If the Chapter President is unable to attend the 2016 National Delegates Assembly, he/she must designate someone to be their appointee. This includes the Regional Council President. **THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. No Changes will be made during the Delegates Assembly if this form is not on file.
Please complete the form below and return to the National Credentials Chair, Trekeshelia Britton at trekeshelia.britton.gowh@statefarm.com, no later than FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2016.
*Region #___________*Chapter Name______________________________________ (Region and Chapter Name - Required Information)
Chapter President ____________________________________________________ (Typed Name)
President’s Signature _______________________________________________
President’s e-mail address_____________________________________________
President’s Home Telephone Number____________________________________
President’s Office Telephone Number____________________________________
President’s Other Telephone Number____________________________________
Chapter Appointee ____________________________________________________ (Typed Name)
Appointee’s Signature _______________________________________________
Appointee’s e-mail address_____________________________________________
Appointee’s Home Telephone Number____________________________________
Appointee’s Office Telephone Number____________________________________
Appointee’s Other Telephone Number____________________________________
2016 BIG National Credentials Schedule
Tuesday, July 19
7:00 pm (CST)
Credentials Committee Training
Thursday, July 28
7:00 pm
Credentials Committee Training
Friday, August 19
11am – 3 pm
Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City
Wildwood Room 29
Problem Resolution: Chapter Presidents or Chapter Appointee may make revisions or address concerns
Saturday, August 20
9am – 9pm
Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City
Wildwood Room 29
Registration of Delegate/Alternates
Saturday, August 20
9am – 9pm
Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City
Wildwood Room 29
Problem resolution: Chapter Presidents or Chapter Appointee may make revisions or address concerns
Sunday, August 21
7am - until
Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City
Wildwood Room 29
Registering Delegates and Alternates
Problem resolution: Chapter Presidents or Chapter Appointee may make revisions or address concerns
Please share this IMPORTANT information with your chapter Delegates and Alternates. We request that each Delegate/Alternate is given a copy of this sheet.
Delegates/Alternates must have a pictured ID (i.e. driver’s license, military ID, state ID or passport) to be credentialed. There are “NO” exceptions to this rule.
If a Delegate/Alternate’s badge or material is lost during the NDA, the Delegate/Alternate must request a replacement from the National Delegates Assembly floor.
If you are in the process of being credentialed and the Chair or the NDA requests a count of registered delegates, the credentialing process must come to a complete stop. This will allow the Chair/Co-Chair of the Credentials Committee to obtain an accurate count of those registered. This procedure will also eliminate any conflicts with the credential’s report of the number of Delegates authorized and registered at the time the report is being called by the Chair of the NDA.
Any changes needing to be made to a Delegate/Alternate status during credentialing, the Delegate or Alternate must be accompanied by the chapter president or Appointee to complete the change request form. Scheduled time prior to the opening of the NDA will be available to make any changes and/or address any concerns regarding the credentialing of your chapter Delegates/Alternates. Changes can only be made by the Credentials Chair or Co-Chairs (along with the approval of the chapter president or Appointee). In addition to the scheduled times shown in the above table, a Conflict Resolution table will be available and managed by the Credentials Committee and National Office during the NDA.
All Delegates/Alternates must meet the eligibility requirements as provided by the National Constitution and the BIG National Treasurer. All names will be checked for these requirements with the BIG National Office. If a Delegate/Alternate does not meet the requirements, his/her name will not be processed. A replacement can be substituted in order for the chapter to meet its authorized voting strength.
Please assist us and the NDAT by checking the spelling and the listing of your name with your Chapter and the BIG National Office. If your name is not listed exactly as the National Membership listing, you will NOT be able to be credentialed until your name is cleared. This is especially true of hyphenated names or those who have married but your name has not been changed with BIG National.
Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you in Atlantic City during the 2016 National Delegates Assembly.
If you have any questions about this information prior to the 2016 Delegates Assembly, please feel free to contact Trekeshelia Britton, Chair at (512) 560-0391 and/or Pinkie Mason, Co-Chair at (816) 510-3632.
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