Wilkes Honors College Adjunct Faculty Handbook

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Wilkes Honors College

Adjunct Faculty Handbook














The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University opened in the fall of 1999 and is the first public honors institution in the nation to be built from the ground up. Its pioneering interdisciplinary curriculum, with a strong emphasis on international and environmental studies, is positioning FAU’s Wilkes Honors College as Florida’s premier selective public institution for the 21st century. Its intellectual foundation is a belief that a liberal arts education is the best preparation for a full and productive life.

The Wilkes Honors College offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in Liberal Arts and Sciences. The curriculum is designed to develop the qualities of a free and responsible citizen, one who can reason clearly, read critically and analytically, argue persuasively in speech and writing, and contribute to society in fundamental and innovative ways. Students choose areas of concentration from the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and mathematical sciences. While completing this degree, students are active participants in the design of their own education, and they also acquire the life-long skill of learning independently. By providing broad intellectual training in the arts and sciences and specialized study in an area of concentration, the Honors College prepares its students for graduate and professional schools such as law and medicine, as well as for careers in education, business, science, and government.

Admission criteria to FAU’s Wilkes Honors College are highly selective. The Honors College looks for students whose scholastic performance and abilities demonstrate an active approach to learning and the potential for academic growth.

The Wilkes Honors College, with its attractive low student/faculty ratio, provides an atmosphere conducive to the highest quality liberal arts education. Tutorials, one-on-one learning, small classes, and affordable state tuition distinguish the Wilkes Honors College at Florida Atlantic University from all others. The integration of the John D. MacArthur campus into the Abacoa community offers an ideal setting for both informal and formal education, an educational opportunity usually found only in small private liberal arts colleges.

Mission Statement
The purpose of the Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University is to educate students in the liberal arts and sciences at the highest intellectual and scholarly standards. As a public institution, we open our doors to those seeking a challenging, yet affordable, learning experience — equal to that of the most selective colleges and universities — that nurtures individual academic interests and furthers each student’s aspirations. Small class size, rigorous requirements, numerous learning opportunities outside the classroom, and an emphasis on interdisciplinary study anchor a community of dedicated faculty and a talented, diverse student body. We value our special responsibility of public service, and we recognize that this responsibility extends not only to the people of the Palm Beach County area and throughout Florida but also to the nation, the global community, and the natural environment.

Guiding Principles

  • To attract outstanding and highly motivated students from a wide array of backgrounds

  • To engage students in a liberal arts education of the highest quality

  • To maintain and support a dedicated and diverse faculty recognized for its excellence in teaching and research

  • To extend learning, research, and service beyond the classroom into the broader community

  • To promote breadth of knowledge, encourage depth of understanding, and bridge disciplinary divides

  • To respect and recognize the educational value in interacting with people from different backgrounds and with alternative perspectives on significant issues

  • To cultivate critical thinking in the classroom and beyond

  • To respond positively and productively to social change and the need for justice at all levels of society

  • To adapt effectively to rapid technological development and to lead those developments, where appropriate

  • To introduce students to the challenge of original research, creativity, and discovery

  • To foster active learning among the college’s students and lifelong learning among its alumni

  • To interact with all members of the Honors College community in a spirit of collegiality, respect, and mutual support

  • To produce responsible and engaged global citizens through international, environmental, and area studies

The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University will become internationally recognized as a leader in honors education, serving as the destination of choice for an increasing number of highly motivated students who seek an academically challenging curriculum and a unique intellectual environment.

Community Code

We, the members of the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic University, agree to uphold and exemplify the following principles on our campus and in our community.

Academic Excellence

  • Strive to create and uphold an academically rigorous and encouraging environment.

  • Foster open minds that span across disciplines.

Social Involvement

  • Create close bonds with the members of the Honors College Community.

  • Embrace diversity by respecting people and ideas.

Personal Growth

  • Maintain honesty and integrity in and out of the classroom.

  • Develop thorough critical thinking, research, and involvement.

