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Levi, B.G. New Technology Telescope actively corrects for misalignments. Physics Today 43:5 (May 1990) 17-18.

Lewis, R. The Publication of John Wilkins' Essays (1668): Some Contextual Considerations. Notes & Records of the Royal Society 56:2 (2002) 133-146. (early R.S. publications)

Lewis, T. Double Star Astronomy: Eyepieces, Magnifying Powers, etc. The Observatory 39 (May 1916) 219-223.

Leybourn, William. The art of dialling. London: printed for Thomas Braddyll, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1681. A supplement to geometrical dialling. London: printed for Thomas Sawbridge, at the Three Flower-de-luces in Little-Britain, 1689 W.L.: 1626-1716.

Leybourn, William. Cursus mathematicus, Mathematical sciences. London: Printed for Thomas Basset, Benjamin Tooke, Thomas Sawbridge, Awnsham and John Churchill, 1690. W.L.: 1626-1716. 635p,97megs. dialing scales 715-9; reflective dials 721-2; analemma 420-425, astronomy 355-425 & 731-891, diagrams 396-406, sun 444, comets 450, parallax 747.

Leybourn, William. Dialing, plain, concave, convex, projective, reflective, refractive. London: Printed for Awnsham Churchill ..., 1682. W.L.: 1626-1716. (refractive = water vessel) pp89 ff, Geometrical Dialing Demonstrated. pp99, Instrumental Dialing.

Leybourn, William. An introduction to astronomy and geography. London: Printed by J.C. for Robert Morden and William Berry ..., 1675. W.L.: 1626-1716.

Leybourn, William. The line of proportion or numbers, commonly called Gunters line, made easie, By the which may be measured all manner of superficies and solids, as board, glass, pavement, timber, stone, &c. Also, how to perform the same by a line of equal parts, drawn from the centre of a two-foot-rule. Whereunto is added the use of the line of proportion improved: whereby all manner of superficies and solids, may both exactly and speedily be measured, without the help of pen or compasses, by inspection, looking only upon the ruler. The second edition corrected, and somewhat enlarged by William Leybourn., London : printed by J.S. and are to be sold by George Sawbridge living on Clerken-well-Green, 1668.

Leybourn, William. The line of proportion, commonly called Gunter's line, made easie a second part, with the addition of other lines, which may conveniently be put upon a two-foot rule and their uses exemplified / by Wil. Leybourn ... ; to which is added a supplement, containing the description and some uses, of a convenient two-foot joynt-rule ... by John Brown., London : Printed by W.L. and T.J. for George Sawbridge, 1677. W.L.: 1626-1716.

Leybourn, William. Panorganon, or, A universal instrument performing all such conclusions geometrical and astronomical as are usually wrought by the globes, spheres, sectors, quadrants, planispheres, or other the like instruments yet in being, with ease and exactness. W.L.: 1626-1716. London : Printed for William Birch ..., 1672.

Lianhe, Wang. The ancient Japanese lunisolar office and the ancient calendar. Vistas in Astronomy 31 (1988) 811-817.

Libert, L. Lucien. Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert.

L'Eclipse partielle de Soleil du 28 Juin 1908. Series 1, Vol. 1 (1908) pp1-4.

Une Nuit a L'Observatoire du Puy de Dome. Series 1, Vol. 3 (n.d.) pp1-4.

(Sunspots, Mailhat) Series 2, Vol. 3.

Observatoires populaires et prives. Series 2, Vol. 4 (1902) pp67-75. (Rouen, Mailhat transit. M.Caron, de Liellebonne, Mailhat equatorial.)

Lightholder, John. A 22-Inch Portable Telescope. Amateur Telescope Making Journal #12 (1999) 7-9. (Reprinted, The Best of Amateur Telescope Making Journal, edited by William J. Cook, Richmond, Willman-Bell, 2003)

Lilge, A.W. A Herschelian Telescope for Lunar and Planetary Observing. Sky & Telescope (Aug. 1959) 582. (coelostat / heliostat / siderostat)

Lilly, William. Strange news from the east, or, A sober account of the comet or blazing-star that has been seen several mornings of late. London: Printed for B.H., 1677. W.L.:1602-1681.

