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Wadsworth, F.L.O. On the Optical Conditions Required to Secure Maximum Accuracy of Measurement in the Use of the Telescope and Spectroscope. Astrophysical Journal 16 (Dec. 1902) 267-299. 17 (Jan. 1903) 1-19. 17 (March 1903) 100-132.

Wadsworth, F.L.O. A Simple Method of Mounting an Equatorial Axis on Ball Bearings. Astronomy & Astrophysics 13:9 (Nov. 1894) 723-728.

Wadsworth, F.L.O. The Theory of the Ocular Spectroscope. Astrophysical Journal 16 (July 1902) 1-11.

Waland, Robert. Flat-Fielded Maksutov-Cassegrain Optical Surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America 51:3 (March, 1961) 359-366.

Waland, R.L. Note on figuring Schmidt correcting lenses. Journal of Scientific Instruments 15:10 (October 1938) 339-340.

Waldrop, M. Mitchell. The Long, Sad Saga of Mount Graham. Science 248 (June 22, 1990) 1479-1481. (#4962)

Wales, William & Joseph Dymond. Astronomical Observations Made by Order of the Royal Society, at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the North-West Coast of Hudson's Bay. Philosophical Transactions 59 (1769) 467-488. (Transit of Venus. 488 instruments.)

Walker, E.N. New telescopes for old - towards a two-reflection coude system. The Observatory 94 (Dec. 1974) 301-306. Follow-up: Sisson, G. M. New telescopes for old? The Observatory 95 (June 1975) 109.

Walker, Helen. A brief history of infrared astronomy. Astronomy & Geophysics 41:5 (Oct. 2000) 10-13.

Walker, Jearl. Anamorphic pictures. Scientific American 245:1 (July 1981) 176ff.

Walker, Jos. Astronomy's Advancement, or, News for the Curious; Being a Treatise of Telescopes....London, 1684. 56pp. (.pdf)

(Walker) Rothenberg, Marc. Walker, Sears Cook. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Wall, John. Building a thirty-two inch (0.81m) telescope. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 106 (1996) 207-213.

Wall, John. The practical application of transfer and Fabry lenses. Journal of the British Astronomical Association108:6 (1998) 326-329.

Wall, John. 30" Dialyte refractor. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 112:5 (October 2002) 260 - 266.

Wall, J. V. The William Herschel Telescope. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 98:1 (Dec. 1987) 8-13.

Wallace, R.J. Color filters for astronomical photography with reflecting telescopes. Astrophysical Journal 24 (Nov. 1906) 268-277.

Wallace, William A. Book review: Measuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley; by Albert Van Helden. Renaissance Quarterly 42:4 (Winter 1989) 839-841.

Walle, Leonard. Chasing the Light: 19th-Century Astronomical Photography and Its Pioneers. The Photogram, Newsletter of the Michigan Photographic Historical Society 31:4 (Feb.-March 2004) 3-9.

Wallerstein, George; & J.B. Oke. The First 50 Years at Palomar, 1949-1999. Another View: Instruments, Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry and the Infrared. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 38 (2000) 79-111.

Wallerstein, George. Obituary: Jesse Leonard Greenstein. Physics Today 56:12 (Dec. 2003) 84-85.

Walley, John H. Your Telescope, a Construction Manual. Springfield, Oregon, (the Author), 1982. 64pp.

Wallis, John. An Extract of Two Letters, Written by Dr. Wallis to the Publisher the 20th and 30th of January Last, Concerning a Considerable Meteor Seen in Many Distant Places of England at the Same Time. Philosophical Transactions 12 (1677-1678) 863-866.

Wallis, John. A Proposal concerning the Parallax of the Fixed Stars, in Reference to the Earths Annual Orb. In Several Letters of May the 2d, June 29. and July 20 1693. from Dr. John Wallis to William Molineux Esq. Philosophical Transactions 17 (1693) 844-849.