The Wilkes Honors College Adjunct Faculty Handbook is provided in an effort to facilitate your entry into the college's teaching force and to promote consistency across disciplines and instructors. Moreover, this handbook lays out the essential information you will need to know about teaching at FAU and the Wilkes Honors College. By accepting this handbook and signing your offer letter and Letter of Understanding (Attachment F), you agree to abide by the policies/procedures outlined herein.
Teaching Excellence
The Wilkes Honors College at FAU has hired you because you possess the academic credentials and the commitment to excellence in teaching that is the hallmark of this college. As it pertains to the subject matter you have been hired to teach, we fully expect you to facilitate learning as well as share current, accurate, and useful information with your students.
Academic Rigor
One of our primary concerns is that you challenge your students. We believe your course should get students to engage in critical thinking and whenever appropriate, develop their writing skills and ability to approach problems from interdisciplinary perspectives.
As an instructor, you are representing the Wilkes Honors College as well as your discipline and the profession. You serve as an example for students. Therefore, we ask that you maintain the highest professional standards when interacting with your class, individual students, colleagues, and staff.
Prior to conducting any classroom research or using any of FAU’s facilities or students to conduct research, you must first get the permission of your Chair and the Dean. Guidelines for research activities at FAU can be obtained from the Division of Research at http://www.fau.edu/research. The University has an active Institutional Review Board and Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee that reviews all research conducted at FAU.
Additional Resources
For additional information, please see the Honors College Faculty Resources page at http://www.fau.edu/honors/academics/faculty.php#tab5 and

the Florida Atlantic University Academic Affairs Faculty Handbook, 2015-2016 Edition, at http://www.fau.edu/provost/faculty/faculty-handbook.php

Please review the section on “Instructional Policies,” Pgs. 42-55, in detail.

Provost’s Office Memoranda and Policies
Please click here http://www.fau.edu/provost/resources/policy-memoranda.php to review the following important instructional and student policy memoranda from the Provost’s Office.

    1. Class Meetings (February 2015)

    1. Office Hours Policy (April 2015)

1.5 Administration of Student Perception of Teaching (SPOT) Forms (June 2015)

1.6 Guidelines for Course Syllabi (July 2015)
1.7 Definition of a Credit Hour (July 2015)
4.1 Religious Accommodations for Students and Faculty (August 2015)
4.2 Policy on Student Absences – Revised (August 2015)
Course Syllabus
In an attempt to insure quality and comply with the Wilkes Honors College guidelines, we have provided you with a syllabus outline (Attachment B) and template (Attachment C) for your course. As you prepare your syllabus, keep in mind that the syllabus represents what you intend to cover in your class. As such, it is imperative that you are absolutely clear as to what you expect of your students both in terms of attendance and performance. The weighting of papers and exams, the grading scale, and due dates for assignments are essential elements of your syllabus. Please consult the FAU academic calendar http://www.fau.edu/registrar/registration/calendar.php for important dates and official holidays and the University’s final exam schedule https://www.fau.edu/registrar/courses/final-exams.php, when preparing your syllabus. A copy of your syllabus must be emailed to the Honors College Secretary prior to the first week of classes. If you should need to update your syllabus at any time during the semester, please submit the revised version.

Gordon Rule or WAC Courses
If the course you are teaching is a Gordon Rule or WAC (Writing Across the Curriculum) course, it is imperative that your assignments satisfy the appropriate requirements. Consult http://www.fau.edu/WAC/ , the FAU course catalog and your Chair for further information about this requirement.
Students with Disabilities
You are responsible for insuring that students with disabilities, who request accommodations, are properly accommodated. Those students must be registered with the FAU Student Accessibility Services (SAS), formerly the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). If you have questions, see http://www.fau.edu/sas/ or contact Student Accessibility Services at 561-297-3880 (Boca) or 561-799-8585 (Jupiter, SR 117). See also, Pg. 55 of the FAU Faculty Handbook. http://www.fau.edu/provost/faculty/faculty-handbook.php
Class Meetings
By meeting your class, we are not only referring to meeting your class every session, but being on time and meeting for the entire period. If for some reason you cannot meet your class, please find a suitable replacement (from your area), and notify your Chair as soon as possible. You are not to cancel classes, but if you must miss a class meeting, you must contact the Chair and the Honors College Secretary so that they may answer questions from the students and post a sign on the classroom door. For additional information, please see http://www.fau.edu/provost/resources/files/Class-Meetings-Feb2015.pdf.
Class Field Trips
Plans for off-campus student trips must be discussed in advance with your Chair. If approval is received, you must email the Honors College Secretary at least two weeks in advance with the specifics of your plans so liability waivers can be prepared for you to distribute to the students in your class and if necessary, so transportation can be arranged. Faculty must distribute and collect the completed forms and turn them in to the Honors College Secretary prior to leaving campus. Please be aware that students under 18 years of age will need sufficient time to obtain a parent’s signature.
If an overnight trip is planned, you must notify the Assistant to the Dean at least two-three weeks in advance.

