A & An Gi e¨envi Rule-1

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Participle: Participle memgq adjective Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB participle adjective wn‡m‡e noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m D³ noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The running thief has been arrested.

Modifier n

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'running' present participle wU 'thief' noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i‡Q|

  1. Premodifier wn‡m‡e noun: gv‡S gv‡S noun I noun ‡K modify K‡i| hLb `yÕwU noun cvkvcvwk e‡m ZLb cÖ_g noun wU wØZxq noun wU‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

He has wanted to buy an air ticket


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence wU‡Z air Ges ticket `ywUB noun Ges G¸‡jv cvkvcvwk e‡m‡Q| cÖ_g noun 'air' wØZxq noun 'ticket' Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i|

  1. Premodifier wn‡m‡e compounds: gv‡S gv‡S compounds ev compound words, noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m premodifier Gi KvR K‡i| Compound GKvwaK k‡ãi mgš^‡q MwVZ n‡q GKwU single adjective ev noun Gi KvR K‡i| †hgbt

A hardworking man can succeed in his life.

compound (m) n

2. Pose Modifier

Post k‡ãi A_© c‡i| ZvB †hme modifier noun, noun phrase, clause Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡`i‡K modify K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K post modifier e‡j| †hgbt

She is searching for a boy with red dress and blue eyes.

GLv‡b, 'with red dress and blue eyes' phrase wU 'boy' noun Gi c‡i e‡m GwU‡K modify K‡i‡Q| myZivs GLv‡b phrase wU GKwU post modifier.

wewfbœ ai‡bi pose modifier:

  1. Pose modifier wn‡m‡e relative clause: Relative clause noun Gi c‡i e‡m noun ‡K cÖvqB modify K‡i| †hgbt

The girl who came here yesterday is beautiful.

e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii setence wU‡Z "who came here yesterday" G relative clause wU 'girl' noun wUi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i‡Q| ZvB 'Who came here yesterday" GB relative clause wU girl noun wUi post modifier.

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e prepositional phrase: Prepositional phrase noun Gi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modifier Ki‡Z cv‡i| †hgbt

The boy with beautiful eyes is very gentle.

n post modifier

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b post modifier = with beautiful eyes 'boy' noun wUi c‡i e‡m Zv‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e Infinitive phrase: To + verb Gi present form Gi c‡i AwZwi³ kã ewm‡q infinitive phrase MwVZ nq| Noun Gi c‡i infinitive phrase e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

He needs to take steps to come out of this situation.

infinitive phrases

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b 'step' noun Gi c‡i 'to come out of this situation' GB infinitive phrase wU e‡m, steps ‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e present participle phrase: ''verb + ing + other words" ‡K present participle phrase e‡j| ev‡K¨ noun Gi c‡i present participle phrase e‡m noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The girl standing at the corner is my sister.

n post modifier

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b post modifier 'standing at the corner' 'girl' noun Gi c‡i e‡m noun wU‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e Past participle phrase: Verb Gi Past participle + other words ‡K Past participle phrase e‡j| ev‡K¨ noun Gi c‡i Past participle phrase noun ‡K modify K‡i| †hgbt

The watch made in Japan is very costly.

n pp phrase

e¨vL¨vt 'Made in Japan 'Past participle phrase wU 'watch' noun wU‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i‡Q|

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e Adjective: Adjective, noun Gi c‡i e‡mI noun ‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i| †hgbt

Is there anything wrong here? [pm= Post Modifier ]

n pm

e¨vL¨v t GLv‡b 'wrong' adjective wU 'anything' noun wUi c‡i e‡m post modifier wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q|

  1. Post modifier wn‡m‡e 'Adverb' : ‡hgbt

The answers above are not correct.

n adv.

e¨vL¨v t GLv‡b 'above' adverb wU 'answer' noun wU‡K post modifier wn‡m‡e modify K‡i‡Q|

Dangling Modifiers

A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. (Dangling modifier Ggb GKwU word ev phrase hv GKwU wrong word ‡K modify K‡i A_ev Ggb GKwU kã‡K modify K‡i hv D³ sentence G cwi®‹vifv‡e ewY©Z bq|)

Sentence Gi ïi“‡Z Aew¯’Z participle mvaviYZ Zvi c‡ii clause Gi cÖ_g noun ev pronoun ‡K modify K‡i| wKš‘ dangling modifier hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi D‡j­L D³ sentence G _v‡K bv|

AwaKvsk dangliers nj verbal phrase Z‡e wKQz dangliers prepositional, infinitive I elliptical phrase n‡q _v‡K|

wewfbœ ai‡bi dangling modifier:

  1. Dangling participle: Having finished the poem, a story was written.


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'having finished' GB perfect participle wU subject 'a story' ‡K modify K‡iwb| KviY 'having finished' Gi KvRwU 'story' subject wU K‡i bv| †h‡nZz "having finished" ‡h subject ‡K modify K‡i GLv‡b Zv ¯úó D‡j­L †bB| ZvB "having finished" GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: Having finished the poem, the writer wrote a story.

participle subject

GLv‡b perfect participle 'having finished' premodifier wn‡m‡e subject 'the writer' ‡K modify K‡i‡Q|

  1. Dangling gerund : After killing one snake, another snake was discovered.


e¨vL¨vt Dc‡ii sentence G 'after killing one snake' phrase wU c‡ii clause Gi subject 'another snake' ‡K modify K‡iwb| G phrase wU hv‡K modify K‡i‡Q Zvi ¯úó †Kvb D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB| ZvB 'after killing one snake' GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: After killing one snake, he discovered another snake.

  1. Dangling infinitive: to get a good job, knowledge of English is necessary.

modifier subject

e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b 'to get a good job' GB to infinitive phrase wU 'knowledge of English subject ‡K modify K‡iwb| GB to infinitive phrase wU hv‡K modify K‡i‡Q Zvi D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB| ZvB "to get a good job" GKwU dangling modifier.

Correct sentence: To get a good job, you need knowledge of English.

  1. Dangling prepositional phrase: In childhood mother read fairy tales to me.

dp phrase Sub

[dp = Dangling prepositional]

GLv‡b "In childhood" prepositional phrase wU 'mother' subject ‡K modify K‡i bv, ZvB GwU GKwU Dangling modifier Ges hv‡K modify K‡i Zvi D‡j­L GLv‡b †bB|

Correct sentence: In my childhood, I heard fairy tales from my mother.

Strategies for revising dangling modifier (dangling modifier ‡K ms‡kvab Kivi †KŠkj)t

(a) Main clause G mwVK ev hyw³ m½Z doer (KZ©v) ewm‡q Dangling modifier ms‡kvab Kiv hvq|


  1. Dangling modifier: Having arrived late for practice, a written excuse was needed. (‡K †`ix‡Z †cŠu‡Q‡Q Zv D‡j­L †bB)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: Having arrived late for practice, the captain of the team needed a written excuse.

  1. Dangling modifier: Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him. (‡K bvg RvbZ bv Zv D‡j­L †bB|)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: Because Maria did not know his name, it was difficult to introduce him.

(b) Dangling phrase Ges Main clause ‡K mgwš^Z K‡i Dangling modifier ms‡kvab Kiv hvq|


  1. Dangling modifier: To improve his results, the experiment was done again. (‡K result dj) Dbœqb Ki‡Z †P‡qwQj Zvi (doer) D‡j­L †bB|)

m¤¢ve¨ Correct form: He improved his results by doing the experiment again.

