09/20/10 AC A
DQRs must be evaluated to determine
whether they have a major, minor, or no effect on the system’s intended function. The LOA holder must demonstrate that its processes ensure this evaluation occurs.
Note: The aircraft manufacturer, avionics manufacturer or systems integrator may incorporate any additional configuration management and control requirements found in other existing standards. Database configuration management should address identification/part number,
version control, data quality assurance/management, coordination processes (e.g., reporting of errors, and change management.
23. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) (14 CFR § 21.50(b)). For new projects, if the database is not identified as part of the type design, the ICAs should require that the data comply with the DQRs for the target hardware.
For general aviation, if the database is loaded into the avionics through pilot action, the operator’s manual should contain the procedures for ensuring the database complies with the DQRs. A LOA held by the avionics manufacturer and available to the equipment user will be necessary to determine the
database is compliant with RTCA/DO-200A and compatible with its avionics.
Note: If the OEM or TSOA holder is involved in the delivery of aeronautical data to operators, the OEM or TSOA holder should obtain FAA acceptance of its aeronautical data process in accordance with paragraph 13 of this AC.
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