Lindberg, David C. New Light on an Old Story: Book review, Vasco Ronchi, The Nature of Light: An Historical Survey. Isis 62:4 (Winter 1971) 522-524.

Lindberg, Sten G. Mobiles in Books: Volvelles, inserts, pyramids, divinations, and children's games. Private Library 2:2 (Summer 1979) 49-82.

Lindsay, E.M. The Astronomical Instruments of H.M. King George III presented to Armagh Observatory. Irish Astronomical Journal 9:3 (1969) 57-68.

Lindsay, Lord, & David Gill. On a New Driving-Clock for Equatorials. M.N.R.A.S. 34 (1873) 35-38. (Cooke)

Line, Francis. An appendix to Clavis horologiae, or, An explication of the pyramidical dyal set up in His Majesties garden at White-Hall, anno 1669. [London]: Printed at Liege, by Guillaume Street, in the year of our Lord 1673, and reprinted at London, 1685. L.R.: 1595-1675.

Linfoot, E.H. An application of the Schmidt principle to microscopy. Journal of Scientific Instruments 15:12 (December 1938) 405-406. (lap of lead)

Linfoot, E.H. Astigmatism under the Foucault test Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 105 (1945) 193-199.

Linfoot, E.H. On the Optics of the Schmidt Camera. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 109 (1949) 279-297.

Linfoot, E.H. The Schmidt-Cassegrain Systems and Their Application to Astronomical Photography. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 104 (1944) 48-64.

Linfoot, E.H. On Some optical systems employing aspherical surfaces. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 103 (1943) 210-221.

Linfoot & Wolf. On Telescopic Star Images. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 112 (1952) 157. (pdf)

Linnik, V.P. Kepler's works in the field of optics. Vistas in Astronomy 18 (1975) 809-817.

Lippincott, Sarah Lee. Observations of seeing: Experiments near the dome of the sproul 24-inch refractor. Vistas in Astronomy 6 (1965) 125-129.
Lister, Joseph Jackson. On Some Properties in Achromatic Object-Glasses Applicable to the Improvement of the Microscope. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 120 (1830) 187-200. ("I intend soon to put to the test of experiment, whether or not the principle of the two aplanatic pencils may be applied to telescopes" p200)

Littrow, Professor. On Barlow's new telescopes. Astronomical Society of London. Communications read. #29 (June 11, 1830) 188.

Liveing, E. H. On a portable star finder for altitude and azimuth telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 39 (Dec. 1878) 91-96.

Livesey, R.J. Visual Spectroscopy. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 96:2 (Feb. 1986) 84-87.

Livingston, W., & L. Barr. Proposed Upgrade of the McMath Solar/Stellar Telescope to a 4-Meter Aperture. pp604-612. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun. Proceedings of the 7th Cambridge Workshop. A.S.P. Conference Series Vol. 26. San Francisco: A.S.P., 1992.

Livingston, William. Solar Feeds. Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics. November 2000.

Lloyd, Claude. Shadwell and the Virtuosi. PMLA 44:2 (June 1929) 472-494. (Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America)

Lock, Jeffrey. Construction Details of Rittenhouse Compasses. Professional Surveyor Magazine (December 2001) 28-34.

Lock, Jeffrey. 18th Century Colonial Methods of Dividing the Needle Ring of a Surveyor's Compass. Rittenhouse 18:1 (June 2004) 1-11. (Reprinted, The American Surveyor, Sept.-Oct. 2004)

Lock, Jeffrey. Rowland Houghton's Theodolate. The American Surveyor Magazine 1 (2004)

Lock, Jeffrey. Thomas Greenough's Four Vaned Theodolite. The American Surveyor (May-June Issue, 2004).

Locke, J.L. Recent Developments of Radio Astronomy in Canada. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 61 (Oct. 1967) 324-338.

Locke, J. L. Report on construction of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 71 (Feb. 1977) 9-20.

Lockyer, J. Norman. On the Causes which Produce the Phenomena of New Stars. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A 182 (1891) 397-448. (Novae. meteoritic theory, some stars are swarms of meteorites. history, theory, spectra)

Lockyer, J. Norman & G.M. Seabroke. On a New Method of Viewing the Chromosphere. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 21 (1872-1873) 105-107.

