Travelport Enhanced Itinerary Application 26 Oct 2010 Version 8 Contents

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Travelport Enhanced Itinerary Application

26 Oct 2010

Version 1.5.8


Travelport Enhanced Itinerary Application 1

Overview 2

The Enhanced Itinerary (hereafter referred to as EI) application allows users to produce itineraries for pnrs that are resident on the Galileo, Apollo and Worldspan systems. The itineraries produced can be emailed, printed or copied to 3rd party applications such as MS-Word. 2

CR1Architecture 2

Features 3

Minimum System Requirements 4

Using Enhanced Itinerary 4

CR2Registration 4

CR3Setup 6

CR4Starting EI 6

CR5Choosing a host 6

CR7Menu bar options. 7

CR8Toolbar mode 7

CR11Displaying a pnr 8

CR12Galileo 8

CR13Worldspan 8

CR14Selecting visible items. 10

CR15Emailing an itinerary. 11

CR16Printing an Itinerary. 12

CR17Options 12

CR19Company details 13

CR20Visibility 13

CR24Viewtrip 15

CR25 15

CR33Email 16

CR34Misc (cellaneous) 17

CR44Update Data files 19

CR47EI from the command line 20

CR48Command line options 20

Troubleshooting 22

Appendix. 23


The Enhanced Itinerary (hereafter referred to as EI) application allows users to produce itineraries for pnrs that are resident on the Galileo, Apollo and Worldspan systems. The itineraries produced can be emailed, printed or copied to 3rd party applications such as MS-Word.


EI is a SDI application that runs on MS Windows. It can be run as a standalone application for those users that only access Worldspan, but Apollo and Galileo users will require Galileo Desktop to be installed. Default email access is via Outlook 2003 and version 2.0 of the .NET framework is required. EI also requires that MS Internet Explorer also be installed as the itinerary is displayed in a web browser window.


EI offers the following features:

  1. Ability to display Group pnrs

  2. Linkage to Viewtrip (incl. White Label)

  3. Email of itineraries, individually or as a group, in HTML or plain text.

  4. Production of .ics files for import into 3rd party applications, e.g. MS Outlook.

  5. View itinerary in html or text formats

  6. Ability to add corporate logos, and header and footer text

  7. Selectability of one, or more, passengers, segments and eTickets.

  8. Full internationalization of application and itinerary. Languages currently supported are Arabic, Catalan, English, French, Spanish, Swiss-German, Portuguese, Brazilian and Polish.

  9. Application of Service Fees

  10. Can be run standalone for Worldspan users.

Minimum System Requirements

  1. MS Windows XP (and latest Service pack)

  2. MS Internet Explorer 7.0.

  3. MS Outlook 2003

  4. .NET 2.0 Framework (and latest service packs)

  5. Galileo Desktop 2.1, for Galileo users

Using Enhanced Itinerary

EI allows a great deal of flexibility in the presentation of itineraries. This flexibility is achieved through the use of different layouts (HTML and plain text, see appendix A and C) and a set of options (see appendix B).


All installations of EI are required to go through a registration process.

The process tarts with this dialog:-

Once the user presses the OK button the following will appear:-

The Company Name and Email Address fields are optional.

If the user presses Cancel then they will have to repeat the registration process every time they start EI. After 10 days the registration is compulsory.

If the user presses Register then (after a few seconds) the following dialog appears:-

At this point the registration process is complete. Users will have to repeat the process is they update EI.


CR4Starting EI

EI can be started in a variety of ways. For worldspan only customers then EI is started via the Start button (Start->Travelport->Travelport.EnhancedItinerary). For Galileo Desktop users further methods are available, Galileo Desktop toolbar, GDAudit (focalpoint command).
CR5Choosing a host

A user can choose between Galileo and Worldspan by choosing from the Settings Drop down menu.

If a user selects worldspan then they will need to have a set of credentials to access worldspan via xmlpro.

Galileo does not require credentials.

CR7Menu bar options.

In brief, an itinerary can be copied to the clipboard, emailed, printed, refreshed and passengers, segments and tickets can be selectively displayed from here.

CR8Toolbar mode

EI can be displayed in toolbar mode by selecting the down arrow button on the right hand side of the menu bar.



CR11Displaying a pnr


EI will capture the pnr that is currently loaded in Galileo desktop. Should a change be made to the pnr then use of the Refresh button will reload the itinerary. Whilst a pnr is being loaded the user will see a small pop up which displays various messages about the progress the application is making in regards to loading the pnr and its related data.