All textbook orders are placed online using Faculty Enlight at http://www.facultyenlight.com/?storeNbr=794. Adopting any book which has not been ordered previously requires the approval of your Chair or, if appropriate, the senior person in the discipline. Per Florida Statutes, all book orders must be posted at least 45 days before the first day of class for each term (see Attachment C for textbook ordering instructions).
For instructions, please see the Desk Copy Request Guide at


Class Rolls
Class rolls are available through FAU Self Service, which is accessible by logging into Blackboard or MyFAU: https://myfau.fau.edu.
Summary of steps using MyFAU:

1) Log into MyFAU using your FAU Net ID and password.

2) Select FAU Self Service/ Faculty Services/ Summary Class List/ Term, and your class.
The drop/add period is during the first week of classes. After drop/add is over, check your final role to ensure that all students who are in the class appear on the role. Students not appearing on your roll will not be assigned a grade. Please instruct students with questions to contact the Director of Academic Support Services. See http://www.fau.edu/registrar/registration/calendar.php for drop/add dates.
Honor Code
The Honors College has an honor code, which you should consult and include in your syllabus. It is available online at http://www.fau.edu/honors/academics/honor-code.php and stipulates procedures to follow if you suspect a violation. If you suspect an act of plagiarism or other violation of the honor code, you should contact your Chair and the Associate Dean. See also, http://www.fau.edu/provost/faculty/faculty-handbook.php, Pg. 50.
Student Conduct
Misconduct may take the form of failure to comply with the instructor's rules and guidelines as outlined by the syllabus or by verbal directions, disruptive behavior, or threating behavior. Please see http://www.fau.edu/provost/faculty/faculty-handbook.php, Pg. 50-52, for examples of misconduct and the expectations and policies for responding to them.
Services, policies and procedures, including classroom management procedures and a link to the Maxient Incident Reporting Form, are available on the Office of Student Conduct’s website at http://www.fau.edu/studentconduct/.
FAU’s Policy on Prohibited Sexual Conduct can be found at http://www.fau.edu/policies/files/1.15%20Prohibited%20Sexual%20Conduct.pdf. Please see Pg. 8 for information regarding reporting by University employees.
A link to the FAU Faculty/Staff Students in Distress Guide can be found at http://www.fau.edu/counseling/Students_in_Distress_Guide.pdf

Emergency Procedures
Any accident or security incident that occurs in your class should be appropriately reported and documented. If a medical, fire, or police emergency occurs:

  1. Call 911.

  2. Then call Jupiter Campus Police (561-339-0015) so emergency service personnel and vehicles can be properly directed.

  3. Remain with the victim, rendering first aid, if possible.

  4. Clear the classroom. Continuance of class is at your discretion.


Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment
Unlawful discrimination or harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, age, disability, sex, national origin, marital status, veteran status or any other basis protected by law is prohibited. Please see http://www.fau.edu/provost/faculty/faculty-handbook.php, Pg. 53, and FAU’s Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance (EIC) website at http://www.fau.edu/eic/ additional information and the schedule for anti-discrimination/anti-harassment training.
Assigning a Grade of Incomplete
The University has adopted a strict policy regarding the assignment of a grade of Incomplete (Attachment C). The College discourages the assignment of incomplete grades by adjunct faculty due to this policy and the paperwork required at the time the grade is submitted. If you intend to assign an Incomplete to a student, please see the Associate Dean. If the assignment of a grade of Incomplete is unavoidable, you must indicate the time period the student has (up to a maximum of one year) to complete the work, and the grade the student will receive if they fail to complete that work. Change of grades (from I to the actual grade) can be made online within one year by logging into MYFAU, FAU Self Service, Faculty Services, and ‘Grade Changes.” Beyond one year, a petition and special letter of justification is required.
Evaluations (SPOT - Student Perception of Teaching)
Student evaluations of teaching, using a university-wide student assessment of instruction form, occur near the end of each semester for all faculty members, including adjunct faculty. As of the Spring 2014 semester, all SPOT forms are completed online. Please remind your students to complete the form during the designated timeframe. Additional information and assessment results are available at http://www.fau.edu/spot.
Final Examinations
You may access the final exam schedule online at


