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7.1 Pretender design

7.1.1 Types of Pretender God

Combat Pretender

As the name implies, this god can take whole independent provinces by himself, right from the start. Immortality, Regeneration or being undead is a big bonus. It is important to be able to cast spells that protect and empower you in combat such as Quickness, Stoneskin and Body Ethereal. Some of those functions can be gained by forging items, but that needs time and you want to use your combat pretender fast. Fatigue is one of the biggest threats for combat pretenders. Nataraja is a classic combat pretender.

Arty platform

This god need some troops to protect him. He is tailored to cast a special spells (like hurling lightning or raise clouds of poison) on the battlefield. The spells need some time to be researched. During this time, protective equipment can be forged, so physical might is not as important as for an Combat Pretender. Keep in mind that fatigue is the biggest foe of battlefield spellcasters. A Solar Disc with high innate fire magic could act as literal Fire support pretender from the start of the game.

High Bless strategy

This god has lot of skill points in one (or more) magic skills. Having more than 4 levels in a specific magic path when starting out gives your holy troops a buff when blessed. Later in the game, the god can sit in his fortress and annihilate whole armies with far-casting spells. Bless effect gods double as artillery platforms and combat pretenders. Virtue can easily be a combined combat/arty/bless pretender thanks to her affordable cost and starting Air magic.

Rainbow, multi-bless strategy

Instead of many points of one magic path, this god has fewer skills in more magic paths. He will constantly travel the land and do magic site-searching. There are many benefits to be a rainbow mage, such as magic versatility and high research. Rainbow mages are most of the time humanoid pretenders with cheap magic picks.

However water magic doesn't allow going underwater any more. This is an important change for all mages (not just for rainbow mages).

This god is chosen by having the lowest cost of design points. The free design points can be invested in good scales and/or magic skills. The immobile 0-point costing Oracle is a good example of Bargain pretender which can also pursue a Bless strategy.

Special Skill

This god is created around a specialized skill like forging magic items, blood hunting or assassination. Fountain of Blood is an example of a special pretender as it is a great blood hunter.

7.1.2 Magic paths

During the God Design phase you can, and must, set magic skills for your Pretender God. Picking new paths and putting more points into current ones costs Design points, and the cost to pick new paths is announced when you select a physical form for your pretender. When adding level in a path, each additional skill level costs 8 design points *more* than the preceding, so it is very expensive to reach the 9 levels necessary for the special "bless effects". Generally you have to select a pretender with a starting level of 3 in the chosen path.

The amount, type and strength of magic you pick for your pretender also affects your Divine Titles and more importantly your bless effects.
There are eight Paths of Magic you can choose from, and you can place at max ten points of each skill at start for your Pretender. Levels of these paths also appear on the numerous mages of the world, but there are practically no mages who go over 5 picks in some magic skill without empowering or items. Pretender Gods can, and if the player wants to use a bless strategy will go beyond five picks. On the other side some players like to use low-magic gods.
All magic paths give you +5 to Magic Leadership per pick.


