354 Cap. W, Laws
of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and makes comprehensive provisions for payment of compensation to employees who suffer from occupational diseases or sustain injuries arising from accident at workplace or in the course of employment. The objectives of the Act are to a) Provide for an open and fair system of guaranteed and adequate compensation for all employees or their dependents for any death, injury, disease or disability arising out of or in the course of employment b) Provide rehabilitation to employees with work-related disabilities as provided in the Act c) Establish and maintain a solvent compensation fund managed in the interest of employees and employers d) Provide for fair and adequate assessments for employers e) Provide an appeal
procedure that is simple, fair and accessible with minimal delays f) Combine efforts and resources of relevant stakeholders for the prevention of workplace disabilities, including the enforcement of occupational safety and health standards.
8.10.3 Sources of Danger to Health and Safety at the Workplace Common sources of safety hazard at the workplace are i) Slippery floors ii) Open cabinets iii) Frayed carpets iv) Poorly lit stairways or offices v) Unsafe work processes vi) Poor ventilation vii) Careless storage of hazardous items such as sharp objects,
dangerous chemicals, etc. viii) Dangerous fumes ix) Wrong use/handling of equipment/machinery at the workplace. x) Manufacturing equipment malfunctioning which maybe compounded by inadequate maintenance. xi) Poor factory layout. xii) Horseplay at the workplace xiii) Inadequate or absence of sewage facility. xiv) Dirty environment. xv) Inadequate safety equipment/gadgets. xvi) Failure to use safety equipment or refusal to adhere to safety procedures during work.
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