4th-5th Grade Spelling List (1- latin)

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 [loo-fuh]-noun- Also called vegetable sponge. the dried, fibrous interior of this fruit, used as a sponge.  One of the round sponges has a loofah surface on one side for scrubbing.

massicot-[mas-i-kot]-noun- monoxide of lead, PbO, in the form of a yellow powder, used as a pigment and drier.   Massicot is also known by the chemically descriptive term of "lead monoxide".

mohair- [moh-hair]-noun- the coat or fleece of an Angora goat.

Mohair is one of the oldest textiles in use and is noted for it's high sheen. 

borax-[bawr-aks, -uh ks, bohr-]-noun- a white, water-soluble powder or crystals, hydrated sodium borate,  tincal: used as a flux, cleansing agent, in the manufacture of glass, porcelain, and enamel, and in tanning. The refining of borax to boric acid is a straightforward procedure. 

talc- [talk]-noun-(also talcum) a green-to-gray, soft mineral, hydrousmagnesium silicate, Mg  (Si  O 10  )(OH) 2, unctuous to the touch, and occurring usually in foliated or compact masses, used in making lubricants, talcum powder, electrical insulation, etc.    One of the uses of talc is to remove impurities in medicines. 

alidade- [al-i-deyd]-noun- (in plane-tabling) a straightedge having a telescopic sight or other means of sighting parallel to the straightedge.   Most of the actual mapping was done by plane-table and telescopic alidade.

arsenal- [ahr-suh-nl, ahrs-nuh l]-noun- a place of storage or a magazine containing arms and military equipment for land or naval service.   The developed world still has some powerful weapons in its arsenal. 

lemon- [lem-uh n]-noun- the yellowish, acid fruit of a subtropical citrus tree, Citrus limon.

Freshly grated lemon peels add incredible flavor to a wide range of foods.

tuna- [too-nuh, tyoo-]-noun- any of several large food and game fishes of the familyScombridae, inhabiting temperate and tropical seas.    The catch can include sailfish, marlin, tuna and many other species.

admiral- [ad-mer-uh l]-noun- the commander in chief of a fleet.

Surviving crewmen remembered an admiral that was courageous. 

hazard- [haz-erd]-noun- an unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable.

The job was full of hazards.

apricot- [ap-ri-kot, ey-pri-]-noun- the downy, yellow, sometimes rosy fruit, somewhat resembling a small peach, of the tree Prunus armeniaca.  Apricots have vitamin C, they taste delicious and they are also good for your eyes and heart. 

carmine- [kahr-min, -mahyn]-noun- a crimson or purplish-red color.    

My carmine coat went well with my  tan pants. 

monsoon- [mon-soon]-noun- (in India and nearby lands) the season duringwhich the southwest monsoon blows, commonly marked by heavy rains; rainy season.   Monsoon seasons can turn a year on the road into a year in the mud.

average- [av-er-ij, av-rij]-noun- a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean.   My average in science has gone from B to C this semester.

gazelle-[guh-zel]-noun- any small antelope of the genus Gazella  and allied genera, of Africa and Asia, noted for graceful movements and lustrous eyes.   The gazelle travels farther than the lion does in the first two seconds of the chase.

crimson-[krim-zuh n, -suh n]-noun- a deep purplish-red color, pigment, or dye.    Its foliage is touched by red all year and turns  crimson in winter. 

orange- [awr-inj, or-]-noun- a globose, reddish-yellow, bitter or sweet, edible citrus fruit.

The citron is unlike the more common citrus species like the lemon or orange.

sequin-[see-kwin]-noun- a former gold coin of Turkey, introduced in 1478; or a small shining disk or spangle used for ornamentation, as on women's clothing and accessories or on theatrical costumes.

In 13th century Turkey they used a gold coin, called a sequin, to pay for things. 

macrame- [mak-ruh-mey]-noun- an elaborately patterned lacelike webbing made of hand-knotted cord, yarn, or the like, and used for wall decorations, hanging baskets, garments, accessories, etc.

