Text Books on the Ada Programming Language The following is a list of Ada textbooks. This list is provided for reference information and does not constitute an endorsement

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Text Books on the Ada Programming Language The following is a list of Ada textbooks. This list is provided for reference information and does not constitute an endorsement. Send any additions to IITRI at ECLB, or call the Ada Information Clearinghouse at (703) 685-1477 or (315) 336-2359. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Programming With APSE Software Tools Author: Roy S. Freedman Publication date: May 1985 Publisher: PETROCELLI BOOKS, INC. Research Park 251 Wall Street Princeton, N.J. 08540 (609) 924-5851 Cost: $27.50 (hardcover) ISNB: 089433-220-1 Abstract: The book is divided into five sections, concerning (i) the general (Stoneman) requirements associated with an APSE, (ii) the control and invocation of APSE resources, (iii) the management of APSE databases, (iv) APSE runtime support for incomplete and distributed Ada programs, and (v) APSE support for Ada software portability. The book is presented from the viewpoint of an APSE user. Each of the 21 chapters conclude with an annotated set of references and a few exercizes for the reader. (253 pp.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ada: Language, Compilers, and bibliography Edited by M. W. Rogers, CEC IT Task Force, Brussels Publication date: 1984 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Cost: $17.95 ISBN:0-521-26464-2 Abstract: This refernce guide to Ada* will be indispensable to software engineers and programmers using Ada. It contains the reference manual for the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983), a set of guidelines for Ada compiler specification and selection, and a selective bibliography for Ada. (438 pp.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Methods and tools for compiler construction - An advanced course. Edited by B. Lorho, Universite' d'Orleans Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Cost: $49.50 ISBN: 0-521-26843-5 Abstract: This advanced course for computer scientists and engineers is designed to study the fundamental concepts of compilers. It presents the analytical tools and the necessary techniques used in the design of compilers and more generally in translation procedures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Life Cycle Support in the Ada Enviroment Written by: John A. McDermid and Knut Ripken Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 0-521-26042-6 Abstract: This book represents a first attempt at an integrated Ada Programming Support Environment (APSE) based on coherent methods covering all stages of the Software Life-Cycle. The environment supports programmers, software engineers and their managers with harmoniously cooperating toolsets. It presents a detailed life-cycle model, iscusses a management philosophy compatible with that model, and gives an experimental assessment of individual methods. (247 pp.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Portability and Style in Ada Edited by: John Nissen and Peter Wallis Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 0-521-26482-0 Abstract: This book contains two guides, one of the portability of Ada programs and one on Ada programming style. The guides are the result of work by the Ada-Europe Portability Working Group and represent the combined expertise of some of the leading authorities on Ada. To facilitate use of the guides, the chapters and section numbers correspond to those in the Reference Manual for Ada Programming Language (ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A,1983) (202 pp.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Understanding Ada By: Kenneth C. Shumate Publication Date: January 1984 Publisher: Harper & Row Publishing Co. 10 East 53rd St, Suite 3D New York, NY 10022 Cost: $18.22 ISBN: 0060461330 ABSTRACT: An Ada expert introduces the language for beginning programmers and technical managers. Comprehensive and comprehensible. ****************************************************************************** Title: Ada: An Advanced Introduction Including Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language. By: Narain Gehani Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappan Road Old Tappan, NJ 07675 Cost: $29.95 ISBN: 013003996-7 ABSTRACT: Written for readers with a knowledge of at least one programming language (Pascal, C, PL/I, Algol, Fortran, etc.), this volume focuses primarily on the novel aspects of Ada -- data encapsulation, concurrency, generic facilities, exception handling and others. ANSI Standard Ada is used in the book. All programs have been tested on the NYU Ada Compiler. Interesting differences between Ada and other programming languages are noted. Stepwise refinement is used to develop programs so that the reader can easily understand design and development. ****************************************************************************** Title: Introduction to Ada By: David Price Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappan Road Old Tappan, N.J. 07675 Cost: $22.95 ISBN: 013-477653-4 ABSTRACT: An introductory guide to the Ada programming language, appropriate for readers with all levels of programming experience. The text's tutorial structure starts with essential concepts and proceeds logically to more advanced features. All concepts are explained in clear, understandable terms. Extensive examples -- sample programs and program fragments -- illustrate Ada usage. Uses the most recent definition of Ada language (1982 Department of Defense Standard). ****************************************************************************** Title: The Programming Languages, Pascal, Modula, CHILL and Ada By: C.H. Smedema, P. Medema and M. Boasson Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappen Road Old