Determiners (wb‡`©kK)

Determiner : A word or group of words used before a noun to indicate it specifically of particularly is called a determiner. (‡h kã ev kã mgwó Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m †mB Noun ‡K we‡klfv‡e ev wbw`©ófv‡e wb‡`©k K‡i, Zv‡K Determiner e‡j| †hgb:

The development of a country is not possible without education.

Few people came to our birthday party.

Every room was empty.

There is a lot of pollution in this city.

Kinds of Determiners : Determiners `yÕcÖKvi| †hgb-

1. Specific Determiners.

2. General Determiners.

1. Specific Determiners : The determiners used to refer to someone or something specifically are called specific determiners. (KvD‡K ev †Kvb wKQz‡K wbw`©ófv‡e eySv‡Z ‡h Determiner e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K Specific Determiner e‡j|) †hgb:

I want this pen.

That pen is mine.

I don't know his name.

Ic‡ii Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z this, that, his, my nj Specific Determiner.

wewfbœ cÖKvi Specific Determiners :

Definite article : the

Demonstratives : this, these, that, those

Possessives : my, your, his, her, its, our, their, Karim's

2. General Determiner : The determiners used to refer to someone or something in a general way are called General Determiners. (KvD‡K ev †Kvb wKQz‡K mvavibfv‡e ev Awbw`©ófv‡e eySv‡Z †h Determiner e¨eüZ nq, Zv‡K General Determiner e‡j|) †hgb:

A boy is going to school.

Each candidate was asked to answer the question.

Have you got any pen?

All men must die.

No student is responsible for this.

Ic‡ii Sentence ¸‡jv‡Z a, each, any, all, no k㸇jv General Determiner.

wewfbœ cÖKvi General Determiners :

Indefinite Articles : a, an

Quantifiers : some, any, no, every, either, neither, each, enough, full, half, much, several, both, few, many, little, more, most, such, less, least, certain, same, a great number, a great deal of, plenty of, a good many, a large number.

Cardinals : one, two, three, four.................

Ordinal numeral : first, second, third, fourth.................

General ordinals : next, last, other, another, the other, further.

Wh' determiners : what, which, whose, what ever, which ever, whole.

Use of Some Important Determiners

  • Few, A few, The few, Very few, Fewer, Fewest, Many, Many of, Several of, A number of ¸‡jv ïay Countable noun-Gi c~‡e© msL¨v ev cwigvY eySv‡Z e‡m| G‡ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i Noun I Verb DfqwU Plural nq|

Example : There are few students in our class. (cor)

Little, A little, The little, Very little, Less, Least, Much, Much of, Amount of G¸‡jv ïay Uncountable noun-Gi c~‡e© cwigvY eySv‡Z e‡m| G‡ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i noun I Verb DfqwU Singular nq|

Example : There is little furniture in my room. (cor)

  • Some, Some of, More, Most, Most of, Rest of, A lot of, Lost of, The mejority, A great deal of, etc. GB k㸇jv Countable & uncountable Dfq Noun-Gi c~‡e© em‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Countable-Gi c~‡e© em‡j Noun I Verb DfqwU Plural nq|

Example :

There is some water in the glass.

There are some students in the class.

Board Test questions Analysis

  1. Dhaka Board-16> Dhaka Ressidential Model college-15 #Bogra cantonment public school & college-15

Rabindranath Tagore was a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) poet of Bangali literature. He was born in a (b) ____ ( pre-modify the noun) family at Jarasanko, Kolkata. He went to school (c) ____ ( post-modify the verb). He wrote his (d) ____ ( pre-modify the noun) verse at the age of eight. A the age of seventeen, he went to London (e) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) school there. He was put up in a lodging house under the care of a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) coach, Mr. Scott. He was lucky (g) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) an English family of Mr. Scott. He also visited the house of parliament (h) ____ (post—modify the verb with an infinitive) Gladstone and John Bright’s debates on Irish rule. He wrote letters to Kolkata (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with a present participle) English society. At this, his family thought they might lose their son (j) ____ (post-modify the verb). So, he was called back to Kolkata.

  1. Rajshahi Board-16

It was a hot (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day. A (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) crow flew all over the fields looking for water. For a long time, she could not find any water jug below her. She flew (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) to see if there was any water inside. Yes, she could see some water inside the jug. The crow tried (e) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out. But she found (f) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) jug too heavy. The crow thought (g) ____ (use a phrase to post-modify the verb) had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high (j) ____ (post-modify the adjective) for the crow to drink. The crow quenched its thirst and flew away.

  1. Dinajpur Board -16

Water is a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) substance. It has no colour of (b) ____ (possessive to pre-modify) own. The ____ (c) (determiner to pre-modify the noun) name of water is life. By drinking water, we can quench (d) ____ (Possessive to pre-modify the noun) thirst. Thus we can survive one earth. But (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) water is life killing. Dinking contaminated water, we suffer from cliseases like diarrhea, typhoid etc. We may (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb) face (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) death by drinking such type of water. We are responsible for (h) ____ (noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) pollution. Waste materials from mills and factories are thrown here and there. Farmers use fertilizers and insecticides n their land. During the rainy season, they are mixed with ponds and rivers. Besides, latrines (i) ____ (participle to post modify the noun) on ponds and rivers cause water pollution. (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) awareness should be raised to stop water pollution.

  1. Jessore Board -16 >Juranpur Adarsha University college, comilla-15# Brahmanbaria Govt. college-15

Most of the people in (a) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country do not know the importance of English. In fact, it is an (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) language and we are living in a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) village. So, if you know English (d) ____ (post modify the verb with an adverb), you can communicate with (e) ____ (use an article to pre-modify the noun phrase) rest of the world. It is surely an important element of your (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) skill. Without the knowledge of English with proper understanding, you cannot complete (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) higher studies because most of the books are written in English in the process of higher education. Poor knowledge of English will also hamper your (h) ____ (use a noun-adjective) development. In short, if you do not have a good command of English, you will suffer (i) ____ (pre modify the verb with prepositional phrase/Adverbial) of your life. So don’t waste your time and try to learn English (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) from today.

  1. Comilla Board-16

I had a peculiar experience (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) while travelling to st. martin’s Island. I visited the island along with my family. Zahid, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was our guide. On our way to the island, we watched (c) ____ (demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sea gulls. The (d) ____ (pre- modify the noun) birds were flying (e) ____ (post-modify the verb) with the ship. They became (f) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dear and friendly to us. We entertained them with chips and biscuits. (g) ____ them (use a present participle to pre-modify the verb), we became (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) excited. We decided (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) in the idyllic island for a couple of days. we can never forget (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the adjective phrase) lovely sea birds.

  1. Chittagong Board-16

Once there lived a (a) ____ (pre-modify noun) fox in a jungle. One day, while he was walking (b) ____ (post-modify the verb) through the jungle he fell into a trap and lost his tail. He felt (c) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) unhappy and sad. But the fox was very cunning. He hit upon a plan. He invited all the foxes (d) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) to a meeting. When all the foxes arrived, the fox without a tail said “My dear friends, listen to me, please, I have discovered a (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) thing. It is that our tails are (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) useless. They look ugly and dirty. So, we all should cut off our tails, shouldn’t we?” All foxes listened to the cunning fox (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). Most of them agreed (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their tails. But an old and (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) fox said to him, “My friend, your plan is nice but evil. Actually, you want to cut of our tails because you have (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) tail of your own.”

