THE NPT IS FUELING ANTI-WESTERN SENTIMENTS (Michael Wesley, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, Australian Journal of International Affairs, September, 2005, Its Time To Scrap the NPT,” EBSCO, p) As the dramatic revelations of the nature and extent of the A. Q. Khan network showed, some states undertaking opaque proliferation have been prepared to rely on transnational smuggling networks to gain vital components, materials and knowledge. Quite apart from the incapacity of the NPT regime to deal with this new form of proliferation (Clary 2004), such non-state networks raise very real risks that for the right price, criminals or other facilitators could pass nuclear materials to terrorist groups or extortionists (Albright and Hinderstein 2005). Both through its inadequacies and its obsessive focus on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, the NPT could be contributing to the ultimate nightmare terrorists armed with nuclear or radiological weapons.