Academic Program Review

Which of the following is not an internal recruiting tool?

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Which of the following is not an internal recruiting tool?

  1. outsourcing

  2. job bidding

  3. skills inventories

  4. job posting

  1. Carrie, the manager of a 150-seat theme restaurant, always interviews several applicants for an open position. She compares the applicants and selects the applicant who seems to stand out from the rest. Which of the following errors or biases does Carrie’s selection technique potentially introduce?

  1. devil’s horn effect

  2. similarity error

  3. contrast error

  4. halo effect

  1. Which of the following statements about criteria for performance appraisals is true?

  1. Experienced managers are objective and unbiased when appraising employee performance.

  2. Subjective performance appraisals are preferred over objective performance appraisals.

  3. No valid criteria exist by which to judge the effectiveness of performance appraisals.

  4. Managers can become better appraisers of performance by understanding the factors that increase the likelihood of error.

  1. Which of the following criteria is not likely to help a hospitality organization meet minimum legal requirements in relation to appraising employee performance?

  1. Performance standards should be based on an analysis of job requirements.

  2. Final rankings of employees should conform statistically to a bell-shaped curve.

  3. Ratings should be documented.

  4. Performance standards should be objective and observable.

  1. The federal government has an important function related to compensation administration. Which of the following federal agencies conducts wage and hour audits to check a company’s compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act?

  1. the Department of the Interior

  2. the Department of Labor

  3. the Civil Rights Commission

  4. the General Accounting Office

  1. The current federal minimum wage for non-tipped employees is:

  1. $ 4.75

  2. $ 5.00

  3. $ 5.15

  4. $ 5.25

  1. A restaurant company is considering instituting a company-wide incentive program for its employees. They have high hopes for the plan but what following disadvantage should they keep in mind:

  1. unless properly managed, group incentive plans can unfairly reward employees who perform worse than the group as a whole

  2. under a group incentive plan, employees profit even when the company has had a bad year

  3. group incentive plans result in a distinct connection between pay and the individual efforts of each group member

  4. group incentive plans cost the company the most in years of low sales

  1. Union organizers are circulating authorization cards among employees in hopes of forcing an election. How many employees must sign authorization cards in favor of a single union to force an election?

  1. 30%

  2. 50%

  3. 51%

  4. 67%

  1. Specific steps must be taken to decertify a union such as specific steps are necessary to certify a union.

  1. True

  2. False

  1. Under OSHA regulations, in which of the following circumstances could an employee be punished by his or her employer legally?

  1. An employee reports his employer’s violations of OSHA regulations to compliance officers.

  2. An employee refuses to work in the environment her employer provides because it is unsafe by OSHA standards.

  3. An employee demands to see Material Safety Data Sheets for materials being used in his work area.

  4. An employee leaves her work station without permission and accompanies compliance officers on their inspection of her workplace.

  1. Workers compensation laws and benefits vary by state.

  1. True

  2. False

  1. You are the HR director at a large hotel. Your general manager asks you to prepare a report on what turnover is costing the company. Which of the following types of costs would you not consider?

  1. retention costs

  2. separation costs

  3. replacement costs

  4. training costs

  1. An important management tool in better understanding turnover and the reasons employees leave their jobs is:

  1. the discharge interview

  2. the employee survey

  3. the exit interview

  4. the wage survey

  1. The number one reason for employees resigning from their jobs is:

  1. poor wages

  2. noncompetitive benefits

  3. not liking their coworkers

  4. dissatisfaction with management

  1. An employer is not responsible for incidents of sexual harassment if the employer was not aware that it was happening.

    1. True

    2. False

  1. Peter feels he needs no assistance with major life activities such as caring for himself and working. He does not regard himself as having a disability. Some of his co-workers, however, treat him as though he did. They often offer him help that he doesn’t need. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act:

  1. Peter does not have a disability because he does not regard himself as having one.

  2. Peter does not have a disability because he does not need help with major life activities.

  3. Peter is protected under the ADA because he is regarded as having a disability.

  4. It depends on which state he lives in whether he is covered by the ADA.

  1. Which of the following is not illegal discrimination?

  1. Hiring the most qualified job candidate.

  2. Hiring only men for a fine-dining restaurant because the general manager said that was the way he ran restaurants in Paris.

