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Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Magic gives you +0.5 research point/mage (rounded up), -0.5 Magic Resistance (rounded down) and -10% fatigue when spellcasting ;

* each point of Drain gives you -0.5 research point/mage (rounded up), +0.5 Magic Resistance (rounded down) and +10% fatigue when spellcasting.

National Preferences and Tolerances
When picking your scales it is critically important that you keep the following things in mind:
* Does the nation have a Heat or Cold preference stated in the nation description?

* Does your nation have other state tolerances of bad scales, such as Ulm's Drain tolerance?

* What benefits can you get from scales that are important for your strategy?
For example, Caelum has Cold preference of Cold +3. This means you can get 120 free design points from taking three picks in Cold and the Caelian units will gain benefits from the Cold dominion. Since Caelum's troops require large amounts of resources and supplies, taking Productivity and Growth can be very beneficial. Taking picks in the Magic scale will help Caelum's inexpensive mages.
This is but an example of scale design and some people take negative scales to free up design points. Underwater nations can take picks in the Cold or Heat scale because the climate scales don't affect sea income. A land of the dead has no need for Growth, Order, Production, or a pleasant climate. However, a nation whose troops use heavy armor might need the Production scale to have enough resources to field armies. Since Growth and Death scales decrease and increase respectively the chance of getting afflictions on beings with old age, you should consider the age of your mages when you choose Growth or Death. Understanding your own style of play and the nations' strengths, weaknesses, and needs is important when picking scales.
Strength of Dominion
The Strength of Dominion, symbolized by the candles, is another thing you must set. The Dominion is the strength of your presence. If your Dominion dies you also die, but if you die and you still have Dominion you can be called back. Dominion changes the land by your scales and some nations have special dominions such as later Ermor's death and reanimation dominion. Dominion is also used by some global spells. Strength of Dominion also affects the number of Sacred units you can make as you can make one Sacred unit per Dominion strength in a province. Increasing Dominion strength costs design points.
Dominion Strength of 4 to 6 picks is general considered the norm, but depends on nation and map size/density. Any less will be insufficient and any more is generally reserved for special strategies. Note that each Dominions candle costs 7 design point *more* than the previous, so high dominion strength is costly, especially if starting from a low value (rainbow mages for example)
Dominions Strength of 9 or 10 gives your pretender the Awe ability.
7.1.6 Awakening
he Awakening is a mechanic that trades time for design points. You can gain more design points for your pretender by using either of the two Awakening options but this removes your pretender from play for some time. There are three different degress of Awakening. Notice that whether the pretender is awake or not has no effect on bless effects.
The pretender god is available right from the start. This option gives you no extra points at all. This is a common choice for combat pretenders who can take independent provinces almost immediately.
The pretender god is in a dormant state and it will remain in such state for roughly a year (12 turns) in game time. This option gives you 150 extra design points and your pretender god will wake up roughly within a year. This is a good choice for pretenders who require some research or items before they can start bashing in skulls, for pretenders who simply are not needed right away but are wanted before year three, and for rainbow pretenders.
Banished by the previous Pantokrator, the pretender god is Imprisoned and strugling to break free. The escape will last roughly three years (36 turns) and you will gain 250 design points by using this option. Since the time that your pretender spends away from the game is great you should use this option with great consideration. Bargain pretenders most often are made imprisoned, but high end bless pretenders occasionally use this as well if they can't afford to be just dormant.
7.2 Magic
The world of Dominions is a magical world and magic will be of great importance to the Pretender's aspirations of godhood. The magic energies ultimately derives from the celestial bodies. The spheres predestine the fates and lives of priests and peasants.
