Academic Program Review

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Article: "The Doctorate Dilemma," The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Educator Forum Issue, August 1983, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.35-37, with Jeffrey M. Wachtel, Refereed.

What are the qualifications for teaching in hospitality education? Some say it is industry experience and others say it is the terminal doctorate degree. The authors offer a perspective for the purposes of introspective discussion of pragmatism and professional acumen versus theory and conventional measures of academic credibility.
Published Proceedings

Pavesic, David V. & Cannon, Debra F. “Curriculum Review: Are we effectively delivering what our graduates need to know.” Proceedings for Frontiers in Southeast CHRIE Hospitality and Tourism Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 68-70, November, 2001.
"Recruitment and Retention Factors for the Hospitality Professorate," with Robert A. Brymer in the Proceedings of the 1986 Conference of the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, Boston, MA August 1986.

Books Authored and Chapters in Books
2005 Book Review: “Journal of Culinary Science and Technology,” of book, From Boarding House to Bistro, by Richard Pillsbury, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp123-126.

Text Book: The Fundamental Principles of Restaurant Cost Control; David V. Pavesic and Paul F. Magnant, Prentice Hall Publishers, ISBN 0-13-1145320. 2nd Edition, Copyright 2005,


Student Study Guide for The Fundamental Principles of Restaurant Cost Control, 2nd Edition. Paul F. Magnant and David V. Pavesic, Prentice Hall Publishers, ISBN 0-13-119368-6, Copyright 2005.

2004 Chapter: Winning Workforce Ideas 2004: Increased Investment, Increased Production, National

Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.

Books Authored and Chapters in Books

Book Chapter: The Role of the Menu in Food Service Operations, in Hotel Management and Controls, Labor Cost, Food Cost, Menu Pricing, Menu Design, Purchasing and Inventory.


Restaurant Manager’s Pocket Handbook Series, 25 Keys to Profitable Success, a six (6) booklet

Series on Cost Controls, Labor Cost, Menu Pricing, Menu Design, Purchasing and Inventory, and

Food Cost. Nation’s Restaurant News, Lebhar-Friedman Books. ISBN Nos. 0-86730-751 to 0-86730- 756.

Book: Fundamental Principles of Restaurant Cost Controls, Pavesic, D.V., 1st Edition, Prentice Hall Publishers, Copyright 1998, ISBN 0-13-747999-9.


Book: Menu Pricing and Strategy, 4th Ed. Miller, J.E. & Pavesic, D.V., Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishers, New York, Copyright 1996, ISBN 0-442-02209-3.

Book Chapter: "Psychological Aspects of Menu Pricing," in Hospitality in Review, Michael M. Lefever, Editor, Kendall/Hunt Publishers, pp. 110-118.

Book Chapter: "Hospitality Cost Controls," in Introduction to Hotel and Restaurant Management, Robert A. Brymer, Editor, 7th Edition, Kendall-Hunt Publishers, pp. 267-272.

Book Chapter: "Job Satisfaction and Stress in Hotel Management Careers," with Robert A.

Brymer in Hotel Management and Operations, Denney G. Rutherford, Editor, 2nd Edition, Van

Nostrand Reinhold Publishers, pp. 67-73.

Book Chapter: "The Restaurant Menu," in Introduction to Hotel and Restaurant Management, Kendall/Hunt Publishers, Robert A. Brymer, Editor, 5th Edition, pp. 97-101.


Book Chapter: "Cost/Margin Analysis: A Program for Menu Pricing and Design," The Practice of Hospitality Management II, AVI Publishing Co., Chap. 27, pp. 291-305.

Refereed Scholarly Publications

Correspondence Course: "Foodservice Productivity Work Analysis and Design," University of Florida, Division of Continuing Education.


Chapter: "Financial Management for Hospitality Operations," In Introduction to Hotel and Restaurant Management, Kendall/Hunt Publishers, Robert A. Brymer Editor, pp. 212-216 3rd Ed; pp. 210-214 4th Edition.

Publications Professional and Practitioner Journals and Periodicals
2006 Feature Article: “Buying Basics for Budding Businesses: Seven Fundamentals of Purchasing for Independent Operators” Restaurant Startup and Growth magazine, November, pp.33-39, invited non-refereed.
Article: “A Two-Way Street” Restaurant Startup and Growth magazine, November, p. 74, invited non-refereed.
Feature Article: “Let’s Do Lunch…Or Not—Using Break-Even and Closing Point Analysis to Determine Whether to Drop a Day Part” Restaurant Startup and Growth magazine, September, pp.42-48, invited non-refereed.
Article: “How to see the invisible” Bowling Industry magazine, Vol. 14, No. 9, June, pp. 18-20, invited non-refereed.

