A (Very) Brief History of the English Language

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One of the world's greatest cities, Moscow (Moskva) is the capital of Russia. Since it was first mentioned in chronicles of 1147, Moscow has played a vital role in Russian history; indeed, the history of the city and of the Russian nation are closely interlinked. Today Moscow is not only the political centre of Russia but also the country's leading city in population, in industrial output, and in cultural, scientific, and educational importance. For more than 600 years Moscow has been the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church. The capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the U.S.S.R.) until its dissolution in 1991, Moscow attracted world attention as a centre of Communist power; the name of the seat of the former Soviet government and successor Russian government, the Kremlin (Russian Kreml), became a synonym for Soviet authority. The dissolution of the U.S.S.R. brought economic and political change, along with a degree of uncertainty over the future, to the city. Moscow covers an area of about 386 square miles (1,000 square kilometres), its outer limit being roughly delineated by the Moscow Ring Road. Most of the area beyond this highway has been designated as a Forest-Park Zone, or greenbelt.

Moscow News

"Moscow News" is a national weekly newspaper. The first issue of it came out in October 5. 1930.

Its circulation is about 50,000 copies. The newspaper is printed both in Russian and in English. It informs the readers of the life in our country, the most important events in foreign states.

On the first page you will find the major home news and some items of foreign news. The second and the third pages are taken by home affairs. On the fourth and the fifth pages there are reports from various countries on world news. On the last pages you will find the articles which are sometimes called features. The term "features" covers a wide range of subjects: review of books, criticisms on theatre, on music, art. films, television, articles on science, travel, sport events, etc. The newspaper is also full of advertisements.

Moscow theatres

For decades Moscow has had a reputation as a city of theatres. The birth plays of the historic "Bolshoy", "Maly" and "Moscow Art" theatres the city has been and steel is a centre for the development exploretary modern ideas in the dramatic art and is famous for it's great number of highlygifted, interesting directors, actors, playwrigts and artists.

Every evening the doors of Moscow theatres open to streams of theatre-goers. The best Moscow theatres devoted themselves to development of the principals of directing and acting laid down by Stanislavsky, Meerhold, Nemerovich-Danchenko, Vachtangov and others. The discoveries and successes of Moscow theatres today exist due to experience and triumphs of preceding generations.

I'd like to tell you about the Bolshoy Theatre.

The magestic building of the Bolshoy Theatre stands in Sverdlov Square in Moscow's central quater, not far from Kremlin. This is the leading Russian opera house with the best vocalists and choreographers in it's company.

The Bolshoi traces it's history to 1776 when a standing opera company was organized in Moscow. The first opera shown in Bolshoi theatre was opera "life of tsar" (now "Ivan Susanin").At later times operas by Dargomyzhsky, Serov, Tcaikovsky, Borodin, Moussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov and Rubinstein were produced here.

At the same time the Bolshoi company staged the best operas and ballets by West European composers - Mozart, Rossini, Weber, Verdi and others.

The Bolshoi ballet company enjoys well-deserved fame as the world's finest ballet. This is equally true of it's brilliant realistic style of perfomance and repertoire.

My Biography

The topic that is given to me is "My biography". It sounds too meaningfull. It means something very important. I am sorry to say that there is little to speak about my short past life. I am too young to have my own family, I am not married yet. My name is Vitaly. My last name is Greezunov. The patronymic is Vadimovich. So my full name is Vitaly Vadimovich Greezunov. I am seventeen years old. I was born on the tenth of May. I am a former pupil. I left school a month ago. I did not attend any nursery or kindergarten. I began to go to school at the age of seven. It was ten years ago. I had been studying at the same school for ten years running without changing it. We had many subjects: history, English, biology and many others. I liked to study at school and my impressions of it are rather pleasant. My favorite subjects are English and informatics. On the English lessons we read and translated texts and learned new words. On the informatics lessons we wrote programs. That is why I chose English examination.

Music in Our Life

People cannot live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street.

Music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. In this world of ours, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant.

Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who cannot play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a con-cert. Different people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly cannot think of a day without music.

As for me, I prefer ... music. I have a lot of cassettes (CDs, records). I try to watch all the programmes dealing with it on TV and to go to the concerts as often as possible. My favourite composer (singer, musician) is... I think he (she) is very talented. I can (not) play an instrument (the piano, the guitar, the violin). It is a great pleasure to be able to play an instrument and I like it a lot.

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