U. S. Geological survey branch of atlantic marine geology sediment database see readme

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U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BRANCH OF ATLANTIC MARINE GEOLOGY SEDIMENT DATABASE (See README.1st file for introduction to the database) FILES THAT COMPRISE THE DATABASE ---------------------- The subdirectory below contains files of the same data in different formats to allow use of the data by diverse platforms and software applications. Subdirectory ASCGROUP (files in ASCII and spreadsheet format) Name Extn. Size Date Time Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREACDES DAT 2213 03-07-94 7:09p List of area codes and their geographic locations Comma separated and quotation mark delimited data -------------------- SEDELHDG CSV 1664 03-07-94 7:07p Headings for data, text fields delimited by double quotation marks and all fields separated by commas. (1 record) SEDSAMPL CSV 15175 03-07-94 7:07p Sample of combined headings and data (about 25 rows), quotation mark delimited and comma separated fields. Record length is variable. Headings are the first row (first record) SEDELDAT CSV 6317641 03-07-94 3:28p Data, double quotation mark (text fields) delimited and comma separated fields Tab delimited data ------------------ SEDELHDG TSV 1695 03-07-94 6:46p Headings for data, all fields separated by tabs with NO quo- tation marks (1 record) SEDSAMPL TSV 17604 03-10-94 10:14a Sample of combined headings and data (about 25 rows), all fields separated by tabs. Headings are first row (first record) SEDELDAT TSV 6317641 03-07-94 3:40p Data, all fields separated by tabs and text fields delimited by quotation marks Total files 12671420 bytes STRUCTURE OF THE DATABASE AND DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------ Field name Field type Explanation (Paradox)1/ -------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------- Group N Group No. for source of data 1 = Samples taken before start of the joint U.S.Geological Survey/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (USGS/WHOI) Atlantic Continental Margin Program, and any special samples such as those with identification numbers (Db_id#) beginning with H and L, which are from land, river, or beach locations. 2 = Samples taken by the WHOI/USGS Atlantic Continental Margin Program (1962 - 1970). These are numbered sequentially starting at 1000. See footnote 5/ for an explanation of the meaning of letters that sometimes follow these numbers. 3 = Samples analyzed by the USGS Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology Sediment Laboratory. Lab numbers and Db-id# consist of two letters and three numbers. These analyses were made generally between 1980 and the present. These group designations allow the database to be sorted into roughly chronological order. Db-id# A11 Unique identifier of sample analyzed Lab-no A7 Sample identification No. used by the analytical laboratory Station A7 Station No. assigned by data assembler This represents a specific geographic position. Sub1 A3 Subsample No. This is usually a letter assigned in the field to different subsamples separated from the material recovered by the sampling device. Sub2 A4 Subsample designation used to indicate any additional analysis of the given sample or subsample. Field # A20 No. assigned in the field by person or group that collected the sample. Tdepth N If sample is a core, this number indicates the depth (cm) of the top of core sample interval measured from the water - sediment interface. Bdepth N Depth (cm) of bottom of the sampled interval of the core. Project A20 Name of Project that collected or submitted the sample. Cruise id A20 Identification: name or No. of the cruise Requester A20 Requester or submitter of the sample for analysis Area A25 Geographic area name Acode A4 Geographic area code Latitude N Latitude (decimal) + = North, - = South Longitude N Longitude (decimal) + = East, - = West Orig.prcsn A7 Reported precision of the original position 2/ e.g, DMS = degrees, minutes, and