  3. Only hiring servers for a restaurant who are 18 – 27.

  4. Asking job applicants if they are married.

  1. Failing to properly train employees, could result in:

  1. A lawsuit alleging negligent supervision

  2. Employee turnover

  3. Mistakes on the job

  4. All of the above

  1. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation ranked which of the following as having the most impact on an employees’ level of motivation:

  1. Pay

  2. Co-workers

  3. The opportunity for achievement

  4. Job security

61. The terms "goods and services" distinguish:

  1. products from the support mechanisms for them

  2. expensive items from inexpensive ones

  3. physical products from intangible ones

  4. products that meet needs versus products that satisfy needs

  5. all of the above

62. Marketing mix elements include all of the following except:

  1. promotion

  2. marketing information systems

  3. product

  4. place

  5. price

63. The characteristic of service in that it cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before being bought is called:

  1. intangibility

  2. inseparability

  3. variability

  4. perishability

  5. all of the above

64. The nature of provider-client interaction is part of which characteristic of services?

  1. intangibility

  2. inseparability

  3. variability

  4. perishability

  5. all of the above

65. The fact that a business traveler may have one very positive check-in experience at a hotel and then a very negative check-in experience with a different employee on a subsequent visit is evidence of service:

  1. intangibility

  2. inseparability

  3. variability

  4. perishability

  5. all of the above

66. The fact that services cannot be stored for later use or sale is evidence of their:

  1. intangibility

  2. inseparability

  3. variability

  4. perishability

  5. all of the above

67. A hotel that charges for a confirmed reservation that was not honored is an example of which characteristic of services?

  1. intangibility

  2. inseparability

  3. variability

  4. perishability

  5. all of the above

68. An emphasis on retention of customers supports the short-term revenue theory of hospitality marketing.

  1. True

  2. False

69. Internal marketing means that the service firm must effectively train and motivate its customer-contact personnel to work as a team.

  1. True

  2. False

70. The key to managing service quality is to exceed the customer's service-quality expectations.

  1. True

  2. False

71. The best managed service companies share what can only be characterized as customer oriented thinking.

  1. True

  2. False

72. Well-managed service companies must satisfy their employees as well as their customers.

  1. True

  2. False

73. What should be the overall goal of any yield management strategy?

  1. maximal profits

  2. an increased ADR

  3. reduced expenditures

  4. increased occupancy percentages

74. Which of the following should be a consideration when developing an advertising budget?

  1. the previous year’s advertising budget

  2. the budgets of comparable ongoing hotel projects

  3. the types of advertising medium used by your competitors

  4. the size of the property and the types of services and facilities it has to offer

The next 3 questions related to the following scenario:
You are the recently hired general manager of the Skyline Hotel, a 450-room full-service property located in the heart of a major metropolitan business district. Your foremost responsibility is to implement marketing and yield management strategies aimed at improving the property’s financial situation. Although REVPAR and occupancy have remained fairly consistent the past three years, the profit margin realized by the property has decreased considerably over the same period. Selected operating data for the hotel for the two most recent years are as follows:
2001 2002

Rooms sold 105,120 110,376

Rooms revenue $7,610,688 $7,686,794

Variable costs $2,497,651 $2,672,486

75. Which of the following can be attributed to the operation’s decreased profitability?

  1. a decline in occupancy

  2. a decline in the property’s fair share

  3. a disproportionate increase in variable costs as compared to room revenue

  4. accelerated depreciation adjustments were probably recorded in 2002 but not in 2001

76. Based on the information provided, which of the following market segments should the Skyline Hotel target?

  1. corporate meetings

  2. corporate executives

  3. the local transient market

  4. cost-conscious independent business travelers

77. The recent budget has projected variable costs to be $23 per room for the upcoming year. You are offering a special promotional campaign designed to increase occupancy during slow periods. The cost of the campaign is estimated at $28,000. If the special rate for the campaign is $59 per room, how many room nights must be sold in order for the campaign to break-even?

  1. 475

  2. 778

  3. 994

  4. 1217

78. The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities is called:

  1. annual gift giving

  2. elevated planning

  3. strategic planning

  4. market auditing

  5. none of the above

79. Company missions are best guided by:

  1. profits

  2. revenues

  3. market share

  4. social forces

  5. a vision

80. The part of the strategic plan that provides information about the market potential, market trends, a competitive analysis, and major environmental factors is the ________________ section.

  1. executive summary

  2. environmental analysis and forecasting

  3. action plan and strategies

  4. controls

  5. none of the above

81. Which of the following is not included in the purpose of a strategic plan?

  1. serves as a road map for all activities of the firm

  2. assures that all activities are in agreement with the corporate plan

  3. forces managers to review and think through all steps in the process objectively

  4. assists in the budgeting process to match resources with objectives

  5. All of the above are purposes.

82. Setting the goals for performance in terms of market share, return on investment, and pretax profits all fall under which sections of the marketing plan?