  1. Sylhet Board-16 > Begum Badrunnessa Govt. Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Othello, (a) ____ (use an appositive to post-modify the noun) had risen to become a general. He had shown his bravery in many (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) battles against the Turks. Everyone praised him (c) ____ (use an adverb to adjective to pre-modify the verb) and the senate trusted and honoured him. Brabantio, a rich senator of vince had a daughter named Desdemona (d) ____ (use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). Brabantio (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) invited Othello to his house where he and his daughter listened in wonder to Othello as he spoke about his adventures. He told them of deserts, of caves and of mountains high (f) ____ (use an post-modify the verb phrase and she never became tired of listening to it. She pitied Othello (h) ____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) for the misfortunes and hardships of his life. Her pity (i) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) because she loved Othello, a noble Muslim Moor from North Africa.

  1. Barisal Board -16

A village doctor is a (a) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) familiar person in the rural areas of Bangladesh. He is (b) ____ (pre-modify the verb) known as a quack. Village doctor is not a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. He (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb) sits in a small dispensary in the morning and evening. He treats the patients (e) ____ (use a participle to post-modify the verb) small fees. A village doctor is not a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man. His chamber is (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb) furnished. He cannot supply costly medicines to the (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) patients. In our country, The number of qualified doctors is (i) ____ use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) few. So, a village doctor is a great friend to the (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) people.

  1. Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College -15

a newspaper plays a very (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) role in modern civilization. It publishes news and views of home and abroad. Only (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) knowledge is not enough in the competitive world. The newspaper helps a man (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive his general knowledge. Apart from academic books, books, one should read newspapers (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) . Newspaper helps one (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the facts of the world. (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a present participle phrase) regularly, one can be aware of everything. There are (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective ) kinds of newspapers. One should select the newspaper (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). One should choose the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) paper because many newspapers present news partially. Whatever the paper is, it (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with an adverb) helps a man.

  1. Mirzapur Cadet College , Tangail -15# Nilphamari Govt. College-15

Mother is an (a) ____ (use an adjective phrase to pre-modify the noun) blessing in the world. Mother’s day is a (b) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) significant day observed as a (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) occasion in honour of mothers. The day was for the first time, announced as a formal holiday in the united states of America. Mothers’ day is now observed (d) ____ (use an adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) as elsewhere around the world. The sons and daughters (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) wait for this day. They buy some special presents for their (f) ____ (use a superlative degree to pre-modify the noun) mother. When they offer the presents, the mother and (h) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. The bond of relationship between mother and children becomes everlasting. The mother (i) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) draws her children with her motherly affection. In this way, we pay a (j) ____ (use a participle to pre-modify the noun) tribute to our dear mothers.

  1. Rajshahi Cadet College-15

Once upon a time there lived (a) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) generous and kind-hearted king. But the people were not happy with (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) king, because the king was too lazy and would not do (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) work other than eating and sleeping. He spent days and weeks and months in (d) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the phrase) bed either eating something or sleeping. He became (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) inactive. The king became (f) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) potato couch and the people stated warring about the king. (g) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day he realized that he could not even move his body. He became fat and his enemies made fun of him calling ‘fatty king’ or bulky king’ etc. he invited (h) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) doctors from (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the noun) parts of his country and offered them generous rewards (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) him fit unfortunately, none could help the king regain his health and fitness.

  1. Pabna cadet college-15

Once there lived a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) barber in a village. He was more than a mere barber but a (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) doctor. The barber pretended (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) about disease and their cures. People (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with a present participle) in the area came to him for treatment. As people were illiterate, they could not understand (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) trick. So when they became (f) pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) ill, they called in him. The barber gave the (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) medicine. But he was he was an expert in treating boils. As he was a barber, it was easy for him (h) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an infinitive). He would cut with his razor. Some patients would cry (i) ____ (post-modify the verb) in pain. Some of the patients were cured. The (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a adjective folk thought him to be a good doctor.

  1. Joypurhat Girls’ cadet college-15

We went to sonargaon, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), to attend a picnic there (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverbial of time). only the students of section A of X of our school attended (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) picnic. Mr. Latiful kabir, (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was also with us. We hired a bus and started our journey from Mirpur-2 at about 8 (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with prepositional phrase). It was a (f) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) journey. We reached sonargaon at about 10 am. (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) teacher told us about the historical background of sonargaon. Then we visited the museum there. We stayed there for about (h) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) hours. The cooking was going on. (i) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) students sang, danced, played and made lots of fun. The event was (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the adjective) wonderful.

  1. Rangpur cadet college-15 #cantonment public school & college, saidpur, Nilphamari-15 Jessore Govt. Mohila college-15 #Barisal Model school & college-15 #Ullapara science college, sirajganj-15 #Rajshahi college-15 #Rajshahi Model School & college-15 #Govt. Begum Rokeya college, Rangpur-15

Nelson mendela (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with appositive), is one of the greatest leaders of the world, no doubt. During (b) ____ (use articale to pre modify the noun) time of Mandela, the Europeans were separated from the non-Europeans. It was (c) ____ (use noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) policy of racial segregation. The blacks were subjected to (d) ____(use quantifier o pre-modify the noun) sorts of indignities. They were denied all basic (e) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) rights. They were in fact aliens in (f) ____ (use possessive) own country. Te blacks were also treated (g) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). Even dogs received a much better treatment than the blacks. The (h) ____ (use an adjective pre-modify the noun) leader vowed to put an end to the inhuman practice. Unfortunately (i) ____ (use demonstrative to pre modify the noun) great man was thrown behind the prison bars. But the oppressive rulers could not break his spirit. All his life he struggled against apartheid. Eventually, the great leader fulfilled the goal of liberating (j) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) people.

  1. Jhenidah cadet college-15

One night Hazi Mohammad Mohhin was in (a) ____ (a pre-modify the noun) sleep. Suddenly he heard a sound and woke up (b) ____ (an infinitive as a post-modify of the verb) what happened. He discovered a thief (c) ____ (a present participle as a post-modify of the noun) valuable articles from his room. He advanced (d) ____ (an adverb as a post-modifier of the verb) and caught the thief (e) ____ (a post-modifier of the verb). Mohsin was a (f) ____ (a pre-modifier of the noun) man. He wanted (g) ____ (an infinitive as a post-modifier of the verb) why he was stealing. The thief replied that he had been starving (h) ____ (a prepositional phrase post-modifier of the verb). (i) ____ (a present participle pre-modifying the subject), Mohsin became sympathetic. He set the thief (j) ____ (an adjective post-modifying the noun)

  1. Comilla cadet college-15

Michael was a poor shepherd (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with a present participle) in a village of London. He was an (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man. His wife was also hard-working. They worked (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) to maintain the family. Michel took his sheep to the field (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an infinitive). His wife wove loom (e) ____ (post-modify the verb). They had a son named Luke. They tried (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) their son perfectly. They taught Luke (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) things. He was (h) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) dear to his parents. When he grew up, his parents planned (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) him to London. They sent Luke to London (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive)

  1. Fani Girls’ cadet college-15

Modern life depends (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) on transport. We can understand well how important is when it is hampered by (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) disasters and political crisis. Transport helps us (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) our destination. It had quickened trade and commerce (d) ____ ( post-modify the verb). It also helps us (e) ____ ( post-modify the verb with an infinitive) with our relatives and friends, the development of transport has made he world small. We can travel to any country (f) ____ (post- modify the verb). We us transport (g) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) our goods and products to different places. The use of transport saves our time (h) ____ (post-modify the verb). It also helps us (i) ____ (post modify the verb with an infinitive) knowledge and ideas. (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase) we can promote understanding among nations.