seconds DMS.xx = degrees, minutes, and seconds to hundredths of a second DM.x = degrees, and minutes to 1 decimal place DM.xx = degrees, and minutes to 2 decimal places D.6 = degrees to 6 decimal places etc. Default precision is D.5 Caution: The accuracy of a position may be significantly less than the precision shown. Depth (m) N Water depth (sounding) in meters Sound.method A25 Method of sounding Device A27 Name of sampling device Device code A11 Code for sampling device Mo coll. N Month of collection (Numeric) 3/ Da coll. N Day of collection (calendar date) 3/ Yr coll. N Year of collection 3/ Time coll. N Local time of collection Zone coll. N Time zone for local time shown Lithology A72 Lithologic description Drops N No. of drops of the sampling device used in a composite sample Vol. Qual. A3 Qualifier, such as less than (<), for the volume shown in the following field Volume N Volume (liters) collected Pct.proc N Percent of the volume above that was processed for biology Biology A89 Biological description Color A13 Munsell color code for wet sample Aclr A4 Additional color information Forel A8 Forel code for color of the water Secchi A7 Depth (m) of visibility of standard Secchi disk Photo type A5 Type of photograph(s) taken No.photos N Number of usable photos obtained Airtemp N Air temperature, degrees Celsius Sftemp N Surface water temperature, deg. C Bt N 1 = Bathythermograph taken, 0 = none Plk N 1 = Plankton tow taken, 0 = none Arc N 1 = Archive sample for Smithsonian Sorting Center 0 = none Spc N 1 = Special geology sample taken 0 = none Str N 0 = No sample stored at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Blank indicates that a sample was originally placed in the collection. This convention was used to make the absence of a stored sample stand out in the printed tables used for these data in prior years. The absence of a 0 may no longer be a reliable indicator inasmuch as some of the samples have been used up in various analyses in past years. Cordevcond A3 Code for coring device condition 1 = generally good O = damaged Penetr N Penetration of corer in meters Diam N Diameter of core in cm Length N Length of core obtained in cm Core condtn A3 Core condition: 1 = generally undis- turbed; numbers range to 7 which indicates that no core was recovered Sect A3 Core sectioning 0 = unsectioned 8 = core split Extractn A3 Extraction of core from barrel, blank = unknown, 1 = removed, 2 = not removed Water prsvn A3 0 = no preservation technique applied 1 = sealed to preserve water content Comments, field A60 Comments on the field collection data See analysis comments A21 > is a signal that additional comments exist in the in last column of the table. These comments relate to the analysis of the sample. Month anal. N Month of size analysis 3/ Day anal. N Day of size analysis 3/ Year anal. N Year of size analysis 3/ Method_ff A9 Method of fine fraction size analysis Method_cf A9 Method of coarse fraction analysis Proc A4 Sample preparation processes (e.g. acid treatment) Weight N Weight (g) of sample used in size analysis (For the definition of "phi" in this database, see note 4 below) Gravel N Gravel, particles >phi = -1 (2mm) in percent Sand N Sand, particles > phi = 4 (0.0625mm) and < phi -1 (2mm) in percent Silt N Silt, particles > phi = 8 (0.0039mm) and < phi 4 (0.0625mm) in percent Clay N Clay, particles < phi 8 (0.0039mm = 4um) in percent Class A50 Sediment name (Shepard, 1954 classification) Curve type A4 Code for cumulative curve shape Median N Median grain diameter in phi units Mean N Mean grain diameter in phi units Stdev N Standard deviation of grain-size distribution in phi units Skew N Skewness of grain-size distribution in phi units Kurt N Kurtosis of grain-size distribution in phi units Mode 1 class N Strongest mode, in phi units Mode 1 freq. N Strength of strongest mode, in percent Mode 2 class N 2nd strongest mode, in phi units Mode 2 freq. N Strength of 2nd mode, in percent Mode 3 class N 3rd strongest mode, in phi units Mode 3 freq. N Strength of 3rd mode, in