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* Dragon Jaws

* Strange House in the Mist

* The Vaults Beneath

* The Valley of Shame

* The Swamp of Dread

* The Cave of Souls

* Throne of the World

* The Deepest Mine

* The Mountain of the Past

* Tomb of the Ancients

* The Previous Forest

* The Sun Below

* The Sunless Sea

* The Endless Field of Cubes

* Endless Caverns

* Glowing Caverns

* The Mosaic Desert

* Villa of Ever Changing Fresques

* Thorn Wood Heights

* Poison Glades

* Lyfjaberg

* Healing spring

* The Hippocampoi Fields

* The Amber Halls

* The Forest beneath the Waves

* Thermal Vent

* Cold Currents

* Depths Unnamed

* Whispering Waters

* Glowing Depths

* Falling Depths

* Dark Waters

* Caves in the Deep

* Mineral Fingers

* Plateau of Shards

* Long Lost Circle

* The Sea of Dead Memories

* The Iron Caverns

* Rain Forest

* Tundra

* Desert

* The Forgotten City

* The City of the Damned

* Merman Village
7.2.2 Magic Gems
Magic gems are condensed magic energy and seven out of the eight paths of magic has gems while Blood magic has Blood Slaves. Magic gems are used to fuel rituals, powerful battle spells and in forging magic items. Mages can also used a great number of gems of aproriate type to gain a permanent level in magic (called Empowering)and they can use them in combat to quench fatigue caused by spellcasting. A mage in combat that has a gem that is of same type as one of his magic picks gets a +1 bonus to that magic pick in combat. For example, a Nature 1 mage with one Nature gem would count as a Nature 2 mage while making spells. Only the first such gem per cast counts so a Nature 1 mage with 2 nature gems still counts as Nature 2 mage.
In addition, with battle spells the use of gems reduces fatigue; if N extra gems are consumed during casting, fatigue from the casting is reduced to 1/(N+1) of normal. Battlefield spells which cause at least 100 fatigue all require the use of one gem per 100 fatigue.
7.2.3 The Paths of Magic
During the God Design phase you can, and must, set magic skills for your Pretender God. Picking new paths and putting more points into current ones costs Design points, and the cost to pick new paths is announced when you select a physical form for your pretender. When adding level in a path, each additional skill level costs 8 design points *more* than the preceding, so it is very expensive to reach the 9 levels necessary for the special "bless effects". Generally you have to select a pretender with a starting level of 3 in the chosen path.
The amount, type and strength of magic you pick for your pretender also affects your Divine Titles and more importantly your bless effects.
There are eight Paths of Magic you can choose from, and you can place at max ten points of each skill at start for your Pretender. Levels of these paths also appear on the numerous mages of the world, but there are practically no mages who go over 5 picks in some magic skill without empowering or items. Pretender Gods can, and if the player wants to use a bless strategy will go beyond five picks. On the other side some players like to use low-magic gods.
All magic paths give you +5 to Magic Leadership per pick.