Wallis, Ruth. Cross-currents in Astronomy and Navigation: Thomas Hornsby, FRS (1733-1810). Annals of Science 57 (2000) 219-240. (Radcliffe Obs.)

Wallis, Ruth. The Glory of Gravity - Halley's Comet 1759. Annals of Science 41:3 (May 1984) 279-286. (Bevis, B. Martin)

Wallis, Ruth. John Bevis, M.D., F.R.S. (1695-1771): Astronomer Loyal. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 36:2 (Feb. 1982) 211-225. (lens maker; possibly originated term 'achromatic' re: Dollond)

Walsh, John. Large Space Telescope: Astronomers Go into Orbit. Science 191 (#4227) (Feb. 13, 1976) 544-545. (LST omitted from budget)

Walter, K. Astronomy in Poland during the Second World War: Memories of a participating astronomer. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 97:5 (Aug. 1987) 270-273.

Walters, Alice. Ephemeral events: English broadsides of early eighteenth-century solar eclipses. History of Science 37 (March 1999) 1-43.

Walton, Harry. These Men Do the World's Most Precise Machining. Popular Science, May 1953, pp147-150. (Wilbur Perry, John Strong)

Wampler, E. Joseph. Ultraviolet, optical, and infrared astronomy. Physics Today 35:11 (Nov. 1982) 44-51.

Ward, Seth. Astronomiae geometricae. Londini: Typis Jacobi Flesher ..., 1656. S.W.: 1617-1689.

Ward, Seth. De cometis. Oxoniae : Excudebat Leon. Lichfield ..., 1653.

Warner, Brian. Herscheliana. Vistas in Astronomy 30:1 (1987) 85-96.

Warner, B. & R.F. Hurly. J. E. de Villiers's Observatory at Sea Point. Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 35 (June 1976) 57-62.

Warner, Brian. Manuel Johnson and the St. Helena Observatory. Vistas in Astronomy 25:3 (1981) 383-409.

Warner, Brian. W.E. Wilson and the Daramona Observatory. Sky and Telescope 53 (Feb. 1977) 108-110.

Warner, Deborah Jean. The American Photographical Society and the Early History of Astronomical Photography in America. Photographic Science and Engineering 11:5 (Sept.-Oct. 1967) 342-347.

Warner, Deborah Jean. Astronomy in Antebellum America. pp55-76. Reingold, Nathan, ed. The Sciences in the American Context: New Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, 1979.

Warner, Deborah Jean. The Draper Family Material; National Museum of American History. History of Photography 24 (Spring 2000) 16-23.

Warner, Deborah Jean. Rowland's gratings: Contemporary Technology. Vistas in Astronomy 29:2 (1986) 125-130.

Warner & Swasey. Forty-inch Refractor of the Yerkes Observatory. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 5 (Nov. 1893) 224-225. (#32)

Waters, D., H.D. Howse, & J. Munday. From observatory to museum. Vistas in Astronomy 20:1 (1976) 253-254. (Greenwich)

Watson, Andrew. Rethinking the Telescope for a Sharper View of the Stars. Science 276 (June 27, 1997) 1994-1995.

Watson, Fred. Astronomy's Multi-Fibre Revolution. pp181-196. Patrick Moore, ed. 1995 Yearbook of Astronomy. London: Macmillan, 1994.

Watson, William. Several Papers concerning a New Semi-Metal, Called Platina; Communicated to the Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions 46 (1749-1750) 584-596. (pp588-591: natives use platina for specula)

(Watson) Broughton, Peter. James Craig Watson (1838-1880). Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 90 (April 1996) 74-81.

(Watson) Osterbrock, Donald E. Watson, James Craig. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Wayman, P.A. Collaboration between Armagh and Dunsink Observatories Over 200 Years, 1790-1990. Irish Astronomical Journal 20:4 (Sept. 1992) 251-263.

Wayman, P.A. Franz Freidrich Ernst Brunnow - A Link between Dunsink and Ann Arbor. Irish Astronomical Journal 19:3/4 (1990) 119-124.