percent Nmodes N Number of modes Phi intv. N Size interval (in phi units) used in analysis From phi N Starting phi value used in analysis (largest particles) To phi N Ending phi value used in analysis (smallest particles) Phi-11 N Phi class -11, Particles > 2048mm in wt. percent Phi-10 N Phi class -10, Particles > 1024 and < 2048mm in wt. percent Phi- 9 N Phi class - 9, Particles > 512 and < 1024mm in wt. percent Phi- 8 N Phi class - 8, Particles > 256 and < 512mm in wt. percent Phi- 7 N Phi class - 7, Particles > 128 and < 256mm in wt. percent Phi- 6 N Phi class - 6, Particles > 64 and < 128mm in wt. percent Phi- 5 N Phi class - 5, Particles > 32 and < 64mm in wt. percent Phi- 4 N Phi class - 4, Particles > 16 and < 32mm in wt. percent Phi- 3 N Phi class - 3, Particles > 8 and < 16mm in wt. percent Phi- 2 N Phi class - 2, Particles > 4 and < 8mm in wt. percent Phi- 1 N Phi class - 1, Particles > 2 and < 4mm in wt. percent Phi 0 N Phi class 0, Particles > 1 and < 2mm in wt. percent Phi 1 N Phi class 1, Particles > 0.5 and < 1mm in wt. percent Phi 2 N Phi class 2, Particles > 0.25 and < 0.5mm in wt. percent Phi 3 N Phi class 3, Particles > 0.125 and < 0.25mm in wt. percent Phi 4 N Phi class 4, Particles > 0.0625 and < 0.125mm in wt. percent Phi 5 N Phi class 5, Particles > 0.0313 and < 0.0625mm in wt. percent Phi 6 N Phi class 6, Particles > 0.0165 and < 0.0313mm in wt. percent Phi 7 N Phi class 7, Particles > 0.0078 and < 0.0165mm in wt. percent Phi 8 N Phi class 8, Particles > 0.0039 and < 0.0078mm in wt. percent Phi 9 N Phi class 9, Particles > 0.00195 and < 0.0039 mm in wt. percent Phi 10 N Phi class 10, Particles > 0.00098 and < 0.00195mm in wt. percent Phi 11 N Phi class 11, Particles > 0.00049 and < 0.00098mm in wt. percent Phi 12 N Phi class 12, Particles > 0.00025 and < 0.00049mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 13 N Phi class 13, Particles > 0.00013 and < 0.00025mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 14 N Phi class 14, Particles > 0.00006 and < 0.00013mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 15 N Phi class 15, Particles > 0.00003 and < 0.00006mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 16 N Phi class 16, Particles > 0.000015 and < 0.00003mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 17 N Phi class 17, Particles > 0.000008 and < 0.000015mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 18 N Phi class 18, Particles > 0.0000038 and < 0.000008mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 19 N Phi class 19, Particles > 0.0000019 and < 0.0000038mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 20 N Phi class 20, Particles > 0.0000010 and < 0.0000019mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 21 N Phi class 21, Particles > 0.0000005 and < 0.0000010mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Phi 22 N Phi class 22, Particles > 0.0000002 and < 0.0000005mm in wt. percent (by graphical extrapolation) Sum phi >10 N Particles < 0.00098mm (1um) in wt. percent Hp-1.5 N Half-phi class -1.5, particles > 2.83mm in wt. percent Hp-1 N Half-phi class -1, particles > 2mm and < 2.83mm in wt. percent Hp-0.5 N Half-phi class -0.5, particles > 1.41 and < 2mm in wt. percent Hp 0 N Half-phi class 0, particles > 1 and < 1.41mm in wt. percent Hp 0.5 N Half-phi class 0.5, particles > 0.71 and < 1mm in wt. percent Hp 1 N Half-phi class 1, particles > 0.5 and < 0.71mm in wt. percent Hp 1.5 N Half-phi class 1.5, particles > 0.35 and < 0.5mm in wt. percent Hp 2 N Half-phi class 2, particles > 0.25 and < 0.35mm in wt. percent Hp 2.5 N Half-phi class 2.5, particles > 0.177 and < 0.25mm in wt. percent Hp 3 N Half-phi class 3, particles > 0.125 and < 0.177mm in wt. percent Hp 3.5 N Half-phi class 3.5, particles > 0.0884 and < 0.125mm in wt. percent Hp 4 N Half-phi class 4, particles > 0.0625 and < 0.0884mm in wt. percent Hp 4.5 N Half-phi class 4.5, particles > 0.0442 and < 0.0625mm in wt. percent Hp 5 N Half-phi class 5, particles > 0.0313 and < 0.0442mm in wt. percent Hp 5.5 N Half-phi class 5.5, particles > 0.0221 