Using ideas about number, quantity, measurement and shape the main themes this term are:
Counting games and activities
Counting patterns
Addition and subtraction
2d and 3d shapes
Comparing shapes
In addition Year 1:
Place Value
Collecting and presenting information
Telling the Time
PE – Monday PM with Mrs Stelling (dance and gymnastics) and Thursday PM with Mrs Cioffi (games).
Music – Mrs Cioffi will teach Class D music, on a Wednesday afternoon. Class D will be listening to music, singing and creating sounds with percussion instruments to learn how to Explore Pitch.
Computing - Mrs Cioffi will teach Class D computing on Thursday afternoon when Class D will be finding out identifying the uses of algorithyms in programs.
This term we will be developing our skills in speaking, listening, writing and reading through:
Phonics - Letters and Sounds
Weekly Spellings
Sharing traditional stories, rhymes, poems and instructional texts
Writing captions, instructions, recounts and stories
Reading - guided and individual
‘Show and Tell’
Our topic this term is ‘Growth; Animals and Plants’.
This includes learning about:
Naming body parts
Adults and their young
How we change as we grow older
Keeping healthy
Class D
Places - Spring Term
In PSHE we will be Going for Goals and reflecting on how it is Good to be Me through Circle Time activities.
This will continue to nurture and develop the children’s confidence and independence in in ‘speaking and listening’ to others.
In RE we will be learning about the celebrations of the Chinese New Year and the Christian festival of Easter. We will also look at why the Saints Days’ of Saint David’s Day and Saint Patrick’s Day are special to people in the United Kingdom.
Extra notes
Phonics begins at 9am; please make sure your child is at school on time so they don’t miss out!
Reading books that need to be changed should be put in the yellow box by the children when they place their folder in either the blue box (Y1) or green box (YR) in the morning, with their Reading Diary.
Topic – Geography / History
Our geography based theme of ‘Places’ is an ideal one for helping children to learn about the ‘wider world’ in which they live.
This includes learning about:
Cold places (Artic)
Hot places (Desert)
Underwater places and animals
Comparing Furness Vale to another village in another country - what are the similarities and differences?
Environments and Recycling (linking to last term’s work on materials)
Art and Design/Design and Technology
Working across the curriculum, the children will develop skills in using tools and equipment to create a wide variety of individual art and design pieces, including:
Collaging a ‘globe’ of the world’s seas and continents
Painting/drawing our favourite places
Painting/drawing different scenes linking to the ‘places’ in our topic work - Antarctica/Jungle and rainforest/Desert/Underwater
Chinese New Year - dragon/traditions/story of the animals
Spring festivals - Mother’s Day and Easter
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