Tappan, N.J. 07675 Cost: $16.95 ISBN: 0137-729756-4 *********************************************************************** The Ada Companion Series By: European Editorial Board Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 510 North Avenue New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 Title: Life Cycle Support in an Ada Environment By: McDermid & Ripken Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 0-521-26042-6 ABSTRACT: "This book represents a first attempt at an integrated Ada Programming Support Environment (APSE) based on coherent methods covering all stages of the Software Life-cycle. The environment supports programmers, software engineers, ant their managers with harmoniously cooperating toolsets. The system was designed by System Designer Ltd., and TECSI-Software with the support of the Commission of the European Communities. It presents a detailed life-cycle model, discusses a management philosophy compatible with that model, and gives an experimental assessment of individual methods." Title: Portability and Style in Ada By: Nissen & Wallis Cost: $24.95 ISBN: 0-521-26482-0 ABSTRACT: "This book contains two guides, one on the portability of Ada programs and one on Ada programming style. The guides are the result of work by the Ada-Europe Portability Working Group and represent the combined expertise of some of the leading authorities on Ada. In the design of Ada, compromises were made between portability and freedom of the compiler implementor; also there are features in Ada that allow the programmer access to machine representations.The protability guide discusses the nescessary restrictions on the use of Ada so that truly portable programs can be written. Although Ada is a significant step forward in the encouragement of good programming practice, it is a large language, and so guidance is needed on how best to use the many features. The style guide is concerned with how Ada should be used to contribute towards legibility, maintainability, and correctness of programs. To facilitate use of the guides, the chapters and section numbers correspond to those in the Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A. 1983)." ****************************************************************************** Title: Ada Programming Structures With An Introduction To Structured Concurrent Programming By: George Cherry Publication Date: November 1983 Publisher: Reston Publishing Company 11480 Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 22090 Cost: $15.95 ISBN: 0835901513 *********************************************************************** Title: An Introduction to Ada Paper By: V. Young Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, NY 10158 Cost: $26.96 ISBN: 0-27350-X ****************************************************************************** Title: An Introduction to Ada By: Stephen Young Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158 Cost: $29.95 ISBN: 0-470-27551-0 ABSTRACT: The contents of this new book includes chapters on the structure of an Ada program ; notation; discrete data types, subprograms, structured data types; discriminated types; access types, generic program units; real data types and low level programming. ****************************************************************************** Title: Ada for Programmmers By: Olsen & Whitehill Publication Date: March 1983 Publisher: Reston Publishing Company 11480 Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 22090 Cost: $20.95 ISBN: 0835901491 *********************************************************************** Title: Beginning Programming With Ada By: Saxon & Fritz Publication Date: March 1983 Publisher: Prentice Hall-Reston Books 11480 Sunset Hills Road Reston, Virginia 22090 Cost: $16.95 (PB) ISBN: 0171688 ************************************************************************ Title: Program Verification Using Ada By: A. D. McGettrick Publication date: August, 1982 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 510 North Avenue New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 Cost: $42.50 (HB) $18.50 (PB) ISBN: 0-521-24215-0 (HB) 0-521-28531-3 (PB) ABSTRACT: "This book discusses all the important facets of program verification and guides the reader to a full knowledge and appreciation of its benefits. It uses the new programming language Ada, adopted by the US Department of Defense as the language of choice, to express programs and support other disscussions." "All the apsects of Ada necessary to understand program verification are introduced as they are needed. The topic has recently gained in importance because of the increasing sophistication of software and the growing dependence on computers." ************************************************************************ Title: Ada: An Introduction (Second Edition) By: Henry Ledgard Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. P.O. Box 2485 Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Cost: $14.95 (PB) ISBN: 0-387-90814-5 ABSTRACT: "Written just one month after the DoD language was revised... concentrates on the numerous changes in standards, incorporating much of the material from the reference..." ************************************************************************ Title: Ada: An Advanced Introduction By: Narain Gehani Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappan Road Old Tappan, N.J. 07675 Cost: $19.95 (PB) ISBN: 0-13-003962-4 ABSTRACT: "...is especially written for readers with a knowledge of a programming language such as Pascal, C. PL/1,ALGOL 60, or Fortran...