Feature Article: Restaurant Economics “Keep it Moving” Restaurant Startup and Growth

Magazine August, pp. 52-54. invited non-refereed.

Article: “What your don’t control will cost you” Bowling Industry magazine, Vol. 14, No. 6, June, pp. 34-36, invited non-refereed.

Feature Article: “Nip & Tuck” Restaurant Startup and Growth magazine, May, pp. 22-32, invited non-refereed.
Feature Article: “The Truth About Restaurant Failure Rates” Restaurant Forum magazine, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 14-15, invited non-refereed.
2005 Feature Article: “Develop a ‘Partnership’ with Each of Your Suppliers,” Restaurant Forum magazine, Vol.2, No. %, September/October, pp 32-33. invited non-referred.

Feature Article: “The Great American Menu,” Restaurant Start Up and Growth magazine, March,

pp. 38-45. invited non-refereed
Feature Article: “The Psychology of Menu Design,” Restaurant Startup and Growth magazine,

February, pp. 36-43. invited non-refereed

Feature Article: “How to Market and Merchandise Desserts,” Restaurant Startup and Growth

magazine, January, pp.30-35. invited non-refereed

Feature Article: “Boost Productivity to Control Labor Costs,” Restaurant Start Up and Growth magazine, December, pp. 34-39. invited non-refereed

Feature Article: “The Menu Pricing Game: How to Apply Customer Psychology to Win,” Restaurant Start Up and Growth magazine, November, pp. 26-33. invited non-refereed

Web Publication: Research at a Glance, a compilation of academic journal articles, authors and content summarizing the current hospitality research published in the last 18-24 months. Viewable at, Research at a Glance.

Articles: Pavesic, D.V. Series of Seven Articles in Southeast Food Service News, February-August 2000. Non-refereed
Article: Pavesic, D.V. “Independents will be the role model for chains to emulate, follow.” Nation’s Restaurant News. August 7, Vol. 34, No. 32, pp. 42 & 88. Non-refereed

Publications Professional and Practitioner Journals and Periodicals
Article: Pavesic, D.V. “History repeats itself as prix fixe menus make a comeback,” Nation's Restaurant News, November 22, Vol. 33, No. 47, p. 53. Non-refereed

Article: Pavesic, D.V., "New series offers managers tips for success," Nation's Restaurant News, Vol. 32, No. 42, October 19, p 78. Non-refereed

Article: "Books teach controlling costs, purchasing, inventory," Nation's Restaurant News, Vol. 32, No. 45, November 9, p. 84. Non-refereed
Article: Pavesic, D.V., "Psychological Aspects of Menu Pricing," The Bottomline, Dec/Jan, pp. 22-26. Non-Refereed
Article: Pavesic, D.V., "Indirect Cost Factors in Menu Pricing," The Bottomline, (Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants), Oct/Nov, pp. 22-26. Non-Refereed,
Article: Pavesic, D.V., "Taking the Anxiety Out of Menu Price Increases," Restaurant Management, Feb. 1988, pp. 56-57, Non-Refereed.

Article: Pavesic, D.V., "The Food Industry - Education Connection," Nation's Restaurant News, May 13, p. 11, Non-Refereed.

Article: Pavesic, D.V., "With the Right Equipment, the Job Gets Done," School Foodservice in

Florida, Journal of the Florida School Food Service Association, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer, pp.

8-11, Non-Refereed.

1980 Article: Pavesic, D.V., "The Decade of Reckoning," Florida Restaurateur, Florida Restaurant Association, July, pp. 12-18, Non-Refereed.
1991 Letter to the Editor: "Another View of the Future of Hospitality Education,” Cornell Quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 4, December, pp. 8-9.
Published Letters to Editors of Professional and Trade Journals
Letter to the Editor: "Hiring the Handicapped is Commendable, But it Doesn't Solve the
Labor Crisis," Nation's Restaurant News, p. F112, May 29, 1989.
"Hiring the handicapped is commendable, but it doesn't solve the labor crisis," Nation's Restaurant News, 1989.

Presentations at Academic Conferences

Paper Presentation: “Menu Sales Mix Analysis: A teaching tool for financial analysis,” 6th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Atlanta, GA, January.