  1. Sylhet cadet college -15

A (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a noun adjective) morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog (b) ____ (post-modify the verb). The sun rises (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) in the morning. People wear (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) clothes. They get comforts (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) in the sun. Those who don’t have clothes suffer from (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) cold. Sometimes, the fog is so dense, even things at a distance can (g) ____ ( pre-modify the the verb) be seen. People like (h) ____ ( post-modify the verb with infinitive) indoors. The fog disperses when the sun rises up. Dew drops (i) ____ (post-modify the noun with a prepositional phrase) look like pearls. Rural people gather around the fire (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase).

  1. Barisal cadet college-15 #Govt. Ashek Mahmud college, Nirobpur-15

A young girl was crying (a) ____ (post-modify the verb). So I went to her (b) ____ (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) what happened to her. (c) ____ (use present participle to pre-modify the verb) near her, I came to know that she lost (d) ____ (use a noun phrase to post-modify the verb). She told me that she had come to the market with her parents. But as the place was (e) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) crowded she could not follow them. I felt (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective an intensifier) sorry for the girl and took her with me. (g) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle phrase), I gave her food. The girl became happy (h) ____ ( use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the adjective) and slept soon. Next morning I went to the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) police station and informed the duty officer about the girl (j) ____ (post-modify the noun with a relative pronoun) I got in the market place.

  1. Rajuk Uttara Model College, Dhaka-15

The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) and it is becoming (b) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) difficult to find suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse, the disposal of (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) kinds of waste is (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) polluting the environment. We know that air is an (e) ____ (post-modify the noun) element of our environment. Man makes fire (f) ____ (post-modify the verb by an infinitive) food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) things which pollute the air. Railway engines and (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun by a noun adjective) houses create smoke (i) ____ (post-modify the verb by adverb phrase). Mills and factories also belch (j) ____ ( pre-modify the noun by adjective phrase) smoke.

  1. Ideal school &college, motijheel, Dhaka-15

Load-shedding. (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), means intentional stopping of the supply of electricity in a (b) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) area for a certain period of time. It occurs when (c) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) generation of power is less than the demand. Load-shedding causes a lot of problems for us. It hampers our (d) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) household activities. The production of mills and factories is stopped. Students cannot prepare (e) ____ ( use possessive to pre-modify the noun) lessons and idle away their time. Patients suffer (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) because of load-shedding. Infect, load-shedding hampers the smooth (g) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) development of a country. In order to solve the problem of load-shedding, we should try (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) more electricity through government and (i) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) initiatives. We should also try to stop the misuse of electricity. An all-out effort can solve (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) problem.

  1. Shamsul Hoque Khan & College,Dhaka-15 # Govt. syed Hatem Ali college, Barisal-15 # Dr.Mahbubur Rahman Mollah college, Dhaka-15

One day Rober Bruce, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was lying in the cave. He was thinking of (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) misfortune. He thought that he would not be able (c) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). Suddenly he saw a spider (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with a prepositional phrase/an adverbial of place). The spider was trying to reach (e) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) ceiling of the cave. It almost got to the point (f) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) times, but fell down at the last moment. It did not lose hope. It was trying (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). On the seventh attempt it reached the ceiling. Robert Bruce became very much amazed (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) the success of the spider. He felt encouraged and came out of the cave and began to gather soldiers again. He remembered the small spider and prepared (i) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) for the battle. He fought hard with the English and (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time, he came out successful. Strong will and the perseverance made Robert Bruce the king of Scotland again.

  1. Notre Dame College, Dhaka-15

I experienced a very interesting incident (a) ____ (post-modify the verb) on my way to dinajpur. My friend Tamalika, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive) was driving. A cow was crossing the road but suddenly in the middle of the road it stopped and remained standing. In a minute Tamalika had to change her course but she didn’t have (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) time and space to do that. Tamalika tried to turn in the left when the cow too walked (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) back a few steps. To save (e) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) cow, Tanalika had to move in the right. She lost her control and bumped the car, with a (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) tree. (g) ____ (use a participle to pre-modify the verb) Tamalika was shocked but she was (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) happy (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). She patted the (j) ____ (use modify the noun) cow and burst into laughter.

  1. Dhaka College-15

The newspaper, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is a printed record of current event. It gives us (b) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun phrase) the important news of home and abroad. In a word, the newspaper is like (c) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) “mirror” of the world. The newspaper was first introduced in china. The “Indian Gazette” was the (d) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) newspaper of the subcontinent. “The samachar Darpon” was the first (e) ____ (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) newspaper. A newspaper is (f) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) useful to us. We cannot think of (g) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) morning without it. (h) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) people have different tastes. So, a newspaper supplies us with (i) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) sorts of news, for example, business, games and sports, entertainment, literature etc. it keeps us well-informed and makes us intelligent. So we all should read newspapers (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverb).

  1. Dhaka city college-15

I went to visit Lalbag Fort (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an adverb). Dipu, (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive) , was with me. It was a hot day in summer. The sun was shining (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb). We hired an auto rickshaw so that we could reach on time. when we reached there, we saw (d) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) many people standing in a queue for entry tickets. (e) ____ (use a prepositional phrase to pre-modify the verb), we entered the fort. There we saw some (f) ____ (use a determiner to buildings, a museum, a pond and some beautiful gardens. A water channel connects (g) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) buildings from east to west and north to south. We became (h) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) amazed to see the fountains. The visitors cannot stay (i) ____ (use a prepositional phrase) after 6 pm. So, at O’clock the guards requested the visitors (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).

  1. Adamjee cantonment college, Dhaka-15

My elder sister is (a) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) affectionate to me. She is a very (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) lady. She advises me (c) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) my knowledge and skill. She tells me to go the college (d) ____ (post-modify the verb). She encourage me to follow the (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) path. She also advises me (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) towards other fellow students. She is really a (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) women. She teaches me how (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) between right and wrong. She advises me to be a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) human being. (j) ____ (pre-modify with a present participle phrase), I want to become a trustworthy man.

  1. Dhaka commerce college-15

Bangladesh, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive). Has a huge population. Most people here live below the (b) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) line and cannot, therefore, afford to educate (c) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) children. Many poor children either drop out of school after just a (d) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) years or simply do not go to school at all. Despite this situation, was have far too many students (e) ____ (use infinitive to post-modify the verb) compared to the number of institutions available. Bangladesh needs (f) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) schools, college and universities to provide for the (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a present participle) number of students. But the government cannot fund the (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) number of educational institutions. At present every educational institution is over. Crowded and class size is (i) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) large. Students do get a (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) education for lack of facilities.