(The author) points out interesting differences between Ada and other programming languages." ************************************************************************** Title: Programming in Ada By: Richard Wiener and Richard Sincovec Publication Date: March, 1983 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Ave. New York, N.Y. 10158 Cost: $25.95 ISBN: 0-471-87089-7 ABSTRACT: The primary goal of this book is to introduce and illustrate the major features of a new programming language, Ada. Ada builds on many concepts of Pascal and PL/1, it is not assumed that the reader has programmed in either of these languages, but that he has some prior programming experience in a least one high level language such as Fortran, Basic or Pascal. ************************************************************************** Title: Software Engineering With Modula-2 and Ada By: W. Wiener Publication Date: February 1984 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158 Cost: $24.90 ISBN: 0-741-89014-6 ABSTRACT: Object-oriented design and modular software construction are emphasized. The practical state-of-the-art approach emphasizes application rather than theory and the "Modular Design Chart" supports users efforts at practical design. ************************************************************************** Title: Programming Embedded Systems with Ada By: V.A. Downes and S.J. Goldsack Publication Date: 1982 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappen Road Old Tappen, N.J. 07675 Cost: $30.00 (PB) ISBN: 0-13-730010-7 *************************************************************************** Title: Software Engineering with Ada By: Grady Booch Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company 2727 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, California 94025 Cost: $22.95 ISBN: 0-8053-0600 ************************************************************************** Title: Studies in Ada Style (Second Edition) By: Peter Hibbard, Andy Hisgen, Jonathan Rosenberg, Mary Shaw and Mark Sherman Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Springer-Verlag P.O. Box 2485 Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Cost: $11.95 ISBN: 0-387-90816-1 ABSTRACT: The first part of this book traces programming languages back to their roots and then through the modern counterparts, such as Ada. The last part examines five problems to be programmed using Ada and discusses how Ada affects various design decisions. ******************************************************************* Title: Programming in Ada (Second Edition) By: J.G.P. Barnes Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 Cost: $19.95 ISBN: 0-201-13799-2 ABSTRACT: This book was written for practicing programmers of embedded computer systems, giving a full presentation of the power of Ada to those whose working environment will be greatly changed by it during the next few years. Other readers will include programmers of non-embedded systems, for whom most of the facilities will be relevant, and teachers of programming. ******************************************************************* Title: The Ada Programming Language By: Ian C. Pyle Publication Date: 1981 Publisher: Prentice-Hall 200 Old Tappan Road Old Tappan, N.J. 07675 Cost: $18.95 ISBN: 0-13-003921-7 Abstract: Incorporating all the facilities of Ada and the latest developments in the language, this textbooks provides a comprenhensive introduction to the new language, which was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense. Particular stress is placed upon its use in the programming of real-time or embedded computer systems. The book is suitable for programmers or students who are familiar with such high level languages as Fortran, Pascal and PL/1. ******************************************************************* Title: Towards a Formal Description of Ada Lecture Notes in Computer Science #98 By: D. Bjorner and O.N. Oest Publication Date: 1980 Publisher: Springer-Verlag P.O. Box 2485 Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Cost: $29.00 ISBN: 3-540-10283-3 Abstract: The aim of this volume is to present the arguments, some of the experiments, and the thoughts that were part of the project whose result is also presented: namely the construction of a formal, basically denotational semantics definition of Ada. The volume also contributes to the field of Computer Architectures, by illustrating how one can systematically "derive" a formal definition of a multi-processor computer architecture "optimally" suited for the concurrent eexecution of Ada tasks. ******************************************************************* Title: An Attribute Grammar for the Semantic Analysis of Ada Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 139 By: J. Uhl, S. Drossopoulou, G. Persch et. al. Publication Date: June, 1982 Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc., P.O. Box 2485 Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Cost: $23.10 ISBN: 3-540-11571-4 ABSTRACT: This book contains an attribute grammar specifying the static semantics of Ada, together with an explanatory introduction. This attribute grammar describes the Semantics of Ada, as published in July, 1980. ******************************************************************* Title: Problem Solving With Ada By: Brian Mayoh Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: John Wiley and Sons 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158 Cost: $17.90 ISBN: 0471-886920 ******************************************************************* Title: Ada A Programmers Conversion Course By: Michael J. Stratford-Collins Publication Date: June 1982 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (Halsted Press Division) 605 Third Avenue New York, N.Y. 10158 Cost: $48.95 ISBN: 0470-273321 Abstract: This book presents an introduction to Ada for all computing professionals. The books offers an analysis of a simple program fragment and investigates the control structures available to the Ada programmer (i.e. loop, whioe, for, exit, if, case, goto and raise) which are used to change the sequence of the statement execution from the normal line-by-line pattern. The themes of data abstraction and representation are expanded; a chapter is devoted to procedures and functions