Paper Presentation: “Curriculum Review: Are we effectively delivering what our graduates need to know?” with Debra Cannon at Frontiers in Southeast CHRIE Hospitality and Tourism Research, Charleston, SC, November. (Refereed presentation)
Paper Presentation: “Profitability via menu sales mix analysis,” International Foodservice Technology Exposition, November 1-3, Dallas, TX.

Paper Presentation: "Socioeconomic Implications in the Marketing of Meal Solutions," Annual Conference of the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, July 29 to August 1, Miami, FL. Invited Presentation
Paper Presentation: Determinants of Quality in Hospitality Undergraduate Programs, Annual Conference of the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, August 7-10, Washington, DC. Refereed
Paper Presentation: "The Perceptions of Hotel Industry Executives on Issues Impacting Job Satisfaction and Job Stress," with Robert A. Brymer. Presented at the 1992 Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management Conference, Orlando, FL July 30. Refereed.
Invited Presentation: Celebrating Leadership for the 21st Century, a national conference addressing the challenges of articulation, diversity, being a leader, and not-traditional/non-formal education. Florida State
University College of Education, March 27-28. Presentation on the challenge of leadership within a diverse and changing program.
"The Challenges of Being a Leader (of Educational Programs)" at the Celebrating Leadership for the 21st Century, a national conference addressing the challenges of diversity, being a leader, and non-traditional/non-formal education. Florida State University College of Education and the Regional Higher Education Center, the Department of Educational Leadership and the Center for Professional Development and Public Service. Mar 27-28.
1990 CHRIE Special Interest Session on Graduate Program, Washington, DC, August 1990.
1990 CHRIE Special Interest Session on Attrition/Retention in the Hospitality Industry, Washington, DC, August.
1990 Paper: "Personality Characteristics and Profiles of Hospitality Management Graduates," with Robert A. Brymer, presented at the 1990 Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) Conference, in Washington, DC, August, Refereed.
Presentations at Academic Conferences
1990 "Issues in Graduate Education," at Symposium on Graduate Education in Hospitality Education, at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, April.
1990 Special Interest Session: Moderated open discussion on graduate programs in hospitality education at the 1990 CHRIE Conference in Washington, DC, August, Refereed.
1990 Special Interest Session: Planned, directed and moderated a panel discussion of industry human resource directors on what the hospitality industry is doing to reduce the attrition rate of managers at CHRIE Conference in Washington, DC, August, Refereed.

Paper: "Industry Retention/Attrition Rates of Hospitality Graduates," with Robert A. Brymer, presented at the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) annual conference, July, Las Vegas, NV. Paper will be published in the Hospitality Education and Research Journal conference proceedings, Refereed.
CHRIE Symposium on Curriculum Issues in Hospitality Education, annual conference, Las Vegas, NV July 1989.
Panel Participant: "Curricular Issues in Hospitality Education," a symposium held during in the annual CHRIE Conference, July, Las Vegas, NV. Paper was submitted for publication in a special issue of the CHRIE Hospitality Educator, Refereed.
Paper: "The Myth of Discount Promotions," presented at the World Hospitality Congress III, Boston, Mass. Refereed.

Presentations for Industry Conferences and Association Meetings
Paper: "Recruitment and Retention Factors of the Hospitality Professorate," with Robert A. Brymer, presented at the annual CHRIE Conference, Boston, Mass. Refereed.

Paper: "Cost/Margin Analysis for Menus," presented at World Hospitality Congress II, Boston, Mass. Refereed.

Paper: "Curriculum Review: The Quest for Relevancy in Hospitality Education," presented at the annual CHRIE Conference, Orlando, FL Refereed.
Presentation: "The Use of Ratio Analysis on Hotel Financial Statements," at the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Real Estate Alumni Group of Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers, December.
Presentations for Industry Conferences and Association Meetings
Presentation: "The Use of Ratio Analysis on Hotel Financial Statements," at the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Real Estate Alumni Group of Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers, May.
Panel Moderator: Georgia Meeting Planners International, Atlanta, GA Panel on Atlanta's Meeting Market, February 18.

Panel Moderator: Atlanta Restaurant Alliance, Atlanta, GA Panel on customer service, June 1.

Panel Moderator: "Surviving in Atlanta into the 21st Century," Atlanta Restaurant Business Alliance, Atlanta, GA August 5.