  1. Holy Cross College, Dhaka-15

One hot (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) day an ant was searching for some water. After walking for some time she come to a (b) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) spring. To reach the spring she had to climb up a blade of grass. While climbing the blade of (c) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) grass, she slipped and fell into water. A dove from a mango tree saw this incident. (d) ____ (use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb), the dove quickly plucked of a leaf and dropped it into the water near the (e) ____ (use a present participle to pre-modify the noun) ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her (f) ____ (use an adverb to post-modify the verb) to the dry ground. Just at that time the ant saw a hunter standing (g) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) close to him. He was aiming an arrow to the dove. (h) ____ (use a relative clause to post-modify the noun). So the ant took a firm determination to save the dove’s life she (i) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) went to the hunter and gave him a severe bite. The hunter cried out in pain and missed the target. The dove saw this and flew away (j) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb).

  1. Milestone College, Dhaka-15

One the occasion of the (a) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) prize giving ceremony, our college was decorated with colourful flags, balloons etc. the college stage situated beside the garden got (b) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun phrase) new look with colourful cloths and a gorgeous sitting arrangement. After the arrival of the (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) guest, the function started at 3 pm with the recitation from the holy Quran. Our principal, (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), presided over the function. After (e) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) presentation of annual report an (f) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) cultural function was held. Then (g) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) chief guest made a short but valuable speech. After his speech the prizes were given to the brilliant students and those who gained top (h) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) positions in different (i) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) events and cultural competitions. At the end of the function, the principal gave his final speech in which he thanked all to make the prize give ceremony (j) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) success.

  1. B.A.F. Shaheen college, Dhaka-15

Jack was lying in their (a) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) house wondering about what he could do tomorrow. He thought he could go to the park (b) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). He just hoped that it was a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) day so that he could play with his friends. (d) ____ (use a participle phrase to pre-modify the verb), he asked his mum and dad if he could go to the park. His parents were very angry to hear (e) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) question. They said that it was going to be a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) day and for everyone it is safe to stay (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). He felt (h) ____ (use an intensifier) disappointed. Soon it started raining (i) ____ (post-modify the verb). Finding no other way Jack opened a (j) ____ (use a noun-adjective to pre-modify the noun) book.

  1. National Ideal College, Dhaka-15 #Govt. M.M.City college, Khulna-15 #Dr.Abdul Razzak Municipal college, Jessore-15 #Gazipur cantonment college-15 #B.A.F Shahheen College, Chittagong-15

Socrates, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), believed that an angry man was more of a beast than a (b) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) being. His wife used to lose (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) temper on the slightest excuse. She tried her utmost (d) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) Socrates. (e) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day the woman became more furious than ever. She began to insult (f) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) great scholar of Greece. Socrates went (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb of place). He sat on the (h) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) step of his residence looking out one the path street. The wife found that (i) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) husband was not paying the least heed to her word. she went up to him with a bucket full of water and suddenly she poured water over him. He (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) remarked, “I am expecting this. After thunder, comes rain.”

  1. Shaheed Bir uttam Lt.Anwar Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Bangladesh is a small country with a (a) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) population. Most of the people depend on agriculture and most of them are below the (b) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) line, but they are peace-loving. They live in harmony with others irrespective of religion, caste and creed. They (c) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) bear a smile in (d) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) face. Bangladesh is (e) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) criss-crossed with hundreds of rivers. Wherever we look at, we are sure to find a touch of green. We have a number of (f) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) places in Bangladesh. Cox’s Bazar, (g) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), is a place of scenic have a glimpse of (i) ____ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) heritage, we must visit ruins of Buddhist Bihara at Paharpur, Mahansthangarh, Mainamati etc. we can (j) ____ (use an adverb to pre-modify the verb) visit sundarbans, the biggest mangrove forest in the world.

  1. Seddeswari Girls’ College, Dhaka-15

Robi is a boy (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) through abject poverty. He is (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with intensifier) a poor boy that he does not have a shelter. He is actually a boy (c) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) on the street beside Dhaka medical college. He begs money from the students of Dhaka medical college (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) foods. He lives on a slice of bread (e) ____ (post-modify the noun) with begged money, some left-over rice from the hospital attendants. One day zayed, a student of Dhaka Medical college, asked Robi what (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with possessive) dream was. He replied that his dream was not lofty a plate (g) ____ (post-modify the noun) of rice, big pieces of chickens and sweets. Being pitied, zayed took him to a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) restaurant and entertained him with (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) foods. (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with present participle phrase), Robi became very much satisfied.

  1. Lalmatia Mohila College, Dhaka-15

The people of Bangladesh are (a) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) hospitable. They like (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) people. It is their (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) part of culture. So, hospitality is a (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) norm of Bangladesh people. Although many other things are changing (e) ____ (post-modify the verb), people are still (f) ____ (pre-modify the adjective) polite towards foreigners. They like (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) to foreigners even if they have not been introduced. It is quite common for Bangladeshis (h) ____ (post-modify the adjective with an infinitive) personal questions about family, jobs and income which visitors from overseas might find awkward. However , it should be understood that (i) ____ (per-modify the noun with a determiner) harm is meant by such questions. On the other hand, they express (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) interest is the foreigners’ state of affairs.

  1. Tejgaon College, Dhaka-15

In every country (a) ____ (use post-modify noun), mothers and grandmothers tell (b) ____ (use pre-modify noun) children stories. Bangladesh is no exception. I remember (c) ____ (use pre-modify noun) evening we children would surround our grandmother, and she would tell us tales, (d) ____ (use pre-modify verb) she would tell tiger or bear stories; at other times, she would tell stories about a jackal, (e) ____ ( use post-modify noun). There stories are told in every home in Bangladesh. So sit back (f) ____ (use post-modify verb) and enjoy the story of the (g) ____ (use pre-modify noun) tiger. (h) ____ (use pre-modify verb), in a country not far away, a famous maharaja lived. He was (i) ____ (use post-modify subject) because of his (j) ____ (use pre-modify noun) hobbies; he gathered and raised unusual breeds of animals.

  1. Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka-15

Tea is the most (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) drink in the world. It is (b) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) refreshing. Tea plants grow (c) ____ (post-modify the verb) on the slope of hills. In the tea garden tea plants are (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb) planted in rows. (e) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) leaves are plucked four times a year. (f) ____ (use participle to pre-modify the verb) they are rolled by a machine and dried in a cauldron over a furnace, after (g) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) process, tea is ready for consumption. As a drink tea is prepared in a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) way. It is now (i) ____ (pre-modify the verb) used for the entertainment of guests in our country. But it is harmful to our health (j) ____ (use an infinitive to post-modify the verb) too much of tea.

  1. Trust college,Dhaka-15

The bell rang. I got up (a) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) who it was. I looked through the (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) hole. I was surprised to see Asif (c) ____ (post-modify the noun with a participle) outside. I opened the door (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) and let him in.(e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) the room, he hugged me. It was long since I had seen him (f) ____ (post-modify the verb). I became (g) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) glad to receive him in my house. He was my (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) friend and we studied at the (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) school. He was honest and truthful. He behaved (j) ____ (post-modify the verb) with every everybody

  1. Savar cantonment public school & college, Dhaka-15

A plane journey is an exciting journey. If the weather is fine the passengers can get (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) view of the picture below. The (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) passengers may be served with (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) snacks and drinks within around 20 minutes of the take off. A movie will be started (d) ____ (post-modify the verb) after that. The captain of the fight may give a (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) speech before all these. Quality aeroplanes have the facility of an (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) mask in case of oxygen shortage. The passengers just have to pull the mask and place it (g) ____ (post-modify the verb) on their noses. They also have to secure the band behind them and breathe (h) ____ (post-modify the verb). If any passenger has a child with anyone who needs (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) assistance he has to put his mask (j) ____ (post-modify the noun) before going to help the child.