* 1 Air

* 2 Astral

* 3 Blood

* 4 Death

* 5 Earth

* 6 Fire

* 7 Nature

* 8 Water

The Path of Air deals with different manifestations of air such as wind, lightning or illusion. Air mages gain +1 Precision per level of Air magic.
Air magic offers powerful and precise Evocations, useful protection spells, and good summons. Gems collected from Air Magic are called Air Gems.
Astral is the first source of magic and it is very versatile, useful and powerful. It can be used to alter the fate of the battle or used to empower or dispel other spells.
Astral magic draws it's power from the celestial spheres and it has a number of utility spells such as Teleport and Dispel, protection spells like Body Ethereal and Twist Fate and mind or world-altering combat spells such as Astral Tempest, Control, Horror Mark and Mind Burn.
Astral magic gems are called Astral Pearls. All other magic gems must be first alchemized into Astral Pearls if one wants to alchemize gems from one type to other.
Human Blood is the second source of magic and it is banned by most rulers. Its sacrificial rites and techniques are unlike any other magic Path. Mages of the Blood Path can command five undead units per level in Blood magic.
Blood magic is quite different from other Paths of Magic as you must use the Blood Hunt command with your Blood mages to get Blood Slaves - sacrificial virgins used to fuel the Blood spells. These are the "gems" for Blood magic, but in battle Blood Slaves appear as units. In the strategic map they go into the commander's gem box like other gems.
Note that you can not alchemize Blood Slaves into or from other magic gems.
Blood spells are often powerful summons which call forth demons, fallen angels, crossbred abominations or Horrors. Blood magic also manifests as fatiguing combat spells that deal with burning, boiling, bleeding or draining blood from your enemies.
The dark path of Death deals with necromancy, reanimation rituals and destruction of life. A strong knowledge in Path of Death is required to command great hordes of undead. A mage can lead 20 undead units per one level of Death magic.
Death magic offers numerous summoning spells that call undead creatures ranging from lowly Soulless to terrifying Tartarian Titans. Death also provides good magic items for those who pursue Construction. Some powerful combat spells such as Disintegrate appear later on in the game.
Death magic gems are called Death Gems.
The Path of Earth deals with the control of the different manifestations of earth such as metal, stone and the very ground. Earth magic is useful in alchemy and in forging magical weapons. Earth mages receive one point of Protection per one level of skill in Earth magic.
Earth magic offer protection and enchanting spells such as Invulnerability and Weapons of Sharpness, good magic items, some potent battle spells like Blade Wind and summoning spells like Cave Drakes and Fall Bears.
Earth magic gems are called Earth Gems and can be alchemized into 10 gold each.
Fire is the most violent and destructive of all Paths of Magic. Fire mages carry an aura of righteous authority that helps them lead great number of troops, and the mages tend to be violent and aggressive. They receive a bonus to Attack skill for every level in Fire magic.
Fire magic spells mostly deal with shooting fire at enemies, encasing enemies in fire or setting enemies on fire and it has a great number of different spells in Evocation school.
Fire magic gems are called Fire Gems and they can be alchemized for 15 gold each.
The Path of Nature deals over the control of different manifestations of nature. It includes control over plants and animals as well as higher states of mind and body. A mage of this path can feed 5 troops per skill in Nature and any regenerative powers of the mage are boosted.
Nature magic has spells that summon various creatures of Nature from wolves to mighty Tarrasques, spells that drive people to sleep or berzerk fury or give them regenerative powers and spells that tangle people inside mass of vines or conjure forth clouds of poison or overpowering streams of life energy. Nature magic also has many useful magic items such as the Endless Cauldron of Broth which allows commander to feed 50 troops per turn with it alone.
Nature magic gems are called Nature Gems.
The Path of Water deals with the control of different manifestations of water such as rain, seas and snow. Water mages have an increased Defence skills.
Water magic has a number of combat spells such as Cold Bolt, Sailor's Death and Niefel Flames and it has a variety of summoning spells such as Summon Naiads and Sea King's Court. Water magic has some strong magic items such as Boots of Quickness, Demon Bane and Sword of Swiftness and items that allow commanders to go under seas with their troops.
Water magic gems are called Water Gems.
7.1.3 Blessings
How bless works
To use blessings you will need sacred units (indicated by an unlit white candlebra on the unit screen) and a priest. When the priest casts bless on the sacred unit it will get blessed and gain your Pretender's bless effects. This indicated by the white candlebra being lit. Right-clicking on this will show the exact bless effect.
All priests can cast the basic blessing spell, which affects a small number of units. Priests with level-3 holy magic can cast the divine blessing spell, which affects all sacred units on the battlefield, a far more efficient strategy. If you don't have a level-3 priest, it may be wise to use 'hold and attack' to make sure your sacred units are fully blessed before engaging the enemy.
Bless has no effect on non-sacred units.
Your prophet is always blessed, even outside of combat. The Shroud of the Battle Saint blesses any commander which wears it, even if they are not normally sacred. Pretenders cannot be blessed at all.
The Bless Effects
The bless effects are tied to your Pretender's starting magic paths. Dying, empowering or wearing magic boosting items has no effect on them.
* The default bless that everyone gets - Morale +2
* Fire 4 - Attack Skill +2