Speaker: Hospitality Personal Council of Atlanta, title: Why Hospitality Graduates are Quitting," Atlanta, GA April 18.
Speaker: National Association of Catering Executives, title: Menu Pricing Philosophy, Atlanta, GA February 4.
Seminar: "Menu Psychology Workshop," Club Managers Association of America, one day seminar, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Seminar: "Menu Psychology Workshop," Club Managers Association of America, two day seminar, Hilton Head, SC.

Seminar: "Menu Costing Techniques," National Association of Catering Executives Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Seminar: "Upselling Techniques for Food and Beverage," American Hotel and Motel Association Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Panel Moderator: Conference for the American Society of Hospital Food Service Administrators, Miami, FL.

Seminar: "Where Are All the Profits," Florida Restaurant Association Annual State Convention, Tampa, FL.

Continuing Education Presentations
Presentation: "The Use of Ratio Analysis on Hotel Financial Statements," at the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Real Estate Alumni Group of Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers, December.
Presentation: "The Use of Ratio Analysis on Hotel Financial Statements," at the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Real Estate Alumni Group of Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers, May.

National Restaurant Association Management Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA January 25-29. Eleven hours of program on purchasing, menu design, customer service, food, labor, and beverage cost control.
Seminar: "Menu Psychology," Club Managers Association of America, Business Management Institute, Atlanta, GA.
Short Course: "Equipment Selection and Layout for Food Production,"

One week program for the Florida Home Economics Educators, Tallahassee, FL.

Seminar: "Purchasing and Inventory Controls," Florida School Food Service Directors, Tallahassee, FL.

Seminar: "Selling Techniques," National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers, Tallahassee, FL.

Curriculum/course Development
Conversion of HADM 4100 to WebCT supported course with Powerpoints, review quizes, outlines, syllabus, and term paper requirements.
Hospitality Curriculum Review, 2001

Developed new course syllabi for the following courses;

HADM 8500 Economic and Cultural Impact of Travel and Tourism

HADM 4500e Economic and Cultural Impact of Travel and Tourism

HADM 3500e Wine Appreciation, Pairing and Service

HADM 3800e Customer Service Issues and Strategies

Prepared proposals for the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Councils, all were approved as experimental courses.
Curriculum/course Development

Developed cooperative teaching program with Morris Brown College, Department of Hospitality Administration. HAdm 3402e Lab is taught at Morris Brown in their full-service restaurant facility. Combines staff of Morris Brown and Georgia State.


Appointed Graduate Program Director for Hospitality Concentration

Hospitality Masters Concentration Proposal Coordinator, 1997
Completed accreditation self-study in December 1991. Cecil B. Day School of Hospitality Administration was one of the first ten programs to be granted accreditation by the Accreditation

Commission on Programs in Hospitality Administration.

Summer Quarter 1986, I was charged with evaluating and revising the program curriculum. I served as the chair of the curriculum review committee and was appointed to the College Curriculum Committee. Course content of all HRTA (now HAdm) courses were revised and the degree requirements were changed. A new curriculum for the program was approved by the college and made effective in the Fall 1987.
Academic standards were increased and enforcement of course prerequisites and sequences was instituted.
In HAdm 343 and 490, computer simulations were introduced as part of the course requirements. Standards regarding course content was established to insure that content would be constant regardless of who was teaching a particular course. Faculty are regularly assigned courses according to their area of expertise and interest. Part-time instructors are not used for required courses unless the subject is of a technical or specialized nature.
New required major core courses added were HAdm 341, Food Production Management; HAdm 331, Hotel Management; HAdm 363, Exposition Management; and HAdm 490, Financial Analysis. Elective courses added were HAdm 364, Fair Management; HAdm 366, Trade Show Management; HAdm 368, On-Site Trade Show Operations; HAdm 494, Marketing Practicum; and HAdm 495, Consulting Practicum.
Courses Taught
HAdm 3400 Food Production and Service Management

HAdm 3420 Restaurant and Foodservice Management

HAdm 4100 Financial Analysis and Cost Control

HAdm 3401 Food Production and Service Management

HAdm 3402 Food Production and Service Management Lab

HAdm 3760 Hospitality Services Marketing

HAdm 3500e Wine Management, Pairing and Service

HAdm 4500 Travel and Tourism

HAdm 8500 Travel and Tourism
Professional Development and Consulting

Coca Cola of North America, Featured Seminar Speaker during Annual National Sales Representative Meeting, August 2006, Atlanta, GA,