Lockyer, J. Norman. Preliminary Report on the Results Obtained with the Prismatic Cameras during the Total Eclipse of the Sun, April 16, 1893. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A 185 (1894) 711-717. (6 inch Henry photographic objective. 3 inch Dallmeyer doublet, siderostat fed. camera with prism in front of objective.)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Remarks on the Recent Eclipse of the Sun as Observed in the United States. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 18 (1869-1870) 179-183. (used tourmaline to observe polarization in continuous spectrum from corona)

Lockyer, J. Norman & Arthur Schuster. Report on the Total Solar Eclipse of April 6, 1875. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 169 (1878) 139-154. (prismatic camera. illustrations of totality)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in Connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 163 (1873) 253-275. (laboratory analysis)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in Connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun. No. II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 163 (1873) 639-658. (laboratory analysis)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in Connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun. No. III. The Bakerian Lecture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 164 (1874) 479-494.

Lockyer, J. Norman. Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in Connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun. No. IV. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 164 (1874) 805-813. (laboratory analysis)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in Connexion with the Spectrum of the Sun. No. V. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 172 (1881) 561-576.

Lockyer, J. Norman & G. M. Seabroke. Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 165 (1875) 577-586. (illustrations prominence)

Lockyer, J. Norman. Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun. No. II. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 159 (1869) 425-444. (observations of prominences with spectroscope; earlier observations during eclipses)

Lockyer, Norman. Total Eclipse of the Sun, May 28, 1900. Account of the Observations Made by the Solar Physics Observatory Eclipse Expedition and the Officers and Men of H.M.S. "Theseus," at Santa Pola, Spain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 198 (1902) 375-415. (p406, prismatic camera; 4 inch Cooke PV objective, Taylor's patent, 16 feet focal length, f64. Images prominences.)

(Lockyer) Campbell, W.W. Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer, 1836-1920. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 32 (Oct. 1920) 265-268.

(Lockyer) Cortie, A.L. Sir Norman Lockyer, 1836-1920. Astrophysical Journal 53:4 (May 1921) 233-248.

Lockyer, William J.S. The Spectroheliograph of the Solar Physics Observatory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 65 (1905) 473-486. (12 inch Cooke P-V; siderostat; solar)

Loedeman, Janhein. Nothing is as Practicable as Sound Theory! Really? An “outsider’s” view on Ken Alder’s book, The Measure of All Things. American Surveyor 2:1 (Jan./Feb. 2005). (design & use of repetition circle)

Loewen, Erwin G. Current and future grating technology. Vistas in Astronomy 29:2 (1986) 223-236. (spectroscopy)

Loewy, M. & M. Stephan. Determination de la Difference des Longitudes entre Paris-Marseille et Alger-Marseille. Tome Premier des Travaux de l'Observatoire de Marseille, 1878. pp1-23, methods, instruments.

Logsdon, John M., General Editor. Exploring the Unknown, Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program. Volume 3, Using Space. Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1998. (May 2005) 626pp.

Logsdon, John M., General Editor. Exploring the Unknown, Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program. Volume 4, Accessing Space. Washington, D.C.: NASA, 1999. (May 2005) 712pp.

Logsdon, John M., General Editor. Exploring the Unknown, Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program. Volume 6, Space and Earth Science. Washington, DC: NASA, 2004. (May 2005) 780pp.

Lohne, J.A. The fair fame of Thomas Harriott. Rigaud versus Baron von Zach. Centaurus 8 (1963) 69-84.

Lohne, J.A. Kepler and Harriot-their search for a law of refraction. Vistas in Astronomy 18 (1975) 857-858.

Lohne, J.A. A Note on Hariott's Scientific Works. Centaurus 7 (1961) 220-221.

Lohne, Johs. A. Thomas Harriott (1560-1621): The Tycho Brahe of optics, Preliminary notice. Centaurus 6 (1959) 113-121. Jan. 2005.

Lohse, J. Gerhard. New Double Image Micrometer. Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Glasgow, 1902. pp152-173. (heliometer)

Loibl, B. Hartmann tests on large telescopes carried out with a small screen in a pupil image. Astronomy and Astrophysics 91:3 (Nov. 1980) 265-268.

