Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica Dottorato in Economia Applicata

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Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica
Dottorato in Economia Applicata

Readings list di Econometria.
Argomento: L’analisi econometrica dei problemi di crescita economica. A.A. 2003-2004

Prof. Francesco Aiello

Convergenza: Modelli teorici della convergenza

Abramovitz, M. (1986). Catching up, forging ahead and falling behind. Journal of Economic History, 46, 385-406.

Barro, R. J. e Sala-i-Martin, X. (1992). Convergence. Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), 223-251.

Galor, O. D. (1996). Convergence? Inferences from theoretical models. Economic Journal, 106, 1056-1069.

Klenow, P. J. e Rodriguez-Clare, A. (1997). Economic growth: a review essay. Journal of Monetary Economics.

Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D. e Weil, D. N. (1992). A contribution to the empirics of economic growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 407-437

Analisi cross –section

Barro, R. J. e Sala-i-Martin, X. (1992). Convergence. Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), 223-251.

Baumol, W. J. (1986). Productivity growth, convergence and welfare: what the long-run data show. American Economic Review, 1072-1085.

de la Fuente, Angel (1997). The empirics of growth and convergence: a selective review. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 21, 23-73.

De Long, J. B. (1988). Productivity growth, convergence and welfare: comment. American Economic Review, 1138-1154.

Dowrick, S. e Nguyen, D. (1989). OECD comparative economic growth 1950-85: catch-up and convergence. American Economic Review, 1010-1030.

Durlauf, S. N. (1996). On the convergence and divergence of growth rates: an introduction. Economic Journal, 106, 1016-1019.

Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D. e Weil, D. N. (1992). A contribution to the empirics of economic growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 407-437.

Sala-i-Martin, X. (1995). The classical approach to convergence analysis. Economic Journal, 106, 1019-1036.

Panel data

Caselli, F., Esquivel, G. e Lefort, F. (1996). Reopening the convergence debate: a new look at cross-country growth empirics, Journal of Economic Growth, September, 1(3), 363-90.

Islam, N. (1995). Growth empirics: a panel data approach. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 1127-1170.

Altri approcci

Bernard, A. B. e Jones, C. I. (1996). Technology and convergence. Economic Journal, 106, 1037-1044.

de la Fuente, Angel (2000). Convergence across countries and regions: theory and empirics. CEPR discussion paper no. 2465.

Jones, Charles I. (1997). Convergence revisited. Journal of Economic Growth, July, 2(2), 131-153.

Jones, Charles I. (1997). On the evolution of the world income distribution. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 11(3), 19-36.

Quah, D. T. (1993). Empirical cross-section dynamics in economic growth, European Economic Review, 37, 426-434.

Quah, D. T. (1996). Twin Peaks: growth and convergence in models of distribution dynamics. Economic Journal, 106, 1045-1055.

Modelli di crescita ed incertezza.

Bleaney, Michael e Nishiyama, Akira (2002). Explaining Growth: A Contest between Models. Journal of Economic Growth, March, 7(1), 43-56.

Brock, William A. e Durlauf, Steven N. (2001). Growth empirics and reality. World Bank Economic Review, 15(2), 229-72.

Chatfield, Christopher (1995). Model uncertainty, data mining and statistical inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 158, 419-444.

Levine, Ross e Renelt, David (1992). A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions. American Economic Review, 82, 942-963.

Fernandez, C., Ley, Eduardo e Steel, Mark F. J. (2001). Model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions. Journal of Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.

Hoover, Kevin D. e Perez, Stephen J. (2000). Truth and robustness in cross-country growth regressions. Manuscript, UC Davis.

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier (1997). I just ran two million regressions. American Economic Review, 87, 178-183.

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, Doppelhofer, Gernot e Miller, Ronald (2000). Determinants of long-run growth: a Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) approach. NBER working paper no. 7750, June.

Temple, Jonathan (2000). Growth regressions and what the textbooks don't tell you. Bulletin of Economic Research, 52(3), July, 181-205.

Modelli di crescita ed incertezza: bibliografia di base

Draper, D. (1995). Assessment and propagation of model uncertainty. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 47, 45-97.

Hoeting, Jennifer, Madigan, David, Raftery, Adrian e Volinksy, Chris (1999). Bayesian Model Averaging: a tutorial. Manuscript.

