Vanuatu [ponn]
USE FOR New Hebrides
Republic of Vanuatu
Vatican City [e-vc]
USE FOR Holy See
Venezuela [s-ve]
Venus (Planet) [zve]
Vermont [n-us-vt]
Victoria [u-at-vi]
Vietnam [a-vt]
Vietnam (Democratic Republic)
Assigned code:
[a-vt] Vietnam
USE FOR North Vietnam
Vietnam, North
Vietnam (Republic)
Assigned code:
[a-vt] Vietnam
USE FOR South Vietnam
Vietnam, South
Vietnam, North
USE Vietnam (Democratic Republic)
Vietnam, South
USE Vietnam (Republic)
Virgin Islands
USE British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands (American)
USE Virgin Islands of the United States
Virgin Islands (Danish)
USE Virgin Islands of the United States
Virgin Islands (Great Britain)
USE British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands (Presidency)
USE British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands, British
USE British Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands of the United States [nwvi]
USE FOR Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands (American)
Virgin Islands (Danish)
Virginia [n-us-va]
Volga River (Russia) [e-urp]
Volgo-Viatskii Region (Russia)
Assigned code:
[e-ru] Russia (Federation)
Volta River (Ghana) [fv]
Wake Island [powk]
Wales [e-uk-wl]
Wallis and Futuna Islands [powf]
Washington (D.C.) [n-us-dc]
USE FOR District of Columbia
Washington (State) [n-us-wa]
Washington Region
Assigned codes:
[n-us-md] Maryland
[n-us-va] Virginia
[n-us-dc] Washington (D.C.)
West (Canada)
USE Northwest, Canadian
West (U.S.) [n-usp]
USE FOR Far West (U.S.)
Pacific and Mountain States
Western States (U.S.)
West Africa
USE Africa, West
West Africa, Portuguese
USE Angola
West Bank [awba]
[Coded [a-is] (Israel) and/or [a-jo] (Jordan) before Mar. 1988]
USE FOR Judaea and Samaria
West Bank of the Jordan River
West Bank of the Jordan River
USE West Bank
West Berlin
USE Berlin (Germany)
West Germany
USE Germany (West)
West Indies [nw]
USE FOR Antilles, Greater
Greater Antilles
Indies, West
West Indies, Dutch
USE Netherlands Antilles
West Indies, French
Assigned code:
[nwla] Antilles, Lesser
USE FOR French West Indies
West Irian
USE Papua (Indonesia)
West New Guinea
USE Papua (Indonesia)
West Pakistan
USE Pakistan
West River (China)
USE Xi River (China)
West Spitsbergen (Norway)
USE Spitsbergen Island (Norway)
West Virginia [n-us-wv]
Western Australia [u-at-we]
USE FOR Australia, Western
Western Canada
USE Canada, Western
Western Europe
USE Europe, Western
Western Hemisphere [xd]
Western Sahara [f-ss]
USE FOR Spanish Sahara
Western Samoa
USE Samoa
Western Siberia (Russia)
USE Siberia, Western (Russia)
Western Soviet Union
USE Soviet Union, Western
Western States (U.S.)
USE West (U.S.)
White Russia
USE Belarus
Wight, Isle of
USE Isle of Wight (England)
Windward Islands (West Indies) [nwwi]
Wisconsin [n-us-wi]
Woodlark Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code:
[a-pp] Papua New Guinea
Wyoming [n-us-wy]
Xi River (China) [a-ccs]
USE FOR Hsi Chiang (China)
Si Kiang (China)
Si River (China)
West River (China)
Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) [a-cc-su]
USE FOR Hsin-chiang-wei-wy-erh tzu chin chü (China)
Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region (China)
Xisha Islands
USE Paracel Islands
Yakutia (Russia)
USE Sakha (Russia)
Yangtze River (China) [a-ccg]
USE FOR Chang Chiang (China)
Long River (China)
Yap (Micronesia)
Assigned code:
[pomi] Micronesia (Federated States)
Yellow River (China) [a-ccy]
USE FOR Hoang Ho (China)
Huang Ho (China)
Hwang Ho (China)
Yellow Sea [ay]
USE FOR Huang Hai
Kwang Sea
Yemen (Arab Republic)
USE Yemen (Republic)
Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)
USE Yemen (Republic)
Yemen (Republic) [a-ye]
USE FOR Arab Republic of Yemen
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Southern Yemen
Yemen (Arab Republic)
Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)
Yugoslavia [e-yu]
USE FOR Former Yugoslav republics
Yukon Territory [n-cn-yk]
Yunnan Province (China)
USE Yunnan Sheng (China)
Yunnan Sheng (China) [a-cc-yu]
USE FOR Yunnan Province (China)
USE Congo (Democratic Republic)
Zambezi River [fz]
USE FOR Rio Zambezi
Zambia [f-za]
USE FOR Northern Rhodesia
Assigned code:
[f-tz] Tanzania
Zhejiang Sheng (China) [a-cc-ch]
USE FOR Chekiang Province (China)
Zimbabwe [f-rh]
USE FOR Rhodesia, Southern
Southern Rhodesia
The purpose of the Time Period Code is to allow access to a range of materials covering a particular era or related to a particular date. In UNIMARC, the code is entered in field 661. The code was developed at the U.S. Library of Congress for use in the USMARC format, now the MARC21 format, and was originally called the Chronological Coverage Code.
Code List
The Time Period Code consists of four alphanumeric characters assigned according to the tables given below. For B.C. dates, a lowercase alphabetic character represents the millennium and a digit represents the century. If the century is not known, a hyphen '-' is used instead of a number. For A.D. dates, a lowercase alphabetic character represents the century and a digit represents the decade. If the decade is not known, a hyphen is used instead of a number. If a single year or a period within a decade is recorded, the appropriate two-character code is repeated to create the four-character code.
1 99 d9 2000 y
100 199 d8 1900 1999 x
200 299 d7 1800 1899 w
300 399 d6 1700 1799 v
400 499 d5 1600 1699 u
500 599 d4 1500 1599 t
600 699 d3 1400 1499 s
700 799 d2 1300 1399 r
800 899 dl 1200 1299 q
900 999 d0 1100 1199 p
1000 1099 c9 1000 1099 o
1100 1199 c8 900 999 n
1200 1299 c7 800 899 m
1300 1399 c6 700 799 l
1400 1499 c5 600 699 k
1500 1599 c4 500 599 j
1600 1699 c3 400 499 i
1700 1799 c2 300 399 h
1800 1899 c1 200 299 g
1900 1999 c0 100 199 f
2000 2099 b9 1 99 e
2100 2199 b8
2200 2299 b7
2300 2399 b6
2400 2499 b5
2500 2599 b4
2600 2699 b3
2700 2799 b2
2800 2899 b1
2900 2999 b0
3000 a0 (i.e. before 2999)
In the B.C. table, the letter equals the millennium and the number equals the century. In the A.D. table, the letter equals the century and the number, which must be added, equals the decade.
661 ##$aw5
Work on the period 1828 1859
661 ##$ao6r2
Work on the period 1066 1328
661 ##$ax8x8
Work on l984
661 ##ax-x-
Work on the 20th century
661 ##$ae-e-
661 ##$ax-x-
Work comparing the 1st century A.D. with the 20th century
661 ##$ad5d6
Work on the period 423 B.C. to 390 B.C.
661 ##$aa0d6
Work on the period to 300 B.C.
661 ##$ap-r-
Work on the 12th to 14th centuries
661 ##$ad9e3
Work on 42 B.C. A.D. 37
661 ##$ax2x2
Work on 1928
661 ##$av4wl
Work on 1740 1810