Zeus 2002 Goal of the experiment

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ZEUS 2002

  1. Goal of the experiment

1992-2001: Study of ep collisions at = 300 GeV and 318 GeV.

2001: Machine luminosity upgrade, expect gain of factor 4 to 5 in the luminosity integrated per year.

2002-2006: Continue experimentation – lepton beam polarization, electro-weak physics opens.

  1. Achievements during year 2002

Finalization of analyses and new results (hard-diffraction, QCD studies, heavy flavor physics, exotic and rare phenomena), leading to the presentation of 45 papers to the International Conference on High Energy Physics, (ICHEP) July 21-24, 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The upgraded HERA machine has restarted in 2002, achieving the nominal specific luminosity and more than 50% polarization in the collider experiments. The backgrounds in the two experiments prevented a satisfactory data taking. These backgrounds have been thoroughly studied, and the results and remedies were presented to an international review committee. These remedies will be implemented in a shutdown in spring 2003, after which HERA will resume beam operations.

More than 200x106 Monte Carlo events were produced for the analyses and about 25% of them has been produced by the Italian group clusters.

During 2002 the newly installed detectors were tested. In particular the new ZEUS silicon vertex detector (known as MVD, Micro Vertex Detector), largely financed and built by Italy, has been completely integrated in the data taking and reconstruction , and has already provided satisfactory results.

  1. INFN contributions to the experiment in terms of manpower and financial support.

INFN physicists (including students) are about the 17% of the total ZEUS physicists.

Funding foreseen in the 2002 Budget: 690 kEuro

  1. Number of publications in refereed journals

During 2002, 12 papers have been published and 2 are accepted for publication.

  1. Number of talks in conferences (from INFN)

19 (about 23% of the ZEUS talks)

  1. Number of undergraduate and doctoral theses on the experiment (from INFN).

5 undergraduate theses completed. 1 undergraduate thesis ongoing, 1 PhD thesis completed, 4 PhD theses ongoing.

  1. Leadership role in the experiment.

Until September 2002:

  • Coordinator of the Diffractive Physics Group (G. Iacobucci, Bologna)

  • Coordinator of the Exotic Physics and Rare Phenomena Group (E. Gallo, Firenze)

  • Coordinator of the Exotic Physics and Rare Phenomena Group (L. Bellagamba, Bologna)

  • Coordinator of the LPS analyses in the Diffractive Group (M. Arneodo, Torino)

Since September 2002:

  • Coordinator of the Diffractive Physics Group (A. Bruni, Bologna)

  • Coordinator of the LPS analyses in the Diffractive Group (M. Arneodo, Torino)

  • Coordinator of the Exotic Physics and Rare Phenomena Group (E. Gallo, Firenze)

  • Coordinator of the Exotic Physics and Rare Phenomena Group (L. Bellagamba, Bologna)

  • Coordinator of the Heavy Flavours Physics Group (M. Corradi, Bologna)

For the whole 2002:

  • Run Coordinator (A. Bruni, Bologna)

  • Run Coordinator (G. Barbagli, Firenze)

  • Coordinator of the electronics of the silicon vertex detector (R. Carlin, Padova)

  • ZPG members (G. Iacobucci, Bologna; S. Limentani, Padova; R. Nania, Bologna)

  1. Competing experiments.

At HERA: H1.

For aspects of QCD and searches beyond the SM: CDF, D0 and the LEP experiments.

  1. International Committees, that have reviewed the experiment.


  1. List of milestones for INFN activities in 2003.

  1. Integrate at least 70% of the luminosity gated by ZEUS with the Muon Detectors.

  2. Start to analyse data taken with the new silicon vertex detector (MVD)

  3. Produce at least 20x106 Monte Carlo events with the Italian clusters

  4. Coordinate at least two physics groups

  5. Present results at least in 6 international conferences

  6. Contribute for at least two common tasks to the collaboration

  7. Complete the radiation monitoring system for the MVD

  8. Have at least 8 independent physics analyses active

  9. Complete at least 4 physics analyses

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