In order to be able to answer our research questions we need to present theories that deal with consumer behaviour, post-modern consumption and post-modernism versus modernism.
We have not used the general marketing literature in this theory part. By this we mean authors like Kotler or Porter. Instead we have chosen to take advantage of the findings of researchers more dedicated to our area of interest, namely consumer behaviour, post-modern consumption and post-modernism. The theories we use are created by researchers like Brown, Fuat Clifford and Schultz, Fuller and Thygsen, Kumar, Fred van Raaij and Mowen.
Post-modernism is a reaction toward what the post-modernists call " the modern society" or, " modernism. It is therefore necessary to describe the connection between modernism and post-modernism. We do this by first presenting the differences between the modern and post-modern era. Having done this, it will be possible to understand what drives the post modern consumer. Furthermore , this will help when trying to describe modern- versus post-modern advertising.
In the matrix below W.Fred van Raaij gives a picture of modernity and post-modernity. In its original version, the matrix also contained pre-modern conditions. We excluded these from the matrix. We think that this matrix is a pedagogical way of presenting post-modernism as a reaction towards modernism. When reading the subsequent paper it might be useful to return to this matrix in case of any confusion concerning the terminology.
The matrix addresses the modern and the post modern era from five different perspectives ( production, society, time, orientation and culture). In the following discussion, we will put more focus upon some of the perspectives that we feel are especially relevant to this study.
Modern Post-modern
circa 1450-1960 circa 1960-present
Production Industrial revolution Information revolution Factory Office Mass production Segmented production Centralized Decentralized
Society Capitalist Global Owning class Para-class of
of bourgeoise cognitariat
Time Linear Fast changing
Orientation Nationalist Global/ Local Rationalisation Multinational
of business Pluralist, eclectic Exclusive Inclusive
Culture Bourgeois Taste culture Mass-culture Many genres reigning style
Matrix 3.1 Characteristics of the modern and post-modern periods (adapted from Jencks, 1987 ) ( W.F. van Raaij 1993) The pre-modern era in the matrix has been left out by the authors of this paper.
Since post-modernism is a reaction against what it refers to as modernism, we would like to begin with a description of how modernism is constituted, according to the post-modernists.
Beginning in the middle ages, Christians began to use the word modernus, from modo in Latin, meaning: recently, or, just now. Moderni, men of today, became common after the tenth century. Thus, modernity was according to K. Kumar an invention of the Christian middle ages. It was a decisive break with the past pagan world. (K. Kumar 1997)
It is evident that much of what we understand as modernity is contained in the Christian philosophy of history. Christianity tells a story with a beginning ( the creation of and the fall), a middle ( Christ’s first coming), and an end ( Christ’s second coming) - and it insists on that necessary order of events.(Kumar 1997) During the modern era, the concept of time was perceived as linear. Time could be measured on a scale, or time axis.( W. F. van Raaij 1993).
It is usually said that modernity as an epoch started in the seventeenth century. Inspired by philosophers such as Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Descartes the great quarrel of the ancient and modern resulted in the victory of the moderns. (K. Kumar 1997)
Some of the front figures of modernity such as Descartes was proud of their freedom of not having to look back. He says, ...those who study too curiously the actions of antiquity are ignorant of what is done among ourselves today. (K. Kumar 1997)
And this is really the essence of modernity: faith in ones time, and in the ability to explore nature by scientific methods made up in the present, since these are charged with all the wisdom accumulated during the upbringing of mankind. The older, or if you wish modern, mankind gets, the more sound her judgement will become. (K. Kumar 1997)
To say the least, modernism offered a much brighter look of life than perhaps ever before. Modernity as generally conceived is open-ended. It admits achievements to create something totally new, to change technology, society and the conditions of everyday life. The burden of the past had been abounded and the key to a better life was in the hands of the men of today.
Modernity imbedded hopes for the future of mankind, and promised that if only one made the effort, through hard work, talent, smartness or even simply good looks - it would be possible to cash in the rewards: greater understanding of the world, and in the end wealth and enhanced life quality.
This strong period in the economic and social history of the western world made its citizens able to take steps to significantly improve there lives. Housing standards and the usage of consumer goods, such as cars, mobile homes, vacation trips, electrical devices for home use rose strongly.
Starting in the US and UK, the teen-age and youth culture started to evolve. Rock n´ roll and pop-music stands as symbols for the first expressions of the youth culture that would soon make its way through media and audiences all over the world. For many young people in the west; music, style and fashion became the primary means of communication both within their own group, and with society in a wider sense. ( Davis 1992) This culture was a mass-culture. ( W. F. van Raaij 1993)
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