7.2.3 Carbon Capture and Storage
1001. Bernstein,L., Lee,A., and Crookshank,S. 2006. Carbon dioxide capture and storage: A status report. Climate Policy 6:241-246.
1002. Goldberg,D.S., Takahashi,T. and Slagle,A.L. 2008. Carbon dioxide sequestration in deep-sea basalt. PNAS 105:9920-9925.
1003. Keleman,P.B. and Matter,J. 2008. In situ carbonation of peridotite for CO2 storage. PNAS 105:17295-17300.
1004. Lehmann,J. 2007. A handful of carbon. Nature 447:143-144.
1005. Stephens,J.C. and Keith,D.W. 2008. Assessing geochemical carbon management. CC 90:217-242.
1006. Wong-Parodi,G., Ray,I. and Farrell,A.E. 2008. Environmental non-government organizations’ perceptions of geologic sequestration. Environmental Research Letters 3 (2008) 024007.
7.2.4 Geoengineering
1007. Crutzen,P.J. 2006. Albedo enhancement by stratospheric sulfur injections: A contribution to resolve a policy dilemma? An editorial essay. CC 77:211-219.
1008. Lunt,D.J., Ridgwell,A., Valdes,P.J. and Seale,A. 2008. “Sunshade World”: A fully coupled GCM evaluation of the climatic impacts of geoengineering. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L12710, doi:10.1029/2008GL033674, 2008.
1009. Wigley,T.M.L. 2006. A combined mitigation/geoengineering approach to climate stabilization. Science 314:452-455.
1010. Bala,G., Duffy,P.B. and Taylor,K.E. 2008. Impact of geoengineering schemes on the global hydrological cycle. PNAS 105:7664-7669.
1011. Beig,G. 2008. Impact of geo-engineering on the ion composition of the stratosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L10812, doi:10.1029/2008GL033186, 2008.
1012. Bengtsson,L 2006. Geoengineering to confine climate change: Is it at all feasible? An editorial comment. CC 77:229-234.
1013. Cicerone,R.J 2006. Geoengineering: Encouraging research and overseeing implementation. An editorial comment. CC 77:221-226.
1014. Kiehl,J.T. 2006. Geoengineering climate change: Treating the symptom over the cause? An editorial comment. CC 77:227-228
1015. Lawrence,M.G. 2006. The geoengineering dilemma: To speak or not to speak. An editorial comment. CC 77:245-248.
1016. MacCracken,M.E. 2006. Geoengineering: Worthy of cautious evaluation? An editorial comment. CC 77:234-243.
1017. Robock,A. 2008. Whither geoengineering? Science 320:1166-1167.
1018. Robock, A., Oman,L. and Stenchikov,G.L. 2008. Regional climate responses to geoengineering with tropical and Arctic SO2 injections. JGR 113 D16101, doi:10.1029/2008JD010050, 2008.
1019. Tilmes,S., Müller,R. and Salawitch,R. 2008. The sensitivity of polar ozone depletion to proposed geo-engineering solutions. Science 320:1201-1204.
1020. Trenberth,K.E. and Dai,A. 2007. Effects of Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption on the hydrological cycle as an analog of geoengineering. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L15704, doi:10.1029/2007GL030524, 2007.
1021. Tuck,A.F., Donaldson,D.J., Hitchman,M.H. et al. 2008. On geoengineering with sulphate aerosols ion the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. CC 90:315-331.
1022. Kintisch,E. 2007. Should oceanographers pump iron? Science 318:1368-1371.
1023. Hamwey,R.M. 2007. Active amplification of the terrestrial albedo to mitigate climate change: An exploratory study. Mitigation and Adaptive Strategies for Global Change 12:419-439.
7.3 Adaptation
1024. Ayers,J.M. and Huq,S. 2008. The value of linking mitigation and adaptation: A case study of Bangledesh. Environmental Management 43:753-764.
1025. Bizikova,L., Robinson,J. and Cohen,S. 2007. Linking climate change and sustainable development at the local levels. Climate Policy 7:271-277.
1026. Burton,I., Bizikova,L., Dickinson,T. and Howard,Y. 2007. Integrating adaptation into policy: Upscaling evidence from local to global. Climate Policy 7:371-376.