* Fire 6 - Attack Skill +3

* Fire 8 - Attack Skill +4

* Fire 9 - Flaming Weapons (+6 Armor Piercing fire damage) & Attack Skill +4

* Fire 10 - Flaming Weapons (+6 Armor Piercing fire damage) & Attack Skill +5
* Air 4 - Air Shield (20%)

* Air 5 - Air Shield (30%)

* Air 6 - Air Shield (40%)

* Air 7 - Air Shield (50%)

* Air 8 - Air Shield (60%)

* Air 9 - Shock resistance (75%) & Air Shield (70%)

* Air 10 - Shock resistance (75%) & Air Shield (80%)
* Water 4 - Defense Skill +2

* Water 6 - Defense Skill +3

* Water 8 - Defense Skill +4

* Water 9 - Quickness (50% more action points) & Defense Skill +4

* Water 10 - Quickness (50% more action points) & Defense Skill +5
* Earth 4 - Reinvigoration 2

* Earth 6 - Reinvigoration 3

* Earth 8 - Reinvigoration 4

* Earth 9 - Armor value +4 & Reinvigoration 4

* Earth 10 - Armor value +4 & Reinvigoration 5
* Astral 4 - Magic Resistance +1 (Max 18)

* Astral 6 - Magic Resistance +2

* Astral 8 - Magic Resistance +3

* Astral 9 - Twist Fate (protection from first hit) & Magic Resistance +3

* Astral 10 - Twist Fate & Magic Resistance +4
* Death 4 - Chance to cause more afflictions in battle +100%

* Death 5 - Chance to cause more afflictions in battle +150%

* Death 6 - Chance to cause more afflictions in battle +200%

* Death 7 - Chance to cause more afflictions in battle +250%

* Death 8 - Chance to cause more afflictions in battle +300%

* Death 9 - Death weapons (+2 Armor Negating damage, MR negates) & Affliction chance +350%

* Death 10 - Death weapons (+2 Armor Negating damage, MR negates) & Affliction chance +400%
* Nature 4 - Regeneration +5%

* Nature 6 - Regeneration +10%

* Nature 8 - Regeneration +15%

* Nature 9 - Regeneration +15% & Berserk +2

* Nature 10 - Regeneration +20% & Berserk +2
* Blood 4 - Strength +2

* Blood 6 - Strength +3

* Blood 8 - Strength +4

* Blood 9 - Death Curse (Slain blessed units curse their killer) & Strength +4

* Blood 10 - Death Curse (Slain blessed units curse their killer) & Strength +5
Notes and Speculation
* The Blood 9 bless, death curse, gives a chance to inflict a curse on the killer of the blessed unit. Magic resistance is believed to play a role in this. Some players have reported horror marks as well. The blood-9 bless is not a highly rated bless, since it only takes effect after death.
* The lesser blood bless, increased strength, improves the distance and power of throwing weapons such as javelins.
* The Earth 9 bless affects units wearing armor; units which only have natural protection are unaffected.
* The regeneration effect of a nature bless is especially effective on sacred units with lots of hitpoints, such as giants and centaurs. Additionally, even a low level of regeneration will greatly reduce the chances of acquiring afflictions.
Bless strategy
Some nations benefit and perhaps even require a bless strategy to work. Bless effects tend to be very expensive in design points, often needing one or two paths at level 9, although lower levels can sometimes work. You will probably need a high dominion to recruit as many sacred units as possible. When thinking of bless strategy think of the following factors:
* Does the nation have sacred units, and are they good?

* Can the sacred units be produced in large numbers?

* Does the nation need the sacred units to be successful?

* Does the nation have access to powerful sacred commanders or summons?

* Do you have access to Divine Bless priest spell with that nation?

* Can the nation afford to take neutral or even negative scales?

If the answer to majority of those questions is "yes" then a bless strategy can be successful. Next you need to think of the following:
* Are the sacred units easy to get and cheap, or are they hard to get and powerful?

