1. the life, significance, and philosophy of clemens timpler, 1563/4-1624 (germany)

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Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Stine%2C+Kyle+Joseph&rft.aulast=Stine&rft.aufirst=Kyle&rft.date=2013-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321872118&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Calculative+cinema%3A+Technologies+of+speed%2C+scale%2C+and+explication&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Cinematography; Film studies

Classification: 0435: Cinematography; 0900: Film studies

Identifier / keyword: Communication and the arts Cinema Computing Film Media Scale Technology

Title: Calculative cinema: Technologies of speed, scale, and explication

Number of pages: 402

Publication year: 2013

Degree date: 2013

School code: 0096

Source: DAI-A 76/11(E), Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9781321872118

Advisor: Altman, Rick; Wittenberg, David

Committee member: Amad, Paula; Creekmur, Corey; Peters, John D.

University/institution: The University of Iowa

Department: Film Studies

University location: United States -- Iowa

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3711140

ProQuest document ID: 1701283220

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1701283220?accountid=14709

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Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 20 of 50

Mechanical epistemology and mixed mathematics: Descartes's Problems and Hobbes's Unity

Author: Adams, Marcus P.


Abstract: My dissertation answers what appears to be a simple question: How is Hobbes’s politics related to his physics and metaphysics? However, answering this question has proved more difficult for scholars than it appears at first glance, and there has there has been no consensus in the literature over the past fifty years. Two well-represented extremes dominate the literature: the first view claims that Hobbes’s politics is deduced from his physics and ultimately his metaphysics; and the second view claims that the politics arose independently of Hobbes’s other work. My dissertation argues that Hobbes does in fact provide a unified systematic philosophy, and I contrast this unity with problems in Descartes's epistemology and optics. To make this argument, I carve a middle way between the two extremes in the literature by situating Hobbes within mechanical philosophy and 17th century mathematics. I use three concepts to clarify Hobbes’s project: mechanical explanation, maker’s knowledge, and mixed mathematical science. First, I show that for Hobbes a mechanical explanation involves tracing the motions of bodies at various levels of complexity, from simple points in geometry to human bodies in the state of nature and to commonwealth bodies. This view provides Hobbes with resources for a naturalized epistemology, which I show is the point at issue in Hobbes’s Objections to Descartes's Meditations . Second, Hobbes says that we have “maker's knowledge” in geometry and politics. I show that “maker’s knowledge” is Hobbes's empiricist answer to (1) how we have causal knowledge in politics and mathematics by constructing and (2) how mathematics is applicable to the world. Finally, I show that the mixed mathematical sciences, e.g., optics, were Hobbes's inspiration for a unified philosophical system. I argue that the physics in De corpore , the optics in De homine , and the politics in Leviathan are treated by Hobbes as mixed mathematical sciences, which provides a new way to see Hobbes as a consistent and non-reductive naturalist. Viewed in this light, the Leviathan turns out to have more methodological similarities to optics than to geometry.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Adams%2C+Marcus+P.&rft.aulast=Adams&rft.aufirst=Marcus&rft.date=2014-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321208337&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Mechanical+epistemology+and+mixed+mathematics%3A+Descartes%27s+Problems+and+Hobbes%27s+Unity&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Epistemology; Philosophy of Science

Classification: 0393: Epistemology; 0402: Philosophy of Science

Identifier / keyword: Philosophy, religion and theology Descartes, Rene Hobbes, Thomas Mechanical explanation Natural philosophy Optics Unity of science

Title: Mechanical epistemology and mixed mathematics: Descartes's Problems and Hobbes's Unity

Number of pages: 203

Publication year: 2014

Degree date: 2014

School code: 0178

Source: DAI-A 76/01(E), Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9781321208337

Advisor: Machamer, Peter

Committee member: Engstrom, Stephen; Garber, Daniel; Jesseph, Douglas; Palmieri, Paolo; Rescher, Nicholas

University/institution: University of Pittsburgh

Department: History and Philosophy of Science

University location: United States -- Pennsylvania

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3583999

ProQuest document ID: 1609201848

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1609201848?accountid=14709

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Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 21 of 50