The power of the spheres, the Arcana, empowers the nature in all its forms. It makes fires burn with heat and blaze, plants to grow and lightning to strike during storms. The Arcana is shattered into a spectrum of powers upon entry into the atmosphere. The six forms of lesser arcana are the Four Elements, Nature and Death.
But Arcana is not the sole source of magic power. The life-blood of the living is inherently magical. It is the magic in the blood that allows heroes to perform great feats, babies to be born and emotions to stir. Blood magic is the mastery of this power. Unfortunately the magic in the blood is diluted at best. Few mages can tap enough strength from their own blood to be able to perform magic feats. To do so the blood mage must spill the blood of other people.
The spells range from simple combat spells that only drain the caster's fatigue to mighty rituals requiring great amounts of magic gems or great blood sacrifices. Strange and powerful magic creatures wait their summoner and mages can prepare powerful spells to turn the tide of a battle.
7.2.1 Magic Sites
In the fantasy world of Dominions sites of great magic power exist. These sites are filled with power than can be turned into Magic Gems used to fuel rituals and the more powerful battlefield spells. However, the sites are often hidden and they must be found by skilled mages. Sometimes the sites have helpful or harmful side effects.
The chance for finding magic sites can be set when starting a new game, and can have a big effect on strategy.
Magic sites are found in the provinces, and there can be four magic sites at max per province. Magic sites can occasionally be found in great number in one province as every site increases the chance that the province contains another magic site. Magic sites are always aligned with one of the Paths of Magic or then with divine energies. This is important when it comes to finding the sites.
Most magic sites have a monthly magic gem income. These gems will go to your gem pool even if you don't have commanders or a laboratory in the province.
Some magic sites come with other effects. There are sites than can be entered by commanders to provide seer skills, combat training or monster summoning for the time they stay there. Some magic sites alter the Scales of Dominion in a province for better or worse and some magic sites have even more ominous side effects such as spreading deadly diseases to your troops or causing Horror Marks. Some magic sites allow you to recruit new units in the province and some provide you a building in the province like a laboratory and in some cases even a special fortress.
Some magic sites are visible immediatedly when entering the province but often these sites are either minor or have unpleasant side effects. Instead magic sites must be found by a mage.
Finding a Magic Site
All mages and priests have a special commaned called "Search magic" which will make the commander to look for magic sites in the province for the round. Searching for sites always takes one round and it is always complete, so if a mage didn't find sites during his first search run he won't find new sites.
However this doesn't mean that there wouldn't be sites in the province. All magic sites have a hidden Level along with their magic type which goes from 0 to 4. Level 0 sites are immediatedly visible, level 1 sites need a mage with 1 pick in aproriate skill in a Path of Magic to find it and so on. So for example a Death 1 mage would find a Death 1 site in a province while he would miss a Fire 1 site because he hasn't got any Fire magic.
There are also ritual spells that search for a certain type of magic site or in the case of Acashic Record for all types of site. These rituals can be set to be repeated until all provinces are scanned or gems run out. The power of a sweep from such a spell equals a level 9 mage searching the province so the Fire search spell Augury will find all Fire magic sites.
Effects of a Magic Site
In many lands there are places of interest. These sites might be ancient towers, enchanted springs or great mines. There are hundreds of different places of varying rarity in the game. Most of these places are hidden but some are common knowledge. The known sites are immediately recognized when you conquer the land. Mages can search for magic sites.
Special sites have many different powers. Most are sources for magic gems. Below follows a list of special powers that sites may possess.
* Magic gem source - magic gem income.