* 1 Air

* 2 Astral

* 3 Blood

* 4 Death

* 5 Earth

* 6 Fire

* 7 Nature

* 8 Water
The Path of Air deals with different manifestations of air such as wind, lightning or illusion. Air mages gain +1 Precision per level of Air magic.
Air magic offers powerful and precise Evocations, useful protection spells, and good summons. Gems collected from Air Magic are called Air Gems.
Astral is the first source of magic and it is very versatile, useful and powerful. It can be used to alter the fate of the battle or used to empower or dispel other spells.
Astral magic draws it's power from the celestial spheres and it has a number of utility spells such as Teleport and Dispel, protection spells like Body Ethereal and Twist Fate and mind or world-altering combat spells such as Astral Tempest, Control, Horror Mark and Mind Burn.
Astral magic gems are called Astral Pearls. All other magic gems must be first alchemized into Astral Pearls if one wants to alchemize gems from one type to other.
Human Blood is the second source of magic and it is banned by most rulers. Its sacrificial rites and techniques are unlike any other magic Path. Mages of the Blood Path can command five undead units per level in Blood magic.
Blood magic is quite different from other Paths of Magic as you must use the Blood Hunt command with your Blood mages to get Blood Slaves - sacrificial virgins used to fuel the Blood spells. These are the "gems" for Blood magic, but in battle Blood Slaves appear as units. In the strategic map they go into the commander's gem box like other gems.
Note that you can not alchemize Blood Slaves into or from other magic gems.
Blood spells are often powerful summons which call forth demons, fallen angels, crossbred abominations or Horrors. Blood magic also manifests as fatiguing combat spells that deal with burning, boiling, bleeding or draining blood from your enemies.
The dark path of Death deals with necromancy, reanimation rituals and destruction of life. A strong knowledge in Path of Death is required to command great hordes of undead. A mage can lead 20 undead units per one level of Death magic.
Death magic offers numerous summoning spells that call undead creatures ranging from lowly Soulless to terrifying Tartarian Titans. Death also provides good magic items for those who pursue Construction. Some powerful combat spells such as Disintegrate appear later on in the game.
Death magic gems are called Death Gems.
The Path of Earth deals with the control of the different manifestations of earth such as metal, stone and the very ground. Earth magic is useful in alchemy and in forging magical weapons. Earth mages receive one point of Protection per one level of skill in Earth magic.
Earth magic offer protection and enchanting spells such as Invulnerability and Weapons of Sharpness, good magic items, some potent battle spells like Blade Wind and summoning spells like Cave Drakes and Fall Bears.
Earth magic gems are called Earth Gems and can be alchemized into 10 gold each.
Fire is the most violent and destructive of all Paths of Magic. Fire mages carry an aura of righteous authority that helps them lead great number of troops, and the mages tend to be violent and aggressive. They receive a bonus to Attack skill for every level in Fire magic.
Fire magic spells mostly deal with shooting fire at enemies, encasing enemies in fire or setting enemies on fire and it has a great number of different spells in Evocation school.
Fire magic gems are called Fire Gems and they can be alchemized for 15 gold each.
The Path of Nature deals over the control of different manifestations of nature. It includes control over plants and animals as well as higher states of mind and body. A mage of this path can feed 5 troops per skill in Nature and any regenerative powers of the mage are boosted.
Nature magic has spells that summon various creatures of Nature from wolves to mighty Tarrasques, spells that drive people to sleep or berzerk fury or give them regenerative powers and spells that tangle people inside mass of vines or conjure forth clouds of poison or overpowering streams of life energy. Nature magic also has many useful magic items such as the Endless Cauldron of Broth which allows commander to feed 50 troops per turn with it alone.
Nature magic gems are called Nature Gems.
The Path of Water deals with the control of different manifestations of water such as rain, seas and snow. Water mages have an increased Defence skills.
Water magic has a number of combat spells such as Cold Bolt, Sailor's Death and Niefel Flames and it has a variety of summoning spells such as Summon Naiads and Sea King's Court. Water magic has some strong magic items such as Boots of Quickness, Demon Bane and Sword of Swiftness and items that allow commanders to go under seas with their troops.
Water magic gems are called Water Gems.
7.2.4 The Schools of Magic

* 1 Alteration

* 2 Blood Magic

* 3 Conjuration

* 4 Construction

* 5 Enchantment

* 6 Evocation

* 7 Thaumaturgy

Changes in the physical world. This School has many useful spells for Buffing but also interesting combat spells and rituals. The most famous spell in this shool is Wish and let you wish for anything (usually a Doom Horror.
Blood Magic
All spells that uses blood magic and blood slaves.