and < 0.0313mm in wt. percent Hp 6 N Half-phi class 6, particles > 0.0156 and < 0.0221mm in wt. percent Cfp11 N Cumulative phi class 11, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.00049mm Cfp10 N Cumulative phi class 10, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.00098mm (1um) Cfp09 N Cumulative phi class 9, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.00195mm Cfp08 N Cumulative phi class 8, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.0039mm Cfp07 N Cumulative phi class 7, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.0078mm Cfp06 N Cumulative phi class 6, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.0156mm Cfp05 N Cumulative phi class 5, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.0313mm Cfp04 N Cumulative phi class 4, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.0625mm Cfp03 N Cumulative phi class 3, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.125mm Cfp02 N Cumulative phi class 2, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.25mm Cfp01 N Cumulative phi class 1, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 0.5mm Cfp00 N Cumulative phi class 0, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 1mm Cfpm1 N Cumulative phi class -1, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 2mm Cfpm2 N Cumulative phi class -2, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 4mm Cfpm3 N Cumulative phi class -3, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 8mm Cfpm4 N Cumulative phi class -4, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 16mm Cfpm5 N Cumulative phi class -5, cumulative wt. percent of particles > 32mm Sieve A5 s = size analysis using sieves Rapid A5 r = size analysis using Woods Hole Rapid Sediment Analyzer Pipette A7 p = size analysis using pipette method Coulter A7 c = size analysis using Coulter counter Extrapol. A9 e = sizes greater than phi -5 and less than phi 10 are by graphical extrapolation Analyst A8 Analyst who performed size analysis Acknowledgements A15 Principal Investigator or source Comments on analysis A114 Comments relating to the size analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes 1/ Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. In Paradox database structure, "A" indicates alpha-numeric character format with the numeral following indicating the maximum number of characters in - or width of - the field; "N" denotes numeric values, either integer or floating point. Designation of number of decimal places is not required. "D" denotes date (mm/dd/yy) format. 2/ The "Orig. precsn" (original precision) field indicates the manner in which the position of a sample was reported in the original document. 3/ The date of sampling is also separated into components because for some records only the month or year is given; lack of all components of a date is incompatible with the standard date format of a database. 4/ Phi is a measure of size where particle diameter in mm, d = 2^(-phi); conversely: phi = -log2(d) where d is in mm. Thus: phi = mm phi = mm =~ um ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- -10 1024 1 0.5 -9 512 2 0.25 -8 256 3 0.125 -7 128 4 0.0625 63 -6 64 5 0.03125 31 -5 32 6 0.015625 16 -4 16 7 0.0078125 8 -3 8 8 0.00390625 4 -2 4 9 0.001953125 2 -1 2 10 0.0009765625 1 0 1 11 0.00048828125 0.5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The texture data in "Groups" 1 and 2 were analyzed under the supervision of John Schlee, and "Group" 3, under the supervision of Lawrence J. Poppe, both of the U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA 02543. For further information, contact: Polly Hastings U.S. Geological Survey 384 Woods Hole Road Quissett Campus Woods Hole, MA 02543 Tel. 508 457 2289 e-mail: pshoukimas@nobska.er.usgs.gov or jhathaway@nobska.er.usgs.gov March 7, 1994 DISCLAIMER This database, identified as Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology Sediment Database, has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. END #
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