Raftery, Adrian E. (1995). Bayesian model selection in social research. Sociological Methodology 1995, Oxford: Blackwells, 111-196.

Raftery, Adrian E., Madigan, David e Hoeting, Jennifer A. (1997). Bayesian Model Averaging for linear regression models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 92, 179-191.

Trasferimenti tecnologici e crescita

Abramovitz, Moses (1986). Catching up, forging ahead and falling behind. Journal of Economic History, 46(2), June, 386-406.

Bernard, Andrew B. e Jones, Charles I. (1996). Technology and convergence. Economic Journal, 106, July, 1037-1044.

Fagerberg, Jan (1994). Technology and international differences in growth rates. Journal of Economic Literature, 32, September, 1147-1175.

Goodfriend, Marvin e McDermott, John (1998). Industrial development and the convergence question. American Economic Review, 88(5), 1277-1289.

Hausmann, Ricardo e Rodrik, Dani (2002). Economic development as self-discovery. NBER working paper no. 8952.

Commercio internazionale e crescita

Acemoglu, Daron and Jaume Ventura (2001). The world income distribution. NBER working paper no. 8083.

Baldwin, Richard, Philippe Martin and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano (2001). Global income divergence, trade, and industrialization: the geography of growth take-offs. Journal of Economic Growth, March, 6(1), 5-37.

Ben-David, Dan (1993). Equalizing exchange: trade liberalization and income convergence. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108, 653-679.

Ben-David, Dan (1994). Income disparity among countries and the effects of freer trade. In Luigi L. Pasinetti and Robert M. Solow (eds.) Economic growth and the structure of long-run development. London: Macmillan, 45-64.

Ben-David, Dan (1996). Trade and convergence among countries. Journal of International Economics, 40 (3/4), May, 279-298.

Ben-David, Dan and Loewy, Michael B. (1998). Free trade, growth, and convergence. Journal of Economic Growth, 3(2), June, 143-170.

Deardoff, Alan V. (2001). Rich and poor countries in neoclassical trade and growth. Economic Journal, 111 (470), 277-294.

Dinopoulos, E. and Segerstrom, P. (1999). The dynamic effects of contingent tariffs. Journal of International Economics, February, 47(1), 191-222.

Dinopoulos, E. and Syropoulos, C. (1997). Tariffs and Schumpeterian growth. Journal of International Economics, May, 42(3-4), 425-452.

Eicher, Theo S. (1999). Trade, development and converging growth rates - dynamic gains from trade reconsidered. Journal of International Economics, June, 48(1), 179-198.

Murat, Marina and Pigliaru, Francesco (1998). International trade and uneven growth: a model with intersectoral spillovers of knowledge. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 7, 221-236.

O'Rourke, Kevin H., Taylor, Alan M. and Williamson, J. G. (1996). Factor price convergence in the late nineteenth century. International Economic Review, 37(3), August, 499-530.

O'Rourke, Kevin H., and Williamson, J. G. (1994). Late 19th century Anglo-American factor price convergence: were Heckscher and Ohlin right? Journal of Economic History, 54(4), December, 892-916.

O'Rourke, Kevin H., and Williamson, J. G. (1999). Globalization and history: the evolution of a 19th century Atlantic economy, MIT Press.

O'Rourke, Kevin H., and Williamson, J. G. (2000). The Heckscher-Ohlin model between 1400 and 2000: when it explained factor price convergence, when it did not, and why. NBER working paper no. 7411 and CEPR working paper no. 2372

Rassekh, Farhad (1992). The role of international trade in the convergence of per capita GDP in the OECD: 1950-1985. International Economic Journal, 6(4), 1-16.

Rassekh, Farhad and Thompson, Henry (1998). Micro convergence and macro convergence: factor price equalization and per capita income. Pacific Economic Review, 3(1), February, 3-11.

Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. (1995). Economic reform and the process of global integration. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1.

Slaughter, M. J. (1997). Per capita income convergence and the role of international trade. American Economic Review, 87(2), 194-204.

Spilimbergo, Antonio (2000). Growth and trade: the North can lose. Journal of Economic Growth, June, 5(2), 131-146.

Ventura, J. (1997). Growth and interdependence. Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 57-84.

Williamson, J. (1996). Globalization, convergence, and history. Journal of Economic History, 56, 277-306, June.

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