Wayman, P.A. Henry Ussher at Dunsink, 1783-1790. Irish Astronomical Journal 10:3 (1971) 121-128.

Wayman, P.A. The monocentric Schmidt-Cassegrain Cameras. Proceedings of the Physical Society 63 (1950) 553-561.

Wayman, P.A. Optical Requirements of the Astronomer. Irish Astronomical Journal 8:4 (Dec. 1967) 117-125.

Wayman, P.A. Optical Systems Employed in Spectroheliographs. Vistas in Astronomy 1 (1955) 422-429.

Wayman, P.A. Peeps at William Edwin Hamilton. Irish Astronomical Journal 26:1 (1999) 69-72.

Wayman, Patrick. Rev. John Brinkley and Sir James South. Irish Astronomical Journal 17:3 (1986) 378-382.

Wayman, P.A. The Visitation Book of Dunsink Observatory. Irish Astronomical Journal 10:4 (1971) 135-141.

Weart, Spencer & David Devorkin. The Voice of Astronomical History. Sky and Telescope 63 (Feb. 1982) 124-127.

Weaver, H.A.; et al. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Observing Campaign on Comet Shoemaker- Levy 9. Science 267 (March 1995) 1282-1288. (#5202)

Weaver, Wm. Bruce. Funding of the Essential Synergy Between Small and Large Telescopes. pp21-39. Oswalt, Terry, ed. The Future of Small Telescopes in the Next Millenium. Vol. 1, Perceptions, Productivities, and Policies. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2003.

Webb, George E. The Indefatigable Astronomer: A.E. Douglass and the Founding of Steward Observatory. Journal of Arizona History 19 (Summer 1978) 169-188.

Webb, George E. Victoria Welcomes the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. Pacific Northwest Quarterly 94:4 (Fall 2003) 171-181.

Wehlau, William. Canadian Scientists Report- V. The Schmidt Telescope and its Applications. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 51 (June 1957) 189-195.

Weitzel, Ronald. Book review: Guenther Buttman, The Shadow of the Telescope, a biography of John Herschel. Isis 61:3 (1970) 415-7. (review; historian's misjudgement re: context)

Welford, W.T. Geometric Optics - Optical Instrumentation. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1962. Ch. 8, Optical Instruments; pp130-142, Telescopes.

Wells, Carl. Lap Making. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Convention of the Western Amateur Astronomers, 1953.

Wells, H.G. In the Avu Observatory. The Observatory 17 (Oct. 1894) 327-332.

Welther, Barbara L. Harvard's First High-Altitude Station. The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 18:1 (June 1989) 74-77.

Welther, Barbara L. Leo Goldberg (1913-1987): Satellites to Supergiants. The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 17:1 (1988) 10-14

(West) Genuth, Sara Schechner. West, Benjamin. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Westfall, John E. The 1769 Transit of Venus Expedition to San Jose del Cabo. pp234-242; Research amateur astronomy, A.S.P. Conference Series vol. 33, ed. S.J. Edberg. San Francisco: A.S.P., 1992.

Westfall, Richard S. Book review: Measuring the Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley, by Albert Van Helden. The American Historical Review 91:2 (April 1986) 383-384.

Westfall, Richard S. Newton's Optics: The Present State of Research. Isis 57:1 (Spring 1966) 102-107.

(Westfall) Osler, Margaret. Eloge: Richard S. Westfall, 22 April 1924-21 August 1996. Isis 88:1 (March 1997) 178-181.

Wetherell, W.B. Afocal Lenses. pp110-192. Applied Optics & Optical Engineering, volume 10. Rudolf Kingslake, ed. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1987.

Wetherell, W.B. & M.P. Rimmer. General Analysis of Aplanatic Cassegrain, Gregorian, and Schwarzschild Telescopes. Applied Optics 11:12 (Dec. 1972) 2817-2832.