She hung her best plant in the macrame.

algebra- [al-juh-bruh]-noun- the branch of mathematics that deals with general statements of relations, utilizing letters and other symbols to represent specific sets of numbers, values, vectors, etc., in the description of such relations.   The series moves on to high school math, specifically algebra and formulas.

guitar- [gi-tahr]-noun- a stringed musical instrument with a long, fretted neck, a flat, somewhat violin-like body, and typically six strings, which are plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.    His interests include playing the guitar  and computer games. 

nabob- [ney-bob]-noun- any very wealthy, influential, or powerful person.

He was a nabob in the community and so no one would dare accuse him. 

giraffe- [juh-raf]-noun- a tall, long-necked, spotted ruminant, Giraffa camelopardalis,  of Africa: the tallest living quadruped animal.  In order for a giraffebrain to get blood, the pressure must be high.

 mattress- [ma-tris]-noun- a large pad for supporting the reclining body, used as or on a bed, consisting of a quilted or similarly fastened case, usually of heavy cloth, that contains hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, etc., or a framework of metal springs.     Allergies to mites can be controlled with a mattress cover. 

elixir- [ih-lik-ser]-noun- Pharmacology . a sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water containing, or used as a vehicle for, medicinal substances.  Their prescription is not a sugar-coated elixir but a purgative tonic. 

saffron- [saf-ruh n]-noun- an orange-colored condiment consisting of its dried stigmas, used to color and flavor foods.   Paella is a rice dish made with saffron with a distinct golden color and spicy fragrance.

cotton- [kot-n]-noun- a soft, white, downy substance consisting of the hairs or fibers attached to the seeds of plants belonging to the genus Gossypium,  of the mallow family, used in making fabrics, thread, wadding, etc. She wore a brown, sleevelesscotton dress and sloppy felt slippers. 

albatross -[al-buh-traws, -tros]-noun- something burdensome that impedes action or progress. 

Insurmountable levels of debt are another albatross around the neck of the Legacy Airlines.

 zero- [zeer-oh]-noun- the figure or symbol 0, which in the Arabic notation for numbers stands for the absence of quantity; cipher.  The truth is there is zero reliable data to support that conclusion. 

safari - [suh-fahr-ee]-verb- to go on a safari.  We went on safari in Africa.

magazine- [mag-uh-zeen, mag-uh-zeen]-noun- a publication that is issued periodically, usually bound in a paper cover, and typically contains essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports. Themagazine cannot return or respond to unsolicited manuscripts.

zenith- [zee-nith]-noun- a highest point or state; culmination.  He was near the zenithof his influence as the war was planned.

alfalfa- [al-fal-fuh]-noun- a plant, Medicago sativa,  of the legume family, usually having bluish-purple flowers, originating in the Near East and widely cultivated as a forage crop.   Many dairy farms also grow their own feed, typically including corn,alfalfa, and hay. 

imam- [ih-mahm]-noun- Islam. the officiating priest of a mosque.   The imam cried while praying for the dead and wounded. 

mosque- [mosk, mawsk]-noun- a Muslim temple or place of public worship. Themosque was integral to society, city planning and communal life. 

alcohol- [al-kuh-hawl, -hol]-noun- Also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, ethanol,fermentation alcohol. a colorless, limpid, volatile, flammable, water-miscible liquid, C2  H 5  OH, having an ether-like odor and pungent, burning taste, the intoxicating principle of fermented liquors, produced by yeast fermentation of certaincarbohydrates, as grains, molasses, starch, or sugar, or obtained synthetically by hydration of ethylene or as a by-product of certain hydrocarbon syntheses: used chiefly as a solvent in the extraction of specific substances, in beverages, medicines, organic synthesis, lotions, tonics, colognes, rubbing compounds, as an automobile radiator antifreeze, and as a rocket fuel. Compare denatured alcohol,methyl alcohol.   Insomniacs turn to alcohol for relief, but find none. 

tariff- [tar-if]-noun- an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports.   Once the quota is filled, a higher tariff is applied on additional imports. 