* Which makes the units more powerful: a bless that plays into their strength, or a bless that reduces the unit's weaknesses?

* What bless the unit needs to get to the goal you've set?

* Is there a pretender that can offer the bless or blesses you need in affordable forms?

* Can you use dormant or imprisoned options to get more points?
This is a very important part as one could say that a bless strategy lives and dies by this point. A good example of a bless strategy is Marignon taking a Fire 9 pretender. This gives the flagellants flaming weapons and a boost to their attack skill. Blessed flagellants attack accurately (+4 to Attack) with their flails that now do 6 points of armor-piercing fire damage on a hit. And a flail does two attacks per round. Three fire blessed flagellants can do 36 points of AP damage at an optimal situation and this is before their base damage comes in. This strategy plays to the strength of the flagellants which are their large number of attacks and human wave attack potential. It does nothing to alleviate their weaknesses.
A strategy that negates weaknesses is taking a pretender with Earth 9 as Arcoscephale. This gives you powerful reinvigoration which can also help your mages if you make them Battle Saint's Shrouds. But this bless also gives the heavily armored Heart Companions even better protection and reinvigoration to keep fatigue (from the heavy armor) at bay. While perhaps not such a killer strategy as the aforementioned flagellant strategy this one illustrates how to use bless effects to negate weaknesses. Another nation with sacred unit fatigue problems is Abysia, but their sacred units also greatly benefit from a Fire or even a Water bless.
There are great many different bless strategies which range from moderate to extreme. Part of the fun is trying them out and finding a strategy that fits your style and needs.
7.1.4 Dominion
Dominion represents the religious influence of a Pretender God. Each province in the world can be under the dominion of one Pretender God, or neutral. Dominion cannot overlap: you must drive out enemy Dominion in order to establish your own.
Conquering a province does not automatically give you dominion over it, or vice versa. Military control of a province and dominion over that province can help reinforce each other, but they are not the same thing.
Spreading Dominion
* Pretender Gods and, for most nations, Prophets automatically spread dominion by their presence.

* Temples automatically spread dominion for most nations.

* Most nations' priests can preach to reduce enemy dominion or increase friendly dominion.

* Priests of some nations can perform blood sacrifices in temples to spread the dominion of their Pretender God.

* Some magic items or magically summoned or constructed units also have an effect on dominion (either positive or negative).

* Some random events can affect dominion.

Effects of Dominion
* A Pretender God who has no dominion anywhere in the world is immediately eliminated from the game. This is sometimes called a Dominion Kill.

* Pretender Gods and Prophets receive bonuses to hit points, strength, and magic resistance in friendly dominion, and penalties in enemy dominion.

* All non-mindless troops receive a morale bonus in friendly dominion and a morale penalty in enemy dominion.

* Each Pretender God's dominion can affect the Scales of Dominion, which can have many effects on the province, changing its climate, social conditions, random events and even the effectiveness of magic in the province.

* Friendly dominion (that is, matching the province's current ruler) slightly decreases unrest. Enemy dominion slightly increases it.

* Some global enchantments take effect only in the dominion of the caster's Pretender God. The strength of the effect is often tied to the strength of dominion in a given province.

* Some nations' dominion also has other special effects such as scrying, causing disease or insanity, or even killing off the entire population and converting them into undead. These effects are tied to that particular nation and cannot be changed in god design.
7.1.5 Scales
The Scales of Dominion
Every province has a set of scales that measures how the land is influenced by divine might. In the beginning of the game all scales in all countries are randomly set. When your dominion spreads the scales of your newly conquered provinces will start to change. With stronger dominion the process goes faster. Eventually the scales in a province of your dominion will be exactly the same as the dominion of your pretender god.
A pick in a Scale with positive effect (Order, Productivity, Growth, Luck, Magic) costs 40 points while picking scales with negative effects (Turmoil, Sloth, Death, Heat, Cold, Misfortune or Drain) gives you 40 design points.

