The fife council central fife area common good sub-committee kirkcaldy

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Report No. 417

Central Area Services Committee

28th January, 2005

Agenda Item No. 4

04.C.C.G. 10


16th December, 2004 2.00 p.m. - 3.10 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillors Margot Doig (Chair), Fraser Ballantyne, Irene Connelly, Fiona Grant, William Leggatt and Alice Soper
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Ron Edwards
ATTENDING: Eileen Rowand - Local Services Accounting Team Leader and Steve Thompson - Committee Administrator

ABSENCE: Councillor Andrew Paterson

The Sub-Committee considered a report dated 8th December, 2004 by the Local Services Accounting Team Leader (Report No. 406) showing the funds available for distribution in 2004/05 from the Burntisland and Kinghorn Common Good Funds.
The Sub-Committee noted the report.


  1. Burntisland 2020 Development Trust - Renewal of Lease of 96 High Street (Previous Minute Reference: Paragraph 10(d) of 04.C.C.G. 5)

The Sub-Committee considered a letter dated 14th December, 2004 from Alan Smart, Company Secretary, Burntisland 2020 Development Trust (Report No. 415) requesting that the Trust's lease of the premises at 96 High Street, Burntisland be renewed on the terms and conditions previously agreed.

The Sub-Committee agreed to hear Mr. Smart who responded to various questions put by members and explained the reasons for the delay in the occupation of the premises. He indicated that the building was currently used once a month for Board meetings although it was hoped to develop the premises as a resource centre which could be used by other local community groups in the town.
The Sub-Committee agreed as follows, subject to the approval of Burntisland Community Council -

  1. to extend the lease of the premises for a further year on a rent free basis;

04.C.C.G. 11

  1. that a sum of £50 per quarter be paid by the Trust in respect of electricity charges; and

  2. to note that any proposals to share the use of the building with other local organisations would require to be submitted to this Sub-Committee for consideration.

Councillor Leggatt moved that the request by the Trust to extend the lease be refused. The motion failed to find a seconder and Councillor Leggatt requested that his dissent be recorded.

Councillor Edwards joined the meeting during consideration of this item.

  1. Burntisland Playgroup

The Sub-Committee considered an application from Burntisland Playgroup for financial assistance towards running costs (Report No. 409), along with a letter dated 14th November, 2004 from the Secretary, Burntisland Community Council expressing support for the grant application (Report No. 410).

Eileen Rowand indicated that she had recently been advised by the Playgroup that they had managed to secure funding from alternative sources and now wished to withdraw the application for grant although it was possible that the Playgroup might wish to submit an application for funding at a future date once they had prepared their business plan.
The Sub-Committee noted that the application had been withdrawn.

  1. Burntisland Heritage Trust - Renewal of Lease of 2/4 Kirkgate (Previous Minute Reference : Paragraph 10(a) of 04.C.C.G. 4)

The Sub-Committee considered a letter dated 3rd December, 2004 from the Secretary and Trustee, Burntisland Heritage Trust requesting that the Trust's lease of the property at 2/4 Kirkgate be renewed for a further year (Report No. 414).

The Sub-Committee approved the extension of the lease on a rent free basis for a further year, subject to the approval of Burntisland Community Council.


(a) Kinghorn Town Hall (Previous Minute Reference : Paragraph 7 of 04.C.C.G. 3)
The Sub-Committee considered a report by the Local Services Accounting Team Leader (Report No. 407) giving an update on work carried out to Kinghorn Town Hall to secure and allow access to the building prior to the commencement of restoration works. It was indicated that during the course of the work, a number of matters of concern had been expressed by the engineer relating to the stability of the building and it was anticipated that an additional sum of £43,000 would be required to ensure safe access to the building. Further funding of £5,000 had, therefore, been sought from the Common Good towards the costs involved.
The Sub-Committee agreed to make a further contribution of £5,000 towards the cost of the work required to allow safe access to the building, subject to the approval of Kinghorn Community Council.

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(b) Land at Mid Myre - Assignation of Lease
The Sub-Committee considered a report by the Local Services Accounting Team Leader (Report No. 408) outlining the background to the lease of 1.8 acres of land at Mid Myre, Kinghorn to Mr. Archibald Page. It was indicated that the ground was leased to Mr. Page at a nominal rent of £100 per annum on the understanding that the land was used to grow produce, including fruit and vegetables, for sale at a reduced rate, on a non-profit making basis, to local residents. The operation had been taken over by Mr. Martin Melvin who had requested that the lease be assigned to him on the same basis as previously agreed for Mr. Page.
The Sub-Committee agreed that the lease be transferred to Mr. Melvin on the existing terms and conditions and renewed for a further period of one year, subject to the approval of Kinghorn Community Council.


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