Lokken, Roy N. Cadwallader Colden's Attempt to Advance Natural Philosophy beyond the Eighteenth-Century Mechanistic Paradigm. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 122:6 (Dec. 18, 1978) 365-376.

Longair, M.S., H.A. Brück & M.T. Brück. Centenary of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 1888-1988. Vistas in Astronomy 32:3 (1988) 201-214.

Longair, M.S. The Space Telescope and its opportunities. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 20 (March 1979) 5-28.

Longhurst, R.S. The Astigmatic Correction of Telescopes. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 64:8 (1 August 1951) 713-717. (p713, binoculars)

(Loomis) Fleming, James Rodger. Loomis, Elias. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Lorch, R.P. The astronomical instruments of Jabir ibn Aflah and the torquetum. Centaurus 20 (1976) 11-34.

Lorch, R.P. The Sphera Solida and related instruments. Centaurus 24 (1980) 153-161.

Lord, C.J.R. The Barlow Lens. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 92 (10/1982) 280

Lord, H. C. The Spectroscope of the Emerson Mcmillin Observatory. Astrophysical Journal 4 (June 1896) 50-53, plates.

(Lord, H.) Shor, Elizabeth Noble. Lord, Henry Curwen. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Lothian, G.F. Optics & its Uses. N.Y.: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975. pp35-41, Telescopes.

Lovell, Bernard. Herschel's Work on the Structure of the Universe. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 33:1 (Aug. 1978) 57-75.

Lovell, Bernard. The Royal Society, the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the Astronomer Royal. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 48:2 (July 1994) 283-297.

Lovell, D.J. Herschel's Dilemma in the Interpretation of Thermal Radiation. Isis 59:1 (Spring 1968) 46-60.

Lovell, D.J. Optical Peregrinations in Great Britain. Applied Optics 4:12 (Dec. 1965) 1513-1522.

Lovell, D.J. Optical Peregrinations in The Netherlands. Applied Optics 6:5 (May 1967) 785-791.

Low, Frank J. Airborne Infrared Astronomy: The Early Days. pp1-7. Airborne Astronomy Symposium. Proceedings, July 11-13, 1984; edited by Harley A. Thronson, Jr., & Edwin F. Erickson. Moffett Field: NASA Ames Research Center, 1984.

(Lowell) Hetherington, Norriss S. Lowell, Percival. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Lowne, C. M. An investigation of the effects of mirror temperature upon telescope seeing. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 188 (July 1979) 249-259.

Lownes, Albert. The 1769 Transit of Venus and its relation to early American astronomy. Sky & Telescope 2:6 (April 1943) 3-5.

(LSST) Claver, C.F., et al. Analysis of the LSST image quality and effects seen through the atmosphere. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Hale, L.C. The Optical and Mechanical Design of the LSST Camera. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Ivezic, Z., et al. Mapping the Solar System with LSST. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Kahn, S.M. Design Overview of the LSST Camera. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Krabbendam, V., et al. LSST Telescope Design. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Monet, D., et al. Estimating the Astrometric Accuracy of LSST. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) O'Connor, P. LSST Focal Plane and Detector Development. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Pinto, P.A. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Seppala, L.G., et al. Optical Design for the 8.4m Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Stubbs, C.W., et al. An Overview of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) System. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Szalay, A.S. LSST and Astronomy Data in 2020. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Tyson, J.A., et al. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Science Requirements. 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

(LSST) Vestrand, W.T., et al. Multiple Dimensions of LSST Transient Detection: How do we detect things that go bump in the night that we have not yet thought of? 205th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, 9-13 January 2005.

Lucas, Diane. A Prize-Winning Gregory-Maksutov Telescope. Sky & Telescope 22:6 (Dec. 1961) 359-362.

Lucy, Frank Allen. Exact and Approximate Computation of Schmidt Cameras. Journal of the Optical Society of America 31 (May 1941) 358-361.

Ludlam, Mr. The Principal Properties of the Engine for Turning Ovals in Wood or Metal, and of the Instrument for Drawing Ovals upon Paper, Demonstrated. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 70 (1780) 378-618.