Blood Magic

Blood Magic is a slightly different take on the other, more typical schools of magic in Dom 3. Instead of using magic gems to cast spells, blood mages use blood slaves to power the enchantment. Blood magic has the advantage of being able to replicate (to a lesser extent) many of the spell effects of all the other magic schools in a "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" situation. Blood also has some excellent summoning spells.
The major benefit to blood magic however, is your ability to regulate the supply of magical fuel -- in this case, blood slaves. All other schools of magic are dependent on the gems being provided by the magic sites that you have discovered. Blood on the other hand simply requires that you hunt for blood slaves, which can be found in any province. Since your blood slave income is not fixed, you can theoretically control the flow of said slaves through your own actions.
Blood Slaves
Blood slaves are the virginal daughters (and perhaps sons) of the population of your nation. They show up in your strategic display just like other magic gems -- your mages can have them in their inventory, send them to the labs or trade them between themselves just like other gems.
In the tactical (battle) screens however, blood slaves appear as units, standing meekly by the mage or leader that had them in his or her inventory. They will not attack, but they can most definitely be killed in all the regular, messy methods. As blood magic is cast on the battlefield, the blood slaves will be "used up" by the nearby mages casting the spells.
As a general rule, it takes more blood slaves to accomplish a given effect than a comparable spell uses gems. For example, the Nature spell "awaken ivy king" requires 30 nature gems, whereas the Blood spell "bind arch devil" requires 99 blood slaves. Obviously the ivy king and the arch devil are not exactly equivalent, but they can be thought of as relatively on par with one another as they are both level-7 spells.
Blood Hunting
Since you are the beloved god-head of your nation and the rightful ruler of all creation, your worshipful people willingly provide their nubile, virginal children to be messily killed for your greater glory. All your representatives have to do is go door-to-door asking for children to be slaughtered, and the villagers smilingly give them up.
Well, maybe it's not quite that easy.
Blood slaves are obtained by setting a leader's orders to "Blood Hunt." In theory, any leader can blood hunt and obtain blood slaves; in practice, it should be done by leaders with levels in blood magic. The number of blood slaves that can be obtained each turn is a function of the leader's level in blood magic, the size of the population int he province and the amount of unrest in the province.
Blood hunting causes unrest, which in turn causes fewer blood slaves (and less money) to be available from that province. Patrolling the province and setting taxes to a lower level will reduce the unrest.
Note also that blood hunting also reduces the population of the province (fewer nubile virgins =fewer new babies= drop in population). This can be counteracted by a high growth scale, or limiting blood hunting to provinces with very high populations.
Blood Sites
There are a negligibly small number of sites that provide blood slaves on a turn-by-turn basis like other other magic gems. Typically, these sites are found in the capitals of the blood nations like Mictlan, but on rare occasions they can be uncovered by the normal site-searching methods.
Blood Sacrifice
Some nations have the option of using blood sacrifice to increase the strength of their dominions. Mictlan in particular must use blood sacrifice to spread dominion since Mictlan's dominion will not spread in the normal way. Blood sacrifice will increase the strength of your dominion in the province by causing a "temple check" for each blood slave sacrificed. A priest may sacrifice one blood slave per his priest level.
Any (sane) priest may blood sacrifice. To do so they simply set their orders to "perform blood sacrifice". They must have blood slaves in their inventory, and they must be in a province with a friendly temple. The amount of blood slaves a priest can sacrifice can be improved by the use of magic items, notably the jade knife.
It is generally considered inefficient to search for sites that provide blood slaves. They are so few that the return on investment is negligibly small.
Summon powers and beings from other worlds. Very useful if your need Thugs, Fodder or mages. Has also a few combat spells and buffs. Famous and feared is the ritual Ghost Raider that let you call an undead army into any province like paratroopers. The ritual Wild Hunt summons an army to slain enemy priest.
Make magic items and constructs. Also allow some mass-buff combat spells and the Construction of a few Magic Monsters like the feared, flying and trampling Iron Dragon.
Grant magical properties to creatures, items or land.
Projections of arcane power.
Manipulate the arcana, minds and magical processes.
7.2.5 Spells & Rituals
Combat spells
There are a great number of different combat spells from different schools and paths of magic, and not all of them do direct damage to units. There are spells that summon additional creatures to the battle, spells that provide aid to allies or the caster (known as buffs) and spells that weaken the enemy.
Combat spells cause fatigue, and the strongest spells require magic gems. If a mage reaches 100 fatigue points he will faint. If fatigue goes over 200 the mage will start taking damage and eventually die.
Having more skill in a path of magic makes spells from that path significantly less burdensome to cast and in some cases it can also make the spell vastly more powerful and harder to resist. Good examples of spells that scale well with power are Blade Wind, Orb Lightning and Nether Darts.
Magic gems can be used to reduce the amount of fatigue caused by a spell, since using a gem will count as +1 level to that path for all purposes. A mage cannot gain new paths by carrying gems of a different school, and only one gem will count.
Ritual spells
Ritual spells are cast during the strategic planning phase. Each ritual requires magic gems and a laboratory in the same province as the mage casting the ritual. Rituals range from summoning creatures to causing damage to enemy troops or provinces. All ritual spells take one turn to cast, be it a lowly ritual of Summon Cave Drake or the powerful global enchament of Astral Corruption. Keep this in mind when planning spells for your pretender or most powerful mages, as they may be wasting their time with spells easily cast by weaker cohorts. A ritual may be set to repeat by using the hotkey capital-M and selecting the monthly ritual.
Carrying gems has no effect on rituals since the gems used are drawn directly from the gem pool. Occasionally the skill of a mage in a certain path has an effect of the ritual. A highly skilled Death mage can summon many more Ghosts with the aproriate spell than a mage who barely meets the requirements. Scalable spells are denoted by a "+" after the gem requirement.
Utilizing rituals efficiently is one of the most important parts of strategy in the game. Global Enchantments

