192 d) Matching labour demand and supply e) Developing strategies to meet the organisation’s human resources needs f) Providing conditions that will enable employees grow in their jobs and advance their careers.
A.5.1 Steps in the Human Resource Planning Process (i)
Identify organizational objectives: Here, the human resource planner must define the objectives of the organization and the strategies for achieving them. These strategies may affect the following
organizational structure, marketing strategies,
production systems, etc. ii)
Estimate human resource needs: At this stage the human resource needs of the organisation for the period is forecasted. The manager is expected to estimate in precise terms the human resource (in terms of skills,
quantity, experience, age, etc) needed to achieve its objectives. iii)
Analyse existing human resources: This stage consists of detailed inventory of the organisation’s existing
workforce in terms of number, skills, age, work experience,
turnover rate, etc. iv)
Calculate net human resource needs for the period: This is derived by deducting its existing workforce from the estimated workforce needed to achieve its objective. vb Develop a plan:
This stage consists of developing policies and procedures to meet the net human resource requirement. The plan should spell out all the necessary activities such as recruitment,
selection, training, compensation and career plans necessary
to meet human resource needs 193 Figure 4.1: Steps in the Human Resource planning process
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