Druid Hills Golf Club, Atlanta, GA Jan. 05-Jan. 06. Operational Analysis of Food and Beverage Area, The Shumacher Group, Harold Shumacher, President
Global Gourmet Group, LLC. Roswell, GA. Sept.-Dec 2004, Menu Design for Nirvana Restaurant,

Scott Shickler, CEO

Trick Dog Café, Irvington, VA 2003-04, Menu sales mix analysis and financial statement analysis,

Bill Westbrook, President

Red Lobster Faculty Internship, July 31-August 4, 2000
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, 20 consecutive years
National Restaurant Association, member since 1978
SKAL International, Atlanta, Chapter, member 1991-1996
Association of Financial Management Educators, member since 1987
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE), Board of Director 1993-1995
CHRIE Four Year/Graduate Programs Liaison 1993-95
CHRIE Industry Liaison American Hotel & Motel Association 1993-95
Vice President of the Association of Hospitality Financial Management Educators 1986-88, 1990-91.
Chairman, CHRIE Special Interest Session on Graduate Programs, 1989-90
Board of Directors, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, 1990-96
Marketing Committee, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau 1991-94
Professional Development and Consulting
Board of Directors, Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association Education Foundation 1990-96
Board of Director, Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association 1992-96
Tourism Unity Dinner Steering Committee 1991-92
Chairman 1993 Unity Dinner Steering Committee
Board of Directors, Association of Hospitality Financial Management Educators, 1986-1989
Board of Directors of the Southeast Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) 1988-89

American Hotel & Motel Association 1995 Spring Conference Planning Committee

Conference Program co-chairman, 1983 CHRIE Conference, Orlando, FL

Board of Directors, Kansas City, MO chapter of the Missouri Restaurant Association, 1966-72.


Georgia Restaurant Association, Atlanta, GA 1988-2006

American Hotel and Motel Association, , 1988-1996

Board of Directors 1994-96

Board of Directors of the Kansas State Restaurant Association, 1969-1972.
Missouri Restaurant Association, 1969-1972

Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education 1978-2006

Board of Directors, 1994-1996

Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, 1990-1996
National Restaurant Association 1988-2006
SKAL International, Membership Chairman 1992-1995
Association of Hospitality Financial Management Educators 1984-2006
Certifications, Honors and Awards from Professional Organizations

2002 Recipient of Distinguished 75th Anniversary Year Alumnus Award, The School of Hospitality Business, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

2001-02 Recognized as one of the most prolific faculty authors in hospitality journals. Ranked 9th of the top 108 most influential hospitality management education scholars form 1989-1999; Ranked 10th in the top 37 most cited hospitality faculty 1997-1999; Ranked 17th out of the top 100 top authors in terms of total publications in the premier hospitality journals.

1998 Continuing Professional Development Program, Foodservice Management Professional Certification (FMP), Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association, February 1998.

1996 Certified Hospitality Educator, Educational Institute of the American Hotel and Motel Association
Certifications, Honors and Awards from Professional Organizations
1995 Ranked 15th internationally among Hospitalitys Influential Authors Using Citation Analysis to Evaluate Research Contributions of Hospitality Educators. A study by Woods and Schmidgall,

Hospitality Tourism Educator, Vol.7, No. 1.
1994-95 Certified Hospitality Industry Professional, Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association
1993 recipient of the Southeastern Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education Research Award
1992 Ranked 7th internationally as Most Frequent Contributor to the Hospitality Literature. A study by Rutherford and Samenfink, Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1.
1992-95 Certified Foodservice Professional, National Restaurant Association
1980 Recipient of the National Institute for the Foodservice Industry (NIFI) H.J. Heinz Fellowship Grant for Hospitality Educators, one of four stipends awarded annually to assist graduate students to pursue hospitality education.

1972 Recipient of the Professional Restaurant Operator Award from the Missouri Restaurant Association, awarded to managers and administrators who have served their association through educational functions, business practice and community service.

Service to the Academic Discipline
Co-Editor, Journal of Applied Hospitality Management, Robinson College of Business, School of Hospitality Administration, Georgia State University.
Book Review Editor and Editorial Board Member for Journal of Culinary Science and Technology Horwath Press.
Editorial Board, Journal of Nutrition in Recipe and Menu Development, Horwath Press.
Editorial Board, Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, Horwath Press.

Co-Chair of the 6th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Atlanta, GA, January 2001. This year-long position planned and produced the annual conference attended by 180 delegates from all over the U.S. and internationally.