EI can display un-ended (no record locator) as well as ended itineraries

To load an existing pnr then type in the record locator in the edit control in the middle of the menu toolbar and press the “Go!” button next to it. To display an itinerary for an un-ended pnr then two methods are available.

First, the user presses the Go! Button without a record locator in the edit control. This will display the following form.

The user can either,

type commands directly into the Data entry edit control as in a Go! Res window, the user presses the “Send to host” button to send the command to worldspan. The worldspan host will reply in the first and largest edit control labeled “Host Response”.


they can paste text from a “Go! Res” window by using the paste button.

The Redisplay button performs a “*R”.

The OK button will close the window and EI will display the itinerary.

CR14Selecting visible items.

EI offers the user the ability to selectively choose which passengers, segments and etickets are visible. This is achieved by selecting the Display Options button on the menu bar.

The user can individually select which items they wish to see, or select all or none via a right mouse click or by clicking on the “all” or “none” items above each list.

The display is automatically refreshed as the user selects/deselects.

CR15Emailing an itinerary.

Users can send an itinerary in a variety of ways.

A user can choose what format the email is to take (see first 4 options above), they can also assign email addresses to separate passengers if required by selecting the last option “Select email addresses”. By selecting this option a form will appear like so

With this example we can see a passenger in the first column but no email address, to add an email address the user types it in the edit control in the middle – bottom part of the form and presses the “Add new” button, this will then put the just entered email address into the drop down list in the middle column. The user can now select that email address by using the drop down arrow in the second column.

The number of paasengers that appear in the “Email Addresses” dialog is determined by the number selected in the passenger list in “Display Options”.

Further email options will be discussed in the Options section below.

CR16Printing an Itinerary.

Once a user has decided on what they wish to display they can print the itinerary from the Print button. If a user has selected “Individual pnrs in email” then the printing will produce seperate itineraries for each passenger in the pnr.


The user can access further options from the Settings menu and selecting “Options”.

This will display the following form.

Currently, this form has 6 tab pages as shown above and each will dealt with in turn.

CR19Company details

The user can enter their name here so that it is displayed on the itinerary, likewise a company logo can be added as well as any company specific text for the header and footer areas of the itinerary. Hyperlinks can be added to these areas as well (separated by a space). Users also have the option to hide/show the display of the text “Consultant’s Name:”

The user can decide which segment types they wish to be visible.

Users can also elect to show the “Info not found” message that appears when information is not found (e.g. terminal info for air segments).

The position of the etickets and segments can be swapped as well if a user requires.

Gridlines on the html itinerary layout can be shown/hidden and users can now set their own fonts, font sizes and colours for the html layout as well by accessing the “Select Font(s) and Colours” button.

A baggage warning can be hidden or shown (this is due to be removed in the next version).

The user can also decide which types of ticket they wish to see.

Setting Fonts and Colours.
The HTML layout can be configured so that the fonts and colours can be defined as to be more in line with a company’s corporate image. The various options are shown below.


The Viewtrip tab allows the user to decide if they want to display a link to (Galileo) and www.mytripandmore .com (Worldspan). They can choose where they wish the link to be displayed (None, Before/After Header/Footer), also a Viewtrip White Label can be added as well.


Further email options are available on this tab.

Users can choose to use MS Outllook as the default, or they can press the “SMTP” button and enter details for email systems such as googlemail in the form that appears (see SMTP Form below). “On behalf of” type accounts can be entered into the “From” edit control, these appear in any mail that a recipient of an itinerary via email will reply to.

Email addresses are contained within two areas of a pnr the phone section and the email section, the check boxes provided allow the user to decide from where the email addresses (used in the Select Email Addresses” form (see previous section)).

Finally, users can decide to automatically send emails. When the email button is pressed any email addresses found in the previously specified areas of a pnr will be used as recipients of the itinerary.

CR34Misc (cellaneous)

This tab contains a selection of options that do not really warrant tabs of their own.

So, to run through them.

E-Tickets visible – does the user want etickets to be visible in the display

Show tickets in Service information area – ticket numbers can appear in the segment area as well as in the ticket section, this options allows these to be displayed or not.

Show ticket coupons – The user can decide to show ticket coupon information (or not) in the ticket section

ShowReceipts – allows TASF receipts to be added to the itinerary, or they can be added as an attachment

Embed in Galileo Desktop – when Galileo desktop is running and this option is selected then EI cannot be moved outside the Galileo Desktop.