  1. Narayanganj Govt. Mohila College-15

St. Martin’s Island. (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with a an appositive) is about 9 km south of the tip of the cox’s Bazar-Teknaf peninsula. It is the (b) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) coral island in Bangladesh. It is about 8 km west of in (c) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) northwest coast of Myanmar at the south of the Naf River-The (d) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun phrase) name of the island is Narikel Jinjira meaning “Coconut Island” in Begali. St. Martin’s Island has become a popular (e) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) spot. Three shipping liners run (f) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). (g) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) liners are kutubdia. Sea-Truck and Keary-trip either from Chittagong or from cox’s Bazar. (h) ____ (use article to pre-modify the noun) island is home to a (i) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) endangered species of turtles, as well as the corals, some of which are found only on (j) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) island.

  1. Rajendrapur cantonment public school & college, Gazipur-15

There is a proverb that time and tide wait for none. Time passes on very (a) ____ (use adverb to post-modify the verb). No one can stop (b) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) on word march for a moment. So, we must understand (c) ____ (use articles to pre-modify the noun) value of it Lost money can be regained by (d) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) work. Lost health can be recovered by medicine an improved diet. But lost time can (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with an adverb) be called back. So time is very much important (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with preposition phrase). Success in life depends on the proper use of time. so, we should make a (g) ____ (use an adjective phrase to post-modify the noun) division of our time and try (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) our work accordingly (i) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) life is very short. We must utilize (j) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun phrase) second of our life to make it successful and meaningful.

  1. Major General Mahmudul Hasan Adarsha College, Tangail-15

Overpopulation is a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) problem of our country. It is a hindrance to our development. The government should take necessary steps (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the growth. Illiterate people do not know about the (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) impact of overpopulation. Here literacy can help those people (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with a bare infinitive) their family. So the government should work (e) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) illiteracy. Due to poverty, many people cannot send their children to school. (f) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) obstacles, we can remove illiteracy. (g) ____ (pre-modify the noun) marriage should be stopped. It has a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) contribution to overpopulation. (i) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) among people, we can help them. (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) control is essential for this.

  1. Govt. Haraganga College, Munshiganj-15

Most of (a) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) students cannot write out their examination papers fairly. As they cannot understand the questions (b) ____ (post-modify the verb), they often beat about the bush and cram their answers with irrelevant and unnecessary details. Sometimes they also fail to arrange their answer neatly, cleanly and systematically. Although the teacher suggests that their answer should be brief and precise, they (c) ____ (pre-modify the verb) lengthen them unnecessarily. Therefore, their (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) answers generally become disgusting and unnecessary. Such answers always earn (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun) marks, in order to get `expected marks, all you should do, it to understand the questions (f) ____ (post-modify the verb) marks. In order to get just to the point. Don’t worry, if (g) ____ (use a possessive to pre-modify the noun) answers are fairly short. Yon should make your presentation neat and clean (h) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). To answer the short comprehensive question, you should not copy anything (i) ____ (post-modify the verb) from the passage make your sentences (j) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) short and simple.

  1. Govt. Debendra College, Manikganj-15

We should not eat just (a) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase). We should eat to preserve (b) ____ (post-modify the noun with a possessive) health. We need to eat (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) food. Sometimes, it so happens that people (d) ____ (post-modify the noun with present participle) in the midst of plenty do not eat (e) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a determiner) food they need for good health. That is why they suffer from (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) diseases. If they know how (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with infinitive) balanced diet, they can remain fit. For this, they should have (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) knowledge about health and nutrition. If they were educated, they could live a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) life. Only a healthy man is a (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) man.

  1. Abdul kadir mullah city college , Narsingdi-15

Bangladesh is crisscrossed with hundreds of river. (a) ____ (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) rivers are the gift of Almighty creator. They play a very important role in our (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun) economy. There hundreds of big and small rivers in (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. The big rivers flow (d) ____ (use adverbial phrase to post-modify the verb) but small ones flow only during the rainy season. Our rivers are of great use and importance to us. They are (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb) related to our economy and prosperity of our country. These rivers are sources of communications, wealth and property, energy and fish. All the rivers play a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) role in our (g) ____ (use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) system. We use use boats launches, steamers to carry our goods from one place to another. (h) ____ (use infinitive to pre-modify the noun) goods through river way is cheaper and easier than by land in our country. Moreover, people (i) ____ (use present participle to post-modify the noun) by the river side can earn their livelihood by catching fish. The silt (j) ____ (use past participle to post-modify the noun) by the river water increases the fertility of our agricultural land.

  1. Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh-15

Mother Teresa was a (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) woman. She was born in the then Yugoslavia. When she was a young girl she swore (b) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase) for the service of mankind. She decided to be a nun (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) people. When she was eighteen, she decided to be a nun (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) her purpose. (e) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a present participle) she came to Calcutta. There she jouined sa school (f) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) the poor children. She also served the lepers (g) ____ (post-modify the verb). She sacrificed her life (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with an infinitive) mankind. The whole world knows her as (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a noun-adjective) Teresa.she was awarded (j) ____ (use a noun) adjective to modify the noun) prize for peace.

  1. Sherpur Govt. College-15

One day the lion, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was sleeping in his cave. A (b) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) mouse was playing nearby. While playing it ran over the (c) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) body by chance. At this the lion woke up an became (d) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an adverb) angry. He caught the mouse with hi paw and was ready to kill it. The little mouse began (e) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) with fear. It begged for mercy and promised to repay the kindness if it was set free. (f) ____ (use participle phrase to pre-modify the verb) the lion burst into laughter. He took pity on the mouse and let it go. The mouse looked at the lion with gratefulness and left the place (g) ____ (post-modify the verb with an adverb) after about a month the lion fell into a (h) ____ (use possessive to pre-modify the noun) trap. He tried his best (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) but he could not as the net was very strong. He began to roar. The (j) ____ (use a determiner to pre-modify the noun) mouse heard the sound, came to the spot at once and began to cut the rope of the net with its sharp teeth and set the lion free.

  1. Rajbari Govt. College-15

Any device, the helps people perform (a) ____ (pre-modify the noun) calculation may be called a “computer”. In (b) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) sense, the abacus is also a (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun) computer, today, however, the term “computer” refers to a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information (d) ____ (use prepositional phrase to post-modify the noun). In a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that (e) ____ (use past participle to pre-modify the noun) mathematician would need years to complete. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun) seconds, it can not only solve complex mathematical problems (g) ____ (post-modify the verb) and accurately, but also perform (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) operations at once and the same time without any confusion. The computer promises to free men from many monotonous and routine tasks. Nowadays, the computer has become (i) ____ (use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) sophisticated and can perform many (j) ____ (use past participle to pre-modify the noun) tasks.