The university and college policy regarding final examinations requires all faculty members to hold their final exam on the day and during the time at which it is scheduled. Since the exam period is counted as instructional time, you must administer a final examination as scheduled or hold a class during that period. Changing the day and/or time of your final exam is prohibited.
Drop/Add, Grade Submissions, Posting of Grades
Students can add or drop a class during the first week of the term without incurring financial consequences. Students may withdraw from a class after the first week, up to the deadline date stated on the University’s academic calendar, but they will not receive a refund.
You will receive an email notice from the Registrar’s Office towards the middle of each semester regarding the submission of mid-term grades/warnings online through MyFAU / FAU Self Service.
After calculating your students’ final grades, you must submit your grades online through MyFAU /FAU Self Service. It is absolutely imperative that you submit your grades by the deadline posted on the academic calendar.

Summary of steps:

  • Log into MyFAU

  • Select FAU Self Service/Faculty Services/Final Grades.

  • Select the term and the course, and enter grade in the Final Grade Box. There may be more than one page. You MUST click on the submit button for each page.

Final grades are posted online via MyFAU so there is no need to post them otherwise. Federal statute prohibits the posting of examination scores, test or paper grades or final grades in any way that lets individual students be identified by others, e. g. by student social security or Z number. If it is necessary to post grades, special identification numbers may be devised as long as they do not allow identification of the student.

Classroom/Facility and Teaching Aids
It is important that you do NOT change the location of your class without making a formal request to your Chair. If you should need to change classrooms for a specific event, please submit your request to the Honors College Secretary. Generally, all necessary teaching aids (e.g., audio/visual) will be available in your classroom. However, if you need to reserve or confirm the availability of specific equipment, contact the Honors College Secretary or submit an OIT Help Desk ticket at www.fau.edu/helpdesk.
If your class or meeting requires immediate assistance due to technical problems, contact the Jupiter audiovisual staff at (561) 339-2776. During the course of the semester, please allow at least one week when requesting teaching aids.
FAU Email Accounts
All FAU faculty and students are assigned an FAUNet ID, which provides access to a wide variety of network services including Workday, MyFAU, Email, OASIS, FASS, and Blackboard. University policy states that FAU personnel are to use only FAU addresses when contacting students via e-mail. Please check your FAU email regularly as Wilkes Honors College and University Administration communicate extensively with faculty via e-mail. If you encounter any problems with your computer, please contact the IRM Help Desk at 561-297-3999 for assistance or submit an OIT Help Desk ticket at www.fau.edu/helpdesk.
Please see the Honors College Secretary to obtain your FAU OWL Card prior to the first week of classes. Your OWL card serves as identification, as well as your library card, and is programmed to provide swipe card access to classrooms and buildings. For additional uses, please see http://www.fau.edu/business-services/owl-card/.
Contractual Agreement
If this is your first semester at FAU, you are to sign your Adjunct Faculty Offer Letter and complete the Human Resources onboarding process in Workday prior to beginning your assignment. We must also receive a current C.V. and an original transcript, sent directly from the institution where you earned your highest degree, prior to the beginning of the semester. The Assistant to the Dean will assist you with the hiring process. Remember that you cannot begin working until these steps have been completed. FAU temporary employees are automatically enrolled in the FICA Alternative Plan. Additional information is available at http://www.fau.edu/hr/Benefits/FICA_Alternative.php.

