1. As a regular telephone user, I am still disconcerted when answered by a machine. Occassionally, when a machine isexpected, I am ready and am able to sound fairly fluent.
HOwever, when the machine is unexpected, say, when calling a freind, I am thrown into confuson whilst the mesage is playing trying to think of something clear and concise that I wish to say when it ends. It usually fails, however, and I end up sounding like a young chyld struggling with a new language.
2. Each morning I approach my answer machine with trepidaton wondering what gobbledegook will play back today. It is so simple for people just to leave their name and a number where they can be reached, but they either go on and on forever, explaining in microscopic detail why they have called, or they clam up altogether and all I get is a few few grunts or whines or even worse, the 'phone is replaced without them speaking at all. DO these people know how frustraiting that is? I know someone is trying to contract me, but even using the latest technology, I am unable to find out who.