  1. New Govt. Degree College, Rajshahi-15

Diarrhoea is (a) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) condition of having three or more loose or (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) bowel movements per day. The most common cause is gastroenteritis (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun phrase) Rehydration solutions (ORS) with (d) ____ (pre-modify the noun) amounts of salts and zinc tablets are the treatment of choice and have been estimated (e) ____ (use infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb) 50 million children in the past 25 years. In case where ors is not available, (f) ____ (use compound to pre-modify the noun) solutions are (g) ____ (pre- modify the verb) used. Diarrhea is a (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun) cause of death in (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun) countries and the second most common cause of (j) ____ (pre-modify the noun) deaths worldwide. The loss of fluids thought diarrhea can cause dehydration and electrolyte disturbances such as potassium deficiency or other salt imbalances.

  1. Rajshahi Govt. city college-15

Sheikh sa’adi, (a) ____ (post-modify the noun with an appositive), was simple in his ways of life.(b) ____ (use quantifier to pre-modify the noun) day, at the invitation of the emperor, he set out for the eperor’s palace in an (c) ____ (use an adjective to pre-modify the noun) dress. He took shelter in a courtier’s house (d) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverbial phrase). The courtier and his men did not show (e) ____ (use determiner to pre-modify the noun) honour and hospitality to him. On his way back home, sa’adi again took shelter in the (f) ____ (use adjective to pre-modify the noun) courtier’s house. (g) ____ (use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) time he put on a gorgeous dress. The courtier received him (h) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverb) and entertained him with rich foods. New sa’adi began to put his food in the pockets of his dress. The courtier’s men were surprised (i) ____ (use an infinitive phrase to post-modify the verb). They asked him why he was putting the foods (j) ____ (post-modify the verb with adverbial phrase).\

  1. Chapai Nawabganj Govt. Women’s College-15

I went to my village home (a) ____ (pre-modify the verb) to see my mother (b) ____ (pre-modify the noun with a relative clause). My (c) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) brother accompanied me. We reached home in time. (d) ____ (pre-modify the verb using a present participle), we entered the house. My mother burst into tears (e) ____ (use and infinitive phrase to post-modify the noun). We also could not help shedding tears profusely to see our (f) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) mother. She was (g) ____ (pre-modify the adjective with an intensifier) ill to work. We decided to take her to Dhaka for (h) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) treatment. I told my cousin to hire a (i) ____ (pre-modify the noun with an adjective) . (j) ____ (pre-modify the verb with a perfect participle) we carried our mother to Dhaka.

  1. (a) famous/celebrated/great; (b) rich/prosperous/well off/well to-do; (c) early/at

tender age; (d) first; (e) to attend/to join; (f) friendly/helpful/ good/ generous; (g) to find/to get/to have; (h) to listen to/to enjoy; (i) praising/ appreciating/extolling; (j) for ever/really/ actually/ ultimately/ for good.

  1. (a) summer; (b) thirsty; (c) very; (d) there; (e) to drink the water inside the jar; (f)

that; (g) deeply/with deep attention; (h) Noticing here and there/ Flying here and there; (i)

also; (j) enough.

  1. (a) liquid/natural; (b) its; (c) other; (d) our; (e) unsafe/ polluted/contaminated/unclean; (f)

even; (g) untimely/ premature; (h) water; (i) situated/standing; (j) public

  1. (a) our; (b) international; (c) global; (d) well; (e) the; (f) communication; (g) your; (h)

career; (i) in the long run; (j) well/ properly.

  1. (a) last week; (b) a local boy; (c) some; (d) migratory/sea; (e) along; (f) very/quite; (g) Seeing; (h) very; (i) to stay/to remain; (j) these/those.

  2. (a) clever/cunning; (b) alone; (c) very/quite; (d) to attend; (e) new; (f) quite/completely; (g) attentively/seriously/curiously; (h) to cut; (i)wise; (j) no

  1. (a) an ordinary soldier; (b) dreadful/risky/hazardous/ter rible/horrible; (c) highly/greatly/profusely; (d) who had secret love with Othello / who loved Othello very much; (e) once/very often;(f) enough; (g) hearing it;(h) largely/intensely/whole-heartedly;(i) gradually/ultimately; (j) to marry / woo/Othello.

  2. (a) very/ quite; (b) also; (c) qualified; (d) usually/normally; (e) charging/taking; (f) rich; (g) not well; (h) poor; (i) very; (j) village/ rural

  3. (a) significant/important/vital; (b) bookish; (c) to enrich/ to enlarge/to increase; (d) regularly/daily; (e) to know/to get; (f) Reading a newspaper; (g) different/various; (h) properly; (i) impartial; (j) certainly/really.

  4. (a) exquisite/incomparably great and divine; (b) very; (c) special/sacred; (d) in our family/in Bangladesh; (e) earnestly/eagerly; (f) dearest/greatest; (g) heavenly/true/ great; (h) her; (i) really/usually/commonly; (j) great/ heart-warming.

  5. (a) a (b) their; (c) any; (d) his; (e) very/fully/completely; (f) a; (g) One; (h) famous/renowned; (i) all/many/some; (j) to make.

  6. (a) clever/shrewd/cunning/naughty; (b) quack/false/fake; (c) to be skilled/to know; (d) living/residing; (e) this/that/ such a; (1) seriously/very; (g) some/prescribed; (h) to do operation/to cut; (i) loudly; (j) village/rural/local.

  7. (a) a historical place/a place of historical importance; (b) last week! Lest. month; (c) the/that; (d) our history teacher; (e) in the morning; (f) joyous/hilarious/pleasant; (g) Our; (h) two/three/four; (i) many/some; (j) really/very/greatly.

  8. (a) a great leader/a renowned leader; (b) the; (c) government; (d) all/different; (e) human; (f) their; (g) cruelly; (h) noble/great/kind; (i) this; (j) his.

  9. (a) a sound/a deep; (b), to know/to see; (c) stealing; (d) silently/stealthily; (e) red handed/instantly; (f) kind/generous; (g) to know; (h) for few days; (i) Hearing this; .(j) free.

  10. (a) residing/living; (b) old/industrious; (c) hard; (d) to graze; (e) regularly/at home; (f) to teach/to bring up; (g) many/religious; (h) very/great; (i) to send; (j) to change/to improve/to develop.

  11. (a) greatly/largely/much; (b) natural; (c) to reach; (d) all over the world/immensely; (e) to communicate; (f) in a short time/easily/quickly; (g) to carry; (h) greatly; (i) to gain/to acquire/to gather; (j) Taking help of this.

  12. (a) winter; (b) everywhere; (c) late; (d) warm; (e) to bask; (f) bitter/severe; (g) hardly; (h) to remain; (i) on the soft grass; (j) to warm themselves.

  13. (a) loudly/continuously/pathetically; (b) to see/to know; (c) Going/Approaching; (d) her parents; (e) very/ unusually; (f) very/extremely; (g) Reaching home/Being sympathetic; (h) to get relaxed/to eat; (i) nearby/local; (j) whom.

  14. (a) everyday/each year/gradually; (b) very/more/ extremely/increasingly; (c) various/different; (d) severely/ seriously/constantly/rapidly; (e) important/ essential; (f) to cook; (g) these/many other; (h) power; (i) by burning coil, and oil; (j) a lot of/harmful.