  1. the executive summary

  2. the current marketing situation

  3. threats and opportunities

  4. objectives and quotas

  5. action plan and strategies

83. Common sources of marketing and industry trends include:

  1. chambers of commerce

  2. government agencies

  3. hospitality associations

  4. universities

  5. all of the above

84. Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.

  1. True

  2. False

85. Diversification often involves buying new businesses unrelated to the company's current products and markets.

  1. True

  2. False

86. The vision provided in a company's mission statement should be unrealistic in order to stretch the company to its full potential.

  1. True

  2. False

87. In the threats and opportunities section of the strategic plan, the manager lists as many potential threats as can be imagined but stops short of assessing the likelihood of their occurrence.

  1. True

  2. False

88. The controls section of the strategic plan stipulates how progress will be monitored.

  1. True

  2. False

89. The body of law know as Common Law descends from

a. the founding fathers of our country.

b. the laws of Great Britain

c. Middle Ages laws.

d. the minds of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington
90. The Uniform Commercial Code requires you to

a. contribute to the cost of your employees’ uniforms.

b. ensure that all of your establishment’s commercials contain

similar theme and logo.

  1. fulfill any promises made in a purchasing or sales contract.

  2. to place “wholesaler” identity code on all products received in

the event that a problem arises in the future.
91. A type of business entity that offers liability protection to all owners and is

exempt from taxation on its profits is a

a. sole proprietorship.

b. “C” corporation.

c. “S” corporation.

d. limited partnership.
92. A grant issued by government entity ensuring an inventor the right to

exclusive production and sale of their invention is a

a. copyright

b. patent

c. trademark

d. public domain
93. An “umbrella” as it relates to insurance:

a. the maximum amount that can be paid for all claims during

policy period.

b. insurance coverage purchased to supplement primary coverage.

c. the maximum amount that will be paid in the event of a single


d. the amount of insurance provided by traditional insurance policy.
94. Which of these situations would make an employee eligible for workers


a. An injury caused by slipping and falling at work

b. A cut of hours due to downsizing

c. Taking drugs or alcohol during working hours

d. Being fired for cause
95. On of the criteria used to determine of managers are exempt from the

requirements of overtime pay is if

a. if they are paid over $500 a week.

b. their primary duty is managing the business or a definable

subdivision of the business in which he or she is employed.

  1. the manager regularly directs the work of 5 or more full-time employees

or their part-time equivalent.

  1. None of the above.

96. “Duty of Care” in the hospitality industry is best defined as

a. upgrading to the next category of room, if available.

b. having a comprehensive “Guest Loyalty” policy.

c. a legal obligation that requires a standard of conduct.

d. having trained medical personnel on property at all time.
97. If a guest was to slip and fall in the puddle where there was not a wet-floor sign, or

other reasonable indication of danger, then the hotel has likely committed a

a. tort.

b. crime.

c. breach of contract.

d. constitutional violation.
98. The best example of “strict liability” in a restaurant would be

a. a poorly lit parking lot.

b. an unqualified employee.

c. the sale of defective food and beverages.

d. a valet attendant with an expired license.
99. Dram shop is describe as

a. a name given to a variety of state laws established a liquor licensee’s third party liability.

b. the name of the area within the hotel/restaurant where alcohol can be served legally.

c. the name of the court house that rules issues regarding the sale or

consumption of alcohol.

d. a lawsuit that may arise as the result of negligence in serving alcohol

to guest in your home.
100. Which of the following will impair the safety and the security of the hotel?

a. Giving duplicate keys to the registered guests

b. allowing both the executive housekeeper and assistant executive

housekeeper to have the master key for all guest rooms.

  1. printing a welcome sign wit the hotel’s name on every key

  2. Writing down the room number of guests on a key card holder when

they check in?
101. Most food borne diseases are caused by bacteria spread by_________.

a. Insects

b. Rodents

c. Equipment

d. Food Workers

e. Customers
102. Which pair of words or phrases makes the following sentence true when

they are inserted in the blanks?_________ foods should be kept at a

temperature of ________.

a. Hot; 140 degrees F or higher

b. Frozen; 0 degrees F or lower

c. Refrigerated; 40 degrees F or lower

d. All of the above

e. Only A and C
103. Which pair of phrases makes the following sentence true when they are

inserted in the blanks? If equipment is clean, it is _______. If equipment

is sanitized it is ________.

a. Free from Visible soil; free from disease-causing bacteria.

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