The most powerful rituals affect large portions of the world. These rituals are known as global enchantments. Once a global enchantment is cast it will continue to affect the world each game turn, until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Global enchantments are cast on the strategic portion of the game and they cost great amounts of gems and require strong skill in magic. For each global enchantment, there is a minimum gems requirement. If more gems is used, it's harder to dispel the global enchantment.
As we can see in the following list, Mother Oak, Gift of Health or Burden of Time are probably the global enchantements in the beginning of the game. They are only level 5 spells.
* 5: Mother Oak N5

* 7: Sea of Ice W6

* 8: Fata Morgana A7

* 9: Utterdark D9

* 7: Astral Corruption B6S6

* 8: The Looming Hell B7

* 8: Well of Misery D6

* 8: Guardians of the Deep W6

* 9: The Kindly Ones F6N4

* 9: Wild Hunt N6

* 9: Enchanted Forest N7
* 7: Forge of the Ancients E5

* 9: Mechanical Militia E5

* 5: The Eyes of God S5

* 5: Gift of Health N5

* 6: Riches from Beneath E5

* 6: Eternal Pyre F6

* 7: Stellar Focus S5

* 7: Earth Blood Deep Well E6

* 7: Ghost Ship Armada W4D3

* 8: Haunted Forest N5D1

* 8: Wrath of the Sea W5

* 9: Arcane Nexus S8

* 9: Gift of Nature's Bounty N7

* 9: Thetis Blessing W5

* 6: Perpetual Storm A5

* 6: The Wrath of God S5A3

* 8: Second Sun F8

* 8: Maelstrom W6

* 9: Strands of Arcane Power S7
* 5: Burden of Time D5

* 6: Foul Air D5A1

* 7: Dark Skies A5

* 7: Purgatory F6

* 7: Lure of the Deep W6

* 8: Gale Gate A5

7.2.6 Magic Items & Forging
In the mysterious and magical world of Dominions hundreds of different magic items exist. Mages with sufficient skill can produce marvelous items of the forge if they have researched the recipes or blueprints for thoese items with the Construction school of magic. These items can then be equipped by all Commander units be it mages, warriors, Pretender Gods or void summons as long as they have approriate item slots.
More information about items can be found here.
Construction, Paths of Magic & Forging
The Construction school of magic is a special one as the even levels (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8) provide a new set of magic items for your mages to forge while the odd levels provide the usual ritual and combat spells. These levels correspond to the five tiers of magic items ranging from level 0 trinkets (no research needed) to level 8 unique artifacts (only one of these items can exist at once).
These tiers do not affect the cost or skill needed to build an item, even if higher tiers offer more expensive items. For example, attaining Level 6 in Construction provides blueprints for some very expensive items but also for inexpensive items that do not require much magic skill.
All items have one or two Path requirements. These Paths affect three things: The type and power of mage needed and the gem cost of the item. For example, a mage with two levels in the Death path can forge items that require 2 levels in the Death Path to be forged.
* You need a mage of sufficient power to see what items you can forge. If you enter the construction menu with a Death 2 mage you can't see items requiring other Paths or of Death beyond level 2. Be sure to check with all your mages to ensure you can construct the most powerful item possible.

* Some mages get a Forge Bonus that appears as a hammer icon. These mages get a gem discount when forging an item. There is also a Global Enchantment that provides a gem discount. These discounts also apply to forging involving blood slaves.