More than nothing: Histories of the vacuum in theoretical physics, 1927-1981

Author: Wright, Aaron Sidney


Abstract: This dissertation is an historical ontology of the vacuum in theoretical physics from Dirac to Zeldovich. It traces changing views of the ontology of the vacuum though communities of both quantum theorists and general “relativists.” Rather than a traditional micro study of one actor, or a small group of connected actors, it is a “meso” history, following the idea of the vacuum across approximately 55 years and from the United States to the Soviet Union. This meso-scale analysis allows me to mediate between the individual concerns of historical actors at the chapter-level and a broader historical-philosophical question at the dissertation-level: how can we be realists about unobservable theoretical entities like the vacuum in the light of changing ontologies? However, too fine a distinction must not be drawn between ontologies and epistemologies here. An overall theme of the dissertation is the connection between the tools theorists used and their ontological pictures. Chapters cover P.A.M. Dirac; Julian Schwinger and Richard Feynman; John Archibald Wheeler; Roger Penrose; Sidney Coleman; and Vladimir Fock and Yakov Zeldovich. All chapters are based on archival research except the final body-chapter on Fock and Zeldovich, which is based on materials in translation. I make a positive case for the claim that one can be a realist about theoretical entities like the vacuum only when considered from a Deluezian, differential perspective. Difference is put forth as a creative engine for science.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Wright%2C+Aaron+Sidney&rft.aulast=Wright&rft.aufirst=Aaron&rft.date=2014-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321845754&rft.btitle=&rft.title=More+than+nothing%3A+Histories+of+the+vacuum+in+theoretical+physics%2C+1927-1981&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Philosophy of Science; Science history

Classification: 0402: Philosophy of Science; 0585: Science history

Identifier / keyword: Philosophy, religion and theology Social sciences Epistemology Ontology Theoretical physics Vacuum

Title: More than nothing: Histories of the vacuum in theoretical physics, 1927-1981

Number of pages: 423

Publication year: 2014

Degree date: 2014

School code: 0779

Source: DAI-A 76/11(E), Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9781321845754

Advisor: Yeang, Chen-Pang

Committee member: Hacking, Ian; Kaiser, David

University/institution: University of Toronto (Canada)

Department: History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

University location: Canada

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3709104

ProQuest document ID: 1699060621

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1699060621?accountid=14709

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Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 22 of 50

Briller sur scène : L'astronomie dans le théâtre du grand siècle

Author: Arnaud, Cybele


Abstract: January 5th, 1634, the news of Galileo's condemnation by the Roman Catholic Church for his heretical belief in heliocentric theories—theories that postulate that the Earth orbits the Sun—reach France. As the professors of the Sorbonne condemn Galileo, as René Descartes, ever-cautious, chooses to forgo publishing his Treatise on the World, an ever increasing number of French writers turn to fiction to prove, attack, or simply present astronomical and cosmological theories to their audience. While much has been written about the new astronomy's relationship to poetry, proto-science fiction and vulgarization through novelization of scientific knowledge, its presence on the French stage, in comedies and ballets, has been mostly ignored by the scholarship. This thesis constructs a timeline of "natural philosophy theatre", tracking the movement of the sun and the earth and the representation of the theories elaborated by Copernicus, Tycho Brahé and Descartes through plays and ballets published in the 17th century and beyond, in order to analyze the function of laughter in the context of the scientific revolution. The following questions will be answered: How is the new astronomy presented on stage, both in comedies and ballets? What role does laughter play in the representation of science? Is it simply used to challenge the audience's beliefs? Is dance's only purpose to mimic the orbits of the planets, or does it hold a deeper meaning? What, if any, is the greater purpose of including scientific knowledge in theater?

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Arnaud%2C+Cybele&rft.aulast=Arnaud&rft.aufirst=Cybele&rft.date=2014-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321872439&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Briller+sur+sc%C3%A8ne+%3A+L%27astronomie+dans+le+th%C3%A9%C3%A2tre%0Adu+grand+si%C3%A8cle&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Romance literature; Theater

Classification: 0313: Romance literature; 0465: Theater

Identifier / keyword: Language, literature and linguistics Communication and the arts Astronomy Ballet France Laughter Theatre

Title: Briller sur scène : L'astronomie dans le théâtre du grand siècle

Number of pages: 216

Publication year: 2014

Degree date: 2014

School code: 0117

Source: DAI-A 76/11(E), Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9781321872439

Advisor: Campangne, Herve Thomas

Committee member: Benharrech, Sarah; Brami, Joseph; Doherty, Lillian; Frisch, Andrea

University/institution: University of Maryland, College Park

Department: French Language and Literature

University location: United States -- Maryland

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: French

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3711164

ProQuest document ID: 1701282295

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1701282295?accountid=14709

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Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 23 of 50

Toxic gardens: Narratives of toxicity in twentieth-century American and British fiction