* Summoning site - reduces summoning cost.

* Monster summoning - enter to summon a special type of monster.

* Recruitment - additional units available for recruitment.

* Scale effect - the site influences the scales of dominion in the province

* Resources - increased resource value.

* Income - increased income value.

* Training - enables a commander to train all his units.

* Unrest - increase or decrease unrest.

* Holy - purifies the province from undead beings with holy fire.

* Disease - diseases spread in the province.

* Fort - a fortress is found unless there was one already.

* Lab - a laboratory is found.

* Temple - an old temple is found.

* Marking - units get horror marks. List of Magic Sites
* The Smouldercone

* The Coral Towers

* Cathedral of the Spheres

* Swamps of Pythia

* Forest of Avalon

* Tower of Avalon

* The Keep of Ulm

* The Forges of Ulm

* The Temple City

* Tower of a Thousand Stars

* The Citadel of Frozen Crystal

* Empoisoners Guild

* The House of Fiery Justice

* The Grove of Gaia

* The Halls of Andvare

* Iron Woods

* The Sunken City

* Ravens Vale

* Hidden Grove

* Surakid's Tower

* Mine of the Cyclops

* Bolivar's Tower of Reflections

* The Unholy Sepulchre

* The Unholy Sepulchre

* The Unholy Sepulchre

* Starke's Ice Cave

* The Queen's Galley

* Hoburg

* The Ruined Keep

* Temple of the Land

* Temple of the Rain

* Temple of the Moon

* High Temple of the Sun

* House of Fiery Justice

* Vanhalla

* Oleg's Alchemical Device

* The Deepest Cave of the Province

* Temple of the Everburning Pyre

* The Smouldercone

* The Citadel of Frozen Crystal

* Ravens Vale

* Black Forest

* The Sacred Swamp

* The Black Temple

* The Void Gate

* Niefelheim

* Well of Urd

* The Grove of Gaia

* The Grove of Gaia

* The Heavenly Gate

* The Celestial City

* The Celestial City

* The Bamboo Grove

* The Gate of Spring and Autumn

* Temple of the Dead

* Forest of Avalon

* Avalon

* Vanhalla

* Helhalla

* God Forest

* God Mountain

* The Temple Marsh

* The City of Tombs

* Temple of the Spheres

* The Desert Eye

* Gold Mine

* Silver Mine

* Copper Mine

* Iron Mine

* Naval Academy

* House of Justice

* Palace of Pearls

* Mount Cephalos

* Lykeion

* Akademeia

* Temple Sanguine

* Temple of the Shroud

* The Lotus Gardens

* The Carrion Grove

* The Carrion Grove

* The Carrion Grove

* The Wheel of Pain

* Irminsul

* The Great Cauldron

* The Bitter Stream

* Steppes of Sauromatia

* High Temple of the Land

* Temple of the Rain

* Temple of the Moon

* Temple of the Sun

* Carnutes

* Temple of the Pure War

* Mountain of the Mystics

* Palace of the Eagle Kings

* Mountain of the Oni Kings

* Patala

* The Jewelled City

* Mount Kailasa

* The Lotus Garden

* Augurs' Circle

* The Grove of Kelp and Pearls

* Temple of the Land

* High Temple of the Rain

* Temple of the Moon

* Temple of the Sun

* Mount Shinuyama

* Tombs of the Oracles

* Mines of the Pale Ones

* Halls of the Oracles

* Roots of the Earth

* Halls of the Oracles

* The Chamber of the Seal

* Gnipah

* Vanhalla

* The Halls of Andvare

* The Gorge of Ancient Cities

* The Carrion Grove

* The Grove of Gaia

* The Smouldercone

* Temple of the All-Consuming Flame

* Temple of the All-Consuming Flame

* The Sibylline Caves

* The Cerulean Tower

* Gymnasium

* The Enchanted Isle

* The Coast of Ice and Bones

* The Forest of Avalon

* The Basalt City

* The Dark Crystal

* The Heavenly Gate

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* The Empty Slot

* Tar Pits

* Sun Ridge

* Gold Apple Tree

* Bronze Pillar

* Plain of Perpetual Drought

* Magus Temple

* Alchemists Guild

* Smoke Forest