lilac- [lahy-luhk, -lahk, -lak]-noun- any of various shrubs belonging to the genusSyringa,  of the olive family, as S. vulgaris,  having large clusters of fragrant purple or white flowers: the state flower of New Hampshire.  The lilac is an ornamental shrub with showy, fragrant blooms in spring and early summer.

alcove- [al-kohv]-noun- a recess or small room adjacent to or opening out of a room.   There is a sleeping alcove  that inspires tranquility.

massage- [muh-sahzh, -sahj]-noun- the act or art of treating the body by rubbing, kneading, patting, or the like, to stimulate circulation, increase suppleness, relieve tension, etc.  Her shoulders were tight, she needed a massage. 

henna- [hen-uh]-noun- a reddish-orange dye or cosmetic made from the leaves of this plant.

Even natural products, such as henna dye, can cause an allergic reaction.

alchemy- [al-kuh-mee]-noun- a form of chemistry and speculative philosophypracticed in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally withdiscovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.   He also has scores of old books, many on chemistry and alchemy. 

sugar- [shoo g-er]-noun- a sweet, crystalline substance, C 1 2  H 2 2  O 1 1  , obtained chiefly from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet, and present in sorghum, maple sap, etc.: used extensively as an ingredient and flavoring of certain foods and as a fermenting agent in the manufacture of certain alcoholic beverages; sucrose.   Human milk contains more natural sugar than cow milk.

Taj Mahal- [tahzh muh-hahltahj]-noun- a white marble mausoleum built at Agra, India, by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (fl. 1628–58) for his favorite wife.   The name Taj Mahal means “crown of palaces”.

khan- [kahn, kan]-noun- (in the Altaic group of languages) a title held by hereditary rulers or tribal chiefs.   Unfortunately, Malik Raja Ibn Khan  could not start the work in his lifetime.

ghoul- [gool]-noun- an evil demon, originally of Oriental legend, supposed to feed on human beings, and especially to rob graves, prey on corpses, etc.   There's not a zombie, vampire or other ghoul in sight. 

 muslin-[muhz-lin]-noun- a cotton fabric made in various degrees of fineness and often printed, woven, or embroidered in patterns, especially a cotton fabric of plain weave, used for sheets and for a variety of other purposes.  Use dried lavender and a small muslin bag to form a sachet.

camphor-[kam-fer]-noun-Chemistry- a whitish, translucent, crystalline, pleasant-odored terpene ketone, C 10  H 16  O, obtained from the camphor tree, used chiefly in the manufacture of celluloid and in medicine as a counter-irritant for infections and in the treatment of pain and itching.  For added odor control, try adding camphor, juniper or rosemary essential oils.

algorithm- [al-guh-rith-uh m]-noun- a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.   Hose chips temporarily hold data, including the keys to modern data-scrambling algorithms. 

minaret- [min-uh-retmin-uh-ret]- a lofty, often slender, tower or turret attached to a mosque, surrounded by or furnished with one or more balconies, from which the muezzincalls the people to prayer.  The fort has a three storied structure with slender minarets at the south gate.

tamarind-[tam-uh-rind]-noun- the pod of a large, tropical tree, Tamarindus indica, of thelegume family, containing seeds enclosed in a juicy acid pulp that is used in beverages and food.  

We're fans of the tamarind-papaya-lime and the banana-guava-pineapple smoothies. 

carafe-[kuh-raf, -rahf]-noun- a wide-mouthed glass or metal bottle with a lip or spout, for holding and serving beverages.   While you contemplate your choices, a tower of airy pita bread with a carafe of olive oil appears on your table. 

julep-[joo-lip]-noun- a sweet drink, variously prepared and sometimes medicated.