and an exploration is made of Ada's features and packages and their effects on the visibility and scoping rules. ******************************************************************* Title: Problem Solving Principles for Ada Programmers: Applied Logic, Psychology, and Grit (Ada Version #5211) By: William E. Lewis Publication Date: 1982 Publisher: Hayden Book Company, Inc. 50 Essex St. (Dept #CD 82) Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 Cost: $9.95 ISBN: 081045211-1 ******************************************************************* Title: Programming Concepts With the Ada Language By: Roy S. Freedman Publication Date: 1982 Publisher: Petrocelli Books, Inc. 1101 State Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Cost: $12.00 ISBN: 089433-190-6 ******************************************************************* Title: Programming with Ada: An Introduction by Means of Graduated Examples By: Peter Wegner Publication Date: 1980 Publisher: Prentice-Hall International 200 Old Tappan Road Tappan, N.J. 07675 Cost: $25.00 ISBN: 0-13-73-0697-0 ******************************************************************* Title: Invitation to Ada and Ada Reference Manual By: Harry Katzan, Jr. Publication Date: 1982 Publisher: Petrocelli Books, Inc. 1101 State Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Cost: $32.95 ISBN: 0-89433-1329 ABSTRACT: Initiated and developed by the military for numerical applications, systems programming and real-time programs, the programming language Ada has been adopted by the US Department of Defense. In addition to explaining the features, subprogram modularity and concurrency of the Ada language, the author emphasizes classical programming and good programming practice. Ada incorporates the features of a classical algorithmic language, such as Pascal, Algol or PL/1, and the ability to model the con- current execution of parallel tasks and service hardware and software exceptions. ******************************************************************* Title: Ada For Experienced Programmers By: A. Nico Habermann & Dewayne E. Perry Publication Date: 1983 Publisher: Addison Wesley Jacob Way Reading, MA 01867 Cost: $19.95 ISBN: 0-201-11481-X **************************************************************************** Title: Tutorial: The Ada Programming Language By: Sabina H. Saib & Robert E. Fritz Publication Date: February 1983 Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press 1109 Spring Street Silver Spring, Md 20910 Cost: IEEE members $22.50 / non-members $30.00 ISBN: 0-8186-0456-5 ABSTRACT: This tutorial brings together many early papers on the Ada language and its environment. It also contains tutorial papers describing the language's most important aspects--especially those that apply to real-time embedded systems, an area that has suffered from a lack of high-level languages and an area the DoD designed Ada to address. ****************************************************************************** Title: THE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Ada, Volume # 155 By: Henry Ledgard Publication Date: 1984 Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Inc. P.O. Box 2485 Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Cost: $13.50 ISBN: 12328-8 ****************************************************************************** Title: Ada: Language, Compilers and Bibliography By: M. W. Rogers CEC IT Task Force, Brussels Publication Date: August, 1984 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, N. Y. 10022 Cost: $17.95 ISBN: 0-521-26464-2 Abstract: "This book provides essential reference material for those involved in the application of software engineering concepts using Ada. It consists of three components: 1. The reference manual for the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL- STD-1815A-1983) 2. Guidelines for Ada compiler specification and selection. This guide has been produced by a number of leading experts involved in implementing Ada compilers. It lists the character- istics of an implementation that should be taken into account in the specification or selection of an Ada compiler. 3. A selective bibliography for Ada. This well-structured bibliography lists the principle works on Ada, covering all aspects from the history and evolution of the language to the latest thinking on the many features combined for the first time in Ada. This is a reference volume that should never be far from the workbench of the serious software enginer or programmer using Ada." ****************************************************************************** Title: Methods and Tools for Compiler Construction By: B. Lorho Universite d'Orleans Publication Date: August 1984 Publisher: Cambridge University Press 32 East 57th Street New York, N.Y. 10022 Cost: $49.50 ISBN: 0-521-26843-5 Abstract: "This advanced course for computer scientists and engineers is designed to study the fundamental concepts of compilers. It presents the analytical tools and the necessary techniques used in the design of compilers and more generally in translation procedures. The book also examines the state of the art in compiler construction and discusses new perspectives in automatic compiler systems (meta-compilers). A case study concerning Ada compilation is included. It discusses Ada specification problems, modular compilation of Ada, the codification of Ada compilers, and aid systems. The book itself consists of sixteen papers presented at an advanced course sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities and the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique. The course was held in Rocquencourt in December 1983. Two of the papers refer directly to Ada: J. Teller, "Production Quality Ada Compilers" and J.C. Heliard, "Compiling Ada." ****************************************************************************** End of Textbooks

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