* Rage Wind Heath

* Bog of Strange Lights

* Copper Cliff

* Stargazers Cliff

* Desert of Bones

* Lantern Forest

* Orichalum Mine

* Volcano

* Solar Lens

* Tower of the Golden Order

* Tower of the Golden Order

* Tower of the Golden Order

* Academy of High Magics

* Ashen Fields

* Fountain of Fire

* The Steel Ovens

* High Temple of the Magii

* The Citadel of Pyriphlegeton

* The Glowing Hill

* The Fire Prison

* The Temple of the Raging God

* The Brass Door Hill

* Prison of the Desert Sun

* Thunder Oak

* Canyon of Wild Winds

* Blasted Heath

* Cave of Clouds

* Mist Covered Highlands

* Desert of Sighs

* Cypress Forest

* Howling Gorge

* Canyon of Playful Winds

* Cracked Tower

* Elusive Lights

* Ice Mists

* Singing Stones

* Cloud Pillars

* Mirrorlake

* Dragon Cliff

* Tower of the Silver Order

* Tower of the Silver Order

* Tower of the Silver Order

* Academy of High Magics

* Ivory Tower

* Twin Spire Tower

* Stone Spires

* Forest of Joy

* The Cloven Mountain

* Stairway Mountain

* Mirror Wall Palace

* The Flailing Forest

* The Whirlwind of Cyclon

* The Doom Cloud

* The Inverted Tower

* The Rainbow Shroud

* Palace of Dreams

* Well of White Water

* Mercury Pond

* Singing Stream

* Weeping Stone

* Boiling Bog

* Lake of Mists

* Sinkmarsh

* Lantern Fens

* Geyser

* Pearl Beach

* Waterfall

* Rockside Spring

* Well of Yesterdays Waters

* Corpse Candles' Marsh

* Overgrown Lake

* Lifeless Lake

* River Fortress

* Bottomless Lake

* Mist Swamps

* Academy of High Magics

* Frost Vale

* Azure Academy

* Rustwater

* The Ferry

* Mount Frost

* The Forest of the Lake

* Stony Swamps

* The Frozen Forest

* The Sea of the Tears of Men

* The Water Sphere

* The Great Mirror of Maaki

* The Sea Underneath

* Mineral Cave

* Earth Blood Seepage

* Firbolg Fortress

* Iron Cliff

* Canyon of Sand

* Mine of Superior Iron

* Great Iron Mine

* Great Gold Mine

* Great Silver Mine

* Hidden Gold Mine

* Gem Deposits

* Gorge

* Magma Cave

* Standing Stones

* Water Filled Cave

* Chasm of Strange Lights

* Cave of the Pale Ones

* Forest of Truffles

* Entrance

* Tower of the Iron Order

* Tower of the Iron Order

* Tower of the Iron Order

* Academy of High Magics

* Twice Walled Tower

* Archaic Fortress

* Lost Vale of the Elders

* Troll Pit

* Troglodyte Den

* Runaway Pit

* Steel Swamps

* White Man Hill

* The Forgotten Fortress

* The Jervellan Wall

* Ten Thousand Things

* The Broken Maze

* The Labyrinth

* The Chasm of Black Roses

* The Underworld

* The Statues of the Overlords

* The Cornerstone

* The Factory

* Library

* Painted Cave

* Maze

* Monolith

* Crystal Garden

* Lake of Reflected Time

* Strange Opening

* Sages Guild

* Abandoned Laboratory

* Crystal Flames

* Mirror Palace

* Caves of Passing Time

* Scrying Pool

* Pyramid of Life

* Totem Collection

* Gateway

* Distortion

* Nexus

* Village of Strange Men

* The Ancient Master

* The Crystal Citadel

* Citadel of the Lore Masters

* The Council of Sages

* Moon Mages Circle

* The Hidden Kingdom of Elludia

* The Grey Tower of Nexus

* The Ultimate Gateway

* Library of Time

* Battlefield

* Burial Mound

* Graveyard of the Damned

* Cave of Ghouls

* Well of Pestilence

* Haunted Village

* Gallows

* Broken Tower

* Forest of the Dead

* Ashen Forest

* Banefire Braziers

* Windswept Catacombs

* Crypt in the Sand

* Witches Bog

* Catacombs

* Overgrown Graveyard

* Marble Mausoleum

* Raven Oak

* Black Tower

* Death Mound Downs

* Statue of Death

* Chillsick Swamp

* Leper Fens

* Grayshade Forest

* Litter Skull

* The Crypt Underneath

* Flesh Garden of Mortal Remains

* The Bowl of the Lost