  1. (a)a regular phenomenon/a great curse; (b) certain/particular; (c) the; (d) daily/actual; (e) their; (f) bitterly/greatly; (g) proper/progressive; (h) to Produce/to generate; (i) Pragmative/private/proper; (j) this

  2. (a) the king of Scotland; (b) his; (c) to regain his kingdom; (d) in the cave; (e) the; (f) many/several; (g) again and again; (h) to see; (i) well/fully/wholeheartedly;

  3. (a) last month/week; (b) a student of Dhaka University/a famous athlete; (c) much/enough; (d) again/slowly; (e) the (f) mango/jackfruit; (g) Perceiving the fact; (h) very/greatly; (i) to save themselves; (j) stupid/naughty.

  4. (a) a store-house of knowledge; (b) all; (c) a; (d) first; (e) Bengali/Bangla; (f) very/greatly; (g) our; (h) Different/Various; (i) all; (j) daily/everyday/carefully.

  5. (a) yesterday; (b) my cousin; (c) brightly; (d) so; (e) After a while;(f) beautiful/nice/tall; (g) the; (h) very/greatly/quite; (i) for a second; (j) to leave.

  6. (a) very; (b) good/gentle/wise; (c) to increase; (d) regularly/ daily/everyday; (e) right/good/correct; (f) useful/to behave well; (g) wise/great; (h) to differentiate/to distinguish; (i) good/useful; (j) Following her advice.

  7. (a) an independent country/a small country; (b) poverty; (c) their; (d) few; (e) to educate;(f) more; (g) enhancing/rising/increasing; (h) large/requisite; (i) very/unusually; (j) proper/standard/good.

  8. (a) summer; (b) big/large; (c) that/such; (d) Seeing the incident; (e) struggling/floating; (f) safely/near /close; (g) very; (h) which was sitting on tree/that had saved her life; (i) swiftly/quickly; (j) to save itself

  9. (a) annual; (b) a; (c) chief; (d) the president of the function/an honorable person; (e) his; (f) enjoyable; (g) the; (h) three; (i) sports; (j) a.

  10. (a) farm/summer/brick-built; (b) to play with his friends/to play games; (c) fine/nice/bright/sunny; (d) Entering his parents' room/thinking that; (e) this/that; (1) worse/rainy; (g) at home/indoors; (h) very/quite; (i) cats and dogs/heavily/in torrents; (j) story.

  11. (a) one of the greatest philosophers of the world/a great philosopher; (b) human; (c) her; (d) to irritate; (e) One; (f)the; (g) outside;(h) door;(i) her; (j) quickly/then/smilingly.

  12. (a) vast/huge/large; (b) poverty; (c) always; (d) their; (e) entirely/fully/also; (f) tourist; (g) the longest sea beach in the world; (h) a; (i) this; (j) also.

  13. (a) living/residing; (b) such; (c) living/residing; (d) to buy; (e) bought; (f) his; (g) full; (h) big; (i) various/many; (j) Being entertained/well.

  14. (a) Very; (b) to entertain; (c) integral/traditional/ indispensable; (d) significant/common/traditional(e) rapidly/now; (f) very/quite; (g) to speak/to talk; (h) to ask; (i) no; (j) genuine/ their/ true.

  15. (a) of the world/elder sisters (b) their/ little; (c) every/ each; (d) always/ often; (e) beautifully/ a clever animal; (f) silently/ there; (g) ferocious/ fierce; (h) there/once; (i) famous/ reputed; (j) favourite/ peculiar.

  16. (a) common/popular; (b) very / quite/ highly ; (c) beautifully/plentifully/abundantly/well; (d) usually/always; (e) Tea; (f) Being plucked; (g) a lot of/ this; (h) sophisticated/ excellent/ excellent/ systematic; (i) widely/profusely; (j) to drink/ take

  17. (a) to know; (b) hidden/secret; (c) standing/waiting/ staying; (d) quickly/instantly/sharply/without delay; (e), Entering/Coming into/Being into; (f) last/last time; (g), very/greatly/highly; (h) bosom/intimate/close/cordial/boyhood; (i) same/high/village; (j) well.

  18. (a) nice/fine/clear; (b) travelling/honorable; (c) some/ suitable; (d) just/right; (e) short/welcome/brief/refreshing; (f) oxygen/ automatic; (g) just/properly/fixed right; (h) easily/normally/usually; (i) extra/some/any/ necessary; (j) quickly/over his nose first.

  19. (a) a small island in the north east part of the Bay of Bengal; (b) only; (c) the; (d) local/regional; (e) tourist; (f) regular/daily; (g) Three; (h) The; (i) lot of/number of; (j) this/that.

  20. (a) quickly/fast; (b) its; (c) the; (d) hard; (0) never; (1) in our life/in our daily life/for our success in life; (g) proper/right/correct; (h) to do/to complete; (i) our; (j) every.

  21. (a) big/great/major; (b) to reduce/to control/to decrease; (c) bad/negative/adverse; (d) shorten/plan/limit; (e) to remove/to reduce; (f) Overcoming; (g)Early/Child/Untimely; (h) noticeable/great/big. (i) Creating awareness/Raising awareness; (j) Birth/Population

  22. (a) our; (b) properly/clearly; (c) often/very often; (d) elaborate/long; (e) insufficient/poor/low; (f) well/properly; (g) your; (h) to understand/to get good marks; (i) directly/intact; (j) fairly/very

  23. (a) to satisfy hunger/to fill the belly/to fill the stomach,(b) our; (c) healthy/nutritious/balanced; (d) living; (e) the; (f) different/various; (g) to select; (h) proper/adequate/enough/clear; (i) healthy; (j) happy

  24. (a) These; (b) national; (c) our; (d) all the year round/ during all seasons/all times; (e)closely/inextricably/ deeply/directly; (f) vital/significant/great/ remarkable; (g) communication/trade/business/ transport; (h) To carry/To transport; (i) living/ being/residing; (j) left/deposited.

  25. (a) noble/great/generous; (b) to dedicate her life/to work; (c) helpless/poor; (d) to fulfill/to serve; (e) Joining the missionary/After receiving training; (f) to teach/to rear; (g) selflessly; (h) to serve/for the welfare of.; (i) Mother; (j) the prestigious Nobel.

  26. (a) the king of beast; (b) little/tiny; (c) lion’s; (d) very; (e) to cry/to shout; (f) Hearing it; (g) quickly/instantly; (h) strong; (i) to come out/to free himself; (j) little/tiny.

  27. (a) complicated/mathematical; (b) this; (c) simple; (d) in a second/at a great speed; (e) a trained/a skilled; (f) few; (g) properly/speedily/instantly; (h) complicated/difficult; (i) very/very much; (j) complicated/difficult.

  28. (a) the; (b) shaky/frequent; (c) Oral; (d) proper/modest; (e) to be/to have saved; (f) irrational/home-made; (g) often/usually; (h) root/common; (i) our/developing; (j) premature/infant.

  29. (a) a great poet in Persia; (b) One; (c) old/outworn/ ordinary; (d) on the way; (e) much/due; (f) same; (g) That; (h) cordially/warmly; (i) to see this/to Sa’adi amazing behavour; (j) in his pocket.

  30. (a) yesterday/last Friday; (b) who lives there; (c) younger; (d) Reaching there; (e) to see us/to notice us; (f) dear/beloved/loving; (g) too; (h) better/proper; (i) new/good; (j) Having got the ambulance/Having hired an ambulance.

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