1027. Jerneck,A. and Olsson,L. 2008. Adaptation and the poor: Development, resilence and transition. Climate Policy 8:170-182.
1028. Robinson,J., Bradley,M., Busby,P. et al. 2006. Climate change and sustainable development: Realizing the opportunity. Ambio 35:2-8.
1029. Smit,B. and Wandel,J. 2006. Adaptation, adaptive capacity and vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 16:282-292.
1030. Swart,R. and Raes,F. 2007. Making integration of adaptation and mitigation work: Mainstreaming into sustainable development policies. Climate Policy 7:288-303.
1031. Wilbanks,T.J. and Sathaye,J. 2007. Integrating mitigation and adaptation as a response to climate change: A synthesis. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12: 957-962.
1032. Challinor,A., Wheeler,T., Garforth,C. et al. 2007. Assessing the vulnerability of food crop systems in Africa to climate change. CC 83:381-399.
1033. Julia,R. and Duchin,F. 2007. World trade as the adjustment mechanism of agriculture to climate change. CC 82:393-407.
1034. McLeman, R. and Smit, B. 2006 Migration as an adaptation to climate change. CC 76:31-53).
1035. Tschakert,P. 2007. Views from the vulnerable: Understanding climatic change and other stressors in the Sahel. Global Environmental Change 17:381-396.
1036. Boonstra,R., Desantis,L., Krebs,C.J. and Hik,D.S. 2008. Climate and nutrient influences on the growth of white spruce trees in the boreal forests of the Yukon. Climate Research 36:123-130.
1037. Cohen,S., Neilson,D., Smith,S. et al. 2006. Learning with local help: Expanding the dialogue on climate change and water management in the Okanagan region, British Columbia, Canada. CC 75:331-358.
1038. Ogden,A.E. and Innis,J. 2007. Incorporating climate change adaptation considerations into forest management planning in the boreal forest. Int. Forestry Review 9:713-733.
1039. Ogden,A.E. and Innes,J.L. 2008. Climate change adaptation and regional forests planning in southern Yukon, Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 13:833-861.
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1042. Brassard,J.-P. and Singh,B. 2008. Impacts of climate change and CO2 increase on agricultural production and adaptation options for Southern Québec, Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation strategies for Global Change 13:241-265.
1043. Furgal,C., Prowse,T.D., Bonsal,B. et al. 2008. Northern Canada. In From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a changing climate 2007. Government of Canada, Ottawa. pp. 57-118.
1044. Hayley, D.W., and Horne, B. 2008. Rationalizing climate change for design of structures on permafrost : a Canadian perspective. In Proc. of Ninth International Conference on Permafrost.(D.L. Kane and K.M. Hinkel, eds). Fairbanks. Institute for Northern Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Vol.1, pp. 681-686.
1045. Scott,D. and McBoyle,G. 2007. Climate change adaptation in the ski industry. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12:1411-1431.
1046. Budreau,D. and McBean,G.A. 2007. Climate change, adaptive capacity and policy direction in the Canadian North: Can we learn anything from the collapse of the east coast cod fishery? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12:1305-1320.
1047. Ford,J., Pearce,T., Smit,B. et al. 2007. Reducing vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: The case of Nunavut, Canada. Arctic 60:150-166.
1048. Ford,J.D., Smit,B. and Wandel,J. 2007. Vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: A case study from Arctic Bay, Canada. Global Environmental Change 16:145-160.
1049. Furgal,C., and Sequin,J. 2006. Climate change, health and vulnerability in Canadian northern aboriginal communities. Environmental Health Perspectives 114:1964-1970.
1050. Laidler,G.L. 2006. Inuit and scientific perspectives on the relationship between sea ice and climate change: The ideal complement? CC 78: 407–444.
1051. Parkins,J.R. and MacKendrick, N.A. 2007. Assessing community vulnerability: A study of the mountain pine beetle outbreak in British Columbia, Canada. Global Environmental Change 17: 460-471.
1052. Greer,A., Ng,V. and Fisman,D. 2008. Climate change and infectious diseases in North America: The road ahead. Can. Med. Assoc. J 178:715-722.