Accreditation Site Visitation Team, Accreditation Commission on Programs in Hospitality Administration, October 1992, Johnson & Wales, Providence, RI
Independent Program Review, Metropolitan College of Denver; Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Program, March 1992.
1991-92, 1992-93 Board of Directors Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education

1991-92 Editorial Reviewer for Southeast Hospitality Research and Review Journal.

1990-2005 Editorial Review Board, Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, the Horwath Press, New York.

Service to the Academic Discipline
1991 Editorial Reviewer for International Journal of Hospitality Education and Hospitality Research Journal.
1989-1996 Manuscript reviewers for Prentice Hall, Richard Irwin, Delmar and John Wiley Publishers
1981-1989 Referee for the Hospitality Education and Research Journal (3), Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly (2), and the Southeast CHRIE Education and Research Journal (2).
1980-89 Manuscript reviewed for John Wiley and Sons (1), Kendall/Hunt (1), Delmar

Publishers (1), and Van Nostrand Reinhold (3), publishers of textbooks in hospitality fields.

National Restaurant Association Management Institute, Director, 1992-93
1989-93 Hotel-Motel Investors Conference, Atlanta, GA
1988-89 Business Management Institute for the Club Managers Association of America; conducted 90-minute seminars on menu planning, Feb., June, and Sept., Georgia State University.
1988 Small Business Management Center, Georgia State University, 90 minute session on restaurant menus for short course on Opening a Restaurant.
1987 Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, GSU and the Georgia
Hospitality and Travel Association short course instructor.
1984 Florida Economic Development - Small Business Center seminar speaker, Tallahassee, FL
University, College and Department Service

University Committees

2003-06 Faculty Affairs Committee

2004-06 Chair, University Library Committee

2004-06 Committee of Chairs

Faculty Work Load Committee 1995-98

Conflict of Interest Policy Committee 1999

Part-Time Instructor Policy Committee 2000

Non-Tenure Track Review Committee 2000-01

1994-95 University Holiday Renaissance Dinner Planning Committee
1994-97 Academic Programs and Continuing Education Committee
1995-96 Quality Improvement Proposal Review Sub-committee
1992-93 Chairman, Presidential Inaugural Committee
1991-93 Olympic Steering Committee

1990 Presidential Inaugural Committee

University, College and Department Service

University Committees
1990 Search Committee, Vice President of University Advancement
1989-90 Statutes and by-laws Committee
1990 Continuing Education and Research Committee
Sub-Committee on Quality Improvement
1990-93 Food Service Contractor Committee
College or Departmental Committees
2003-2006 Faculty Affairs Committee

1999-2001 Graduate Program Council Committee

1998-2001 Graduate Faculty Membership Committee

1998-2001 Chair, Department Promotion and Tenure Committee

1996, 2000-01 Faculty Affairs Committee, College of Business

1996 Chair, Faculty Search Committee

1994-95 Curriculum Committee

1992-93 Faculty and Student Affairs Committee

1992-93 Faculty Appeals Committee

1986-90 Curriculum Committee, CPUA

1987-89 Chair, CPUA Curriculum Committee

1988-89 Strategic Planning Committee, CPUA

1986-87 Chairman, Curriculum Review Committee, HRTA
Departmental Service
1999-2000 Graduate Program Director

    1. Chairman, Promotion and Tenure Committee & Pre-Tenure Review Committee

1999-2000 Co-Chair of the Graduate Research Conference on Hospitality and Tourism

1996-97 Graduate Program Proposal Coordinator

    1. Organized and directed annual hospitality career fair for seniors. Attracted over 24 corporate recruiters to a half-day program on campus. Fair was expanded to the Georgia World Congress. Schools represented: Georgia State, University of Georgia, Auburn University, Gwinnett Tech, Gainesville College, Morris Brown and Georgia Southern University.

