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US-China cooperation key to climate change, energy security and economy

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US-China cooperation key to climate change, energy security and economy

Asia Society Center 9
(Asia Society Center on U.S.-China Relations and Pew Center on Global Climate Change, January 2009 “A Roadmap for U.S.-China Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change” pg. 6-7 HY)
Of the many issues crowding the international agenda, there is perhaps none so pressing, nor so quintessentially global, as the rising threat of climate change. In its causes and potential consequences, climate change has implications for every inhabitant of every nation on earth. Yet the power to mobilize an effective response rests largely with a handful of nations. There are two in particular without which it will not be possible to find a meaningful remedy. The United States and China—the world’s largest developed and developing nations, the two largest energy consumers, and the two largest producers of greenhouse gases—must be partners in any effort to avert catastrophic climate change and usher in a new and prosperous low-carbon global economy. The advent of a new U.S. administration presents an unparalleled opportunity for a new strategic partnership between the United States and China that promises a more sustainable future for both nations and for the world.1 The United States and China should develop a sustained cooperative agenda as well as national policies to catalyze a new global strategic transformation to sustainable, low-carbon economic development. Through direct collaboration, the two countries can together advance key technologies and practices that will help to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, while also addressing their critical energy security needs. The current global economic crisis, far from being a deterrent, should provide even stronger impetus for efforts to develop a low-carbon economy generating green jobs and sustainable growth. At the same time, stronger bilateral collaboration on energy and climate can provide the leadership and momentum needed to achieve a true global climate accord, and build a stronger foundation for future Sino-American cooperation on other strategic challenges facing both nations in the 21st century. This Report presents both a vision and a concrete Roadmap for this new collaboration. With input from scores of experts, stakeholders, and policymakers from the worlds of science, business, civil society, policy, and politics in China and the United States, the Report explores the climate and energy challenges facing both nations and recommends a program for sustained high-level engagement and on-the-ground action. The Report and its recommendations are based on the following understandings: Action is Urgent. The United States and China should start now. There is overwhelming scientific consensus that human-induced climate change poses grave economic and environmental risks. Minimizing these risks requires that global greenhouse gas emissions, now rising at an unprecedented rate, peak as soon as possible and decline dramatically over the coming decades. Accomplishing this goal will be feasible only through concerted and sustained action, beginning immediately. The United States and China should not await new domestic legislation or multilateral agreements before launching stronger collaborative efforts. A Path to Energy Security. Climate change is largely a consequence of soaring global energy use, and addressing it requires a fundamental transformation of energy systems worldwide. This transformation presents an unparalleled opportunity to simultaneously address the urgent energy security challenges confronting the United States, China, and other nations by introducing new sources and technologies capable of enhancing the diversity, reliability, and independence of national energy supplies. New Economic Opportunity. At a time of global economic upheaval, strong efforts to address the twin challenges of climate change and energy security can contribute to economic recovery, while laying the foundation for a prosperous new low-carbon economy. The near-term investments that are needed will produce substantial long-term dividends through sustainable growth and employment. Conversely, delaying these investments will risk severe economic harm and drive up the cost of minimizing the impact of climate change.

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