Wettenhall, Edward. A judgement of the comet which became first generally visible to us in Dublin, December XIII, about 15 minutes before 5 in the evening, anno Dom., 1680. Dublin: Printed by Joseph Ray for Joseph Howes and are to be sold by Awnsham Churchill ...., 1682. E.W.: 1636-1713. (orbit diagram)

Wheatstone, Charles. Contributions to the Physiology of Vision: On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, Phenomena of Binocular Vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 128 (1838) 371-394, 2 plates; 142 (1852) 1-17, 1 plate.

Wheatstone, Charles. Experiments on the Successive Polarization of Light, with the Description of a New Polarizing Apparatus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 19 (1870-1871) 381-389.

Whelan, J.A.J. Night at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 17 (Sept. 1976) 306-312.

When the Big Eye Opens. Science Illustrated 2:6 (June 1947) 13-17. (Palomar)

Whipple, F.L. Monochromatic Transmission of the 36-Inch Lick Refractor Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 47 (Dec. 1935) 305ff.

Whipple, Fred L. Of Comets and Meteors. Science 289 (4 Aug. 2000) 728. Nov. 2003.

Whipple, G.M. Description of an Apparatus Employed at the Kew Observatory, Richmond, for the Examination of the Dark Glasses and Mirrors of Sextants. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 35 (1883) 42-44. (telescope used to test)

Whipple, Robert S. The design and construction of scientific instruments. Transactions of the Optical Society 22:2 (January 1921) 35-52.

Whipple, Robert S. Reminiscences of an Instrument Maker. Journal of Scientific Instruments 19:12 (December 1942) 178-183.

Whipple, Robert S. Some Scientific Instrument Makers of the Eighteenth Century. Journal of Scientific Instruments 7:8 (August 1930) 241-253. 7:9 (September 1930) 273-281. (Marshall, Martin, Adams)

Whipple, Robert S. Some Scientific Instrument Makers of the Eighteenth Century. Science 72 (Aug. 29, 1930) 208-213. (#1861) (J. Marshall, B. Martin, G. Adams,

White, Henry. (Book Review): Constructional Data for Small Telescope Objectives, by T. Smith & R.W. Cheshire. 1915, 32pp. Additional Data for the Construction of Small Telescopes Objectives, 1916, 82pp. Science 50 (Nov. 7, 1919) 437-439. (#1297)

White, Lynn & Jonathan D. Spence. Review Symposia. Science and Civilisation in China. Isis 75:1 (March 1984) 171-189.

Whitelaw, J.P. The Early History of Berger Instruments. Professional Surveyor, Jan./Feb. 1997, pp8-10.

Whiteside, Derek T. Wren the Mathematician. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 15 (July 1960) 107-111.

Whitford, A.E. A Half-Century of Astronomy. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 24 (Sept. 1986) 1-22.

Whitford, Albert E. Interview, on Whitford as director of Lick Observatory. March 4, 1986, Jarrell, interviewer.

Whitford, A.E. & G.E. Kron. Photoelectric Guiding of Astronomical Telescopes. Review of Scientific Instruments 8 (1937) 78-82.

(Whiting) Charbonneau, Joanne A. Whiting, Sarah Frances. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Whitmell, C.T. A Martian Sundial. J.B.A.A. 11 (1900) 272-4.

(Whitmell) A.C.D. Crommelin Charles Thomas Whitmell. M.N.R.A.S. 80 (Feb. 1920) 359-360. (C.W. 1849.07.10 - 1898.12.10) (English Mechanic contributor)

(Whitney) Elmegreen, Debra. Whitney, Mary Watson. American National Biography Online Feb. 2000. Oxford University Press. Nov 25 2003.

Wigner, Eugene. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences. Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 13:1 (Feb. 1960) New York: John Wiley & Sons. (Wigner.doc)

Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. Optical Spectra, May/June 1968, pp38-39.

Wilhelms, Don E. The Geologic History of the Moon. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1348. Washington: USGPO, 1987.

Wilkins, John. The Discovery of a New World. (bound with) A Discourse Concerning a New Planet. 242 + 246pp. London, 1640. Earliest non-fiction work on space travel; moon voyages, W. a scientist.