Show fares – does the user want fares to be displayed

Show Agent Sign on – if selected then the agents sign on is displayed (just under the Galileo/worldspan reference in the itinerary

Show Class codes – the user can show the class symbol next to a description of a class (e.g. Econoomy (E) or just Economy)

Individual pnrs in email – sends itineraries to passengers that are specific to that individual

Send calendar attachments – adds an ics file to the email for import into calendar applications such as outlook

Use default booking classes only – when a user only wishes to see basic descriptions such as “First, Business and Economy”.

Show service fee and Service Fee – if an agency is charging an additional service fee then they can enter it here they can also decide whether it will be visible in the display. It is also possible to use the DU tax as a service fee (this is for the JJ carrier and is a requirement in the Brazilian market)

Output language – currently supported languages are English, French, Spanish, Catalan, Arabic and Swiss-German.

The Simple text layout section contains two options,

Include Endorsement – user can display the endorsement or not

Hide Service Fee – this is not the same service fee as above.


CR44Update Data files

Lookup data used by EI (such as booking classes) are used to reduce hits on the host, however, every few months this data needs to be updated. By going to this tab the user can cause the lookup data to be refreshed. After an update it is recommended that EI be restarted.

If a booking class is missing then a user can add it here.

This concludes coverage of the options available from a GUI point of view; the next section will cover the command line options available for EI.

The user can also export and import a range of options so that a corporate look and feel can easily be instantiated on all machines running EI.



CR47EI from the command line

A user can get EI to perform certain things by passing in command line arguments when EI is started. This is most useful if a user is starting EI from a focalpoint window.
CR48Command line options

The possible options are:-

“/?” – displays a list of command line arguments that can be passed to EI

“/EA” – auto send emails

“/EI” – auto send individual pnrs

“/CT” – copies as text to the clipboard

“/CH” – copies as HTML to the clipboard

“/ET” – open an email with text in the body of the email

“/EH” – open an email with HTML in the body of the email

“/EM” - open an email with text in the body of the mail and an HTML attachment

“/EP” - open an email with plain text in the body of the mail and no attachment

“/SP” –select specified passengers, separated by a comma, e.g. /SP:1,2,3-7

“/SS” – select specified segments, separated by a comma, e.g. /SS:1,2,3,4,5

“/EL:xxxx” – sets the language that the itinerary will be displayed in (e.g. /EL:ca-ES)

“/GD:xxxxxx” – accesses galileo with a record locator of xxxxxx (e.g. /GD:NF4JT6)

“/WS:xxxxxx” – accesses worldspan with a record locator of xxxxxx (e.g. /WS:NF4JT6)

“/S” – silent running – no GUI visible

So, how would a user make use of this ability.

Usually via the gdaudit mechanism. EI can be supplied with an xml file containing javascript that can be used by GDAudit to load EI with a variety of the command line options. The following snippet shows EI being activated when the user types in #TKP or #TKPDTDAD, the arguments passed in are "/S /EA /ET" which transcribe to run in silent mode and automatically send individual pnrs. This user had selected “Select emails from the phone section in the Options-> Email tab. So EI would select those email addresses and send the itinerary to the recipients automatically, all in the background. If no email addresses are available then the email will appear with a blank address line for the user to complete.

Example gdaudit javascript code snippet


“Installer cannot complete”/”Installer interrupted” – check that .NET 2.0 is installed. Reinstall EI, make sure you remove any old versions of EI via Add/Remove programs in Control panel. Two things to check here are “Enhanced Itinerary” and “Travelport.EnhancedItinerary”.

“KEY NOT VALID…” message when EI runs – update EI to version 1.4

Incorrect booking class being displayed – update the lookup files via Options->Data->Update. If problem persists then contact support.

Airport names not being displayed – check the install directory and look in a subdirectory called xml, there should be a file called travelports.xml if not present reinstall EI, and check again.

Error popup says it can’t find an xml file, reinstall EI, the look up files are missing.

Animated Gifs not animated in Outlook – due to Outlook using MS Word as the rendering engine and MS Word does not allow animated gifs to animate.

Cannot send emails via my google account – make sure you have entered the correct details in the SMTP form in Options->Email (and make sure “Use Outlook” is unchecked”).

Mail seems to get stuck or hang – Outlook 2007 used for email. A small MS Outlook security dialog appears asking if you want to allow/deny/cancel the email to be sent by EI. This only occurs when there is an email address in the pnr which is being used in the “To” line of the email. To solve this install the latest service pack for Outlook 2007 (SP2).


  1. A sample itinerary. This sample itinerary shows a single passenger, segment and ticket have been selected from a group of passengers in a pnr.

  1. A plain text email with html attachment

Emails can be sent as plain text (see below) or as HTML (Outlook required) in the body of the email and/or with HTML as an attachment.

26 Oct 2010 Galileo International

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