Author: McQuiston, Erin Schroyer


Abstract: This dissertation studies the roots and development of toxic discourse in Anglo-American science fiction. I analyze a range of literary works, including Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter” (1844), H.G. Wells’s The Food of the Gods (1903), Ward Moore’s Greener Than You Think (1947), Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962), Richard Powers’s Gain (1998), and Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl (2009). My consideration of this literary tradition marks a departure from early models of ecocriticism which focused predominantly on U.S. nonfiction and realist “mainstream” fiction. I trace the continuities and innovations in narratives of toxicity across four broad periods in the history of science fiction: early “protoscience fiction,” which draws heavily on allegorical and mythic structures (particularly of the Edenic garden); the early 1900s, when the conventions of the toxic narrative begin to solidify in science fiction pulp magazines, and then shade into Cold War-era fiction preoccupied with nuclear fallout; a subsequent “ Silent Spring era” that imagines landscapes and bodies haunted by pollution and pesticides as well as radiation; and post-modern/contemporary science fiction marked by complexity, ambivalence, and genetic determinism. This study also delineates connections between the science and practice of toxicology and the literary artifacts that depict toxins, including memoirs, popular science writing, and comic books as well as science fiction novels and short stories. An SF-inflected toxic discourse also appears in late twentieth and early twenty-first century “mainstream” fiction. Across this wide body of literature, three themes appear consistently: a fascination with the permeability of bodies, the dramatization of mundane and/or invisible threats (especially through gender and reproductive failure), and a deeply ambivalent attitude toward technology and the scientists who wield it. In many cases, these texts display competing – and even contradictory – responses to these issues. While SF is best known for responding to cultural and techno-scientific developments, this study reveals that the genre is constitutive, in addition to being reflexive or interpretive; as such, the study of SF is crucial for understanding the development of an increasingly complex and culturally pervasive toxic narrative. This literature suggests a culturally practicable alternative to the ideal of a pristine, un-touched nature; the toxic narrative represents a serious effort to reconcile the global with the microscopic, the natural with the unnatural, and the body with its environment.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=McQuiston%2C+Erin+Schroyer&rft.aulast=McQuiston&rft.aufirst=Erin&rft.date=2014-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321869408&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Toxic+gardens%3A+Narratives+of+toxicity+in+twentieth-century+American+and+British+fiction&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/


Subject: Modern literature; Environmental philosophy; Literature; American literature; British and Irish literature

Classification: 0298: Modern literature; 0392: Environmental philosophy; 0401: Literature; 0591: American literature; 0593: British and Irish literature

Identifier / keyword: Language, literature and linguistics Philosophy, religion and theology Ecocriticism SF Science fiction Toxic narrative Toxicity

Title: Toxic gardens: Narratives of toxicity in twentieth-century American and British fiction

Number of pages: 238

Publication year: 2014

Degree date: 2014

School code: 0090

Source: DAI-A 76/11(E), Dissertation Abstracts International

Place of publication: Ann Arbor

Country of publication: United States

ISBN: 9781321869408

Advisor: Markley, Robert

Committee member: Alaimo, Stacy; Littlefield, Melissa; Schaffner, Spencer

University/institution: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Department: English

University location: United States -- Illinois

Degree: Ph.D.

Source type: Dissertations & Theses

Language: English

Document type: Dissertation/Thesis

Dissertation/thesis number: 3710925

ProQuest document ID: 1705574619

Document URL: http://pitt.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1705574619?accountid=14709

Copyright: Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.

Database: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global


Document 24 of 50

Producing a past: Cyrus McCormick's reaper from heritage to history

Author: Ott, Daniel Peter


Abstract: "Producing a Past" explores how the false "fact" of Cyrus McCormick's 1831 invention of the reaper came to be incorporated into the American historical cannon. From 1884 to 1932, the McCormick Harvester family and their various affiliated businesses created a useable past about their departed patriarch, Cyrus McCormick, and his role in producing civilization through advertising and the emerging historical profession. The McCormick narrative of the past which was peddled in advertising and supported in scholarship justified the family's elite position in American society and its monopolistic control of the harvester industry in the face of political and popular antagonism. As a parallel story to the McCormick's hegemonic use of history, this dissertation also focuses on the professionalizing historical discipline during the Progressive Era. These early historians were anxious to demonstrate their concrete value in the corporate economy as "objective" guardians of the past. While ethics might have prevented them from being historians for hire, their own positions as middle-class workers pre-disposed them to be receptive to both the McCormick's financial influence and their historical messages.

Links: http://RT4RF9QN2Y.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF-8&rfr_id=info:sid/ProQuest+Dissertations+%26+Theses+Global&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.genre=dissertations+%26+theses&rft.jtitle=&rft.atitle=&rft.au=Ott%2C+Daniel+Peter&rft.aulast=Ott&rft.aufirst=Daniel&rft.date=2014-01-01&rft.volume=&rft.issue=&rft.spage=&rft.isbn=9781321902297&rft.btitle=&rft.title=Producing+a+past%3A+Cyrus+McCormick%27s+reaper+from+heritage+to+history&rft.issn=&rft_id=info:doi/

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