Luedemann, K. Zur Geschichte des abgeschlossenen Fernrohrs mit beweglicher Zwischenlinse bei geodaetischen Instrumenten. Zeitschrift fuer Instrumentenkunde 51 (Dec. 1931) 599-606.

Lundmark, K. Stellar Colours. pp363-430. Vol. 5.1, Das Sternsystem. Handbuch der Astrophysik. Ed., G. Eberhard, A. Kohlschuetter, & H. Ludendorff. Berlin: J. Springer, 1832.

Lunn, A. C. Book Review, Die binocularen Instrumente by M. von Rohr. Astrophysical Journal 30 (July 1909) 71-72.

Lunn, Arthur C. On the Zonal Errors in Magnification of the Reflecting Telescope. Astrophysical Journal 27 (May 1908) 280-285.

Lynden-Bell, D. Exact optics: a unification of optical telescope design. M.N.R.A.S. 334 (2002) 787-796.

Lynden-Bell, D. & R.M. On the Shapes of Newtons Revolving Orbits. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 51:2 (1997) 195-198.

(Lyot) Plaskett, H.H. Obituary: Bernard Lyot. The Observatory 72 (1952) 157-59.

Lyons, H.G. John Winthrop, Jr., F.R.S.: Governor of Connecticut 1660 to 1676. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 3 (1940) 110-115.

(Lyot) Wilson, Ralph E. The Award of the Bruce Gold Medal to Dr. Bernard Lyot. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 59 (1947) 53-58.

Lyttleton, R.A. The rediscovery of neptune. Vistas in Astronomy 3 (1960) 25-46.

Macalister, Alexander. Observations on the Mode of Growth of Discoid and Turbinated Shells. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 18 (1869-1870) 529-532.

Macdonald, P. The transits of Venus in 2004 and 2012. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 101 (1991) 176-178.

MacFarlane, Malcolm. Astronomical Optics at Raytheon. pp123-143. Frank Bash & Christopher Sneden, ed. Astronomical instrumentation and the birth and growth of astrophysics. Proceedings, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 20-21 October 2000. San Francisco: A.S.P., 2002.

Mack, Pamela, ed. From Engineering Science to Big Science. The NACA and NASA Collier Trophy Research Project Winners. Washington, D.C.: NASA History Office, 1998. Dec. 2003

Chapter 9 "The Human Touch: The History of the Skylab Program," Donald C. Elder

Chapter 10 "LANDSAT and the Rise of Earth Resources Monitoring," Pamela E. Mack

Chapter 11 "Voyager: The Grand Tour of Big Science," Andrew,J. Butrica

Chapter 13 "More Favored than the Birds: The Manned Maneuvering Unit in Space," Anne Millbrooke

Chapter 16 "The Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission," Joseph N. Tatarewicz

Macleod, Christine. Accident or Design? George Ravenscroft's Patent and the Invention of Lead-Crystal Glass. Technology & Culture 28:4 (Oct. 1987) 776-803.

Madwar, M.R. Solar work and plans in Egypt. Vistas in Astronomy 1 (1955) 732-737.

Maher, T.J. The Coast Survey on the Pacific Coast.

Malacara, Daniel and Zacarias Malacara. Handbook of Lens Design. N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1994. pp427-520, Telescopes and Afocal Systems.

Malcolm, Colonel. On Binocular Glasses adjustable to Eyes having unequal Focal Lengths. Proceedings of the Physical Society of London 7 (1885) 80-81.

Malet, Antoni. Isaac Barrow on the Mathematization of Nature: Theological Voluntarism and the Rise of Geometrical Optics. Journal of the History of Ideas 58.2 (1997) 265-287.

Malin, D. Things to see and do in the dark. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 97:5 (Aug. 1987) 288-290.

Mallock, A. On Curves Circumscribing Rotating Polygons with Reference to the Shape of Drilled Holes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 35 (1883) 319-324.

Manilius, Marcus. The five books of Mr. Manilius containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology: together with the philosophy of the Stoicks, done into English verse with notes by Mr. Tho. Creech. London, 1700.

Manilius, Marcus. The sphere of Marcus Manilius. London: Printed for Nathanael Brooke ..., 1675. (Catalog of astronomers)

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