* The Shaded Lands

* The City of a Thousand Wonders

* The Mausoleum of the Great Sarlah

* The Shadow Furnace

* Glen of Verdant Greenery

* Forest of Delights

* Farm of Plenty

* Garden of Weeping Roses

* Grove of Evergreens

* Wild Forest

* Bile Marsh

* Hidden Forest

* Stone Circle

* Animist's Hut

* Fields of the Fire Flies

* Whispering Woods

* Hidden Valley

* Forest of a Thousand Streams

* Endless Forest

* Dying Forest

* Cottage in the Woods

* Wormwood Marsh

* Hall of Ancient Oaks

* Flower Swamp

* Mandrake Gallows

* Jungle Temple

* Maze of Thorn Hedges

* Horses Vale

* The Cedar Pillars

* The Mammoth Forest

* The Flowering Forest

* The Cedar Forest

* Moonvine Circle

* The Crown Woods

* Gateward Valley

* The Motheroak

* Forest of Avendron

* Animist's Tower

* Vale of the Silver Cattle

* Forest of the Ape King

* The Sacred Glen

* The Shrouded Lands

* The Gate of Deeper Slumber

* The Land of Pleasures Unattained

* Soul of the Wild

* Arena

* Brigand Lair

* Academy of War

* Damned Merchant

* Fields of Blood

* Blood Henge

* Ebony Tower

* Summoning Circle

* Gore Swamps

* Mount Chaining

* The Vale of Infinite Horror

* The Blood Keep

* Devil's Den

* The Ebony Circle

* The Demon Gate

* The Prison of Hearts

* The Mountain of Power

* Hall of Flayed Skins

* Ancient Temple

* Pool of Sanctity

* Hidden Monastery

* Monastery of Light

* Temple of Time

* The Marble Temple

* The Empty Grave

* The Forgotten Crypt

* The Ward

* Cave of Dark Rites

* Temple of Darkness

* Grove Unpleasant

* Inkpot End

* Flesh Eater's Isle

* Tower of Seven Tombs

* Seventh House on the Left

* Gorge of Glowing Fish

* Underwater Cave

* Imprisoned Zephyr

* Pocket of Air

* Diamond Corals

* Coral Reef

* Clam Field

* Coral Statue

* Sunken Island

* Man'o'War Breeding Ground

* Sunken Tower

* Troll Pit

* Shrine of the Shark Lords

* Tower of Pearls

* Isle of Ice

* Academy Underneath

* Underwater Cliff

* Moving Sand Banks

* Basalt Statue

* Isle of the Sea Fathers

* Kelp Forest

* Kelp Fortress

* Amber Beach Island

* Floating Forest

* Kelp Grove

* Coral Garden

* Sea Oak

* Sunken Galley

* Reef of Sunken Ships

* Dying Ground of the Whales

* Isle of Death

* Pearl Stairway

* Arcane Gateway

* The Water Solstice

* Ancient Temple of the Deeps

* Fire Rift

* Magma River

* Kraken Pit

* Basalt Halls

* City of Stones

* Ghoul Fish Cave

* The Wasted Sea

* Basalt Pillars

* Labyrinth of the Deeps

* Gorge of Mystery

* The Crater

* The Last Void

* Shambler Reef

* Navigators Guild

* Temple of the Turning Tide

* Black Ice Valley

* Castle Arcanum

* Ancient Forge

* Chamber of Changes

* Standing Stones

* Conjurer's Cave

* Tempest Spire

* Blizzard Valley

* Halls of the Dead

* Banefire Forge

* Crown of Darkness

* Wolven Gate

* Twisting Woods

* Ancient Forest

* Silver Forest

* Assassins Guild

* Valley of the Roc

* Bear Mountain

* The Obsidian Sphere

* Temple of the All-Seeing Eye

* Haunted Torture Chamber

* The Vale of Unicorns

* Throne of Enlightenment

* The Blood Rock

* Forest of Pain

* Forest of Splendour

* Red Forest

* Dragon Forest

* Dragon Mountain

* The Crystal Academy

* The Draining Stone

* The Snake Collector

* The Cliff of Seven Directions

* The Primal Forest

* The Holy Crypt of Anre

* The World Pillar

* The Desert of Ptah

* Fountain of Rubies

* Tempest Hall

* Frozen Fountain

* Ctonian Gate

* Moonlit Pond of Pearls

* Well of Darkness

* Shrine of the Wild

* Forest of Golden Leaves

* Frozen Lands

* Skull Temple

* Academy of the Crescent Moon

* Oak of Ages

* Well of All Waters

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