All FAU employees must have their pay direct deposited. Your biweekly pay slips will be available in Workday under your profile in “My Payslips.” Please see the Assistant to the Dean for any questions regarding your pay. Any changes to your mailing address or direct deposit information should be made in Workday.
Clerical Support
The Honors College Secretary provides clerical support and assistance for faculty. All of your copying and scanning needs (within reason) are to be handled by the Honors College Secretary. Please provide copy-ready materials or files at least one week prior to the date the copies or scans are needed. Please include instructions such as number of copies, single or double sided, stapled or unstapled, and the date and time they are needed. You may pick your copies up from the secretary or, if you will not arrive before 5 p.m. when the office closes, they can be put in your mailbox. Unfortunately, typing services are not available.
All requests for office and classroom supplies and maintenance and custodial services should be directed to the Honors College Secretary.
Please note that University employees are not permitted to give out your home or cell phone number unless they have been given explicit instructions from you to do so. Please instruct your students to contact you via email unless there are extenuating circumstances that require them to leave a message for you with the faculty secretary.
Library Reserves
Due to our limited budget, we must make every effort to reduce our copy expenses. Therefore, please do not copy class materials that can be presented through lecture and/or via e-mail or Blackboard. In addition, it is possible to leave copies of certain materials in the library on reserve. If the reserve materials exceed several pages, copyright laws usually prohibit reproduction without the publisher’s approval. Information on library services for faculty can be found at www.fau.edu/library or by calling the library at ext. 6-8530.
Office Space
You will be assigned shared office or desk space to use when meeting with students during your office hours. Adjunct faculty must hold two office hours per week for each course they teach. A computer is available in your office for your use and use by other adjunct faculty who are sharing the office with you. You will access the computer using your personal FAUNet ID and password. Please contact the IRM Help Desk at 561-297-3999 or submit a Help Desk ticket if you encounter any problems with your computer.
You will be provided with a mailbox to receive incoming mail in the building where your office is located. Please be sure to check your mailbox each time you are on campus.
Since office trash containers are emptied only once per week by campus maintenance personnel, please place food or drink items and containers into the large trash receptacles located in the building hallways.
Parking decals must be purchased from FAU to park in the lot on the Jupiter campus as well as all other FAU campus parking lots. Adjunct parking decals can be purchased at a reduced rate. Parking information and decals are available online at http://www.fau.edu/parking/permits.php.
World-Wide Web Information
Almost all other pertinent information about the Wilkes Honors College and Florida Atlantic University can be found at www.honorscollege.edu. You can access the Wilkes Honors College website, as well as relevant information regarding all programs and units within the University, from the FAU home page (www.fau.edu). There are also links to various educational organizations and institutions that may assist you in your professional and academic development.
Classroom Observation:

It is the practice at the Honors College for new instructors to have a Chair or Honors College faculty member sit in on one of their classes and provide constructive feedback. We also encourage classroom observation for returning instructors who might benefit from feedback from another faculty member.


Dean Ellen Goldey 6-8579 HC 134 egoldey@fau.edu

Asst. to the Dean Sandy Ogden 6-8579 HC 131A sogden@fau.edu

Assoc Dean Timothy Steigenga 6-8610 HC 104 tsteigen@fau.edu

Assoc Dean Mark Tunick 6-8670 HC 133 tunick@fau.edu

Program Asst. Hannah Paperno 6-8620 HC 131B hpaperno@fau.edu

HC Secretary Ayn Patrick 6-8103 HC 110 patricka@fau.edu

Fax 6-8602 HC 129
Director David Flanigan 6-8622 HC 132 flanigan@fau.edu

Associate Director Monica Maldonado 6-8647 HC 148 mmaldonado@fau.edu
Chair Terje Hoim 6-8673 HC 150 thoim@fau.edu

Chair William O’Brien 6-8033 SR 206 wobrien@fau.edu

*For a complete Wilkes Honors College phone list, please contact the Honors College Secretary.

All syllabi should adhere to the “Guidelines for Course Syllabi” per the Provost’s memo dated April 5, 2016. http://www.fau.edu/provost/resources/files/Memo-Course-Syllabi-Guidelines-4-6-16.pdf

A well-crafted syllabus benefits student and instructor alike by minimizing misunderstandings about course requirements and expectations. The syllabus provides students a clear understanding of course objectives and learning outcomes. It also offers students a roadmap for how those objectives and learning outcomes will be met. The syllabus should not only include information on course content, readings, assignments and activities, exams, and the grade weighting of course components but also should state what students are expected to learn or be able to do as a result of taking the course. Expectations should be clear, especially in terms of assignments and due dates. In extraordinary circumstances, the Office of the Provost will issue instructions on how to handle missed classes.

  1. Course title/number, number of credit hours

  2. Course prerequisites, corequisites, and where course fits in program of study (if applicable)

In addition to listing prerequisites and corequisites, note if the course meets a particular requirement, such as WAC (with grade of “C” or higher), Intellectual Foundations Program, required course for entry to particular program of study, etc.

3. Course logistics

a. Term

b. Notation if online course

c. Class location and time (if classroom-based course)

4. Instructor contact information

Instructor’s name, office address, office hours, contact telephone number, and email address

5. TA contact information (if applicable)

TA name, office address, office hours, contact telephone number, and email address

6. Course description

The course description should be consistent with the description found in the University Catalog.

7. Course objectives/student learning outcomes

Provide the students an understanding of what they will be expected to learn as a result of successfully completing the course.