Guests sipped mint juleps on the Mark Twain riverboat. 

marzipan- [mahr-zuh-pan]-noun- a confection made of almonds reduced to a paste with sugar and often molded into various forms, usually diminutive fruits and vegetables.   Candy molders and marzipanshapers form sweets into fancy shapes by hand.

nenuphar-[nen-uh-far]-noun- The great white water lily of Europe.  The nenuphar is a beautiful flower. 

alcazar- [al-kuh-zahr, al-kaz-er]-noun- the palace of the Moorish kings in Seville, Spain: later used by Spanish kings.   Priests swarmed in the Alcazar, and soldiers belonging to every branch of military service, daily guarded or marched by the palace.   

tahini- [tuh-hee-nee, tah-]-noun- Middle Eastern Cookery- a paste made of ground sesame seeds.  

Reduce heat to low and stir in tahini and lemon juice. 

Qatari- [kah-tahr, kuh-tahr]-noun- an independent emirate on the Persian Gulf; under British protection until 1971. 8500 sq. mi. (22,000 sq. km). Capital:  Doha. Executions are “rare” in Qatar. 

alkali- [al-kuh-lahy]-noun- Chemistry- any of various bases, the hydroxides of the alkali metals and of ammonium, that neutralize acids to form salts and turn red litmus paper blue.  Alkali in concrete can react with resins. 

serendipity- [ser-uh n-dip-i-tee]-noun- an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.

Serendipity  arises when people are in a situation that fosters creativity. 

nadir- [ney-der, ney-deer]- Astronomy -the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath a given position or observer and diametrically opposite the zenith.   Their usage is as much as three times higher at its peak than at its nadir.

douane- [dwan]-noun- a custom house; customs.  The crates had to wait in the douane until cleared.  

fennec- [fen-ek]-noun- a small, pale yellowish-brown fox, Fennecus zerda, of northern Africa, having large,pointed ears.  The fennec  fox is also know as a desert fox. 

hafiz- [hah-fiz]-noun- a title of respect for a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart.

Hafiz literally means "guardian". 

azimuth- [az-uh-muh th]-noun- Astronomy, Navigation . the arc of the horizon measured clockwise from the south point, in astronomy, or from the north point, in navigation, to the point where a vertical circle through a given heavenly body intersects the horizon.    A surface facing east has an azimuth of 90 degrees. 

 bezoar- [bee-zawr, -zohr]-noun- a calculus or concretion found in the stomach or intestines of certain animals, especially ruminants, formerly reputed to be an effective remedy for poison.

Harry  threw a bezoar down Ron's throat to save him. 

halal-[huh-lahl]-adj.- (of an animal or its meat) slaughtered or prepared in the manner prescribed by Islamic law.  Kosher and halal foods are also increasing in popularity. 

Swahili- [swah-hee-lee]-noun- a member of a Bantu people of Zanzibar and the neighboring coast of Africa.  He was born a Swahili. 

serdab- [ser-dahb]- noun-a chamber inside a mastaba containing a statue of the deceased.

They wanted to visit a serdab in Egypt. 

mihrab- [meer-uh b]-noun- (in a mosque) a niche or decorative panel designating the kiblah.

The prize of the collection is a large, exquisitely crafted mihrab, or prayer niche.

salaam- [suh-lahm]-noun- a salutation meaning “peace,” used especially in Islamic countries.

Salaam is a greeting of peace.

mukhtar-[muk-tar]-noun- meaning "chosen" in Arabic , refers to the head of a village or mahalle.

He was voted as the mukhtar for the village.

coffle- [kaw-fuh l, kof-uh l]-noun- a line of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained and driven along together.

The traders removed the restraints when the coffle neared the market.

4th-5th Grade Spelling List (3- Asian)
4th-5th Grade Spelling List (3- Asian)

dugong-[doo-gong, -gawng]-noun- an herbivorous, aquatic mammal, Dugong dugon,  of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, having a barrel-shaped body, flipperlike forelimbs, no hind limbs, and a triangular tail: widespread but rare.   The reef is home to tremendous coral diversity as well as numerous species of fish and marine mammals such as the dugong .

guru- [goor-oo, goo-roo]-noun- Hinduism. a preceptor giving personal religious instruction; an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.   Every generation get the self-help guru it deserves. cushy- [k

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