Wilkins, John. A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. London: Printed by T.M. & J.A. for John Gillibrand ..., 1684. 2 v. ([14], 187, [1]; [8], 184 p.) :

Wilkins, John. The discovery of a world in the moone, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in that planet. London, Printed by E. G. for Michael Sparke and Edward Forrest, 1638. JW: 1614-1672.

Wilkins, John. Mathematicall magick, or, The wonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry. London: Printed by M.F. for Sa. Gellibrand ..., 1648. J.W.:1614-1672. Book 1, Ch. 20, motion of the heavens. Book 2, mechanisms, automata. Ch. 3, heavenly motion. Ch. 5, submarines. Ch. 7-8, flying chariot.

Wilkins, John. Mercury, or, The secret and swift messenger; shewing how a man may with privacy and speed communicate his thoughts to a friend at any distance. London: Printed for Rich. Baldwin ..., 1694. (codes)

Wilkins, William. An Account of an Appearance of Light, like a Star, Seen in the Dark Part of the Moon, on Friday the 7th of March, 1794. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 84 (1794) 429-434.

Williams, A.C. Exhibit of two German periscopes. Transactions of the Optical Society 20:1 (October 1918) 18-20. (hand held; Hensoldt, Fuess)

Williams, Mari. Astronomy in London, 1860-1900. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 28 (1987) 10-26.

Williams, Mari. James Bradley and the Eighteenth Century 'Gap' in Attempts to Measure Annual Stellar Parallax. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 37:1 (Aug. 1982) 83-100.

Williams, Michael R. & Erwin Tomash. The Sector: Its History, Scales and Uses. Annals of the History of Computing 25:1 (Jan.-March 2003) 34-47.

Williams, Samuel G.L. Design techniques for WFOV high-resolution reflecting optics. pp94-99. SPIE 147, Computer-Aided Optical Design. Bellingham: SPIE, 1978.

Williams, Thomas. Getting Organized: U.S. Amateur Astronomy from 1860 to 1985. A.S.P. Conference Series vol. 220: Amateur-Professional Partnerships in Astronomy, July 1999, Toronto. San Francisco: A.S.P., 2000.

Williams, Thomas R. Nathaniel Bowditch, Early American Amateur Astronomer. The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 13:2 (1984) 64-66.

Williams, W.S. & C.C. Rand. Procedures in the Manufacture of Optical Glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2 (1919) 422-442.

Willmoth, Frances. 'The Genius of all Arts' and the Use of Instruments: Jonas Moore (1617-1679) as a Mathematician, Surveyor, and Astronomer. Annals of Science 48:4 (July 1991) 355-365. (RGO instruments for Flamsteed)

Willsford, Thomas. Natures secrets. Or, The admirable and wonderfull history of the generation of meteors. London: printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1658. 2nd ed

Willstrop, R. V. The alignment of the declination axis of an equatorial telescope mounting. The Observatory 93 (October 1973) 197-199.

Willstrop, R.V. Atmospheric dispersion compensator for a wide-field three-mirror telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 225 (March 1987) 187-198.

Willstrop, R.V. Book-Review: All Was Light - an Introduction to Newton's Opticks, by A.R. Hall. The Observatory 114 (August 1994) 178-179.

Willstrop, R.V. Book Review: Telescope optics: evaluation and design, by Rutten, H.; van Venrooij, M. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 99:3 (June 1989) 146

Willstrop, R. V. Coma and astigmatism in the Newtonian reflector. The Observatory 106 (April 1986) 42-43.

Willstrop, R. V. The Couder telescope - Better than the Schmidt? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 204 (September 1983) 99P-103P.

Willstrop, R. V. The Flat-field Mersenne-Schmidt. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 216 (September 1985) 411-427.

Willstrop, R. V. Large segmented mirrors. The Observatory 121 (August 2001) 241-244.