1982-85 Faculty Advisor for student chapter of Club Managers Association of America, GSU

1981-85 Student Industry Internship coordinator, Georgia State University

1982-85 Faculty Advisor to Delta Sigma Pi business fraternity, Florida State University
1980-85 Academic Advisor to Pi Kappa Phi, Greek letter society, Florida State University

Departmental Service
1982-83 Designed Food Preparation Lab for HRA department Florida State University. Secured equipment donations and utensils totaling $194,700.
1982 Conferred with design committee on equipment selection for new community building, Killearn Methodist Church, Tallahassee, FL.
1981-83 Conferred with alumni housing committee on kitchen renovations for Alpha Delta Pi sorority, Florida State University
1980 Coordinated students in drawing floor plan and equipment specifications for kitchen remodeling of Seminole Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL.
Public Service
Lectures, Speeches and Presentations
2001 Speaker, Atlanta Restaurant Alliance, Atlanta, GA
2000 Speaker, Atlanta Restaurant Alliance, Atlanta, GA
2000 Speaker, Georgia Chapter of Meeting Planners International, Atlanta, GA
1998 Speaker to the Corporate Quarterly Meeting for MGR Foodservices, Atlanta, GA
1998 Speaker to the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers on Ratio Analysis
1997 Speaker to the Hotel-Motel Market Analysis and Valuation Seminar, Georgia Institute of Real Estate for Licensed Appraisers on Ratio Analysis
Public Service
Lectures, Speeches and Presentations
1994 Speaker to Hotel Sales and Marketing Association
1992 Speaker to National Association of Catering Executives
1991 Speaker to Georgia Meeting Planners International
1991 Speaker to National Association of Catering Executives and Hospitality Personnel Council of Atlanta.
1991 Speaker to the Hotel Personnel Council of Atlanta
1990 Hotel-Motel Investors Conference, Atlanta, GA
1989 Club Managers Association of America (CMAA), conducted one day seminar for Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee chapters, Daytona Beach, FL
1989 Arby's Inc. Franchisee Meeting, keynote speaker, Phoenix, AZ
1988 Georgia chapter of CMAA, two day seminar in Hilton Head, SC
Public Service
Lectures, Speeches and Presentations
1988 USACafes, Inc. Franchisee Meeting, keynote speaker, Scottsdale, AZ

1988 Small Business Development Center, GSU, seminar speaker, Atlanta, GA
1987 Club Operations and Property Management Inc., Seminar on Menu Design, Raleigh, NC
1987 National Association of Catering Executives, speaker during annual convention, Atlanta, GA
1987 International Association of Foodservice Executives, dinner speaker, Atlanta, GA
1986 American Hotel and Motel Association, seminar speaker during the annual convention and conference, New York, NY
1985 Panel moderator for the American Society of Hospital Foodservice Administrators, Miami, FL

1983 Tampa Restaurant Association, dinner speaker, Tampa, FL

1982 Florida Restaurant Association, speaker at annual state convention, Tampa, FL
1982 Florida School Food Service Directors, week long seminar, Tallahassee, FL
1982 Club Managers Association of America, Sunshine State Conclave, speaker, Tallahassee, FL
1982 Florida State University and Florida Restaurant Association, Salute au Restaurateur Awards, program speaker, Tallahassee, FL

Deborah Robbe, M.S.

3596 Creatwood Trail SE

Smyrna, GA 30080


1982 M.S., Colorado State University, Animal Science
1980 B.S., Colorado State University, Animal Science

August 1991 - Present Instructor, Georgia State University, School of Hospitality, Atlanta, GA

Teach courses in Advanced Trade Show Planning and Budgeting: On-Site Trade Show Operations: Introduction to Exposition Management: Fairground Contracting and Exhibitions: Venue Management. This program is the only one of its kind in the nation offering this type of class work.

1984 – 1991 Commercial Exhibits Director and Youth Livestock Activities Director,

Colorado State Fair, Pueblo, CO

Directed a staff of ten selling trade show exhibit space for an annual fair with an attendance of 1.1 million attendees and over 400 exhibitors. Total exhibit space was over 2 million square feet of exhibit space. Produced or coordinated over 5 different trade shows per year ranging from Home and Garden Shows to Recreation Shows. Youth livestock activities culminated in the production of the Junior Livestock Sale. This is a fund raiser for 105 young exhibitors collectively receiving over $200,000.00. This event has become one of the premier celebrity events in the state of Colorado. Air and bus transportation are donated to the fair to bring other donators to the event from across the state.

1983 -1984 Marketing Consultant, Worrell Investments Company, Charlottesville, VA

Managed over 2,000 buyers of livestock and social events for a three day sales event.

1982 -1983 Book Researching and Authoring

Conducted of research of the Limousin breed of cattle in south central France for the book “The Limousin Breed in North America", Limoges, France.

1971 - 1984 Bookeeping for Robbe Limousin Land and Cattle Company

Advised on breeding decisions, embryo transplant scheduling, and breeding record keeping for family ranches.