Order / Turmoil

A land of order is a prosperous and peaceful land without much happening. Most people are friendly and tend to share the same views. Strangers are quickly incorporated in the society to reduce inconvenience. Beggars keep out of the streets and receive institutional alms. A land of order can be a very boring place. A land of turmoil is chaotic and uncivilized and filled with feuds and sudden murders. Even the weather is harsher and unfriendly. A land of turmoil can be an interesting but dangerous place to visit.
Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Order gives +7% Gold and -5% random events, but it does not affect unrest ;

* each point of Turmoil gives - 7% Gold and +5% random events, but if does not affect unrest.

Productivity / Sloth
A land of productivity is characterized by industrious people working all days and trying to do their best at all things in life. A plenitude of goods are made and sold in the numerous markets littering the landscape. The peasants experiment with alternative crops and the smiths tries to increase productivity by inventing bigger and better bellows. A land of productivity is a good place to visit. A land of sloth on the other hand is a lazy and boring place. Donkeys block the streets and no one cares to remove them. The fires of the forges are cold and the city guards sleep on their posts. Even the dogs ignore the eventual visitor. Few visitors ever leave a land of sloth. Those who do rarely come back.
Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Productivity gives +2% Gold and +15% Resource production ;

* each point of Sloth gives -2% Gold and -15% Resource production.

(a patch has changed the resource differentiation to 15% for each click, hence the inaccuracy of the image at the top)
Growth / Death
A land of growth is a land of milk and honey. Food is plentiful. The deep forests are rich in game and the fields are fertile. Several harvests a year is not uncommon in the land of growth. The forests grow and it is possible to see the trees sprouting leafs. A land of growth is a wonderful place but the plenitude of insects and vermin can be annoying. A land of death is a desolate place. A few pale gray trees stand where forests previously covered the landscape. No birds sing and the crops are meager. Many a calf is stillborn and disease harries the populace. Deserts, or tundras in case of cold lands, grow and the poor people despair. No sane man will stay in a land of death for long.
Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Growth gives +2% Gold, +0.2% population and +15% supply ;

* each point of Death gives -2% Gold, -0.2% population and -15% supply.

Heat / Cold
Hot lands tend to be dry and devoid of rains. However some hot land are covered in thick forests and swamps. Few hot lands are suited for farming. Cold lands tend to be desolate and snow covered tundras. However some cold lands are covered in thick pine forests or deep swamps. A scale of heat or cold is generally bad. Therefore you gain design points by shifting the scale in any direction. Note that some nations prefer somewhat hotter or colder lands than others. If you play such a nation, make sure to tip the scales so that you get no penaltys. You still get free design points for each scale away from "normal" temperature.
Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Heat or Cold (away from the favorite temperature of your nation) decreases gold revenues by 5% and supply by 10%.
Luck / Misfortune
A land of fortune is a good place to visit. Luck is thick in the air. If you trip and fall you might find a coin and when you open a door you might place it between yourself and the stone thrown by some nasty kid. Good events are common and no one seems to have any bad luck. A land of misfortune is not a good place to visit. Vases fall on your head through open windows and nails find their way through your soles. The fish let go of the bait and wheels break in the middle of the street. No matter how well a project is planned there will almost always be some trouble or another. Lands of misfortune are best avoided.
Scale Effects (cumulative) :
* each point of Fortune gives you 5% more random events and 13% greater chance to have a good event when an event occurs ;

* each point of Misfortune gives you 5% more random events and 13% greater chance to have a bad event when an event occurs.

Magic / Drain
A land of magic is filled with mysteries and riddles to be answered. Magic is almost comprehensible and even stimulating. Ancient magic enigmas get solved by lonesome, fatherless peasant boys whose friends find themselves hunted by cowled riders. The moon is often full and the stars shine brighter. Legends seem real and magic rings can be pulled out of the water when you are fishing. Researching in a land of magic is an easy task. A land of drain is a gloomy place. Thinking is difficult and the sun seems bleak. The stars are seldom visible and the song of running water is muffled and dull. No one has heard of mages or heroes or their mighty deeds of old. The very nature seems to be starving. Casting magic or researching spells is difficult at best in a land of drain. Mages avoids these lands.

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