* Forging an item always takes 1 turn of time, whether it is a Sword of Fire trinket or the artifact Forbidden Light. Keep this in mind when planning jobs for your mages; don't waste your Pretender's time making marginally useful trinkets.

* All forged items count as magic items. This is important considering there are spells that destroy non-magic armor, and Ethereal creatures are hard to hit without magic items. Some troop equipment such as ice weapons and armor also counts as magic.

* There are magic items which cannot be forged. These are typically unique items belonging to particular monsters. Sometimes, the random number generator assigns forces much more powerful than an ordinary set of knights and longbowmen as the defenders of a province...
Spoils of war
There is a chance, but not a certainty, of the victor recovering magic items from commanders of either side that fall in combat. If an item is not recovered, it is forever lost; if it was a unique artifact, it can now be constructed again.
Equipping magic items
Commanders with appropriate item slots can equip a magic item. For example, a void summon with no humanoid head cannot equip a helmet while an Ettin has two head slots and can equip two. Some commanders such as Devatas have four hand slots and can wield four single handed weapons or two two-handed weapons.
Any commander can equip a magic item from the item pool as long as he, she or it is in a province with a laboratory. You can also switch items between commanders in the same province. Using fast, sneaky commanders as item "mules" can be good way to get items to commanders on the front. The items worn by a commander show up as small tokens in the strategic view.
In addition, there are items that passively benefit an army merely by being carried by a friendly commander in the province. Supply-generating feed as many troops when carried by a scout as when by carried by your best battle commander, for instance.
Be warned that some items, once equipped, can never be moved. In addition, some magic items may have dangerous side effects, such as attracting the notice of hostile, otherworldly beings...

7.2.7 Magic Path Abbreviation Conventions

Throughout the Wiki, you may see arcane abbreviations such as "1E1N1?". Worse, you might see something like "1E1N1?(100 AEFW, 50 AEFW)". These are not attempts to shut you out of the game, but rather cunningly-wrought abbreviations intended to prevent someone from writing "one level in Earth, one level in Nature, plus an additional level of either Air, Earth, Fire or Water, plus a 50% chance of yet another level in either Air, Earth, Fire or Water."
See the advantage? Here's how you read it:
* A = Air

* S = Astral

* B = Blood

* D = Death

* E = Earth

* F = Fire

* N = Nature

* W = Water

A number in front of one of these indicates a magic level in that Path, so "2A3N" would indicate a mage with two levels in Air and three levels in Nature.
It's pretty easy, except that Astral uses an "S" because "A" was already taken by Air.
Less used, are the following:
* H = Holy

* U = Unholy

* ? = Random
Levels of holiness (or unholiness) are occasionally listed alongside the magic paths if the mage also happens to be a priest. These are often omitted, however.
Finally, many magic-using leaders in Dominions 3 have a certain random factor thrown in, which is represented by a question mark. So when you see "2E1N1?", it means two levels in Earth, one level in Nature, and one level in some random path.

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