June 1993 - August 1996 Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games - Atlanta, GA

Research included a master plan for alternative housing during the Olympics in which they adopted and implemented the plan. Questionnaire for public perception of ACOG planning.

June 1994 American Association of Equine Practitioners - Lexington, KY Consultation on trade show, corporate sponsorship and convention management.
June 1993 U.G.P.E.A.R.L. - Limoges, France

Consulting on master plan of information and marketing of world trade center for Limousin cattle. Models included sales pavilion, marketing, research in genetic engineering and sales.

June 1995 Comite' de Exposition Paris - Paris, France

Consulting on promotion and expansion of French National Food and Wine Show.

August 1991 - 1999 Colorado State Fair - Pueblo, Colorado

Junior Livestock Sale and Attendee Satisfaction Surveys.

May 1995 Great Atlanta Get Together - Atlanta, GA

City wide celebration and fund raiser for inter-city baseball parks. The first carnival in over 20 years was brought back to inner city Atlanta.

January 1995 Imagination, USA

Innovative event research and event strategic design company.

September 1997 GES, Inc., Atlanta, GA

Development and implementation of student marketing and sales to facilitate The Super Show.

May 1993 Georgia State University

National Demographic Profile of Fair Attendees in coordination with the Applied Research Center of GSU this was template research on the demographic profile of fair attendees.

May 1994 Georgia World Congress Center

Panhandling effects survey management. A brief look at effects of panhandling and alternative solutions for successful resolutions to the perception of the problem.

January 1995 Georgia World Congress Center

Focus groups and employee facilitation, attendee and guest satisfaction.

January 1996 -1997 Development of The Super Show University. This is the first of a kind program to educate attendees of a trade show about the inner workings of their industry for continuing education credit.
January 1999 Club Managers Association of America, Georgia Chapter

Member facilitation for club internal marketing

January 1992 - Present Contributing Author of Several Exposition and Fair Industry publications on a monthly basis. Publications include Fairs and Expositions and Expo Management.

January 2003 - Present Georgia World Congress Center

Attendee and guest satisfaction surveys and analysis.
1. Robbe, D. (2000), “Meetings and Tradeshows”. New York: Wiley & Sons.

June 1998 Ecole Hotelier de Lausanne Switzerland

Taught summer in a private school a module in Cruisline Catering Management.


Sponsored by International Special Events Society and National Association of Catering Executives. This is the first time a school has ever applied for an award let alone a class project.


January 1999 - Present Academic Dishonesty Hearing Committee

The hearing committee evaluates student and professor’ dispute over alleged cheating in the classroom.

January 2004 - 2006 Chairman – State Charitable Campaign

President Carl Patton appointee

March 2006 Winner Governor’s Cup

State Agency with the highest level of contributions per employee in the State of Georgia. This is the first time in the history of Georgia State University to ever win this award.

Atlanta Sports Council

IAEM – International Association of Exposition Managers

PCMA – Professional Convention Manager’s Association

MPI – Meeting Planner’s International

IAFE – International Association of Fairs and Expositions

IFEA – International Festival and Events Association

National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers, seminar speaker,

Appendix F-4:

A description of how the unit’s faculty members were involved in the process of developing and approving this self study

The School of Hospitality faculty have been involved in the Academic Program Review process mainly through discussions of segments of the APR at each faculty meetings. Faculty meetings have been held typically every other week during the academic year. As sections of the APR would be written, the faculty would have the opportunity to review, critique and revise the content.

The faculty held in spring 2006 a day-long meeting to analyze and evaluate course content for each hospitality course. The day-long meeting was the follow-up to each faculty taking the courses each taught and analyzing key learning outcome and knowledge and skill areas covered. The meeting helped faculty identify if the higher level courses were building on lower level courses, what content areas overlapped and what gaps were in the curriculum.
The annual faculty retreat which took place prior to the beginning of fall semester also focused on the APR process. Updates were provided and discussions were held that were important to the completion of writing the Self-Study.

Appendix G

  • Appendix G-1: Summary data on student/faculty ratios and

credit hour generation from the Office of

Institutional Research

  • Appendix G-2: University Library Report

Appendix G-1:

Summary data on student/faculty ratios and credit hour generation from the Office of Institutional Research




FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006

# TT Faculty




# Undergraduate Majors




# Graduate Majors (All)




UG/TT Ratio




Grad/TT Ratio




FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006

# Graduate Faculty




# Ph.D. Students

Ph.D./Grad Faculty Ratio

Appendix G-2: University Library Report

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