8. Course evaluation method

Include a breakdown of the graded course components and their weight in determining the overall course grade (e.g. Midterm exam--20%, Essay #1--15%, Attendance and Participation--10%, etc.). Students are entitled to know how they are progressing in a course based on the individual grades received. If you have a policy about how unexcused class absences will affect the final grade, clearly state your policy. Please note that the University Provost, in order to identify and assist students at academic risk, requests that courses with freshmen have graded assignments well before midterm. If applicable, also note the minimum grade required to pass the course (if not a “D-“).

9. Course grading scale

Many faculty include in their syllabi some type of grading rubric: what constitutes “A” work in the course or in particular assignments, “B” work, what constitutes a “Pass” or “Fail,” etc. The equivalent letter grade in the course is the decision of an individual faculty member. If a faculty member plans to exercise the option to use a unique grading scale or curve, that needs to be stated in the syllabus.

10. Policy on makeup tests, late work, and incompletes (if applicable)

If you do not accept late work or apply penalties to late work, state so. Please note that students may not be penalized for absences due to participation in University-approved activities, including athletic or scholastics teams, musical and theatrical performances, and debate activities. Instructors must allow these students to make up missed work without any reduction in the student’s final course grade. Reasonable accommodation must also be made for students participating in a religious observance. Also, note that grades of Incomplete (“I”) are reserved for students who are passing a course but have not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances. If your college has elaborated on this policy, state so here.

11. Special course requirements (if applicable)

State if any requirements are associated with the course, such as mandatory field trips or film viewings, special fees, or purchase of course-related materials.

12. Classroom etiquette policy (if applicable)

If you have a particular policy relating to student behavior in the class, such as relating to tardiness or on the use of electronic devices in the classroom, state so here. Recognizing the unique relationship between faculty and student and adhering to the principles of academic responsibility, any such policies must be reasonable, non-discriminatory and not impede the educational mission. If you have a policy on the use of recording devices, please include a statement here.

13. Attendance Policy Statement

Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance.

Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in University-approved activities. Examples of University-approved reasons for absences include participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the student’s responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absences and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed
without any reduction in the student’s final course grade as a direct result of such absence.

14. Disability policy statement

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodation due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and follow all SAS procedures. SAS has offices across three of FAU’s campuses – Boca Raton, Davie and Jupiter – however disability services are available for students on all campuses.

15. Code of Academic Integrity policy statement

Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see University Regulation 4.001. If your college has particular policies relating to cheating and plagiarism, state so here or provide a link to the full policy—but be sure the college policy does not conflict with the University Regulation.

16. Required texts/readings

17. Supplementary/recommended readings (if applicable)

18. Course topical outline, including dates for exams/quizzes, papers, completion of readings

Include a breakdown of topics covered (generally, by class day or by week), deadlines for course assignments/requirements, and dates of exams and quizzes. The Provost’s Policy and Procedure: Definitions of a Credit Hour needs to be followed in developing out-of-class assignments.
Using Faculty Enlight to Order your Textbooks Online:

  1. Visit URL: http://www.facultyenlight.com/?storeNbr=794

  2. Click “Create New Account” at the top of the page, choose a username, provide your email, choose a password, provide your name, phone number, discipline and solve the CAPTCHA security code. Select school: Florida Atlantic University Boca & Jupiter. Click “Submit.”

  3. This takes you to your home page, you will see your name at the top of the screen scroll over “Adopt,” and select “Create New” from the pop-up menu bar.

  4. Select the term, and select your department and course from the dropdown menus, if you do not see your course select the department, then add your 4 digit course number next to where is says “Not Seeing the Course You Are Teaching” then click “+Add” to add the new course. Enter the course section, enrollment and teacher name, check the box next to the sections you added then click “Select Materials.” If your course is in the dropdown menus simply select it and click “Select Materials.”

  5. There are a variety of ways to find your materials including, ISBN search, Search by Author/Title and Search Previous terms. For these directions we will search by school adoptions. Click “Search My School Adoptions.”

  6. From the dropdowns select the previous term desired, the Department, course and professor, click “search” and previously used books will appear. If no books appear, a book was not previously used for the course, press the back button on your browser and select “Author/Title Search.”

  7. You may add the books individually by clicking “Adopt Book” beneath each title, or you may choose “Select All Materials,” for future book orders you may want to add books to your “My Favorite Books” list. Adopted books turn green, then click “Review/Submit.”

  8. Beneath each book select whether the book is required or recommended, then click “Submit Order”

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