Willstrop, R. V. Large Wide-Field Telescope Designs - a Reply to Professor Fellgett. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 30:4 (Dec. 1989) 483-488.

Willstrop, R. V. The Mersenne-Schmidt - A three-mirror survey telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 210 (Oct. 1984) 597-609.

Willstrop, R. V. The modified Couder telescope. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 209 (August 1984) 587-606.

Willstrop, R. V. A more careful look at those sodium lights. The Observatory 100 (April 1980) 42-44

Willstrop, R. V. Optics for viewing a spectrograph slit or the unobstructed field. The Observatory 96 (April 1976) 64-66.

Willstrop, R. V. A simple coma corrector for off-axis guiding. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 191 (June 1980) 777-783.

Willstrop, R. V. A simple null test for a Schmidt camera aspheric corrector. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 192 (August 1980) 455-466.

Willstrop, R. V. Wide-field conversions for reflecting telescopes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 229 (Nov. 1987) 143-155.

(Willstrop) Banerjee, D.P.K.; R.V. Willstrop; & B.G. Anandarao. On the accuracy of the caustic test. Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India 27 (1999) 339-341.

(Willstrop) Dewhirst, D.W.; P.B. Fellgett; & R.V. Willstrop. Distortion of square and circular Schmidt plates. The Observatory 77 (Oct. 1957) 198-200.

Wilson, Albert. Introduction. Problems Common to the Fields of Astronomy and Biology: A Symposium. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 70 (1958) 41-43. Strughold, Hubertus. General Review of Problems Common to the Fields of Astronomy and Biology. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 70 (1958) 43-50. Sinton, William. Spectroscopic Evidence of Vegetation on Mars. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 70 (1958) 50-56. Kooistra, John, et al. The Behaviour of Microorganisms Under Simulated Martian Environmental Conditions. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 70 (1958) 64-69. Schmidt, Ingeborg. Application of Recent Advances in Physiological Optics to Astronomy. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 70 (1958) 74-78.

Wilson, Alexander. An Answer to the Objections Stated by M. de la Lande....Solar Spots. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 73 (1783) 144-168. 1 plate.

Wilson, Alexander. Observations on the Solar Spots. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 64 (1774) 1-30. 4 plates.

Wilson, Alexander. An Answer to the Objections Stated by M. De la Lande, in the Memoirs of the French Academy for the Year 1776, against the Solar Spots Being Excavations in the Luminous Matter of the Sun, Together with a Short Examination of the Views Entertained by Him upon That Subject. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 73 (1783) 144-168.

Wilson, Catherine. Visual Surface and Visual Symbol: The Microscope and the Occult in Early Modern Science. Journal of the History of Ideas 49:1 (1988) 85-108.

Wilson, Herbert C. Introduction. Publications of Carleton College Observatory 1 (1890) pp vii - xv. (ADS PGOCC v1 p.2vii - 2xv) (Repsold 4.8 inch meridian circle)

Wilson, Iris Higbie. The 1769 Transit of Venus Observed by Velasquez from Lower California. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Leaflets vol. 9 (1964) 145-152. (#419)
Wilson, Patrick. An Experiment Proposed for Determining, by the Aberration of the Fixed Stars, Whether the Rays of Light, in Pervading Different Media, Change Their Velocity according to the Law Which Results from Sir Isaac Newton's Ideas concerning the Cause of Refraction; And for Ascertaining Their Velocity in Every Medium Whose Refractive Density is Known. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 72 (1782) 58-70. (water filled telescope)

Wilson, Ray N.; & Bernard Delabre. Concerning the alignment of modern telescopes: theory, practice, and tolerances illustrated by the ESO NTT. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 109 (1997) 53-60.

Wilson, R.N. & B. Delabre. New optical solutions for very large telescopes using a spherical primary. Astronomy & Astrophysics 294 (1995) 322-338.

(Wilson, Robert) Howarth, Ian & Allan Willis. Sir Robert Wilson 1927-2002. Astronomy & Geophysics 44 (Feb. 2003) 34-35. (infra-red)

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