 268 274 282 283

Buteo albigula White-throated Hawk 1e 1f 151 254 275 283

Buteo swainsoni Swainson's Hawk 1e 1f 1h 23 24 122 148 149 186 251 263 269 274 275 282 291

Buteo galapagoensis Galapagos Hawk 1 14

Buteo albonotatus Zone-tailed Hawk 1e 24 147 149 185 193 199 258 261 266 268 269 274 275 282 283

Buteo ventralis Rufous-tailed Hawk 1e 254 259

Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed Hawk 1 1e 1f 1h 17 22 22* 23 24 65 122 139 140 148 149 156 186 205 206 250 251 263 269 278 282 291

Buteo lagopus Rough-legged Hawk 1 1e 5 12 24 99 122 128 139 149 165 190 231 242 244 263 270 281 282 287 291

Buteo regalis Ferruginous Hawk 1 1e 24 122 148 149 251 263 282 291

Buteo buteo Common Buzzard 1 1e 1f 5 9 12 15 49 99 118 119 128 157 160 165 189 190 242 249 263 270 279 281 286 287

Buteo buteo Common Buzzard 1 1e 1f 5 9 12 15 49 99 119 128 160 165 189 190 242 249 263 270 279 281 286 287

Buteo refectus Himalayan Buzzard 1e

Buteo japonicus Eastern Buzzard 1e 118 157

Buteo oreophilus Mountain Buzzard 1e 1f 129

Buteo trizonatus Forest Buzzard 1e 15 49 279 286

Buteo brachypterus Madagascar Buzzard 1e 1f 136 194 240

Buteo bannermani Cape Verde Buzzard nr

Buteo socotraensis Socotra Buzzard nr

Buteo rufinus Long-legged Buzzard 1e 5 12 49 109 128 165 190 242 244 263 270 279 287

Buteo hemilasius Upland Buzzard 1e 1f 242

Buteo auguralis Red-necked Buzzard 129

Buteo augur Augur Buzzard 1e 1f 49 129 249 279

Buteo archeri Archer’s Buzzard nr

Buteo rufofuscus Jackal Buzzard 1e 1f 15 49 279 286

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