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Maas, Scientific Research In World War II - What scientists did in the war (2009).pdf

Maathuis, Plant Mineral Nutrients (2013).pdf

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Mabry, The Systematic Identification of Flavonoids (1970).pdf

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MacDougall, Colour in Food (2002).pdf

MacFarland, Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R (2013).pdf

MacFarlane, Pathology Illustrated, 5th ed ().pdf

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MacGillivray, Metal-Organic Frameworks Design and Application (2010).pdf

Macgregor, Theoretical Organometallic Chemistry, Vol 28 (2000).pdf

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Maczulak, Pollution Treating Environmental Toxins (2010).pdf

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Mader, Numerical Modeling Of Explosives and Propellants (2008).pdf

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Maeder, Practical Data Analysis in Chemistry (2007).pdf

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Magill, Radioactivity Radionuclides Radiation (2004).pdf

Magnasco, Basic Principles of Quantum Mechanics (2006).pdf

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Maheshwari, Bacterial Metabolites in Sustainable Agroecosystem (2015).pdf

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Mahoney, Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - Principles and Applications (2013).pdf

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Mahy, Desk Encyclopedia of Plant and Fungal Virology (2010).pdf

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Maierhofer, Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Vol 1, Deterioration Processes and Methods (2010).pdf

Mailis, Ferroelectric Crystals for Photonic Applications, 2nd ed (2014).pdf

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Maisto, Drug Use and Abuse (2007).pdf

Maitlis, Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks (2013).pdf

Majda, Vorticity and Incompressible Flow (2002).pdf

Majewski, International Handbook of Historical Archaeology (2009).pdf

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Majumdar, Heterocycles in Natural Product Synthesis (2011).pdf

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Makhlouf, Handbook of Smart Coatings for Materials Protection (2014).pdf

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Makkar, Plant Secondary Metabolites (2007).pdf

Makowski, Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Vol 40 (2005).pdf

Makriyannis, Drug Discovery Strategies and Methods (2004).pdf

Maksimovic, The Byzantine Provincial Administration Under the Paloiologoi (2007).pdf

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Malhotra, Handbook on Nondestructive Testing of Concrete (2003).pdf

Malkin, Rheology. Concepts, Methods, and Applications, 2nd ed (2011).pdf

Mallet, Dictionary of Mass Spectrometry (2009).pdf

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Manas-Zloczower, Mixing and Compounding of Polymers, Theory and Practice, 2nd ed (2009).pdf

Manby, Accurate Condensed-Phase Quantum Chemistry (2011).pdf

Manchenko, Handbook of Detection of Enzymes on Electrophoretic Gels, 2nd ed (2003).pdf

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Mann, Introductory Statistics, 7th ed (2010).pdf

Mann, Practical Organic Chemistry (1960) & 4th ed (1974).pdf

Mann, Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design - New Tools for Industrial Chemical Reactor Operations (2009).pdf

Manners, Synthetic Metal-Containing Polymers (2004).pdf

Manolopoulos, Greece's 'Odious' Debt (2011).pdf

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Manz, Bioanalytical Chemistry (2004).pdf

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Manzanera, Alternative Fuel (2011).pdf

Mao, DNA Computing (2006).pdf

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Marcus, Analytical Methods in Corrosion Science and Technology (2006).pdf

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